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The next morning Annie wakes up, she always wakes up at the same early time - 6 AM.

She gets up and goes to the kitchen to get herself some slices of bread. Brian has told her earlier that she can just take food and put the TV on and draw whatever she wants. The first days when she was with Brian she was just waiting in the living room, doing nothing and sitting and looking desperately at the door, waiting for him to come downstairs. When Brian noticed she always wakes up round 6 and he doesn't go earlier downstairs than 10... he couldn't just let her waste time so he told that she could do whatever she liked.

Annie makes her bread when there is noise upstairs. It's Brian. He made sure he got himself early up today, it's Annie's second school day and since he knows that yesterday was a complete disaster he wants to support her well by being up 'early'.

Annie changes her clothing, she has a few clothes, not really much, but it's enough to live from for a little while. Although it's clearly she needs at least pajamas but Brian doesn't has the money. He will try his best to find enough money today so he could buy her pajamas at least. Annie does her shirt off and looks in the mirror. She smiles when she sees her ribs. She loves her ribs. It's an obsession she can't leave, she just loves it. Brian hasn't seen the ribs yet and Annie rather not show him either, she is scared that he would complain about it. He already complains about that she eats so less. Annie quickly puts her shirt on.

Brian comes downstairs and sees Annie. "Am I too early?" He asks.

"No, no.. this is good." Annie replies excited. She runs to him and hugs him. Brian knows he can't hug back otherwise he gets trouble.

Brian smiles at her "You have got to pack for school" he says.

Annie's eyes widen and she quickly shakes her head, she is scared, very scared. She doesn't want to go back to hell.

"Annie.. You should go, you need to learn to live with fears instead of avoiding them." He says.

"I'm scared Brian.." Annie says.

"What are you scared for?" Brian asks calmly, he knows he has to keep calm, although he is a little done by now.

"The teacher and the people.." Annie replies.

"Come and sit down. We need to talk." Brian says as he walks to the sofa and sits down. Annie does the same, nervously. She looks at him eyes, nervous. "Everybody has fears... But you should not let them run over your life. I know you're scared for people but it's not healthy to be this scared... I would like to arrange you an psychologist, so he or she could help you. Today.. Just go to school. If you're scared, just stay with Sebastian. Don't run away, just keep there the entire day. You need to.. otherwise your fears get worse cause you're running away from them. You're already running away from them and I don't want it to happen anymore." Brian says.

Annie nods scared. She doesn't know exactly what to do. She is scared for people.. she's scared that they do something bad to her. Scared to get in trouble.

"Get your stuff and go to school." Brian says.

Annie nods and gets her bag. "Brian... Are you mad at me...?" She says quietly. She has noticed he's a little behaving different.

"i'm not mad. I'm sad and a little done by your fears." Brian says. "We need to work on this. We really do." He continues.

Annie nods, she feels sad. She never wanted to make Brian feel sad or moody or anything like that. She just wants to make him happy... She feels like she's failing. "Alright Brian... I will just go to school" She says sadly and leaves the home.

Brian sighs and goes back to bed, tired and done.

Annie is on her way to school, thinking about what Brian told her. And thinking about what this day will bring. She decides that she should try to get out of her shell and talk more to people. Fears? they always stay... But she needs to make Brian happy.. So she has got to try these things. She takes out her pocket her schedule for this day. All new teachers... She begs that these are alright and not a big struggle or problem or whatever that feared her..

Soon she arrives At school. She looks around, looking for Sebastian.. Her first/only friend in school. The space outside is empty.. Not many people are hanging around.. But those who are outside look like completed gangsters..

Annie swallows and she walks to the door, she knows she promised herself to talk to people.. But this gang seems dangerous to her. She goes inside the school. It's huge... Meaning it will be a bit of a hell to find Sebastian.. Instead of looking she decides to go to the class, she is early... Like 10 minutes, but that doesn't matter to her. She wants to feel safe a the first place.

The classroom door is still closed... Annie isn't sure about what she should do.. Staying here or go looking for Sebastian? She decides to stay.. Eventually someone should come, right?

She waits for minutes, then she worries if she is at the right place... She gets her schedule and checks. 1.07A it says. She looks at the number on the door, it's the same... For moments she keeps looking at hr schedule paper and the door. It keeps the same...

A few classmates come over. Annie hasn't met them yet.. She saw them yesterday in the lessons, but names? No clue... The classmates look at her, a bit judging.

Annie moves away, she hates judgement.. she tries to be brave, and starts to talk. "Do you know where Sebastian is?" She asks.

"He is coming, he was getting his books from his locker." One of the girls reply, she seems shy, her red hair is long and hanging for her eyes.

"Thanks." Annie replies. She wonders the name of the girl, a shy person is kind.. Well... In Annie's theories they are. "What's your name?" Annie asks.

"Esmee." The girl replies. A Dutch name on an English school. Would she be Dutch? Or have Dutch relatives? There is no Dutch accent..

Annie nods and let the thoughts going on. She doesn't tell her own name.

A teacher appears and opens the door. The girls go in, Annie as last. She chooses a corner of the room and the keeps staring at the door, waiting for Sebastian to appear. Sebastian appears and looks around, when he sees Annie sitting, he goes to her and sits next her. "Hey" he says.

"Where were you?" Annie whispers.

"Locker, I needed to get my books." Sebastian replies.

Annie nods. A few more people come in, but it's clearly half a class from yesterday. Annie wonders where everybody is, but doesn't feel like asking.

Sebastian gives her a smile as he gets the books on the table.

The lesson starts.

A few lessons follow and this day is clearly better than yesterday. When break appears Sebastian offers her some food. Annie shakes her head, she doesn't want to eat, she needs to stay skinny.

"Sure you don't want anything?" Sebastian asks.

"Sure." Annie replies.

"Yesterday you didn't eat either.." He says concerned.

"I'm sure, but I gotta go to the toilet." Annie says. She stands up and goes to the toilet, leaving Sebastian behind. She takes her bag along.

"You can let your bag here.." Sebastian reacts.

"No.." Annie says. She goes to the toilet. When she's at the toilet, she looks for a bin. Finds one and drops her lunch into it. Then she goes back to Sebastian.

"That was quick." He says suspicious.

"I've always been quick." Annie says.

"Hmmm... Sebastian says. He doesn't trust the situation.

Annie sits next him.

Sebastian has bought himself some food and eats it. Watching Annie, he feels like the is a reason she doesn't eat lunch. He doesn't notice any hungry signs, till her stomach growls. "Eat." He says.

"No thanks." She replies.

"Why? You're hungry." Sebastian says.

"Don't feel like eating." Annie replies. She looks on her watch, to check if it's time to go back to the lessons. About 15 minutes it's time. Annie sighs.

"Why Annie..." Sebastian says worried.

Annie doesn't talk.

"You don't trust me enough to tell right?" Sebastian says sadly.

Annie nods quietly.

Sebastian eats his bought food, but tries to offer her something. He pulls off a little bit of his cheese bread and hands it to Annie. "Please." He says.

Annie takes it and eats, she doesn't want to do it, but worrying Sebastian isn't an option either.

Annie looks on her watch again. 3 minutes before lesson. "Lesson starts about 3 minutes.." Annie says and she gets up.

"Teacher is always late." Sebastian says.

Annie gets uncomfortable, she is scared for being late.

Sebastian sighs. "Fine, we go." He gets up and goes to the lessons, Annie follows quick. At the classroom is nobody.. "I told you.." Sebastian says.

"I don't like being late." Annie says.

Sebastian sighs and rolls his eyes, he is just really moody today.. He whisper swears. "You autistic child."

Annie hears it and tears come into her eyes. "YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT!!!" She shouts hurt.

"Annie.. I.." Sebastian starts but he can't finish it.

"YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AUTISM!! JUST SHUT UP!!" she shouts. Gets up and leaves.

"Annie..." Sebastian tries but she is gone. Guilt is filling him, he didn't mean to hurt her...

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