Ask & Truth or dare

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Hi, we can do truth or dare here to. I'll start the now:
Fuli my friend dare you to...................................
Fuli :Dare What???
Author :say you don't love Kion and you love Zach
Fuli :Ok.But I'm only love Kion.
When I was asking this question Kion is not here so he gonna be trick.
Fuli :where is Kion?
Author : At the waterhole.
Fuli :Bye
At the waterhole ~~~~~~~~~~~
Fuli:Hi Kai,  I must say something.
Kion: What Fulls??
Fuli : I don't love you and I love Zach
Kion turns to blined of jealousy and angrily :FUL😡😡😡😡😡 *chase Fuli*
Fuli :hahaha
Kion turns back :What so funny???
Fuli :You have been tricked hahaha
Kion:So.....y.. you still like me????😳
Fuli :Of course
And Kai hugs Fulls

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