Chapter 3: Into the mind and body

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It was two months before The boys called her, saying they were on there way back. Lucifer was playing with Alley who was now five. By now Kate's Skin started to peel away. "Mama , why is your skin going away?" Alley asked

"Well ally that's because mommas body is getting now I have to put makeup over it, but keep it our little secret okay?" She looked at alley, the only way to fully heal the vessel was to drink demon blood witch she had none of, 'your awfully quiet Kate' Lucifer thought

'Why should I talk? You don't care. But I am happy that you like Alley but other than that. Why should I even try to speak? You did say you'd give my body back. But that's not true is it.'

'It is I'm just not done with you's not really your vessel I was after in the was sams..and we're going to trick him into giving it to sleeping with help me manage that and I'll get right outa your hair okie?"

Kate smiled

'Isn't there any other way? I don't want to do that to dean'

"Momma Who's Lucifer? I heard you talking." Kate's eyes widened

"He's an angel.." Kate said, "but Sam and dean are very scared of him so you must never talk about him in front of them okay?" She said looking seriously at alley

Alley tilted her head to the side "but aren't angels good?"

"They are but Sam and dean don't like this one," Kate spoke "but don't worry this angel likes them.."

Alley sat there confused. Alley reminded him of a young Castiel. The head tilt the squinted eyes. 'Who's castiel? A little brother?'

'None of your business' he thought back getting up, 'now time for you to help me, let's pick out an outfit that dear little Sammy will like,'

'Lucifer please don't do this, please. There has to be another way. You just want to ruin my life.' Kate mentally sighed defeated. 'At least don't do it here, please. I can't have dean find out. Please'

'Okay fine, I can manage that, you got yourself a deal hon' Kate paraded into her bedroom and took out a pair of thigh high stockings

'Oh god, not those. Let me pick it out will you? You have no fashion sense' Kate mentally grimaced

'Awe that's not very nice Kate, but fine,' lucifer let her dress herself she ended up wearing a-

Kate slipped on a black leather jacket to hide the top.

'Oooo kitty cat' luci said making all sorts of poses in the mirror and checking himself out

'There, done. Do not take the jacket off till you get sam alone and away from dean. Say you need help finding a book."

'There is a place in the woods, a tree house, my dad built it for me, it's isolated and will do. It has old books in there so he'll think we are getting it there'

'Wow would you look at that~ see don't we make. Good team,' luci said as kate marched out the door in her outfit, into the living room

'Just shut up. You're nothing more than a cold blooded bastard' she thought bitterly.

She looked out the window. To see the impala pulling up in her driveway

'I guess it's show time' Kate mentally said, 'wait- Lucifer, you're letting me control my body?'

'Yes but I do all the talking untill I see fit...' Kate sighed

'Fine' she said, Kate put on her most innocent look. Greeting the boys. Dean kissed her then went to find Alley. He apparently got her a new doll. Leaving Sam and Kate alone. 'Alright you do the talking'

"Hey..." she said shyly

"Hey what's up? It's good to see you again"

Sam said

"Yeah you too..." she half giggled "oh yeah hey! I need your help later,"

" sure, what is it?" He said looking at her with a warm smile

"I need you to help me find a book, the title is in Latin and I don't know how to read it, a friend called the other day wanting to borrow it," she smiled at him,

"Well I guess. Do you know where it is?" He asked.

"In my fathers old treehouse, it's a few miles down the road in the patch of woods we own,"

Sam looked confused "you kept books in there? But the weather

"it's a damn good treehouse, metal roofing, insulation, windows," she smiled up at him

"Wow sounds awesome. Okay lead me to it"

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