Chapter 21

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  "I love you, Yoongi." you say and kiss him. He kisses back and after a few seconds you pull away and you are both smiling. "I love you too, (y/n)." he says, still smiling. He pulls you closer and bury your head in his chest. You fall asleep, thinking about all the things you and BTS have been through together. 

-Start of Chapter- 

You wake up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. It smells really good which means Jin probably made it. You shake yoongi but he doesn't get up.  "Yoongi, up, now." you demand but he just groans and turns over. You punch his shoulder and he groans louder and lazily swats at your hand. You then throw the comforter and pillow to the floor. "UGHHHHHHHH!" he yells into the mattress. "Get...up." you demand again and he does. 

At breakfast you all smile and laugh and joke around. Everyone continued laughing and joking around as they walk to school. When you get to school, all the laughing stopped. Jessica was standing there talking to about four girls that looked way, way older the you. All the boys immediately push you behind them and you pull Jungkook with you. 

"Really?" he asks. "I don't want her kissing you again." you admit and he smiles. "Thank you but I can take care of myself. I need to protect you and I can't do that here." he convinces you and you sigh before letting go of his arm. "Thank you for letting me help." he smiles and goes to the front of the little barrier BTS formed to keep Jessica away from you. 

"I don't want anything to do with any of you. I just want (y/n)." Jessica spoke. "Yeah well that's not gonna happen, now or ever." you hear tae and Jin say. You poke namjoon's shoulder since he was directly in front of you. He leans down to hear what you have to say. "Joonie just let me go. You guys can make sure those other girls don't do anything and Jessica and I can try and talk this out." you plead. Namjoon taps Yoongi's shoulder and tells him what you said.

Yoongi looks at you and you stare at him with pleading eyes. "Are you sure?" he asks. "Yes." you reply. Yoongi moves to the front and explains what you said. "Just let (y/n) and Jessica talk this out. We will make sure those other girls don't get involved. The second either Jessica or (y/n) start to do more than use words, we stop it there. Got it?" Yoongi said sternly. "Fine by me." Jessica said. 

You sigh and walk to the front of the group and you and Jessica walk a bit away from BTS and the girls in case either of them get a funny idea. "What do you want?" you rudely ask Jessica. "Well I want Jungkook but he is just so rude." Jessica replied. "RUDE? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO KISSED HIM!" you yell at Jessica. "Don't loose your cool so soon." Jessica says in a calm tone. "Whatever. what do you want? You aren't getting kookie so you might as well leave if that's what you were asking." you tell Jessica.

"I want you to join me and my girls. I know I was terrible to you for a while and I still kind of am but I like you. You aren't afraid to fight back anymore. I need someone like you in my group." Jessica proposed. "No. I will never be in your group. You are just a bunch of girls who make everyone miserable." you answer. "Well that's your loss. I will be leaving now." Jessica said and started to walk off before you grabbed her wrist. That was too easy, that couldn't be all she wanted.

"Does this mean you will finally leave me and the rest of BTS alone?" you ask and let go of her wrist. "Yes." she replies. "Even kookie?" you ask, skeptical. "Yes, I am leaving you all alone. I realize how terrible I was to you and BTS. I regret it okay? I feel bad for being so rude to you all and not caring about your feelings." Jessica admitted quickly and teared up. "Wait, what? Are you okay? Are you ill?" you ask in disbelief.

"I'm fine. Yesterday it just all clicked. When I kissed Jungkook and he pushed me, I realized everything I had done. I can't force myself on anyone and I can't force people in or out of any kind of relationship." she says and you just continue to stare at her.

"I noticed you try to comfort Jungkook and he slapped you and yelled at you. I saw how sad you were. I never noticed how much they all truly meant to you. When I saw him go off and you cry, I realized I was ruining something that was really important." Jessica continued and a single tear went down her cheek. "Come on, let's sit down and talk." you say and walk over to the bench near a fountain that was placed right outside of your school. She followed and you both sat down.

"I am so sorry for how I treated you. I am sorry for hurting you, mentally and physically. I was just so upset that BTS noticed you and not me. I thought if I tortured you, they would recognize me and leave you. I was so rude and consistent. I didn't even realize how close you were to BTS until yesterday when I noticed you crying because Jungkook yelled at you." Jessica apologized. "You never notice when Jimin would comfort me after I got scared when he yelled? Or when they helped me when I couldn't fight back? Or when we would all laugh and joke? Or when Yoongi and I help hands and back hug each other? None of that made you think we were close?" You ask, kind of not believing that one thing out of a million finally made her realize.

"No. I was too dedicated on ruining those things to notice that they were showing how close you were. I really am sorry (y/n). I know you will probably never forgive me but I still need to apologize." Jessica said and another single tear slid down her cheek. "I forgive you Jessica. As long as you stop hurting people. You shouldn't have been jealous. You know, I actually got close to BTS by trying to avoid them because I was scared that crazy fans would hurt me since Tae greeted only me in class." You tell her, remembering that day vividly.

"Why are you so nice? How can you jut forgive me for everything I did? For everything I said?" she asked and more tears slid down her cheek. "Because I can tell how sincere that apology was and I can tell how bad and guilty you feel now that you see what you did." you reply. "I can't say the boys will be as forgiving because they are extremely overprotective of me but I know eventually they will warm up to you since I am the one reason they don't like you. If I like you then there is no reason for them not to." you explain.

"I don't see why you would be willing to do that." Jessica says. "Because you deserve a second chance. Everyone does." you tell her and she looks into your eyes. "Thank you so much." she says. You smile and pull her into a hug. she cries harder and the boys come over and look totally confused. "I thought you were crying not her. Why are you hugging? What is going on?" Jin asks. "Guys, I know you probably dislike jessica but she just told me everything. She apologized for everything she did and promised to never hurt anyone again. She realized what she did and how it affected us. She knows she can't force relationships or friendships. She is really sorry, I can tell." you explain to them. They look skeptical but nod.

"Thank you so much (y/n)." Jessica says and sniffs. "Your welcome Jessica. We should get to class." you say. She nods and stands up, still wiping away tears. She goes into the school alone leaving you and BTS. "Do you really trust her?" yoongi asked. "Yes. I know if someone is telling the truth or not and she was. She really does feel bad and regret everything. 

"If you trust her, but I still think you should distance yourself from her." J-hope said and you nodded. "I know. I forgave her but I will never forget what she did. Jungkook, you should know how bad she feels about kissing you. I know you most likely won't forgive her, and you have all the reasons in the world not to, but you should at least know she hates herself for it. I can see that and it is very obvious." you say and he nods. 

"Let's go to class boys." you say and stand up. They all nod and you go back to joking around before splitting up for your different classes. 


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