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Malfoy's P.O.V. (I never have and probably never will call him Draco.)

  I was just walking down the hall with Crabbe and Goyle when I saw Potter walking the other way with his girlfriend, Ginny. I hate her almost as much as I hate Hermione. Just thinking about that retched mud-blood made me angry. Ugh, they were holding hands.

  "Hello, Potter." I said with a disgusted look on my face. "Malfoy." He replied.

"How's your girlfriend." I said with a mock shudder. "I'm fine thank you" Ginny said, "I can speak for myself." I smirked at them both. Oh, how much I hated them both.

  At that moment Hermione and Ron walked up. "Ooo, I see it's a Weasley family reunion, why don't you call Fred and George over here too." I said. "Why don't you just keep your mouth shut about my family, Malfoy." Ron said.

Hermione's P.O.V.

  Ron was getting worked up over Mr. Stupid over here. "Ron, shut-up a second I got this." I whispered to him. "Fine, but I don't need your help." He grumbled back as Loone- Luna came up. I am trying to stop saying that.

  "Malfoy, you need to just stop while you're ahead." She said, "You are messing with the wrong people, you're messing with the actual brave people."

  "shut-up Looney Lovegood." Malfoy said. "No! I am not finished talking to you yet!" Luna said almost yelling and by this time a nice group of people had crowded around wondering why Luna was yelling. "you just need to embrace yourself and stop trying to discourage the people who are themselves, so get back to your own business!" Luna basically screeched the last syllable as she pushed Malfoy. He stumbled and Luna left.

  As Malfoy went to leave he mumbled "mud-bloods and Weasleys are the worst." I stopped him and punched him right between the eyes, with no help from the boys who were dying, they were laughing so hard. Then Ginny proceeded to kick him in his "pride" (if you can even call it that), which just made the boys laugh even harder as Crabbe and Goyle picked Malfoy up and carried him away.

  "We make a pretty good team, don't we Hermione?" Ginny asked, both of us on the verge of laughing.

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