Bucky: Make A Wish

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Bucky was a kind man when he wanted to be, he had a good heart but after what Hydra had done to him it was harder for him to show. He came off as dark and intense, but the truth was he was just quiet around strangers and only ever got loud with Steve and some of the other Avengers.

Clint had been the first to make Bucky laugh, cracking a joke about a woman he had met making the man crack a smile then laugh out loud.

Tony was Bucky's friend as well, contrary to popular belief the two of them got on very well. Tony helping him with his arm and repairs, Steve had a picture on his phone of Bucky and Tony sitting side by side Bucky's arm on the table before them as Tony showed him how it worked. The two of them also loved to drive Steve crazy, it was like they thrived in it like bees or something.

Natasha however was a different kind of friend, they would share sharp Russian words that went over everyone's head making it a fun game for the two of them. Natasha was the ear, he could tell her things and he knew without a doubt she wouldn't tell a soul.

Sam was the voice of reason, the cool and calm man had talked Bucky down from horrible PTSD attacks. He always knew what to say and do, it was kind of creepy to be honest, like he was some kind of Jedi.

Then of course there was Thor, the Asguardian was loud and full of joy. Bucky's third week with the team he had challenged him to a drinking contest and Thor was surprised how well the man could hold his liquor. But what Bucky liked most about him is he didn't treat him differently from anyone else and Bucky was grateful for it.

Then there was Dr. Bruce Banner, the mild mannered man was one of the kindest people Bucky had ever met in his life besides Steve. Bucky at first had been wary of him because of the hulk but when he had come down with the worst case of the flu and Bruce had been the one that had been there while the rest of the team was in Greenland Bucky knew he could trust him. In fact Bruce was the one and only person that was sorta a doctor Bucky would let anywhere near him, trusting him to fix him up.

And last not least was Steve, his best friend that has followed him through time. Steve was his lighthouse when he felt lost in the dark, he was the best friend he needed when he needed it. Only bad part was Steve was a mother hen even though he really was only 23 while Bucky was 24. The team not counting the time both men had spent in ice. Steve cares so damn much sometimes it hurt Bucky to see him care so much.

Yes Bucky had good friends and he trusted them, so when the Tony came in and told the team that Make-A-Wish had come to them and asked if the Avengers would be willing to come see some kids who was he to say no?

They were just kids...how hard could this be?...


"Okay! We have 10 minutes before Happy gets here with the lemo to take us to Make-A-Wish so if you have to go potty go now...OW!" Tony earned a sharp smack to his gut as his girlfriend Pepper glared at him.

Today was the day most of the team had been counting down the days for. Pepper had been approached by a rep from Make-A-Wish asking if the Avengers would be willing to come and see some of the kids. The rep only we asked for one of the Avengers to come of they would be willing but the whole team leapt at the chance to see the kids. Even Bucky had agreed to go but at this moment he was starting to get nervous. What if he freaked out or had a PTSD attack?! What if he hurt one of the kids?! While it was true he had been on the mend since his return to the land of man but he was far from 100% yet.

"Hey it'll be fun don't sweat it." Came the soft voice of Sam as he laid a hand on the ex-POW. Bucky nodded shrugging on his jacket not really having a costume like the others. What with all the flashy colors and tight fabric, to Bucky they looked like glorified cheerleaders even though he knew they were heroes that didn't mean he didn't snicker when Steve wore his outfit from the battle of New York.

Bucky hoped Sam was right, he knew the team was going to be busy with the kids and if he did freak out he would half to deal with it alone so as to not stop the fun for everyone else.

He took a deep breath and nearly jumped out of his skin when Stark yelled, "Avengers! Let's go!"

"That's not how it goes."

"Whatever not like this is a fanfiction and people will read it and get upset because I didn't say Assemble." Scoffed Tony as the team made their way to the car to go make some kids happy. Bucky hoped this went okay...because now he had so much to loose.


The ride to the hospital was uneventful, lots of quips and puns and overall sassiness and that was just Tony. Bucky stayed quiet keeping to himself as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt before he felt a gentle nudge from his left. He looked over to see the gentle blue eyes of Steve Rogers, he was worried Bucky could tell he worried too much. Bucky had all but pushed him out the door when he had a date with that Carter girl.

"You sure about this?" Steve asked in a hushed tone, Bucky knew if he said what he was thinking Steve would turn the car around in a heartbeat but Bucky couldn't do that...he knew how much the kids loved Steve and couldn't take that from them. So he shot Steve the most convincing smile he could and nodded that he was sure. Steve bought it slowly and turned away from his friend.

The Avengers bounced into the hospital excited to go see the kids that were here. Bucky forced himself to take deep breaths as the entered the Avengers splitting up following nurses to go see kids. Leaving Bucky alone with a nurse who was smiling at him.

"Ready to go sugar?" Asked the woman that looked about 40 with a thick southern accent. He nodded slowly and followed her, he saw Thor in a room with 4 little girls that were all gushing about his cape while one was braiding his hair. The next room was Natasha talking to a little boy who had cancer and was telling him how strong he was.

More rooms and more kids he saw and it was when he saw Steve and Sam talking to a little girl hooked up to all kids of things that he froze. His heart picking up and his breathing coming shorter and shorter. He had to get out of here this place it's smell was too much like the lab...the chair...hydra and before he knew what he was doing he bolted and ran away.

Bucky didn't know where he was now or where he was going he just knew he had to get away. He ran until he came across a empty room and hurried inside. He was in full on panic attack now as he slid down the wall pulling his knees to his chest as he trembled trying to calm down.

"You okay Mr?" Bucky nearly reached for his gun that wasn't there as he looked up and saw a boy standing there a few feet from him. About 7 or 8 years old if he had to guess, the boy had dark hair and bright green eyes and was sporting a Captain America T-shirt.

"Y-yeah..." He gasped out as the boy came closer sitting by his feet looking up at him.

"You scared?" The boy asked looking at him closely, like he was trying to place him.

"A bit...yeah..." Bucky whispered as he was slowly gaining his breath again.

"My Mamma says it's okay to be scared sometimes as long as you talk about it." The boy sat up on his knees and it was then Bucky saw the boy was missing his right hand and had a arm like his but not as it only went to his elbow and was much more lower tech surging no real use. "I'm Joshua and your Bucky Barnes...you fought with Captain America." The boy said his eyes bright, Bucky was shocked to say the least he didn't think kids knew about him.

"Yeah...that's me..." Joshua jumped to his feet and looked at Bucky with wide eyed wonder.

"Is it true you went missing and now Cap found you?" The boy was so happy that Bucky didn't know what to do, he only nodded smiling softly at Joshua. "That's cool I didn't know heroes got scared to."

"Even heroes get scared sometimes..." Bucky was shocked this boy had called him a hero at all let alone wasn't scared of him and just let chatting away. Bucky's coat slide off showing his metal arm, Bucky reached to cover it up afraid he'd scared the kid but Joshua stopped him.

"Wow...cool arm!" Bucky blushed for the first time since coming out of ice and smiled wide at Joshua and said back.

"Thanks...you to."

That's where the team found him, sitting on the floor with the boy letting him stuck magnets on his metal arm and smiled and laughed at his none stop chatter.

The sight warmed Steve deep in his chest making him smile. Bucky was different after that day, he smiled more and laughed more and even was making jokes.

It shouldn't have surprised them when he started asking if Tony would make a new arm to Joshua because he wanted to learn to play guitar like his dad. Bucky begged and begged and even said he would pay for it and it was driving Tony crazy who was planing on doing it the first time Bucky asked.

"Barnes it's already done shut up!" The day Joshua got his new arm Bucky almost ran to the hospital himself but the team came with him of course their first outing since the first time they went to the hospital. Bucky sat on Joshua's bed and met the boy talk all he wanted and Steve even drew with him in his Avengers coloring book.

After all Bucky had been through, all the pain and torture of war and then hydra and becoming the winter soldier and the becoming James again. All the struggle he had gone through all it had taken was one little boy who was missing his arm to say.

'It's okay to be scared sometimes'

To break down the last of his walls and make him jump forward in his recovery. Just goes to show you kids are a lot smarter then we think and assassins can turn around and be good again.

Bucky now visited Joshua all the time and the boy even played a song for Bucky on his little guitar. The first song he played was Star Spangled Banner then an old song from the 40's making Bucky tear up. Brining back memories as Joshua went on about how it had been his Papa's song before he died last year. His grandfather having served in the war, Bucky would just smile and let the boy hang from his arm and never got tired of his happy chatter. Natasha having seen this could only think what an amazing father he would be and that's was true.

All it has taken was a little boy to bring James Barnes back.


Wow! Ok so I was watching Chris Pratt going to the hospitals as Star Lord and thought the Avengers would do something like this beside I LOVE  kids and the pic above made me smile and


So hope you liked it!



Natasha Romanoff

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