Chapter 18

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After breakfast, you pull yoongi into the living room. "I want to ask something. It is important so don't even thinking about avoiding it or lieing." You start. Yoongi nods. "Do you plan on telling ARMY about us? Obviously not yet because it's too soon but I mean eventually. Or is this something you want to keep a secret?" You ask. "I want to tell ARMY the first chance I get. You mean everything to me and I would love for them to know about my jagi. I think tae is the same way with Cassy." Yoongi answers. "If you don't feel comfortable you shouldn't tell anyone. I mean we just started dating yesterday." You reply. "But i had feelings for you long before that. Maybe you found BTS because you and I were meant to be together." Yoongi says and flashes his gummy smile. "Omo, so cliche, oppa." You say and you both start laughing.

"Saranghae jagi." Yoongi says once you both calm down from laughing. "Nado saranghae oppa" You reply. He leans in and kissed you passionately. Suddenly, you hear the door burst open and you both pull away. You look and see the rest of BTS with shocked expressions. "YOU'RE DATING?" J-hope screams. You both nod and smile. "Jungkook, you shouldn't have had to see that. You are far too young. Back into the kitchen with you." Jin pushes jungkook into the kitchen.


Once you get to the doctors office, yoongi helps you in since you are really drowsy. "Kamsahaminda oppa". "No problem jagi." Yoongi replies and smiles. After about an hour, the doctor calls you back. He does all sorts of minor tests and then explains that you have the flu. "This is the kind that can be treated with medicine so just take the medicine we give you and you should be fine. The dosage and when you should take it is in the box. I hope you feel well soon." The doctor said and smiles before leaving to get your Medicine.

-Start of Chapter-

It's been a week since you got sick and you are feeling a lot better. Jin cooked all of your favorite foods for you throughout the week because he said "good food makes you better".

You wake up to Yoongi's arms wrapped around you. He had been sleeping on the couch for the past week but after the doctors appointment yesterday, you were told you are no longer contagious and should be completely fine in a few days.

You didn't want to wake yoongi up so you wiggled out of his grasp and went to the living room. Tae was face timing Cassy, who knew about you being sick. "Morning tae." You say as you sit behind him. "Morning  (y/n)! How are you feeling?" Cassy asked without giving tae chance to say good morning. "Hey cassy. I am feeling a lot better. I should be at school today. I still feel a little out of it but I need to go to school." You tell cassy. "Aren't you contagious?" She asks. You shake your head, "not anymore". Cassy nods.

"Tae go get (y/n) and yoongi up. Then get the rest of the sleepy heads up. Breakfast is ready." Jin said, still in the kitchen. "Morning jin" you shout to him. "You're already up? Then why don't you go get yoongi up and tae can get the others." You and tae nod even though Jin is in the kitchen and can't see you. "Bye cas!" Tae says. "Bye Cassy, see you st school." You say and Cassy smiles and nods then ends the call.

You all eat breakfast and get ready then head off to school together. You are all talking outside the school waiting for the classes to start. "Well look who it is." You hear Jessica say from behind you. "Oh? What is this? Your holding Yoongi's hand. Does that mean jimin is available?" She asks and smirks. "You would be better off asking out a brick wall. You won't ever have a chance with any of them. These boys are too smart to fall for you." You say calmly. "Since when do you fight back? Not that it bothers me. This is even more fun than before." She says. "Ever since you were dumb enough to try and mess with my family. Oh and just In case you didn't know, jimin isn't available. If you ever try touching him I will break your arm." You say and walk off with the rest of bts following you.

"(Y/N)!" Cassy yelled when she saw you. "CASSY!" You yelled back and ran to her. You both hug each other. "You don't seem sick. That's good" She says and smiles. "Well I am with my friends, how could I not feel better?" You ask and smile as well. "Well, my jagi already forgot about me." Tae says, behind you. "Of course I didn't forget you but I saw you everyday. I haven't seen (y/n) in a week so I missed her." Cassy explains.

"Omo, I almost forgot. So you and yoongi are really thing?" She asked, excitedly. "Yep. She is my jagi." Yoongi says while wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and resting his head on your shoulder. "You two are like a match made in heaven. Your so perfect for each other." Cassy says and smiles even more brightly. "So were we." Tae whines and back hugs Cassy, causing you all to laugh.

"So tae is clingy? Who would have guessed." J-hope says, still laughing. "Me. He is like a little puppy. He needs all the attention." Namjoon says and everyone nods. When you stop laughing you all split off and go to your classes. Jimin didn't walk with you because you all thought Jessica would back off by now so having three 'body gaurds' wasn't needed. Tae walked Cassy to her class then caught up to you and yoongi.

At lunch you, BTS, and Cassy all sat at one table. "So about the group project mr. Math teacher assigned. I think we should work at the apartment since all of us are paired with someone else in this group." You suggest. Cassy still hasn't been to the apartment yet. "I'm sorry (y/n). You know we cant." Jimin said, sympathetically. "I know. Mianhae." You respond. "Don't be sorry. Thank you for not arguing. We hate arguing with you." Rapmon says. "I know, that's why I didn't argue. If It was anyone else we would be arguing till the sun went down." You say causing everyone but j-hope to laugh. "Why would I go down?" J-hope asks, causing you all to laugh even more. Nearly everyone in the cafeteria gave you weird looks. "I meant the actually sun Hobi, not you." You say, still laughing hysterically.

After lunch you went to all your classes without a single incident with jessica. You and BTS walked out with Cassy. You all told Cassy goodbye and you were about to go to the apartment when a familiar voice rang through the air. "Jiminie~".

"Jessica go away. I seriously don't want anything to do with you. Leave me alone." Jimin said, obviously annoyed. "Nope! It's either you or jungkook and (y/n) seems closer to you so you are the one person I will date." Jessica says and walks over to you all. "No. I will never date you. It will never happen." Jimin told her. "Fine." She said and smirked. "I don't trust that. Your seriously gonna leave me alone? Besides, I thought you didn't like me anymore, why bug me now." Jimin asked. "Well I was going to leave you alone but then. I noticed how much you meant to  (y/n) so I couldn't leave you alone. And yes, I changed my mind again. I will leave you alone" Jessica says and walks up to jungkook.

"You will be my new target. Your much more handsome then jimin." Jessica says and puts a hand on jungkook's chest. He slaps her hand and she gasps. "My parents told me to never hurt a girl but you aren't a girl, you're a monster." Jungkook spat.

She looked so mad. She suddenly slammed her lips onto jungkook's. He pushed her and she fell onto the ground.

At first his eyes were wide at what he had done since it all happened so quick, then he narrowed his eyes. "If you ever do anything like that again, I will hurt you a lot worse then just throwing you to the ground. Never touch me. EVER!" he screamed the last word. You and the rest of BTS stood there, completely stunned. Jessica started crying and you all walk off.

"Kookie, are you okay?" You ask. He ignores you. You put a hand on his shoulder and he slaps your hand. "Don't touch me." He says and yoongi then slapped his cheek. "Don't ever slap her. She was just trying to see if you were okay. What is wrong with you?" Yoongi scolded in a harsh tone. "Just don't talk to me. I'm done with you all." He said and walked faster. You just stood stunned. You just wanted to help jungkook. Jimin and namjoon asked if you were okay but you just stood there in disbelief. Why would jungkook do that? Yes, Jessica just kissed him but be didn't have to slap you. He could have just told you not to touch him or to leave him alone but he slapped you. The Jungkook you knew would never do that.

-To be Continued-

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