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2 1/2 months later

"The drama has come to an end," Director Choi said. Taeyang wasn't sure if the director was happy or sad about that. "I'm proud of all of you, and I'm happy to say that even though we've had a few downs, Teach Me to Dance has successfully become as popular as we hoped it would be. There's word of a second season."

Everyone cheered, including Taeyang and Hwiyoung.

Director Choi popped open the bottle of champagne he held in his hands. "Let the party begin!" he exclaimed.

Rather than party, the two male leads had different plans. But before they could leave, Sarang caught up to them.

"I don't blame you for wanting to leave," she said, "but I have a favor to ask before you guys do. Do you mind if I take a picture of you guys? Since you two officially came out as a couple, my sister hasn't left me alone about it. And it'd be great if you could somehow get me one of Rowoon and Chani."

"Yeah, go for it," Taeyang said. He was grateful Sarang was his friend, so he wanted to do whatever he could to help her out.

Together, Taeyang and Hwiyoung posed with an arm wrapped around the other other. They did a couple lovey photos and even funny ones. "Thanks guys," Sarang said. "Do you mind if she posts some of these online?"

"Not at all," Hwiyoung said.

"Awesome. Well, this is it. Maybe we'll work on another drama together. If I text, don't ignore me."

"Got it," both males said at the same time.

Sarang shook her head. "I can't believe it took so long for you two to get together," she muttered.

Taeyang smiled. "See you later."


Hands entwined, Hwiyoung and Taeyang explored the large house they'd used as a set. Currently, the party was being held in the ballroom part of the house. The rest of the house seemed empty. Hwiyong pulled at Taeyang's hand and brought him to one of the furniture-less rooms. There wasn't a camera or person to be seen. And the only window in the room was covered.

Hwiyoung initiated the kiss this time, and Taeyang responded eagerly. Hwiyoung kept a hand on Taeyang's lower back, and Taeyang kept his own hands on Hwiyoung's shoulders.

He would never get over the thrill of kissing Hwiyoung. 

As expected a few days after the fan-sign, videos were released of Taeyang's embarrassing serenade and Seokwoo's confession. It was a relief for Fantasy to be okay with the fact that they were now dating. And the best thing of all, Taeyang could kiss Hwiyoung basically whenever he wanted.

With the whole Jaejin scandal, it was over within the next couple of weeks because of the articles FNC had released, saying that Taeyang had nothing to do with Jaejin. Jaejin tried talking to Taeyang, but Taeyang ignored and refused to be seen with him. Taeyang got a new phone, as predicted, and yes, he forgave Jaejin, but it was risky being friends with him again. 

They pulled away from each other to catch their breath. "Acting in this drama was probably the best thing to happen," Taeyang said."

Hwiyoung started leaving soft kisses along Taeyang's jaw. "I'm a genius, aren't I?" Hwiyoung replied.

"Mhm," Taeyang hummed catching Hwiyoung's lips with his own. Then his phone vibrated in his pocket, one buzz after the other.

Taeyang made some disappointed noise and pulled his phone out of his pocket. There were half a dozen texts from Dawon.

When are you coming home?
Come home soon.
No, actually, you should cpme home now
Come* not cpme
We're gonna do something fun
Manager's on his way

"Who was that?" Hwiyoung asked.

"Dawon," Taeyang sighed. He sent a reply and slipped his phone into his pocket. "Manager is on his way."

Hwiyoung nodded distractedly and reached out to touch his boyfriend's lip. Taeyang rose and eyebrow "Your lips are swollen," the younger said.

Taeyang snorted. "I wonder who's fault that is," Taeyang answered sarcastically.

They made their way outside where their manager was already waiting.

As they got into the car, Hwiyoung smiled, his eyes flickering from Taeyang's lips to his eyes. "I won't apologize for art," he said.

Taeyang swatted at him. He'd never get used to the chessy part of the relationship.


They stepped into the penthouse and were welcomed by their roommates. Five of which took up the 7-person couch, and two who took the reclining chair in the corner.

With a remote in Juho's hand, it hit Taeyang immediately. "Teach me to Dance?" he guessed.

Chani was the one who nodded and answered. "Teach Me to Dance," he repeated. He was sitting on top of Seokwoo, a bowl of popcorn on his lap and Seokwoo's arms wrapped securely around his waist. There were both wearing matching rings on their pinkies.

"The last episode was released this morning," Inseong said. "So we're going to watch all episodes tonight."

"Is this necessary?" Taeyang said after he put away his outside attire. Still, he sat on the floor and Hwiyoung claimed the spot next to him. As much as Taeyang was proud of his acting, he was still embarrassed about the people close to him watching the intimate scenes he shared on camera with his boyfriend. His mom had called multiple times mentioned his "wonderful acting" and her love for his choice of men.

"Yes," Jaeyoong said, "It's your first drama playing a main role, it's the reason you two are a couple right now, and it's the top drama out there. The significance behind this two hour show should be enough for our binging session to be considered necessary."

"Okay, I got it," Taeyang said. Who could argue with that?

The lights went out and Juho started the first episode. While the intro played, Hwiyoung placed a kiss on Taeyang neck behind his ear. He murmured just loud enough for only Taeyang to hear, "We're finishing what we started later."

Taeyang nudged him in the side with his elbow. "Just watch the show," he said willing the blush to leave his cheeks.

Hwiyoung did as he told, shifting so his head was in Taeyang's lap.

Episode after episode, they sat there like that watching the webdrama. Every now and then, one of the members would make some comment that made Taeyang want to hide.

Halfway through the fifth episode, Taeyang caught Hwiyoung watching him instead of the show. He smiled at the brunette. I love you, he mouthed.

Hwiyoung returned a gummy smile. I love you too.



a/n: it's done

i hope you guys liked this story as much as i liked writing it. thank you for all the votes, reads, comments, and msgs i've gotten. y'all are my family in a way, as weird as that may sound lol. 

i have good news tho. i will be releasing a couple more chapters--bonus chapters. there'll be scenes from this story in hwiyoung's pov, and maybe some new scenes, too. who knows? (lmk which scenes you wanna see from hwi's pov) i will also be writing a chapter or two about rochan, including rowoon's confession at the fan-sign. for now, i'll be going back and editing to fix any grammar mistakes or plot holes. 

anyway, if you made it this far, you are an amazing being :)

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