Chapter 11 - I see Aaron

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"It's okay to open up. Go ahead and let the light shine through," I sing with my phone as I continue to draw. "I know it's hard on a rainy day. You wanna shut the world out and just be left alone. But don't run out on your fait-"

"Carrie Underwood?" Mason says walking into my room. I nod smiling that he new and continue to sing along, but more quietly. "Can't I just take a picture and put it over my paper?" He says in a whining voice.

I laugh and shake my head. "Come on, yours isn't that bad." He gives me a look saying he knows I'm lying.

"Mia can draw a better picture than me." He says watching me work. I shake my head again and turn my paper. I then look for my soft pencil. I look under my papers, turn around in circles looking all over my desk and don't find it. "What are ya looking for?" He asks.

"My other pencil." I say checking the little drawer. I then feel my hair fall out and go into my face. "Hey-, wait, is that-" I don't finish because Mason's already nodding.

"Why don't you just use a hair tie?" He asks giving me the pencil.

"Can't ever find one. The kids are always needing one." I say shading more of the picture.

"Well I'm gonna go read my book. Night." He says and yawns.

"Alright, night." I say before he walks out my door. I turn back to my paper and tell myself I will finish.

"Autumn." I hear. I keep my eyes closed not wanting to wake up. "Autumn," I hear again. This time I open my eyes and see Mason with a big smile on his face.

"Why're you so happy?" I ask sitting up and cracking my back. I look down to see I had fallen asleep doing my project.

"Look in a mirror." He says. I look at him strangely before standing up and walking to the bathroom. When I turn the light on my eyes widen at my reflection. I have black and grey marks all over my face, neck, and arms.

"Well then," I say walking back to my room to grab clothes to change into. Mason's still got a big grin on his face and I roll my eyes. "Not that funny," I mumble. He doesn't say anything. "Everyone comes back today and I'm going to work later tonight," I tell Mason as he's leaning against my door while I'm grabbing clothes that were scattered around my room. Ashley went to the store with Emma and had left a mess. "Also Josephine and River have practice today," I inform him walking back out the room and throwing the clothes down the shoot.

"I got everything, you just need to make sure you don't overwork yourself. Your Grandma is already mad that you're going." He says following me around.

"I'll be fine, just need to be careful of the lights and how I'm holding the trays." I say and hear my phone. I look around and run back to my room to answer. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's your Dad. I was calling to ask how you are doing?" He asks and I stop walking.

"W-what?" I ask confused.

"I asked how are you doing?" He says again and I can just hear his smile.

"I', doing fine. What about you?" I reply and Mason comes into my view sending me a questioning look. I mouth my Dad, and his face gets more confused before he shrugs.

"I'm doing fine, but I asked you to get a good answer, not one you give when you're walking through a hallway and see someone you know." He says.

"Um, hasn't been too busy the last week, but I think it's going to pick up again. I've been doing good in school, not too much drama." I say not knowing why he's called me.

"Well, that's good. Your Grandma called and told me about your concussion. How's that going? Are you taking in slow?" He asks and I feel like giving her a lecture about how I don't need him worrying about me on top of his job.

"Yeah, I've been fine. Grandma helped out a lot, so has Mason." I say.

"Speaking of Mason can you hand him the phone over?" He asks and I look up to him. I take the phone from my ear and hand it over to him. He seems reluctant to grab it, but he does and puts it to his ear.

"Yes...I know, but-" He's interrupted. ", n-no." He says. He continues to say one-word answers so I don't really know what their conversation is about. "Here you go." He hands me back the phone and I put it to my ear. Mason then leaves the room.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just something his mother couldn't tell him and wanted me to. Anyways, take it easy and make sure Mason's hanging around you." He says.

"Well, he is living with me so..." I say not sure why he's acting so weird.

"I know, just be safe alright?"

"Ok, Dad make sure you get some sleep," I say worried about him.

"I'm fine. Bye, love you and tell the little ones I love them."

"I will, love you, bye," I say and end the call. I put my phone down on my desk and walk down the halls to find Mason in the front room, his head in his hands. I take a seat next to him.

"So, what'd your mom have to say?" I ask and he looks up at me confused.

"Wha-, oh, just that she's mad about a grade I have." He shrugs and I know he's lying because he has all A's so far.

"Well, hope whatever it is it works out," I say before I hear many voices. The doorbell rings and continues to ring until I open the door. The kids all come in, Josephine and Mathew are arguing about some movie, Marcedes and River are poking each other, and Mia comes running through and jumps at me. I quickly catch her and pick her up. I then look over at my Grandma.

"They wanted to come early so, here they are." She says and I laugh. I smile as the kids stopped arguing and are all looking up at me.

"We miss you." River says walking over to me and giving me a hug. I smile messing up his hair.

"I missed you all too," I say. "Now I need to go over how your bedrooms are going to be. Ashley is going to be living us for a little while and so is her baby. Mia," I say and she stops playing with my shirt. "you share a room with Emma." I say and she smiles.


"Mathew you're with Mason in my Dad's old room. Mason, you wanna show him." I say and he nods.

"I better not have to share a room," Josephine says and I look over to her to see her arms crossed and an annoyed look on her face.

"No, I wouldn't make anyone stuck with your mood swings," I say and she huffs before walking off with her bag of stuff. I look back up at my Grandma shaking my head. She seems to be preoccupied with something and doesn't say anything. I put Mia down as she goes to play with some of her toys. "Grandma, everything alright?" I ask and she turns to head sharply in my direction.

"Um, my brother Kegin past away and I was just lost in thought." She says and I walk over to her to give her a hug.

"He was the one that was schizophrenic and didn't come out of the house often right?" I ask because my Grandmother has 11 brother and sisters.

"Yeah, he'd been dead for a few days before a neighbor knocked and no one answered." She says pulling away from my arms.

"Well, he'll be missed. Wished I could have met him." I say and she nods.

"Um... Marcedes and River, could they stay here? I know this is more than you should be taking, but we have to clean out his farm and he lives kinda far away and-"

"Grandma it's fine. Do what you have to do." I say and she nods again.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." She says embracing me into another hug.

"You don't know what you'd do without me, what'd I do without you?" I say and she lightly laughs.

"Alright, I'll be going. I call you when I'm back home. Kids I'm leaving, you'd better be good for Autumn." She says. I then hear the padder of feet as the kids come running around the corner to give her a hug goodbye.

"Love you all." She says while blowing a kiss. Mia, Mercedes, and River do it back before I close the door.

"Alright, Mathew you're going to be with River. That alright?" I ask and he nods while looking at River. They share a look before running back down the halls. Oh boy. I then look over at Mercedes. "You'll be in the front room," I say and she nods. Mason raises his eyebrows.

"Why're they staying?" He asks.

"My Great Uncle Kegin past and my Grandma and Grandpa have a lot of work to get done at the farm," I say and he nods.

"I'm sorry." He says and I shrug.

"Never really got to know him or meet him. He had schizophrenia." I say and Mason looks at me like I'm speaking Dutch. "It's a mental disorder and it makes you see things that aren't there and it really messed with his head. He didn't really talk to anyone and or go anywhere. I was getting back a few weeks ago and I guess it was just too much." I say and he nods his head again. I glance over at the clock and see I should be leaving soon. I begin to walk back to my room when the doorbell rings again. I open to see Ashley holding bags and Emma in her arms. She rushes in and drops the bags on the kitchen floor.

"She is a pain to go shopping with." She says looking down at Emma. I laugh and nod my head.

"Any kid under 12 is a pain to take to the store," I say before making my way down to my room. I grab my purse and phone before walking into all the rooms to say I'm leaving and Mason and Ashley are both going to be home.

"Alright bye," I say to Mason as I'm about ready to leave. I shove my work shoes on when I feel something put on my head. I realize it's a hat and look over at Mason.

"If you won't wear a jacket then you have to wear a hat." He says and I smile.

"Alright, Mom," I say and he rolls his eyes. I walk out into the cold and get into my car.

"Have a nice day," I say as a couple leaves.

"You still feeling alright?" Jane asks holding a tray.

"Ya, just fine," I say for the 20th time. I walk back up to the host's podium and wait for more customers to come in. I only have a family in the corner and they already have their food. I smile and greet people as they come in until I see Aaron walk in. He smiles while walking all the way up to the podium. He has a nice cut lip with a bruise right under it, he also seems to be walking a little funny. Mason got him back, I'll have to thank him later.

"Wow, didn't know you worked here." He says and I know he's lying.

"Would you like a table or booth sir?" I ask holding back any anger.

"How about a booth honey." He says and points to one in my section.

"Follow me," I say and hope I can Jane to take is order and give him his food.

"I would any day." I hear the piece of sh*t say. It takes every ounce of strength I have not to whip around at him and give him a good punch. When we get to the booth he slides in and I place the menu on the table before walking away. I see Jane walk into the kitchen and follow her.

"Jane," I said causing her to look back at me. "Would you be the best and take a table for me?" I ask and before she can answer I hear.

"Jane has enough tables Autumn. If you have a problem with a customer you need to move past it and be professional or do we need to talk." I turn and see my boss there and he doesn't seem to be in a good mood today.

"No, just a guy that came in I don't get along with him," I say forcing a smile.

"Well, you need to be able to work with customers that you don't get along with or you're going to have problems when you're older. You can't just avoid people you don't like." He grumbles before walking off.

"Sorry Autumn," Jane says before leaving. I walk back to his table.

"What would you like to drink?" I ask not in my normal nice voice I use with customers.

"Well you to be nice, but I know you aren't ready for that so, how about a Mellow Yellow." He says with a smirk on his face. I glare at him.

"You keep this up and Mason might have a few more rounds with you and I don't think you'll be able to keep up with him," I say and see his smirk fall. "I'll be right back with your drink," I say in a peppy voice also flashing him a smile.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a dirty glass. "That wasn't washed." I hear Jane say.

"I know," I say back and she gives me a look. "The guy is a perv and used to date my sister," I say and then she nods. I smile before filling up the glass. I make sure to wipe the handprint off so Aaron doesn't know it's dirty.

I set it down on the table and look up at him. "Do you need more time to decide what you want?" I ask back in my peppy voice.

"You think your pathetic little boyfriend can stand a chance against me think again. He'd be down in less than 30 seconds and he'd be begging for me to stop-"

"Before you think you're all high and mighty he only had a black eye while you look like you had your ass handed to you. Take a look in the mirror." I say and he stands up, face red as a tomato. He doesn't get a word before Jane is there at my side.

"Sir if you have a problem with Autumn I can take your order or you can leave." She says and he doesn't even glance over at her. He takes some cash out of his pocket and chucks it on the table before stomping out the restaurant.

"Thanks," I say and Jane nods.

"I don't need a fight happening in here. Also, the family in the corner are ready for their check." She says and I nod walking over to them.

"Hi, sorry about the wait," I say putting the check on the table. The father looks up at me.

"Are you alright?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes, just a customer that's been having a bad day," I reply smoothly. He nods before giving me his card.

The rest of the night is dull and slow. Jane left about an hour ago and I still have other to go. I lean against the podium and play with my fingers as there are only two couples in the restaurant.

Once the couples left no one else came in so I began to pick up early. I have everything cleaned and picked up just a little after my shift and go to my bosses office. "I'm leaving sir. Have a good night." I say and turn to leave, but he stops me. Damn. 

"Autumn, what happened with that customer?" He asks looking up from the papers that are all over his desk.

"He left rather quickly," I say hoping to get out of his office.

"Why don't you two get along?" He asks and I take a deep breath.

"Personal reasons," I state wishing he'd drop it.

"When if personal reasons are going to be affecting whether a customer comes back then we are going to have to have a talk." He says and I look over at him before saying the truth.

"He used to date my sister before he went to jail and now he wants to get back with her even though she doesn't. He keeps trying to talk to me and get me to tell him where she's living." I say and he sits there for a minute before nodding his head.

"Well, I guess I should have kicked him out rather than letting him make one of my best waitress upset." He says with a smile.

"It's fine. Good night sir." I say and he nods.

"Night Autumn." He replies before I walk out the door. I take untuck my shirt and pull my sweatshirt over my head. I grab the hat out of the front pocket and put it on my head before walking out the door. I dig in my purse trying to find my keys as I make my way to my car.

When I look up I see Aaron leaning against my car arms crossed. Just great.

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