.01. Disaster Strikes

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*TISSUES=from feels

*THROATS=fangirling? or being mad at me 😁

*PATIENCE= updates 7 days after

*FINGERS=from commenting, complaining or praising and voting.]]

Sometimes there would be a video at the top, it's the music that helped me concentrate or maybe it just fits the chap.




Our story starts in the middle of the woods where our main character will make a huge mistake in her life.

It was noon. The sound of whistling birds and the sound of leaves swaying along with the weak branches in the air could be heard. It was silent for some time until faint running foot steps could be heard. A little girl- well she was almost grown up, but that was the problem she didn't want to- was running, tripping a bit along the way. She was crying. Her hands found their way to the neckline of her sweater and she wiped her tear stained face dry even though she's letting a whole waterfall run down her face. Heck it was basically Niagra falls by now.

She ran she didn't know where she was going she just ran. After a while of tripping and getting caught by the spiky branches she needed to catch her breath, so she slumped down by a near by pine tree and pulled her knees to her chest and buried her head into it , using it as a pillow.

She looked up again. She saw the sun greeting her hello, giving the once blue sky a last look and she turned her head to her right to where her house was to see the sky having a faint red tint making her surroundings having the creepy eerie setting.

She gave a long deep sigh and said, "I wish summer would last forever" she buried her head unto her knees and began sniffling which eventually turned into choked sobs.
'This is silly . . .' She thought. She held back her tears but ended up hiccuping out the words. "Only party chocolate could cheer me up" she reached to her bag to grab the expected sweets.

She gave a gasp. "A calculator? Nerd books!?" She said, bringing out the materials she found. "Wrong bag" she pushed the bag away from her. She gave again a depressed sigh. She looked again to the bag she had, it was her brother's. The person who made her like this was her brother. The person who made it possible for her to cry was her brother. The person who told her to grow up and act her age, was her brother. She didn't want to grow up, it wasn't because she'd hate the thought of it . . . It was because she was scared everything would change.

She buried her head again to her knees seeing there was no use to cheering herself up. It was quiet in her quiet and peaceful haven until,

"I-I could help you with y-your predicament" a high pitched cracking voice said. Our main character looked up to see a bald man wearing a jumper but it was camouflaged , he was fiddling with his watch until his so called jumper was in a grey color. "The names blendin Benjamin.
W-We met before"

"What? You got another of your time thingys?" The crying girl said sternly challenging the adult man.
"K-Kinda" he fiddled with his watch and showed a hologram of a bubble.
"I-Its called a time bubble. I-It can stop time and time line of the user"
The girl looked interested. She looked to The man again signaling him to keep on explaining. "I-I just need something from your uncle. It looks like a snow globe with sparkles. It so small he won't realise it's missing" he turned the knob of his watch to show her a galaxy in a snow globe.

"L-Let me see if Dipper has it" she finally gained strength and reached through the paper filled bag. After sometime she found what she thought she was looking for. She inspected it for a little while amazed that his brother actually had it. "C'mon give it to me" the man said more demanding than usual. "Just a little more summer" she handed it to the tall man.

The man looked at it for a while and gave a mischievous smirk. He smashed it to the ground and stomped at it to give more dramatic effect."HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" he gave an evil laugh and something sent out of him, and his once conscious body collapsed on the dirty hard ground. "What!? Bill!?" she was panicking she knew about how the demon was bad news. How he possessed his brother. How he went through his gruncle's mindscape. And how he ever wanted his tiny black skinny hands on the rift, yes, the one he just broke.

He snapped his fingers and the girl fainted sending her to where she needed-no-to where she wanted to be. If she hated it there it will be her fault, she's the one who asked.

The yellow one-eyed triangle his hands up in the air in victory and as he shouted, " welcome!" All the townspeople where terrified to the weird foreign object in front of them. He liked being feared, it gave him more power. As the weirdness began to spread across the place and monsters land on the town grounds he shouted more victorious than before, "TO WEIRDMAGGEDON!".

Oh! You wanted to see what happened to the little innocent girl?

Well first off her name was Mabel . Mabel Pines. She was sent by her parents with her twin brother Dipper to gravity falls to visit their great uncle Stanley who was not what he seems. Enough of introductions. On to the story.

For now she was being dragged gently in the bubble she was shown to. The bubble was a color of dark red its sides a bit darker and in The middle was her symbol, the shooting star. How ironic it was that in the beginning of our story she was crying. Her bubble grew, bigger than the biggest building in the poor town. It was placed between the twin floating cliffs. It was locked up and no entrance was in sight.

The once blue sky turned red. The trees were burnt. A storm of weird washed upon the once normal city.
Citizens screaming in terror as some of them were turned to stone or were affected by the madness bubbles. Others went on hiding to fight back what was left of the crumbling town. As the triangle said just before,

Welcome to weirdmaggedon.



I really hope you like this chapter and I promise you more will come.

I was inspired by DisneyFaller book its all a dream.

And I wanted more books where mabel was the puppet, so I started my own one.

Cover was made by me
I don't own gravity falls

Updates on week ends
Gore will be on other chaps
see you through the screen
Keep on reading

~©miss grappling hook.

1164 words

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