Just a Little Fun: The Maid

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There was a soft knock at Zoro's door, he perked up before setting down the paper. He got up and went to the door, he opened it to find a blonde dressed in a white button up, bow tie, and black skinny jeans. Zoro looked him up and down before the blonde flicked the bud of his cigarette to his forehead. He blew out the last of the smoke to the side.

"You hired a maid?" Sanji asked.

Zoro smirked stepping aside, the blonde walked in taking off his shoes and looked around the apartment.

"I see." He hummed.

"When can you start?" Zoro asked.

"Right now."

Sanji went to work putting the laundry into the wash and folding the already dry laundry. Zoro sat on the couch watching the blonde go around doing normal house hold chores. His eyes trailed down to the tight ass being covered by the black material. Sanji was bent over dusting in the nooks and cranny's of the TV stand. Zoro licked his lips softly as Sanji stood up regularly. He rolled up his white button up and pulled back his hair into a tiny ponytail. He got on his toes dusting off the top of the Tv stand.

"So, what should I call you?" Zoro asked.

Sanji stopped and smirked looking over his shoulder, "Whatever you want to call me."

Zoro cocked a brow, "Alright then."

Sanji smirked turning to him before leaning over him.

"And what shall I call you? Would master be okay? Or Captain?"

Zoro pursed his lips as Sanji straddled his hips wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Or, maybe." Sanji leaned over Zoro's ear, "Daddy?"

Zoro sniffed as Sanji pulled off and started to dust there wedding picture. He growled to his pants starting to get uncomfortably tighter. Sanji turned to him putting the feather dusted back in his belt loop.

"Sir, is there anything I can get you? Something to drink perhaps?"

"Alcohol, would be fine." Zoro grumbled.

Sanji smirked, "Yes sir."

He went into the kitchen pulling out a bottle of liquor.

"Shall I put ice in it for you sir?"

"Don't call me that." Zoro grumbled.

"You didn't answer my question. Master."

"No I'm fine."

Sanji smirked before filling the glass with liquor before walking it out to Zoro. Zoro sat forward as Sanji was about to hand it to him. Sanji pulled back making Zoro furrow at him. He spilt the glass of liquor down his shirt making Zoro's eye go wide and looked up at Sanji.

"Oops, I spilt it on myself. I guess I should go change." Sanji hummed.

Zoro bit the inside of his cheek looking at Sanji's toned body through his shirt. Sanji smirked before turning and going into there bathroom. Zoro swallowed hard watching the door close. He picked up the glass and went to refill the glass when the door opened again. Zoro perked up to Sanji ruffling his hair. His eye almost fell out of his head and jaw dropped. Sanji walked out wearing a very tiny maid uniform. The skirt came up to just about under his hip. Had a little apron, and little straps. Sanji smirked resting on the door frame looking at Zoro's reaction.

"Hasn't your mother told you if you keep your face like that it will stay that way." Sanji chucked.

Zoro swallowed hard as Sanji stepped out with a towel to dry up the rag. He knelt down putting the towel on the floor and pressing on the carpet. Zoro stepped out, and he almost passed. Sanji's ass hung out of the costume. Along with the rest of himself.

"I hope you like what you see." Sanji said looking at him over his shoulder.

Zoro nodded slowly his eyes never leaving his pale exposed skin. Sanji tapped his nose.

"You got a little something." Sanji smirked.

Zoro snapped out of it wiping his nose, blood smeared across the back of his hand. He growled he wasn't going to let him. This damn maid. Make him the bitch. Zoro sat on the couch as Sanji got up picking up the towel. He adjusted the garter on his thigh before looking at Zoro. He chugged down the glass leaving some left. He sat back and motioned Sanji to him. Sanji put the towel in the laundry hamper before getting up to Zoro.

"Yes master?" Sanji asked.

Zoro tossed the rest of his liquor back on that costume. Sanji grumbled looking up at him.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" Sanji snapped.

"I'm paying you, don't snap at me."

Sanji pursed his lips before crossing his arms.

"Take it off. Right. Now." Zoro smirked.

"There is no way-"

"Do it. Or I won't pay you."

Sanji sighed reaching behind him and unclasping the back of the dress off before shedding off the dress. He stood in his jockstrap underwear and the garter. Zoro got up pushing Sanji to the couch and hovered over him.

"I am not falling for anymore of your tricks." Zoro growled.

Sanji fluttered his eyes, "Oh please master, I'm just doing my job. I promise I won't do anything else."

Sanji grinded up on Zoro making him give a grunt.

"Besides that." Sanji smirked.

He slipped from Zoro's grip before going into the bedroom. Zoro growled getting up stripping of his shirt and went into the bedroom. He shut the door locking it behind him looking around the room.

"Come out you perverted maid."

Sanji pushed Zoro on the bed before pinning his hands above his head.

"Poor, poor, police officer. Being taken by a mere maid."

Sanji pulled his hands back, but Zoro couldn't move his hands back from the headboard. He looked up at the fuzzy blue handcuffs keeping him to the bed.

"Let's play a little game okay?"


Sanji pressed a finger to Zoro's lips.

"Shush. We're going to play a game."

Sanji grabbed Zoro's bandana and tied it around his head. Sanji propped up his head while Zoro tugged at the cuffs. Sanji pulled off Zoro's pants and boxers finding Zoro fully erect and ready for fun. Sanji smirked as he rubbed Zoro's cock softly earning a grunt and a roll of his shoulders.

"My, my, look at how I can make you melt with just a few simple tricks. And I haven't even done anything to yet."

"Sh-shut up."

Sanji smirked, "So, we're gonna play a game. Hand, mouth, or ass. You guess to see what is sucking off your cock. You ready?"

Zoro growled pulling at the cuffs again, Sanji let his spit roll off his tongue and onto Zoro's red head. He gave a stifled moan as Sanji went down and kissed the tip. He then started to take Zoro down earning Zoro's breath to be labored and small moans.

"Yo-Your mouth." Zoro grunted.

Sanji pulled back, "Good boy."

He crawled up to Zoro and pecked his lips, Sanji pulled back having Zoro struggle to reach him. Sanji hummed scooting back.

"Now guess, what this is."

Sanji positioned Zoro to his entrance, he slowly started to take Zoro's cock before grunting making Zoro pull at the cuffs again.

"Don't force yourself."

"I can do it, I've done this before. Just. Give me a minute."

Sanji started again making Zoro grunt and clutch his fists. He smirked being fully seated.

"Do you like that master?" Sanji hummed.

He sat up a bit before slamming himself down on Zoro. He moaned rolling his head back.

"Am I doing you good master?" Sanji hummed.

"Stop it!" Zoro spat.

Sanji blinked, "What?"

"Say my name!"

Zoro rolled his head moving the bandana off his head.

"Take off your underwear." Zoro grumbled.

Sanji furrowed slamming himself down on Zoro again. He moaned arching his back.

"You are in no position to tell me what to do."

"Do it or I'll break these cuffs."

Sanji started a rhythm of pumping himself up and down Zoro's thick length. He soon picked up the speed watching Zoro's face. Eyes clouded over with lust, jaw hung with drool dripping down his chin, his breathing labored and hands relaxed.

"Look at you, completely taken by my actions. Naughty master."

Sanji stiffened as he was being filled with Zoro's seed. He looked up to Zoro smirking and panting. He tugged on the cuffs one last time before breaking them. Sanji gulped as Zoro pinned him down on the bed. The other hand pulling off Sanji's underwear.

"Cut the crap. I'm done with your little antic's cook." Zoro growled thrusting into Sanji.

Sanji moaned clutching the bed.

"And you still haven't come yet."

Zoro thrusted into Sanji's tight heat having the room and the whole place fill with Sanji's loud moans.

"Zo-Zoro I'm-"

"Then come for me."

With one last thrust into Sanji's favorite spot making him howl out a loud moan and dirty his chest with his own seed. Zoro leaned down licking Sanji clean and other places. Sanji pushed Zoro off him and pouted crossing his legs.

"I told you I was going to pleasure you! But you didn't listen! And you broke my favorite cuffs!"

Zoro looked to the fuzzy cuffs to his writs, "It's your fault with that sexy maid costume. I lost it after that."

Sanji smirked, "Oh, you liked my costume?"

Zoro furrowed, "N-No just. Never again."

Sanji saluted him, "Yes dear, never. Ever. Again."

Zoro huffed before they crawled into bed, Sanji unlocked the broken cuffs and sat on his side of the bed pouting looking at them.

"I hate you."

"Oh, don't get mad at me. I'll buy you new ones."

"These were my first pair. You bough them for me for our first time."

"See, there old. I'll buy you new ones."

Sanji butt heads with Zoro before turning away. He rubbed his head before he sighed, taking the cuffs and bending the broken metal back.

"There good as new." Zoro tossed them at Sanji.

"I'm still mad at you."

"I will make it up to you next time. I promise."

"You swear?"

Zoro nodded before they shared a passionate kiss. Sanji rested on Zoro's chest.

"What hand are you dominate?" Zoro asked.

"My right. You know that."

"Which is your left.

Sanji cocked a brow before he tried to release his left hand. It was cuffed in the powder blue fuzzy cuffs and to the bed.

"I. Hate. You." Sanji growled.

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