The Secret

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Harry's P.O.V.

  I am trying my hardest to stay away from Ginny, but she's just there. I want her but I don't. I'm physically afraid. If she dies I will die. How would Ron react to us... no I can't say it like that, it sounds to... real. We've been practicing a lot and she's really good. I know even though I'm the captain I'll have to have someone else judge her.

  I'm back on the ground looking up at her, she's so beautiful. I can't keep this thought out of my head. We can make sure nobody finds out. We can make this happen.

  She flew down, "how did I do?" she asked. I forgot we were practicing. "Uh... just come with me." I took her to one of the stands blocking us from the school. "I love you, I tried to ignore that, but I can't. You were up there and you're down here and in both places you are perfectly, completely, beautiful... do you forgive me for holding out on you for so long?"

  The look on her face said no, not at all. A single tear went down her cheek and I thought all was lost. I closed my eyes sure I was defeated. At that moment she kissed me soft and fast.

  My eyes raced open. I turned her around and pushed her against the stand. I kissed her holding on for dear life. She was mine and I was hers. No one could separate us. Between kisses I told her "we have to keep this a secret, your brothers can't know" *more kissing* "okay, I don't know how they would react."

  I don't know how long we were there. All at once I heard bubbly laughter right beside us. Ginny must have heard it to because she jerked away and said "LUNA!"

  "Oohh" Luna said mockingly, "does Ron know?" "NO! And don't tell him please, this will be our secret." I pleaded with her. "Okay, I won't, I was just out her working on my charms."

  We walked back to the school together. Ginny put Luna between us so it wouldn't be suspicious. We ate dinner while Ron and Hermione looked at each other all goo-goo eyed.

Ron's P.O.V.

  I watched Ginny walk up. Luna and Harry were with her. It surprised me that Luna was in between them. I made a mental note to ask if something happened. I don't want Ginny to be heartbroken, I would rather she either get together with Harry or she get over him. We got to the dining hall- me and Hermione- after them. The table was piled with food, as usual, but I couldn't eat. I was too busy looking at Hermione's beautiful face.

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