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"How do you even spell beautiful?"

A young girl skipped around in her pretty pink dress.

Chasing and playing tag with her friends in the playground.

Mouth spread into a smile, a smile she thought would never fade.

Happy, the happiest she'd ever been.

Her teeth were slightly yellow, and she had a front gap.

Her hair was kinky and short, but that didn't matter.

Cause' she was happy, the happiest she'd ever been.

"Can I have that mommy?"

A first grader looked at another first grader.

The girl had straight, long, brown hair, something the kinky haired girl didn't have.

But the kinky haired girl wanted it.

She wanted it badly.

She was happy, but she wasn't the happiest she'd ever been.

"The hair is cute, but the face not as much."

The third grader had a baby doll crush.

Maybe her and her sweetie pie could share a cupcake?

But he had his eyes set on someone else

And she wasn't very pretty in his eyes.

She was still happy, but she wasn't the happiest she'd  ever been.

"Am I beautiful?"

The twelve year-old girl went through a phase where she questioned everything.

From her sexuality to her appearance,

She seeked approval from others, yet approval was never found.

No guy ever liked her, and the mean girls would giggle.

She would stand in front of the mirror for hours.

Picking out her flaws was an addiction to her.

She wasn't happy; she wasn't the happiest she'd ever been.

"I don't think I'm beautiful."

The internet was the devil in a mask.

Everyday, the thirteen year old girl tortured herself with images.

Images of beauty.

She wanted to be perfect because she thought perfect would make her happy.

No one seemed to be attracted to her, and that made the corners of her mouth go south.

She wanted makeup because she thought makeup would fix this ugly thing called her face.

She hated the way her thighs expanded when she sat down.

The way she smiled too hard when she was spilling with joy.

Ugly was engraved in her mind, and her main goal in life was to be pretty.

Be hot.

Be attractive.

Be beautiful.

She was not happy; she wasn't the happiest she'd ever been.


The fourteen year old girl screamed at her reflection.

She still seeked approval from others, but approval was never found.

A look in the mirror, and her world came crashing down.

Her insides froze solid, and her emotions turned liquid.




An internal war.

Guns were fired into her heart.

Bullets pierced through her blood machine.

This concept may seem silly to you, but beauty was all this girl had ever dreamed.

Still an internal war.

Guns were still fired in her heart.

Bullets still pierced through her blood machine.

The young lady's hand slipped.

The young lady gave in.

One day, it would eat her alive.

And she would never in eternity...be the happiest she'd ever been.

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