Chapter 5

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-ReCap from last chapter-

  When you got home you laid on your bed and cried into your pillow. You had just met BTS. The group you had admired and watched all the time. You finally got to meet them and they wanted to hang out with you. They didn't treat you as if you were just another fan. They treated you like a friend but instead you pushed them away. You were selfish and didn't want to be hurt by the girls so you refused to have anything to do with BTS. It would be easier if they didn't notice you, it would be easier if you were just another fan. 

-Start of Chapter-

You woke up with dried tears on your face. You remembered what happened. "Why am I being so selfish?" you questioned. You lived alone so you were talking to yourself. You got out of bed and dressed yourself after showering. Once you finished eating you walked to school. When you arrived you saw a bunch of girls grouped together with their phones out, taking pictures. You knew it was because BTS was there. You decided you were going to ignore them. You started walking into the school when you felt a hand grab your wrist.

You turned around and saw Yoongi looking at you. You looked anywhere but in his eyes. "Please let me go Yoongi." you stared at the floor. His grip on your wrist tightened and he started walking off towards the rest of BTS, pulling you behind him. "Yoongi, I asked you to let go." you said a bit louder. He ignored you and kept walking. You yanked your wrist from his grasp and looked right into his eyes. "I said let go". He rolled his eyes and looked kind of frustrated.

"You don't get it do you?" he asked then sighed. "Don't get what?" you asked. You were really confused now. What did he mean? "Why would you care if fangirls are jealous? It is fair for you to hang out with us when others can't. We want to hang out with you not them. There is something you aren't telling us and we are going to find out." he said and then he grabbed your wrist again. "There is nothing else. I just don't want ARMY to hate me and that's that." you whispered so only he could hear you. "Please don't leave us (Y/N). We get if you don't want to deal with the hate but we really enjoy your company. Please just give us a chance." Yoongi said while letting go of your wrist. You were so surprised to hear yoongi say all of that. He glarred at you yesterday and now he is saying all this. You sighed, "Okay, okay, I will hang out with you guys. I guess school was sort if boring without you guys". Yoongi's face lit up and he walked to the others with you right behind him. You would just ignore the hate and whatever those girls said. You weren't going to let some jealous girls stop you from being friends with BTS. Especially because you could see it meant a lot to them.

After chatting with the boys for a bit, you, tae, and yoongi walked to your class and sat down. You just talked with the two boys until the teacher came in and started the lesson. After what felt like a century, the bell rang, dismissing class. Everyone stood up to leave and then tae and yoongi came up to you. "Do you want to have lunch with us (Y/N)? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to but -". "I would love to tae." you said, cutting tae off. Both of the boys smiled and tae hugged you. "Just go ahead and I will catch up in a few minutes. I need to finish putting my stuff in my bag." you really did have a lot if stuff to still out in your bag. "We can stay and help you!" Tae and yoongi blurted out in unison. "I'm fine you guys. I will only be a minute." You said while laughing and pushing the boys out of the classroom.

You finished putting everything in your bag and left to go join BTS for lunch. As soon as you walked out of the class room you felt someone slam you into the wall. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU? I SAID STAY AWAY FROM THEM!" you just closed your eyes as the girl shouted at you. It was the same girl from the other day, who slapped your cheek. You were worried this was going to happen but you decided to hang out with BTS anyway. Since you knew this was coming, you just stood there while the girl yelled at you. How could you be mad if you knew it was coming and accepted anyway? "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?" you nodded as she screamed at you. All of a sudden she punched you in the gut. You fell to the floor while holding your stomach, which hurt really bad. Then you got kicked on your side and you fell over and you were now laying on the floor, still gripping your stomach. You felt the girl kicking you repeatedly and you just took it. The girl leaned down and whispered in your ear, "You better back off and I don't want to ever see you talk to them again. Got it?". You laughed weakly and whispered back one word, "no". She punched you in the face and your nose started bleeding. "STAY. AWAY". You just laughed again and gathered all strength left and said let out a sigh, "whatever you want princess". She smirked and left you there.

-To be Continued-

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