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Before he knew it he was jerked awake, not realizing he had even fallen asleep. He sat up and grabbed his hoodie off the ground, pulling it over his head, before he looked around to figure out what woke him up. A quick glance at his watch told him it was now 8 pm, the other sleeping bags around the room now occupied by his friends, who were sound asleep. Katie however, was tossing and turning next to him and had bumped into Clark in her sleep, the culprit of Clark being awakened so abruptly. Clark sighed and rested a hand on Katie's shoulder, rubbing softly in an attempt to soothe her.

Katie got nightmares sometimes, something that had started soon after the outbreak was announced. She frequently had nightmares about her friends dying, one of her worst fears. Usually, a hand on her while she was having a nightmare would help, but now it only made Katie cry out, curling in on herself in her sleeping bag. Clark drew his hand back quickly, eyes wide. He reached back out again after he recovered from the slight shock, trying to shake her awake.

"Katie! Katie, hey!" 

He whisper-shouted, not wanting to disturb the sleeping teens around him. Katie thrashed in her sleeping bag, violently slapping Clark's hand away in her abrupt movements. Her face was contorted in pain, her hands in tight fists. Clark cursed under his breath and got on top of his friend, holding down both of her arms by her wrists.

"Katie, wake up! Look at me, you're okay!" 

He hissed under his breath, trying to get through to the girl. Katie was crying now, her eyes still shut tight. She sobbed and shook her head side to side, weakly trying to pull her arms away. Her back arched up off the floor at a painful looking angle, her frail looking body trembling with the strain.

James, who had been laying on Katie's other side, was finally roused by all the commotion, growling angrily.

"What the hell is- Clark? What's going on?" 

His anger dissipated as his tired mind assessed the situation. Clark looked at him with fearful eyes.

"I don't know, I think Katie is having a nightmare? She won't calm down, she's never been like this before!" 

He explained in a whisper, still holding down the girl in question. Katie was no longer fighting to get up, now sobbing and trembling where she lay. Her face was pale and streaked with tears, her eyes still shut tight.

"Jesus Christ... Yeah, that doesn't look great." 

James commented, watching Katie's face with a frown.

"Since you and I sleep closest to her we can both keep an eye, I guess...?" 

He scooted his sleeping bag closer to Katie's, seriously concerned by her actions. Clark nodded silently, slowly releasing Katie's wrists. Katie made no move to lash out further, or move at all. Her sobbing had reduced to soft hiccuping, tears still running down her face. Clark gently brushed his friend's tears away with his hand, frowning deeply.

"Shhh, Katie... I'm right here... It's okay, everyone is okay." 

He whispered reassurances, unsure if Katie could hear him or not. James watched them for a moment, then sat up fully and leaned against the wall behind them, crossing his arms.

"I'm gonna stay up for a bit and watch her. You get some more rest, okay Clark?" 

At Clark's unsure look, he added, 

"I'll wake you up if anything happens."

"Okay, if you don't mind... Thank you." 

Clark agreed reluctantly, brushing Katie's bangs off her forehead. He mentally noted how sweaty and warm the girl's forehead was, slightly feverish. Clark sighed and laid back down, trying not to worry about it too much. He rolled over so his back was to Katie, shutting his eyes and trying to sleep once more.

Sleep came to him again, though it was much harder this time with his increased anxiety for Katie's health. Because of this he was less than pleased when he was harshly shaken awake, grumbling and smacking the hand that was shoving him.

"Clark! Fucking get up!" 

He heard James's voice hiss, his eyes snapping open when he remembered the situation. He sat up straight, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"What's going on? Where's Katie?" 

Clark slurred, realizing Katie wasn't next to him anymore.

"She just got up and walked out! I tried to make her stay and sit back down but she really fought me and then she just left the room!" 

James explained. Clark was on his feet before the other boy even had time to finish. 

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