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Hermione's P.O.V
I woke up to yelling. I couldn't tell who it was, until I got halfway down the stairs. I recognized the voices of Ron and Ginny. I bet it was because of how late Ginny and Harry came back. Ron was pacing the floor and cursing both of them last night. He finally sat down and slowly fell asleep I went up to bed and fell asleep before they were back.
I got to the bottom of the stairs and sat down... This would take awhile. "Why were you out so late!" He roared at her, "I was worried sick while you were probably out, all over my best mate!" Harry got to the bottom with a confused look, then immediately turned tail and went back up. I think that was an amazing decision.
"Why would you even care what I was doing, it's my life, not yours! Even if we did do something -which we didn't- I wouldn't tell you!" It was a shouting match like no other. I wasn't even about to try and calm him down.
"I would care because I am your brother. I am supposed to protect you." He said more calm then he was before, "I just want you to be safe." He sat down for the chair and buried his face in his hands. I went to him. "Are you okay Ron? I am sure they didn't do anything . He's your best friend and she is your sister." He looked at me for a second and said, "yeah, I guess you're right. I can be a little too over protective."
We went down to breakfast. The mail came and Ron and Ginny both got a letter. Ron finished his first and smiled. "Yes, we get to stay here for Christmas!" He said and gave me the letter.
Dear Ron, keep an eye out for your sister. -I looked at her just in time to see her blush- I don't want her to get hurt or anything. Also, you will be staying at Hogwarts for Christmas. Love you Ronny, mom and dad
I smirked at the end and gave it back. "That's great, I'm staying too." I told him. I put my head on his shoulder and he patted my head. Ginny blushed some more. "Uh, I'm not hungry any more." She said and left quickly. Harry left after her and it was just me and Ron still eating.

Ginny's P.O.V.
I am so embarrassed. Fred and George made sure to keep mom up to date. I didn't even think about them. I got to the common room and went to the chair I always sit in and read the letter over again.
Ginny, you will stay here over Christmas break, as I'm sure Ron will have told you. I agree with your choice of people. If you don't understand what I am telling you, just know the twins kept me updated. Harry is a good choice, if he does something stupid, just tell Ron. Keep your nose clean and don't do anything stupid yourself. Ron or the twins will tell me if you do. Love you lots, mother
I was blushing furiously and my face was hot. I folded the letter back and went to the stairs. Harry called me and I turned back. "What's wrong?" He said and gave me a hug. I handed him the letter. He sat down and I sat in his lap. He read it and started laughing. "It isn't funny Harry!" I told him. He laughed even more. When he got control of his laughter I punched him on the chest. "Well, at least you know she approves of me." He said.
"Ugh." I rolled my eyes and went to my dormitory to get my stuff ready for class. Boys, they just think everything is hilarious, don't they? I still think he's amazing and gorgeous though. :)

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