Chapter 8: lost and found

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The message was Something only the brothers would get

"Dean what does it mean? How do we know if it's really from Sam?" Kate asked.

They were still breathing heavily but dean was silent. Pulling on her shirt she looked at him.

The message just had an address, "4698 Middletown way -s"

Kate gently put a hand on dean's shoulder, "maybe we should think this through first, we don't know if it's a trap or not. We can't go charging in" she said, her voice soft.

"It's Sam.." he muttered Middletown is the fake address we use to tell the other that we're okay when we're separated...

"Go to the 4th motel in the phonebook what is it?"

Kate leaned back to grab the book from the duffle bag in the backseat, flipping through it she found it "Harvey's motel, it's in the next county."

Dean smiled and patted the dash "cmon baby let's roll," dean smiled as he buttoned up his pants and started driving

The drive was short, as they pulled into the parking lot, they could see a few lights on. "So the room number is..." Kate trailed off, a man had stepped out of a room near them. "Sam" Kate said under her breath

Dean was already out of the car, sprinting towards Sam,

Tackling him to the pavement

Kate followed dean, more cautious than him. "Sam were have you been?"

After the boys got back up, Kate hugged Sam. "We missed you, without you dean had to resort to me for help hunting." She chuckled

Sam's face was serious "Lucifer..he used me as his vessel, and I ejected him when I realized it.. I've been hunting him down ever since...."

"Sam, you should of come to us, we're better as a team. It's idiotic to do these things alone." Kate said as she let him go. "We've been looking for you for a month" she said softly

Sam sighed "has it really been a month,"

He ran his hands through his hair, which now grew to touch his shoulders

Kate nodded. "Yeah it has. Do me- is a favor and don't do dumb shit like that again." She scolded him. Kate noticed Sam looking towards the back seat of the car, looking for Alley's booster seat. "She's staying with Bobby. Has been for a month while dean and I hunted you down, along with hunting demons, vampires and the occasional ghosts. You've missed a lot, in a hunter now." Kate stated somewhat proudly.

"No. Your not.." Sam said sternly his glossy hazel eyes piercing hers

"You may have hunted but you are not a hunter..."

Sam sighed dean just looked at him startled

"Your not.....a-" dazed Sam fell to the ground blacking out

Kate was quick to respond to Sam, crouching down to touch his forehead to check his temperature. "He's sick dean. But I am a hunter now, right?" She asked dean

Dean looked at her "for alleys sake Kate, no you ain't.." dean turned back to Sam, picking him up and steadying himself, and trying his best to hold Sam in his arms.

"Well it was fun while it lasted." Kate said disappointed. "I just wish you did have to leave all those times." She said quietly. Taking the motel room key from Sam's pocket, Kate opened the door for Dean.

He walked in holding Sam in his arms and laid him down on the bed, examining the room, books and papers everywhere but no trace of food, just emptied water bottles, and no receipts for any food either "damnit Sammy" dean muttered knowing it was likely Sam hadn't eaten in a month

"Why wouldn't he take care of himself?" Kate ask while looking around the room. "Do you think Lucifer told him I was the one to blame? That I'm the one who-" Kate was cut off by dean

"This is just something Sam does, it ain't your fault so shut up..." dean fealt sams forhead then reached into his pocket pulling out a wad of cash "go get Sam a salad and a protein shake from the place down the street."

"Uh, okay." She said, trying to ignore his harsh tone. Sam was more important than her, she knew this, it'd always be like that. Kate would have preferred to drive there even if it wasn't that far, since the surroundings of the motel were...unsettling. It had taken about fifteen minutes before she got back. Opening the door Kate was greeted by the site of Sam awake and talking with dean. About why dean would even let her hunt for a small amount of time

Dean turned to her and took the food out of her hands, bringing it over to Sam,

His face was sickly pale and his hair was long, a scruffy beard covering half his face,

Kate sighed and sat down next to him "Sam, when you two visit again I'm gonna give you a trim and if you don't shave the beard I'll do it myself" Kate said, indicating she was taking her leave. She saw dean look confused at her leaving

"Kate wait..." Sam said "stay.." he murmured

Kate smiled at Sam "I'll stay for a little while but I have to get back to my daughter"

Kate watched Sam look her over, and watched him notice the scar on her cheek, it had been a deep cut

He grimaced a slight air of anger at the cut and at his brother,

"What is it Sam?" Kate said cocking her head to the side. "You've missed so much. Alley and I have to opportunity to move since..well we were evicted from the apartment because of late bills. So after this all settles down, I'll need to find a house." Kate said, trying to make the awkwardness in the air go away

"Your cheek..." Sam said in a soft voice, dean looked at her then back at Sam

Kate brought a hand up to the scar "oh this is from a vamp. The damn thing was good with a knife." She chuckled, thinking nothing of it. "You should see all the other scars I have on my body" Kate giggled.

"I was protecting your brother since he got knocked out." Kate added and glanced at dean, her smile heartwarming

"No." Sam said.. "dean..." "I should've protected you Kate..." he sighed grabbing a tuft of his hair in frustration, "I can't think right now I'm gonna go shower...and shave..." Sam got up and tiredly shuffled off into the bathroom, minutes later he came back out with a clean shaven face, and damp hair,

"That's much better Sam." Kate said from the bed. She and dean had ordered pizza from down the street and were currently eating it. Kate offered sam a slice. "C'mon Sam. You need to eat and take better care of yourself" she stated. God Kate missed the sam, the deadly but gentle giant that he was

Sam took the pizza scarfing it down, then cleaning up all the books that covered the floor,

Kate picked up a book "Hey Sam, what's this one about? I can't read Latin expect for the words love and this one has love in the title, what's it abou-" She was cut off by Sam hastily snatching the book from her hands

"It's nothing.." he said tucking it away in a drawer "Sam has this weird thing for romance novels.." dean added his mouth still full of pizza

"Shut up dean.." Sam rolled his eyes

"It's fine Sam, I used to read those kinds of books when I thought my love life was nonexistent." She said getting up and patting Sam's shoulder. "It's really normal actually, when my father was still alive, he'd read romance novels all day. It really picked up after my mom's passing. " Kate assured Sam

"This isn't like that.. it's a fable about two brothers...who ah...share a it's actually written as a tragedy.." Sam sighed Face palming, dean just looked shocked "are there pictures?" He asked intrigued

"Yeah, are there pictures Sammy?" She asked in a playful tone.

"It's a hundred year old book written in Latin, there are no pictures, and it ends with everyone dead dean.." Sam snickers

"Well, we didn't know, but so it's a threesome relationship? Kinky" Kate said elbowing Sam gently.

"Technically yes but the woman ends up with one kid and since they didn't have modern medicine at that time she didn't know who's it was, she later finds out that one of the men cheated on her with another man, in a fit of rage she kills the child then kills the cheating brother, the other brother finds out it is his child then out of pain and sorrow kills the woman and then himself.." Sam took a deep breath, "like I said it's written as a tragedy."

"Oh shit, well that's fucked up. How'd you even get this book?" Kate asked. It was getting and there was only one bed "Hey dean, could you book another room? I'll pay you back. There's only one bed and the couch isn't that big." She asked "just a one bed since I'll be sleeping there."

"Your dads library" Sam smirked looking down on her, dean nodded and got up to go do it leaving her and Sam alone,

Kate blushed, looking away she cleared her throat "anyway it's nice seeing you again Sam" she said softly. Kate felt a hand on her chin, lifting it up to look at the man before her

"Kate..." he said before locking lips with her it was a sweet tender kiss

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