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Ok so I was tagged again but this time by        


So let's get started!

1. Favorite team?
I'm assuming fav marvel team and it would be Avengers

2. Marvel OTP?
Oh God! Too many well I love Clint/Laura Romonogers and Brutasha but I also love Peter and Gwen as I said I have too many and I have a lot more lol

3. Marvel brotp?
God again very hard but I would have to say Steve and Bucky they have been friends for so long and common! I love their friendship SO MANY FEELS

4. Favorite Movie?
God too many im a movie freak so let me just name a few, Empire strikes back, captain America first avenger and winger soldier, Princess bride, coming to America and too many more that it would take forever

5. Civil War Team? Team Cap all the way

6. Do you stay in the theater until they kicked U out? As in after all the credits?

7. Favorite anti-hero

Deadpool DUH!

8. Favorite hero
God that's so hard either Spiderman or Captain America

9. Favorite villain

Darth Vader, Ultron or Loki

10. Favorite Stan Lee cameo

Either Amazing Spiderman or Age of Ultron

OK now I must tagged 13 people














Ok now 10 of my own

1.Marvel or DC?

2. Favorite Song?

3. Favorite Artist?

4. Steve or Bucky?

6. Heels or Chucks?

7. Favorite Wild animal?

8. Star Wars or Star Trek?

9. Childhood movie?

10. Favorite YouTuber?

That's all folks!!



Natasha Romanoff

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