The Party

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Hermione's P.O.V.
  We were all back in the common room, where Fred and George had food that would last for days! Harry and Ginny weren't back yet, but it had only really been 5 minutes.
  In another minute they came in. I knew that because of the cheer of "caption Potter". It was funny actually, everyone jumping out of the way so he and Ginny could get through, kind of like when everyone thought he was the heir of Slytherin.
  Fred came up to us and offered me and Ron a cream puff thing. I would have taken one, if it hadn't have been for the mischievous smile. " it's not these you have to worry about... Its the toffee." He said when I hesitated.
  As if on cue someone cried out. That someone happened to be Neville. His tongue was at least a foot long. I walked up to him. "Reducio." I sighed pointing my wand at his tongue. When he could talk again he thanked me and left. "Why is it always me?" He muttered.
  I went back to Ron. Harry and Ginny made their way over to us. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" Harry asked. Ron looked at him and sighed. "The most we've done is Hermione helping Neville."
  "Why don't you go do something social. I'm sure Colin would love to talk to you, being my best friends." Ginny fell over laughing before I realized what he was about to do. "Don't you dare." His smile widened. "You wouldn't do the to your best mate Harry. Would you?" Ron asked him seriously. "I would.. You're the one that said you were bored. Hey Colin, would you like to meet Ron and Hermione?" He called to him.
  Colin gasped and came running over. "Really? The Hermione Granger... And Ron Weasly? Yes! I would love that sooo much." It was actually quite cute at first, if you ask me. "You guys are amazing. The best friends of Harry Potter?!" Ron just loved the attention. "Yeah, he's my best friend... Been over to my house and everything. He's only friends with the best of the best." He was boasting and it was hilarious.
  "Is it true what they say about you... Are you really the brightest witch?" My cheeks heated, luckily Ron was in a boasting mood. "Yes, she is the smartest person I know! And she's mine, so no touching!"
  Colin went on and on and on. Finally even Ron got tired of him. "I wouldn't expect you two to still be out here." Ginny said as she pushed a gaping Colin away. "What are you doing... And where did Harry go?" Ron looked mildly worried. "Oh, people kept bombarding us with questions so I decided to come here." Ron relaxed.
"Aren't you Ginny?! You are Harry Potter's girlfriend! And you're on the quidditch team! This is amazing!" Ginny glanced over at Colin. "Go somewhere, I have had enough of you already." He left with a huge smile. "Harry Potter's friends  talked to me!" He was telling whoever would listen.
  "Again, I didn't expect you two to still be out here." Ron looked at her confused. "Why not?" She winked and walked away.
  Ron stood up. "She's right. Why don't we leave?" He grabbed my hand and we stepped through the portrait hole.  I hadn't realized how late it was until we were creeping  through the corridors.
  We wound our way through corridors and upstairs. We went back or around a couple times. I was completely lost. "Ron, where are we?" He turned to look at me. "Somewhere on the seventh floor, I think." He pulled me around again. "Hey, where does that door go? I've never seen it before." He shrugged his shoulders. "Let's find out."
  We walked into a small room, like a cleaning closet. It only had one small couch and some hanging candles. I have a feeling we'd be spending a lot of the night in here.

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