Chapter 11: The End

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Kate heard the motel door shut and footsteps come closer to her. Kate was sitting on the ground next to the Impala, her words caught his ears "I'm an idiot, what the hell was i thinking?" She said while pulling her hair

Sam came around the corner looking at her, grocery bag in hand, he sat next to her.. handing her her favorite soda and a candy bar without saying a word,

it seemed as if he wen down to the store without her hearing him, come and go

"Thank you Sammy." Kate said leaning her head on his shoulder

He just nodded he knew when she got like this that small talk stressed her out, so he decided to just eat next to he until she was ready to speak

Minutes passed before she spoke "Sam, what am I supposed to do? Do I break up with Dean, because even if he tried to live a normal long would that last? Like you guys said, there's things hunting you two" Kate said looking at Sam

"Well's really not up to me..if you want to have this child I will support you the whole way through, even if it's not mine.." he paused "but if you do choose to abort it. I'll support that decision too."

"Sam, you promise you'll support me? Even if it's awkward between you and Dean?" Kate asked in a hopeful tone. "That'd mean the world to me, and yes I do want to keep it but when dean confronted me about it be didn't sound like a wanted to be with somebody with a baby on the way" Kate said sadly, having finished her bar and drink

Kate felt Sam wrap an arm around her waist to pull her in for a hug

He hugged her in a soft and friendly way, "deans just confused right now..give him time he'll come around..he won't leave..that just isn't like him."

"Well if you say so. But this child will have a house, I had found the perfect one but it's out of my budget" Kate sighed trying to talk about anything else, Kate turned her head as she saw dean walk to them.

"Dean? Are you alright now-" dean cut her off

"Kate I just wanted to say that no matter who's it is, I'm gonna support you, and if you need it I'll go buy it...

Kate smiled "I guess you were right Sam." Kate looked at sam.

It had been five months since that fateful night. And it had turned out that dean was the father, Kate had finally gotten around to getting the test done to know who the father was and dean didn't know yet. "Hey dean, I got something to tell you." Kate said after approaching him in the kitchen, for Kate's birthday, the boys had bought her a house

Dean had not stopped hunting , but did not go on a lot of hunts. Kate placed a hand on his shoulder, the result sheet in her other hand.

Dean turned around questioningly "yeah what's up?"

"I got the results, here" Kate said handing him the results that said he was the father.

Dean read them and his face lit up he picked up Kate and twirled her around "I'm gonna be a daddy.." he said happily

Kate giggled, her face was pure joy. As he set her down , she leaned up to kiss him, loving and innocent.

He kissed her back then pulled away looking at her "so..when are we gonna get the ultrasound to find out what we're gonna have..a boy or a girl.."

"One step at a time dean. Y'know, I was thinking..." she trailed off , wrapping her arms around his neck "a child needs parents who are married dean" Kate hinted. While pulling away to go tell Sam "don't ya want to tell your brother?" Kate asked dean

"This also means, you stop hunting entirely dean. You can ward this place but no hunting after the baby is born. And You can't tell me you haven't been. You've been taking on local jobs, but I guess taking local jobs are okay, you gotta protect the town." Kate started to babble. She did this whenever Kate was thinking too much.

"Oh dean...I just want you too be safe, and I know you want us to be safe. I'm just so happy right now." Kate said smiling from ear to ear

Dean smiled back "and I'm gonna go out and get you the prettiest ring money can afford," he kissed her forehead "but I better go get some money first so I'm gonna go Hustle pool while you tell Sammy"

"Don't loose our money like last time dean" Kate said to dean while he was leaving. Walking into the library where sam was she sighed. Even if Sam didn't show it, she knew that deep down he wanted to be the father "Hey Sammy, the test results came back" Kate said handing the results to Sam.

"You're gonna be an uncle."

Sam just smiled sweetly, "awe...congrats Kate,I take it he plans on hustling pool to buy you a ring..."

"Yes, as he is doing right now. Y'know he will need to get an actual job one day." Kate said a little annoyed. "But Sam, I hope this-" she pointed to the results "doesn't make things awkward.." Kate smiled. "But Sammy, we never talked about what was going on when you didn't stop when dean walked in...and we haven't had a chance to talk about it alone." Kate said hesitantly

Sam sighed and put down his book "Kate, I'm sorry about that if I made you uncomfortable.."

She shook her head "no- Well yes at first, I didn't know how dean would react. But that's not what I'm asking about, I'm asking why you acted the way you did...I thought that..when we first was just to try and fix me, not to have it happen again- not that it's a bad's ju-" Kate sighed "since dean has finally left, you can tell me. Please it's been in my mind"

Sam sighed again..."I didn't want to say it then...I wanted it to happen again..because, because I love you Kate.." Sam looked at her a sea of emotion in his eyes "but if dean...makes you happy then I'll support you all the way through,

"Sam...yes he makes me very happy. I'm sorry Sam...I really am, if things...had went differently..." Kate choked on her words, the hormones were again kicking in, "just know this Samuel-" Kate kissed him softly on the cheek. "I do love you, I love both of you equally but I have to choose one. I'm sorry Sam." Kate said pulling away.

Sam just nodded and smiles "don't apologize Kate, he's the father of your child, I'm not mad."

It was midnight when Dean returned, ring box in his pocket. Kate was up late eating and watching TV when dean flicked the lights in the room on

He was dressed up nicely, holding a bag of Chinese takeout in one hand, and some champagne in the other, "bojour" he said jokingly bowing

Kate smiled looking down up and down. "I'm guessing you won." Kate said walking up to him to hug and kiss his cheek. "Y'know pregnant woman shouldn't drink dean. But I guess some won't hurt, thank you darling" Kate said pecking his lips.

Dean laughed "I emptied the bottle and refilled it with sparkling cider, don't worry" dean smiled as he set down the food, and got on one knee, pulling out the small velvet box to reveal the ring

Kate brought her hands up to her mouth, she didn't expect the ring to be that fancy. "Oh dean." Kate said under her breath.

"Kate...will you make me the happiest man in the world, will you marry me,"

She nodded "yes, fuck yes!" Kate squealed, "I didn't think you'd propose tonight!" Kate said pulling him into a hug and a long kiss.

Dean took her hand and slipped the ring onto it, the huge diamond was as big as her knuckle

"Dean, oh god thank you." Kate said leaning her head on his chest to hide her happy tears. " I wish I looked better"

He grabbed her face and kissed her "your beautiful," he smiled, "let's eat" he handed her her favorite meal to get at the Chinese restaurant in the form of the cute little takeout box

"Awe thank you dean, you remembered." Kate said sweetly

After eating they had passed out on the couch, and rudely awakened by Sam making noise in the kitchen. Kate had passed out on top of dean.

Much to Dean's displeasure , Kate got off of him to wander into the kitchen "whatcha making Sam?" She asked sleepily

Sam turned around, stuffing a small cardboard package in his pocket as he closed the cabinet, "I was just grabbing something Kate, go back to bed, I'm just gonna go for a drive,"

"Is something up Sam?" Kate asked yawning. "It's not like you to tell me what's up."

"It's fine Kate" he said sighing he picked up the keys to the impala and grabbed deans lighter, putting it in his pocket

"Okay then. When will you be back? I might make that casserole you like for dinner." Kate said hesitantly.

"Don't bother " he said shuffling past her and out the door getting in the impala and driving off

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