Chapter 16

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-Recap from last chapter-

"Jimin. I umm. I don't really know how to say this." You say and stare at your lap. You didn't want to hurt jimin. He was someone you really cared for. "It is okay if you like yoongi hyung. I heard him confess. I was coming back from the kitchen after getting water and I heard yoongi. I listened. Sorry." Jimin apologizes. "It's fine. I just didn't know how to tell you. I don't want to hurt you. I really do love you just, I guess, not in the same way as I do yoongi." You explain.

"No need to be worried about my feelings. I'm good. I just want you to be happy and I know yoongi can make you feel that way. So can us six other guys and Cassy, but not the way yoongi can. I see the way you look st him and wether you realised it or not, you have always looked at him that way. You just aren't so afraid to hide it now that you confessed to yourself, how you really feel about him." Jimin explains and sounds like a expert.

"Thank you for understanding jiminie. I still love you though." You say to reassure him. "I know you do. I do as well. I want to see you two kissing and I never wanna hear you fight got it?" Jimin asks. "Well that sounds kind of weird, wanting to see us kiss, but I get the idea." You say causing you both to chuckle. "I will support you and yoongi is what I'm getting at. Don't feel like you two need to act differently around me." Jimin explains his previous statment.

You pull jimin into a hug. "Thank you chim chim" you mumble into jimin's chest. Yoongi then appears and clears his throat. You pull away from jimin. "Oh no, that wasn't a sign to stop hugging, it was to help the whole 'this happened before' feeling." Yoongi explains. You all laugh and see the boys coming back. "Hello boys!" You yell and they all laugh. The seven of you continue your walk.

-And Then-

I don't care if it is too soon. I have feelings for Cassy and I need to tell her. "Cassy, I.. i like you. I know we have only known each other for two days but I really like you and you make me feel different when I'm around you. The only time I feel like this is when I'm around the rest of bts or (y/n). They are the only close ones to me." I gush. "I really like you tae tae. I mean as more than V. I like you for you. Your personality is amazing and I just love everything about you." She replies.

"Cassy, will you be my girlfriend?"

-Start of Chapter-

"W-what?" Cassy stuttered. "I asked if y-" "OF COURSE I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" She screamed, cutting me off, and turned around to hug me, still sitting on my lap. "I am so glad. I thought you would think it would be too soon." I tell her. "You think too much." She replied with her head burried into my chest.

"Cassy, I am so happy. I love you." I tell her. "I love you too. I know some people think it would be too soon to say that but I really do Taehyung." Cassy says. My hearteu feels like it is going to explode with rainbows and confetti and unicorns... wait no, that's Hobi's job. I snap out of my thoughts as cassy pulls away from the hug.

I look down at her and, without thinking, I kiss her cheek. She blushed and kisses me on the lips. I kiss back, melting into the kiss. After a few seconds she pulls away. "Saranghae cassy." I tell her, half hoping she understand what that means since I doubt she speaks Korean. (A/N : Yeah, in this book, bts speaks fluent English. Just imagine joonie helped them learn and now they speak fluent english. Okay? Okay!) "Nado saranghae tae tae." She replied and hugs me again. I can't believe she understood and replied. Without breaking the hug she explains, "I know a little bit of Korean from reading fanfictions". "What's a fan fiction?" I ask her. She just giggles. Guess I will find out another time.

-Readers POV-

You and the boys look around for tae and Cassy and you finally see them holding hands and walking towards you. You gasp and run up to the two.

"ARE YOU TWO A THING NOW?!" You scream. You get a few odd looks but you don't even care. They both smile and nod. You squeal and attack the two in a hug. The other boys join in, patting tae on the back.

"Omo you are going to tell me all about this when we get back!" You say to Cassy. "(Y/n), Cassy can't come to the dorm." Jin reminds you. "Why not? I am allowed." You pout.

"(Y/n), you were being beat by girls and you were living alone. Not to mention how close you are to us." Namjoon explains. "But joonie. Their dating! She isn't even gonna live there. Just stay the night or something?" You beg namjoon. "Please understand. You know I hate arguing with you" namjoon begs but you press. "Jebal oppa~" you beg and pout for extra affect. Nobody noticed you just spoke in Korean. Namjoon's eyes widened and he turned away and pushed yoongi forward. "I'm sorry hyung but I can't. I will literally think I say no and say yes. You gotta do this." Namjoon says without turning around.

Yoongi just stood there. "Come on
(y/n). You understand don't you? She may be able to come over after a while but not so soon." Yoongi says in a sweet voice. "Oppa~" you whine and pout even more. Yoongi's eyes widened like namjoon's. Who knew one word would affect them so greatly. He suddenly picked you up bridal style. "You don't argue with me. Cassy can come over another time but right now you are going home and going to bed. You should think about the things you have said today." Yoongi says and starts walking with the others trailing behind him. Tae and Cassy said goodbye and tae caught up to the rest of you.

When you arrive at the apartment, namjoon opens the door and yoongi walks in with you still in his arms. He walks to his room and sits you on the bed. "You will stay here and think about what you have done and said today. I will call you when dinner is ready." Yoongi said and went to walk out. "You aren't my father. You're my..." You stop, not wanting to say boyfriend since it isn't technically official. "Boyfriend. As long as you want to be my girlfriend that is." Yoongi finishes.

"YES!" You scream and hug yoongi. "You still aren't off the hook. You need you think about what you said." Yoongi says and breaks the hug. "But oppa." You whine and smirk a bit. "NOPE! I'M DONE! I CAN'T WITH YOU RIGHT NOW!" Yoongi yells and closes the door with you inside and him outside. "See you at dinner oppa!" You say to him through the door. "If I'm still alive then... I don't know if I can process this." Yoongi says and you hear him walk away. You giggle at how vulnerable that word makes him.

It was time for dinner and yoongi walked into the room. "Dinner is ready!" Yoongi exclaims. "I can't believe you actually locked me in here until dinner because I called you and joonie, oppa." You mumble. "Well next time don't use a word that you know will do that to us." Yoongi says and crosses his arms. "I can't help that you two are so easily swayed!" You retort. "Ugh yeah yeah I get it." Yoongi sighed. "Mianhae op- I mean yoongi." You stop yourself from saying oppa again.

"You know korean words other than oppa?" Yoongi asks. He looks (jung)shook. "A little bit. I know a few words here and there. Nobody noticed but I said jebal earlier at the park when asking namjoon to let Cassy come." You explain. "Wow I can't believe I didn't hear that. I didn't know you knew even a little Korean though." He answers. "Well I Stan BTS. I wanted to know at least a little bit of Korean. Maybe you can teach me some? I mean all seven of you speak fluent English thanks to joonie so I feel like I should learn Korean for you guys." You explain. "Well if you want, I would have no problem teaching you." Yoongi says. "I would love that! Now let's go eat!" You cheer and yoongi laughs and follows you out.

All the boys were sitting at the table with you except tae. "Umm... where is tae?" You ask. "Oh he is texting Cassy." Jimin said and shoved food into his mouth. "Wow, really? Still?" You ask shocked. "Yep." Kookie assures. "Okay then." You say and giggle. You all finish dinner and tae is still in his room.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I think we should watch a movie." You say after cleaning the dishes with jimin. "Yes! Let's watch the second Saw since we watched the first one together!" Jungkook suggested excitedly. "Arrasso!" You agreed. The five boys looked at you confused.
"(Y/n) knows a little bit of Korean and she wants me to teach her more. That's why she just said that." Yoongi explains. "I feel more comfortable speaking it since I have been around you for a while. Sometimes I don't speak Korean because of the limited amount I know. I feel like I would be judged for only knowing a few words. A lot of people said I wasn't dedicated enough to learn more. I feel comfortable around you guys though and I know you wouldn't judge." You explain.

"Some Korean is better than no Korean at all. I am glad you want to learn it though. I doubt yoongi hyung would mind teaching you." Jungkook said. "He already agreed to help me. I am so excited but for now we need to watch Saw! I will see if tae is gonna watch with us." You say and run off to tae's room. "Tae tae are you gonna watch Saw 2 with us?" You ask. He looked up from his phone. "Sure! Just let me tell Cassy goodnight." Tae says with a smile. "Alright!" You say and run back out to the living room.

It was the same as last time, Jin cradling jungkook and the rest, except for you, joonie, and yoongi, hiding. You decide to move over to yoongi and sit right beside him. He pulled you into his lap like last time. You look up at him and peck his lips. He smiles and you both continue watching the movie.

By time the movie ended, it was really late. Everyone went to their rooms after saying goodnight. "I'm gonna change first, it'll only take me a minute." Yoongi says and walks off to the bathroom. "I need to do laundry. I have no cloths." You mumble to  yourself. You decide to just grab one of Yoongi's shirts and a pair of his sweat pants.. They were big on you but it was fine because they were comfortable. You change after yoongi and lay down in bed.

"Are those my cloths?" Yoongi asks. "Yep. I need to do laundry." You say and he chuckles. Yoongi pulled you into a hug. "Saranghae (y/n)." Yoongi says. "Nado saranghae... oppa" you reply. "I guess I'm gonna have to get used to you calling me oppa aren't I?" Yoongi aks. You simply nod and giggle a bit. You soon both fall asleep, still hugging each other.

-To be Continued-

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