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"Autumn." A stern voice says. I slowly open my eyes to see my teacher glaring at me.

"Sorry," I say rubbing my tired eyes. The teacher then goes back to her lecture and I begin falling back to sleep.


I glance down at my phone in a rush trying to remember what's going on today. Josephine has a band concert, school meeting, and has tennis practice. Mia has gymnastics. Mercedes has a choir concert and River has a soccer game. Right as I look up from my phone I ram into someone.

I stumble trying to keep my balance and turn saying. "Sorry, really am." I then grab my binder that had fallen out of my backpack and continue to rush to my bus. I run onto my bus and the bus driver smiles. She tries to stay back so I can make it on. "Where should I drop you off today?" She asks.

"The school," I say and she nods. I smile before taking a seat. She's always willing to drop me off close to where I need to be as long as it isn't too far off of her schedule.

I run a hand through my hair thinking about my schedule. "Ok, so if I go to the school meeting, rush to the choir concert and only miss a little, then gymnastics, Josephine's band concert, and then soccer game. Wait there was something else." I mumble talking to myself. I count on my fingers trying to remember what else I have going on. "Oh tennis," I say and then groan. Tennis is so boring.

"Are you too stupid to even know how to talk in your head?" A girl says behind me.

"No, just thought you wanted to hear my schedule," I reply sweetly. The girl huffs before sitting back down in her seat.

I quickly get off the bus rushing to my sister's meeting. I make it in just as some lady begins talking. My sister is waving me over to her frantically. I rush over and take the seat she left me. I get handed a packet and stare. "What is this?" I ask looking down at her with wide eyes.

"That's what you need to fill out for me to join," Josephine says staring up at me. I look back down at the papers and groan. This is so much writing. I pull a pen out from my bag and then begin to answer the questions.

Once the meeting is done I've finished the whole packet. "Here, make sure you hand this in," I say giving her the packet back.

"You didn't even listen to what my teacher was saying." She says and I look down at her.

"It was more for you than it was for me," I say and she nods her head. "Hey, is it ok if I miss today's tennis practice?" I ask hoping she won't get upset.

"Ya, I only want you to come to the games." She says and I stare at her.

"But you said-Oh nevermind," I say before walking outside. She's got to go to practice so I jog to our house to get my car. "Should have driven today," I mumble shaking my head. Once I make it home I'm out of breath and I quickly hop into my car. I then begin making my way to the other side of town.


"Running a little late." My Grandmother says as I slip into the seat next to her.

"Ya, Josephine had a school meeting thing," I say quietly looking for my other sister.

"Mercedes over there," Grandma says point to her. I follow her finger and find my sister. She's up there smiling and singing the words.

"Where's Grandpa?" I ask and she looks around.

"He had to take Hailey outside, should have been back by now." She says worriedly. I then see him holding the little bundle of joy. He smiles and takes his seat. Hailey looks up and puts her arms out at me. I smile and grab her from his arms.

She plays with my fingers and begins to giggle. "Shhh," I say, but she continues to giggle. I shake my head at her, but a smile also makes a way onto my face. The people around us just laugh and smile at her.

When the concert is done I quickly tell Mercedes I'll see her in a few days and that she did really good. I try and hand Hailey back, but she begins to scream. "Hey, shhh," I say rocking her.

"She's been missing you," Grandma says with a sad look. I look down at her and my heart begins to hurt. "She thinks you're Lily." She says and I nod.

"I know."

"Why don't you take her tonight? She hasn't been sleeping and I'll come over early to take her." She says and I look up.

"Alright, but I've got to go. See you tomorrow." I say quickly giving hugs before walking back to my car. I have a car seat for her because of my other sister, Mia needs one. Once she's buckled in I make my way to gymnastics. "We get to go see Mia," I say and Hailey babbles incoherent words.

I laugh and make my way out of the parking lot.

Again I'm late to gymnastics, but Mia just waves as she sees us come in. I wave and then so does Hailey. The teacher smiles over at me before trying to get five toddlers to listen to her. I take a seat and watch through the glass.

A little while later a woman takes a seat next to us. I smile, but she turns her head away from me. Ok, then. I look back through the glass when she says something. "Your generation is our problem." She says and I turn my head towards her.

"Why would that be?" I ask looking at her sharply.

"All you girls getting knocked up and then having to live with your parents the rest of your life." She says with a disapproving look.

"Well guess what, your generation is the generation that raised us to be what we are and this is my baby sister," I say and the woman's eyes open wide. She stutters and I shake my head standing up to greet Mia as she runs out of the little room.

She runs up to me and wraps her arms around me and Hailey. "Why is the baby with you?" She asks.

"She wanted to visit," I say and she jumps up and down and tells me all about her day. I get to my car and then realize the problem. I smack my head with my hand and stare at the two. I look as Carry walks out with her two children. She always brings Mia to gymnastics for me.

"Hey, Carry," I say. She turns to look towards me.

"Hey, how's it going?" She asks as her kids swing her arms.

"Well, I have two babies and one car seat. Could I use your spare and give it back to you tomorrow at Daycare?" I ask crossing my fingers.

"Of course. Just let me get these two in the car and then I bring it for you." She says and I release a breath.

"Oh, thank you," I say and she nods before walking her kids over to her van. I get Hailey into the car seat and wait for Carry to lend me hers.

Once both kids are buckled I quickly make my way to another concert.


I make my way into the auditorium and place Mia in a seat and hold Hailey in my arms. Hailey is asleep, but I have a feeling she's going to wake up. Mia sees Josephine and yells her name. Josephine blushes and the crowd around me chuckles. I put a finger to my mouth smiling. Mia looks at me and then back to Josephine.

I laugh as she waves frantically at her big sister.


"Ok, well I have to go the the soccer game," I say as Josephine complains about wanting to go home.

"Why are his games so late a night?" She says in a whining voice.

"Thank goodness it is or I couldn't make it," I say and she huffs. We make our way to the car and she grumbles in the front seat.

I get to the game late again. I leave both babies in the car because they fell asleep and I can sit on the grass right in front of the car. My Grandparents make they're way over. "Hey, babies are sleeping," I say and they nod knowing to be quiet.

"So far it's 1-1." My Grandpa says setting up both chairs for them to sit in.

"Why didn't you bring chairs?" Josephine asks taking a seat on the grass.

"Because I forgot to put them in my car last night," I say and she sends me an annoyed look. I roll my eyes at her childishness and watch my little brother play.

When the game ends he comes running over to us and gives me a big sweaty hug. "Gosh, you smell," I say and he pushes me lightly.

"Dat's cause I was running." He says before telling my Grandparents about his skills. I laugh before telling him I have to go. He gives me another hug. "Byee." He says waving.

"Love you guys. Bye." I say getting back into my car. Mia wakes up to Josephine closing her door and I send her a look. "Mia, I'm here. It's ok, you can go back to sleep." I say and she slowly stops crying.

"She is so annoying," Josephine says once Mia's asleep.

"She's three," I say making another turn.

"Still." She says looking out her window.

Once I get home I wake Mia up and she sits on my left hip. I grab Hailey and see goes back to sleep on my right. When we get to the door there is a woman and two boys there. The woman has light brown hair and looks to be very fit. She's in a nice shirt and dress pants.

There's a little boy and he's playing with something. He's also got light brown hair and it wearing some T'shirt that has a building on it and a pair of sweats on.

Lastly, there is a tall boy. His hair is darker than the others. He's got muscles and with the semi-tight shirt, he has on it definitely shows. He's wearing dark jeans which seem to make him look hotter. I look back up to his face and see he's really attractive and his brown eyes are very intense. I notice he's staring at the kids in my arms. "May I help you?" I ask confused looking over at the women.

"You're Dad said you would be home and that he talked to you." The woman says. I raise my eyebrow and then my phone rings. I set Mia down on the sidewalk and answer.

"Autumn, a friend of mine is going to be coming over. Would you just ask her to tell you what's going on?" I hear my Dad's rushed voice ask.

"Yeah, bye." I say and end the call. "Well, he just called me and asked me to ask you what's going on," I say and the woman smiles slightly. "Let's go inside," I say walking past them to unlock the door.

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