JailBreak (Civil War Spoilers)

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Clint was pissed off, he sat on the floor of his cell tapping his thigh with his index finger. Stark had left a little while ago now but it was hard to tell time in this place.

He thought about his family, thought about Laura and Cooper. Thought about Lila and baby Nate and then Pietro slide into his mind. Most of the Avengers didn't know the kid was alive and recovering at his home.

Fury had turned up with the kid who look awful, Laura had opened her home at once to the teen and the kid wasn't just like a son he was his son. Maybe that was why he felt so protective of Wanda.

Clint looked over at Wanda who look terrible, the straight jacket holding her still and the power dampeners to slow her gifts. Anger boiled in his chest as he looked at the kid, anger boiled towards Stark.

He hoped Cap was okay and that he and Barnes had gotten there in time. Clint looked over at Scott Lang who was pacing the floor like a caged beast. The guy couldn't seem to hold still for half a second. He was always moving, he would sit up and sit down then just pace the floor of the inclosed space.

His eyes then traveled to Sam Willson, the guy had a nasty black eye from one of the guards the seemed a little too thrilled to be throwing earths mightiest heroes into jail. Sam was leaning on the back wall, he seemed to be stewing in his anger of this.

Wanda was on the floor and would sometimes to look at the camera in the corner of her cell giving her most terrifying glare. Clint sighed and hit to his feet and started pacing once more.

It was far too quiet for his liking and he hates it that was until the floor rocked with a tremor of a blast that shook the foundation of the prison. Everyone was on their feet now looking at one another with confusion and with Wanda fear.

"What the hell?" Scott said right before the floating building shook once more as if the hulk himself was shaking it. This blast knocked a few of them off their feet from the force of the blast.

Clint grabbed ahold of the bar in his cell and looked towards the door and saw a few guards running forward. Clint squinted and then he saw one of the soldiers thrown back a few more running the opposite way they had been running a moment and something in a black suit that moved too fast to see chasing after them.

Alarms were wailing as the place shook with blast of whatever was rocking the place. Then the solider that stood the the door war held up a gun and started shooting then the soldier was thrown back with the force that only one person could.

All of them were on their feet again and then...their savior was there. His blonde hair and blue eyes with a few scuff marks here and there. Sam smirked as none other then Steve Rogers walked in out of uniform but was still as badass as he was with the suit on.

"Took you long enough." Came Sam voice from his cell, Steve grinned and walked over and with a heave got his door open. Steve grabbed his shoulder and look at the black eye. Clint saw the flicker of anger and disgust that crossed the 40's boy's face. Steve hated bullies and if he knew who had hit Sam when he was unable to defend himself he would knock their block off.

"Hey not to rush or anything but some of us would also like to get out of here." Came Scott's voice making Sam and Steve chuckle.

"Get Clint and Scott I'll get Wanda." Steve said to Sam who nodded and went to open the other cells. Clint was the first out and he bolted over to Steve who was prying the cell door open. The very second Steve had it open enough for someone tonher through he and Clint were inside. Clint held her up from her weakened state as Steve ripped the straight jacket off and shredded it for good measure.

"Your all okay?" Steve asked as they all gathered by their captain.

"Been through worse." Scott said who looked happy to be out of his cell.

"I'll live." Sam said with a gruff nod. Steve nodded and then a man in a black cat suit jumped down next to Steve making the other heroes jump.

"Not to rush you captain but we must leave now." Said the Black Panther as he tapped Steve's shoulder. Steve nodded while the rest of the team with their mouths open in shock. Steve scooped Wanda up in his arms like it was nothing and started after them.

"Um when did he jump to our side?" Scott asked as he hurried after them, Clint nodding wanting to know more.

"It is a long story Mr. Lang one that we shall tell once we out in the safety of the skies." Came the smooth voice of the Panther, the team followed close behind the Captain and Black Panther and made their way into the jet Panther pointed to. The team hurried inside, Steve pacing Wanda to Clint who took her gently in his arms.

"Freeze!" The team looked back and saw Steve was cornered  by a few soldiers, all of them holding cattle prods with high electricity spitting off of them.

"Steve!" Yelled Sam as Steve was struck with the prod. Black Panther moved so fast and smooth it was indeed like a large cat. A jungle beast on the hunt as he made quick work of knocking the soldiers out cold. Helping Steve to his feet, Clint laid Wanda down next to Sam and Scott and started up the jet with hast.

Steve and T'challa jumped in into the jet and shit the door. T'challa pulling off his head piece and going up to Clint and starting up the guns and weapons in the slick black jet.

"We have two places for gunners, it would be best if they were maned." T'challa said as he took the seat next to Clint taking the copilot place.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Scott said and scurried down to the lower decks gun.

"Oh hell yes." Sam said climbing up to the top gun spot. Steve helped Wanda get strapped into her seat and took a seat next to her.

"Better hang on we got trouble!" Clint called as two fighter jet blasted by them, the console on the jet was blaring with noise as the jets started shooting at them. One of the rockets hitting the side of the jet not blowing it but it was enough to shake the jet and the sirens blared.

"Anytime now boys!" Clint yelled back at Sam and Scott as he tilted the jet to its side to avoid another rocket.

"Working on it!" Yelled Scott as he started shooting back, Clint could feel the sweat on his forehead as he focused on flying T'challa flipping switches and levers.

One of the jets shot a rocket their way making Clint half to tip the jet so it was on its side making Wanda yell in surprise, there was a bang and then a boom that shook the walls of the jet.

"I got one!" Yelled Scott with pride, as the jet leveled out.

"Great kid don't get cocky!" Yelled Sam from his spot in the top gun.

"Can you all focus please!" Yelled Clint from his spot in the pilots seat. The jet was rocked once more with a blast from being hit, then an ear splitting boom that shook the jet making Wanda latch onto Steve in alarm her eyes glowing red.

"HA! BOOM BABY!" Yelled Sam, Steve rolled his eyes and so did Clint as T'challa turned on stealth mode as the jet evened out and they could all take a breath.

"Oh I almost forgot, I was able to retrieve these for you, I believe they belong to you." T'challa opened a back panel and there was the ant man suit and Hawkeye's gear, Wanda's suit and Sam's wings.

"Holy hell...what happened while we were in there?" Sam said running his fingers over his wings.

"The truth came out Mr. Willson." Said the Panther as he took over for Clint since he had no idea where they were going.

"Wow thank you...for busting us out and all." Scott said grinning as he took his suit in his arms.

"Not to be ungrateful but why did you help Cap bust us out? And where are we going?" Clint said as he sat by Wanda who dug into his side.

"Yeah and where's Barnes?" Asked Sam who stood next to Steve.

"We are going to my home land where Mr. Barnes is receiving medical care from my best doctors." T'challa said in his thick and smooth accented voice.

"Wakanda? We're going to Wakanda?" Scott said like he didn't believe them.

"Indeed Mr. Lang." Said T'challa with a slight grin.

"And Barnes and what happened?" Asked Sam who looked in need of more information.

"Take a breath Sam...its a long story..." Steve said looking tired.

"You know if they know we're there they will come for us." Clint said as he looked worried at them.

"Let them try." T'challa said with a firm gaze.

"We already picked up Laura and the kids I know you would want to see them." Said Steve and Clint let out a sigh, he didn't need Ross poking his nose into his family even more so with Pietro being there.

So they all sat most of them falling asleep, for they were going to Wakanda home of the Black Panther and vibranium. And they were okay and that was all that mattered in that moment.


TA DA! Wow ok so thank all of you!!!
My Whump book is 30 reads away from 2,000 reads!!

And this book is close to 1,OOO reads!!! OH MY GOD!


And another thank you for those who read my short story it didn't win but I loved writing it and am very proud of it.

So thank you guys and I hope you like this short and




And Natasha came to Cap's side YES! And oh my god Steve's face at Peggy's funeral I cried!

And that quote I've had for like ever and I about screamed when that used it

"We stand up for what we believe in, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move its your job to plant yourself like a tree by the river of truth, and tell the world
-No you move!"

I love it!



Natasha Romanoff🔪🔫💣

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