Intentionally Unexpected

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"FINE! MAYBE I SHOULD GO ON MY OWN! FORGET IT!" I walked out the Lair, Leo and I got in another fight, obviously. They just don't understand! I don't have anger issues, right?!

I kicked a trash can over once I got out the sewers and hopped to the roof, one thing in mind;
I need to find that Creature

I find it strange this experimented animal has always understood me, it's strange. "Where the shell are you..!" I growl under my breath as I jumped rooftops, looking around until I noticed a opened cage looking thing in the distance, narrowing my eyes, I go for a closer look. I pulled at the bars, checking the bars' strength. I couldn't budge it I looked at the opening, it was viciously chewed, not only saliva still coated it, but some fresh blood as well. I followed to where the blood trail lead, downward.

"Mmm... Why not?" I swing out my Sais and followed the trail. It rounded many turns, but it stuck in the shadows, like it was hiding, until finally, I came to a halt in an alley. There she was, the Creature with spikes on it's long, black back and empty white eyes. She was panting, vulnerable looking as well as tired while her back right leg looked cut and limb. But she wasn't alone, her cat, Tori I believe, was there as well. The cat was grabbing something,  speaking in the cat language to Creature. That's what I'll call her, Creature. For now at least.

"Creature....?" She turns to me, but relaxes knowing it's me. "What happened? Who would do this to you?!" Seriously, she's really nice, sweet as well. I'd love to see her meet Master Splinter, they'd relate a bit. Tori meowed at Creature, making the experiment frown deeper and tensed.

"Come here Raph, I do not want unneeded attention!" She rushed weakly, closing her eyes as Tori poured a blue liquid onto the leg wound, Creature winced and I hurried over to the duo.

"Wait... are you saying I'm part of the needed attention?!"

"Y-" Tori hissed at her, while Creature clenched her paws, pained expression as the cat poured more liquids onto Creature's wounds. Instead of speaking, Creature lays her head on my foot, whimpering. I have grown fond of Creature, even as much as Spike, but she seemed distant on some subjects on our multiple meetings, leaving whenever someone was about to come. In response to the plead for comfort, I knelt down to her level, not knowing what to do, I noticed one of her back spikes broken, as well as one of her side tubs. I touched her broken spike, she flinched slightly, tears pricking as she whimpered again. I whipped her tears away and stroked her ear.

"What happened?!" I ask again, but Creature shakes her head.

"Not now..." She choked slightly and Tori started doing something with Creature's broken spike, after some strange cleaning like liquids, she put a dab of purple gel-like liquid on the main part making it to revive. I heard my T-phone buzz, and look to Tori, who understood and nodded. So I picked up the phone;

23 missed calls from Mikey

2 new text messages from Leo

I rolled my eyes and looked at Leo's messages.

We found another mutation canister

"Of course you did..." I mumbled under my breath

Have fun on your own

Yeah, having a friend of mine dying is fun... Not. I notice Tori looking at me worriedly and glanced to Creature. She was barely breathing. Wide eyed, I picked her head up.

"Stay with me! You gotta stay with me here!" I yelled, Creature opened her eyelids slightly, showing me vulnerable white eyes.

"Take me.... to.... Splin-" She couldn't finish because she fell unconscious, but I understood and brought Creature into my arms, having Tori scurry onto my shoulder. I found a manhole and hopped in, rushing to the Lair.

"Master Splinter!" I yelled, giving a worried glance to the limb Creature in my arms. I heard Splinter walk in.

"Kazuko...?" My Sensei breathed, wide eyed before quickly removing Creature from my arms. Kazuko...? What? Why does that name sound so familiar?! I looked at the weak Creature in Master Splinter's arms.

"*Reste avec moi animal, restez! Nous avons encore besoin de vous! Reste avec moi mon animal de compagnie..!" Again with the French! Urgh... But Kazuko is Japanese...

Splinter gestured me to follow him as he carried Creature to his room. It doesn't feel right calling her Kazuko without reason.

"Come Raphael, you have many questions you wish answered." Splinter laid Creature down, rushing out the room, telling me to watch her.

Sensei rushed back, an old bag in hand, and grabbed out a bottle that had thick, white liquid. He froze, looking at it before unscewing the lid.

"What is that stuff?!" I question, but he shushes me while he put the white stuff in Creature's mouth.

"She must rest,-"

"But she's-"

"Silence! Kazuko is strong and has always been able to push through many situations." Sensei guided me out the room, taking me to the Dojo. "This tree, it has seen many things, much like my dear Kazuko, individually you and your brothers..."

"How do you know her? What's going on? Can you explain to me why your calling her Kazuko? Why doesn't anyone else see her? What's up with the cat?!"

Sensei chuckled and pointed above us to the tree, there I saw glowing silver eyes that only belonged to Tori. She was sitting on a branch, looking down at me. She had much dignity right now. I stared confused at the cat, well, until I saw the cat shape form into a human being. And a familiar smile crossed her face.

"We have a lot of catching up to do, Raph,"

* Stay with me pet, stay! We still need you! Stay with me my pet..!

Sorry! I can't help but have a cliffhanger! Sorry!
It took me a while, but I hope you enjoyed it, even though I left you hangin'.
So I NEED you to read this next Author's note.... ok?

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