Just a Little Fun: What's with the Hat?

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Bottom Zoro warning

There was something different going on. Sanji started to wear a hat. Frequently. No one would ask about it. Or say anything about it. They grew curious of why he would wear that hat. It was a sun hat. And he would only wear it when he was outside. Luffy came up with a theory that Sanji was a vampire. But. He's a cook and cooks with garlic all the time. He also casts a shadow and has a reflection. Luffy checked.

Robin came up with an idea that a woman gave it to him from an island. So he was wearing it to remind him of her. But that didnt seem to be the case either. No one has heard of some special woman in his life. Nami assumed it was a good luck charm. Since it's been so sunny for the past few days. But. It rained the following day after she said that. Usopp and Chopper came up with that it was his new style. But. That wasn't it either.

Brook and Franky came up with nothing on the idea and just let him be him. Luffy had asked Zoro about it since. Sanji seemed to call him over allot. But Zoro shrugged, having everyone assume that Zoro knew nothing of this hat. This new fashion trend Sanji was setting. But how wrong were they. It was no fashion trend, or a good luck charm, nor a gift from any woman, and he wasn't a vampire.

"Zoro, could you come here a moment?" Sanji asked.

He cracked open an eye and turned to the cook standing in the doorframe of the kitchen. He was cleaning a knife while a large smirk was on his lips. He was at it again.

Zoro sighed getting up and approaching him. Once he stepped into the kitchen Sanji locked the door and removed his hat. Where inside was a small bottle of some sex oil.

"Slowly remove your coat and clothes." Sanji purred.

Zoro set his swords aside before unraveling his sash from around his hip and letting it spool to the floor. Then slowly rolled his robe down to his elbows then let it drop to the floor. Sanji purred as Zoro kicked off his shoes and his pants before crossing his arms. Zoro watched Sanji take in Zoro's tanned skin, his eyes flicked over the light scars and knicks in his skin. Along with his cock sprung up and ready for attention. Sanji pull his bottom lip between his teeth and his mind was taking mental pictures of naked Zoro. As he undid his tie and shirt letting them fall to the floor.

"Are you gonna cum just standing there or?" Zoro asked.

Sanji chuckled, "Says the man who came when I only touched your nipples."

"Shut up." Zoro grunted.

The cook approached him and kissed him tenderly, very kind, and gentle before pulling back. Sanji kissed down Zoro's neck while his hands took a nipple between his fingers. While the other pumped Zoro's cock softly. Zoro gave soft moans in Sanji's ear while the cook only chuckled. He began to kiss down Zoro's body to his free nipple. Flicking his tongue over his nipple before nipping down on his pink bud. Zoro grunted a moan before Sanji sat him up on the counter.
He looked down to the cook. Where blood was dripping down his nose and that wild look was in his eyes. That crazed sex look. Sanji's hand reached up to Zoro. His thumb ran over his bottom lip having Zoro's mouth open. Sanji's fingers slipped into Zoro's mouth watching his tongue rolled over his skilled fingers.

"Good boy." Sanji purred.

After a moment Sanji pulled away before pressing into his puckered entrance. Zoro grunted clutching onto Sanji. Who was practially drooling over Zoro's moans, and his body. Oh how much he loved his body. He kissed up his chest to his neck and bit down leaving a mark. His mark.

Zoro growled rolling his head back while Sanji pressed another finger in. Stretching and flicking over Zoro's sensitive spot. Having Zoro moan softly clutching onto Sanji leaving marks on his shoulders.

"I'm gonna enter before you come." Sanji purred.

"I fucking hate you." Zoro hissed.

Sanji unbuckled his pants as his cock sprang out and grabbed the sex oil. Slicking himself with the oil and pressed himself inside. Sanji groaned as Zoro hissed through his teeth.

"Fuck. You're so tight." Sanji grunted.

"Your gonna split me in two." Zoro barked.

"Is that a threat or a promise?"

Sanji had his perverted look on his face looking down to Zoro. His tounge hanging out, while his lovestruck eyes, and blood trickling down his nose. He was drooling down to Zoro. The next greatest swordsmen was melting, subdued, and being fucked by a mere cook. Sanji licked his lips before thrusting in. It started slow watching Zoro's face flush and Sanji's name slipped from his lips. While his climax was slowly building. Sanji picked up the pace thrusting harder, faster, hitting Zoro's pleasure spot with little effort.

"S-Sanji!" Zoro cried.

He clawed onto the counter as Sanji's lust filled eyes brightened when Zoro came so quickly. Sanji was going to go in for a kiss when Zoro stopped him gipping his chin.

"Your drooling and bleeding all over the place." Zoro grunted.

"I can't help it," Sanji said wiping the blood away with his arm, "Your so fuckin sexy."

Then leaned in to kiss Zoro hungerly.

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