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Taeyang quickly pushed Jaejin away. He wiped at his mouth and quickly hid his face with his mask once again. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he said.

Before Jaejin could respond both SF9's manager pulled up to the curb and Hwiyoung stepped out of the restaurant. Taeyang walked away without waiting for a response and got into the car. When Hwiyoung asked him what was wrong, he didn't answer.


The next day, when Taeyang should have gone to the shoot planned with Hwiyoung, all hell broke loose.

It started when Taeyang stepped out of the bathroom after his morning shower. Youngbin stood outside the door holding a phone out to him. Taeyang, confused, looked at the screen and let out a string of curse words.

Someone had taken the opportunity to snap a photo of the kiss and they posted it online. It was obvious who was who. Taeyang's face was clear for the world to see.

The caption of the article read Has SF9's Yoo Taeyang discovered his true sexuality? Taeyang shoved the phone out of his way and made his way to his room.

"Are you going to explain what this is?" Youngbin questioned. Taeyang ignored him and the other male let it go.

Of course there were bound to be pictures, yet Taeyang didn't say anything about it the night before in hopes of nobody ever finding out. Even though Hwiyoung was already gone, Taeyang was positive he had already seen everything about the scandal.

Once he got to his room, he grabbed his phone. The top search results were about him, the drama, Jaejin, and him and Jaejin. He sat on his bed, throwing the towel on the floor and scrolled through the various headlines.

Is new actor Jung Jaejin and SF9's Yoo Taeyang a couple?

Teach Me to Dance Web-drama put on Hold Due to Scandal Between New Actors Jung Jaejin and Yoo Taeyang.

Fantasy Upset About Photo Released of Yoo Taeyang and Jung Jaejin Kissing.

Taeyang grit his teeth and reloaded the screen.

Jung Jaejin Confirms That There May be Something Going on Between Him and Yoo Taeyang.

"Damn it!" he yelled, throwing his phone at the wall earning a loud crack! from the device in the process. Jaejin saying they were in some fling wasn't what made him mad. It was the next headline.

How does Kim Youngkyun feel about this birthday scandal?

"Yeah, you really screwed up," Chani said, leaning in Taeyang's doorway. "What are you going to do?"

"This wasn't even my fault," Taeyang said. "I specifically told him I wasn't interested. Why is he claiming there something between us?"

"Well, why'd you kiss him?" Chani said.

"I didn't. He kissed me. He caught me off guard."

Chani nodded like that made sense. After all, he was supposed to be taking his band-mate's side. "Manager called. Said we have a press conference in two hours. We're meeting our stylists at the company's building."

With a nod of his head, Taeyang walked across the room and picked up his phone. The screen was in pretty bad condition, but he was likely to get a new phone anyway since Jaejin had his phone number.

His next visitor was Seokwoo. "We're supposed to start packing a little, then they'll have staff from the company finish it for us," he explained. "Chani left that part out. We're moving since that asshole knows where we live."

Taeyang groaned. "Why is this happening to me?" he complained.

Seokwoo shrugged. "Hey, we're moving to a bigger place, so that's one positive thing to think about."

Two hours later, SF9 sat in front of multiple people with cameras and notepads shouting over each other for answers. Hwiyoung had not come to the conference. Taeyang didn't know why, but he had a hunch.

"You say you and fellow actor of Teach Me to Dance are not in a romantic relationship," one reporter said. "Why is the other party saying otherwise?"

"I don't know," Taeyang said. He had been wondering that same thing all morning, and it pissed him off the more he thought about it.

"What is your guys' true relationship then?"

"We are two actors playing in the same drama. We were friends, but we weren't that close."

"What were you guys doing together that night?" another reporter asked.

"We were at a celebration for the show. I was outside getting air when he came out. And we started . . ." Taeyang paused. "Talking."

"What were you two talking about?"

"He told me that he had feelings for me."

Reporters were hastily scribbling on their notepads. Taeyang saw some of the members cast subtle glances to him with surprise. The questions came faster now, but Taeyang could barely hear any of them.

"I'm sorry," Juho said. "That's all we're answering right now. We are on a very busy schedule." 

"Thank you for your time," SF9 (minus Hwiyoung) chorused with a bow.

It was over. Taeyang should have been relieved. The manager told them that all the articles and photos would be taken down the next day. They'd need to find a new actor for Dojin, so the drama will be put on hold for the next couple of weeks. Taeyang would have to lay low for the next couple of days in order not to cause anymore drama.

On the way back to the dorms, the members stopped to get a small cake for Hwiyoung. Taeyang got his own little cupcake for the younger.

Taeyang showered again before packing up some of the stuff the staff had left behind. He had been sitting on the floor, one backpack in his hand and the Teach Me to Dance script in the other. He was really starting to have mixed emotions about the drama. He shoved the script in the bag and threw in the rest of Hwiyoung's stuff in with it.

"Taeyang, let's go!" Youngbin yelled from the living room.

Taeyang stood up. "Alright, I'm coming," he replied.


"We have cake!" Dawon announced stepping into the conference room where Hwiyoung had already started a live. Taeyang's cupcake was safely with their manager for when they got to the new penthouse

They all pretended like nothing happened. The scandal was forgotten for the next hour and a half.

Taeyang kept glancing over at hwiyoung for any signs of distress. Aside from not meeting Taeyang's gaze once, he didn't see anything. Either the blonde was that good of an actor or it really didn't bother him.  


a/n: At least three more chapters, then this book will come to an end 😔

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