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a/n: think of the Taeyang above as what Kyong is supposed to be like.


"You're really leaving in only a T-shirt and some jeans?" Dawon questioned.

Taeyang glanced up the stairs at his bandmate. Dawon was standing in the doorway of his dorm, leaning against the frame with his arms folded across his chest as he stared disbelievingly at the younger male below him.

"I also have a mask and a hat," Taeyang told the other, pointing at both the objects.

"But no jacket," Dawon said, shaking his head.

"Why would I need a jacket?" Taeyang asked. He looked up at the cloudless sky. He had to squint, the sun was so bright.

"The temperature will drop, and it's going to rain," the other answered, matter-of-fact.

Taeyang glanced down the road, looking for his ride. He saw a car speeding towards him. He turned back to Dawon. "Since when do you predict the weather?"

"I don't. I watch the news, thank you very much." Dawon pushed himself aways from the door frame, his arms dropping to his sides. Taeyang heard the car pull up behind him. "Don't say I didn't warn you," the older said.

Taeyang smiled as he climbed into the car. "See you later, Dawon."

"Goodbye, Mr. Gactor-Who-Sucks-At-Listening," Dawon called back. Taeyang rolled his eyes as he shut the car door behind him.


There were going to be filming outside for the day. Since, they started filming, they had been in the school. They were almost done with all of the school scenes. For the time being, they'd be filming the wedding scene. As for why Dawon said it would rain, Taeyang didn't know. The script had said nothing about rain.

The wedding was for Kyong's cousin and his fiancee. Kyong was invited, and Byeongho was his plus one--his date. They would do a dance together upon Kyong's cousin's request.

Taeyang met the actors who would play Kyong's cousin and his soon-to-be-wife for the first time since they started filming. Afterwards, he found Hwiyoung talking to Emily. They had only seen her three days before.

"Hey," Taeyang said when he stood beside Hwiyoung in front of Emily.

"Good, you're here," Emily said, completely cutting Hwiyoung off. He had started to respond to Taeyang's greeting. Taeyang gave him a sympathetic look.

"We're still waiting for the extras to show up," Emily explained. "Your guys' director gave me the okay for my concept. We will be practicing for the next couple of hours while they set up everything and record a couple of scenes with Dojin and Jia."

"How many people are we waiting on?" asked Taeyang. How big was the wedding supposed to be?

"That's not important. Come over here." Emily led them to a secluded area in the grass out of the way of the set crew. "We will practice here. Staff will make sure nobody takes a single video or picture of you guys practicing.

"Now, I watched the choreography for your title track of your new album, Hidden, and have decided that we will add a part of it to the choreography. Your manager has already given me the okay to use it and change whatever I please."

"It's supposed to rain today," Hwiyoung mentioned. Dawon must have gotten to him this morning, too, Taeyang thought.

"Yes, we're counting on it," Emily said. "Rain will add more romanticism to the scene."

Taeyang was suddenly regretting not grabbing a jacket when Dawon told him to.

"Let's get started. No need to waste anymore time than we already have."

Just as Emily said they would, they practiced the same dance for the next hour and a half. They used that half hour to come up with a full dance. They didn't change the Hidden choreography at all, they only added more to it. A songwriter had already wrote a song surrounded around the specific dance, so adding more to it wasn't too difficult. It was amazing how much thought went into television shows.

The whole dance ended into a dip--Hwiyoung dipping Taeyang, their mouths only inches apart, Taeyang's fingers intertwined in his dance partner's hair, and Hwiyoung's arms wrapped around his waist. Taeyang had to admit, the dancing was probably his favorite part of the whole drama.

Hwiyoung pulled Taeyang up, and they both tried to catch their breath. Dancing for so long was hard. They both dreaded filming the actual scene. They would be sore from the practice alone by then.

The extras were milling around the set. While the two actors were dancing, the clearing had been sprinkled with flowers. A flowery arch was set up at the end of an aisle. There were twenty or more chairs on each side of the aisle.

The bride and groom were both still getting ready. They were going to try and time their kiss right before it started raining. They'd use a hose and a cloudy backdrop if it hadn't rained by then.

"Your suits are over in the dressing rooms," a cameraman told them.

"You first," Hwiyoung said, grabbing a juice box off the refreshments table as they passed. He stabbed the straw through the hole and began sucking the contents from the box.

Taeyang grabbed a bag with his name on it off of the rack near what he presumed was a dressing room. The makeshift dressing room was made from sheets and metal poles.

"Don't worry. We'll make sure no one walks in," assured a staff member.

He changed into the suit, folding his shirt and jeans into a neat pile. His suit was made from a stretchy material, easy to dance in. The pants and jacket were a matching dark grey. His undershirt was white. A sky blue tie went with the whole outfit along with some hightop sneakers. His hair would be styled with a loose part through the middle. They'd be dancing in the rain, so it wasn't like it really mattered.

Hwiyoung stepped past him when he walked out. The staff member from before took his clothes and passed them to another person. Hwiyoung walked out shortly after in only the dress pants and his own white short-sleeved undershirt. His tie was the same color as Taeyang's, but it hung loosely. His hair would be left the way it was--messy waves. The top two buttons of his shirt were open, revealing his collarbones.

"You look good," Taeyang complimented. He was trying to hide the envy from his voice. His suit was extremely uncomfortable. But he meant the compliment. It was amazing how attractive Hwiyoung actually was--when he was looked at him through Kyong's perspective.

"So do you," Hwiyoung answered, a small smirk on his lips.

"The jacket's annoying," the older grumbled. "Why don't you have one?

"Byeongho's supposed to give off that bad boy vibe, you know."

Taeyang eyed the top two buttons. "Because showing off your collarbones makes you a bad boy," he replied, sarcastically.

"Do I hear jealousy?" Hwiyoung teased.

"Nope," Taeyang immediately responded. He spotted Director Choi and left Hwiyoung behind. "Where should we sit?" he asked the director.

Director Choi looked him up and down. "That suit seems way too proper for your role," he said without answering his question. "Remove the jacket and roll up the sleeves of your undershirt. Loosen the tie a little bit too."

Taeyang sighed in relief as he did what he was told. Director Choi made a sound of approval. "Now, as for the seating. There should be a couple of chairs with your names on them."

Taeyang looked at Hwiyoung. "Go ahead," Hwiyoung said, motioning towards the chairs. After Taeyang found his seat, he glanced back at Hwiyoung and Director Choi. Hwiyoung was whispering something to him, gaining a nod of understanding. He said something else and the director nodded enthusiastically. At times like this, Taeyang wished he could read lips.


a/n: thank you guys for all the birthday wishes >u<

so, i started watching Doom at Your Service, and y'all let me tell you, i am addicted and Dawon has had me laughing so hard i swear-

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