part 19

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Swara is in room after having dinner as Sanskaar already informed he will get late due to office work. Swara took Sanvi in lap who was sleeping on bed. It's so many hours she did not had anything not played with herself. She tried to feed her but she did not had.

" Shona get up na, you did not had anything from long" Swara carries her forehead but she felt her head little hot which made swara worried.

"What happened to my baby??" She asked her carsing her back who is woke up and struggling in swara chest. She tried to gave her breast milk but she did not drink which made swara worried.

She made her sleep thinking she will gave her little later. She went to the kitchen and bring cold water so she can drap cloth and put Sanvi head. She did sometime and lied beside her, taking her in embrace thinking about Sahil.

"Sahil want to destroy Sanskaar business for taking revenge but what is dad and mom fault in it?? How I can punish them? Plz god help me I don't want to punish innocent" Swara thought in mind.

Swara again checked Sanvi head but it was more hotter than before. She got panicked. She immediately took Sanvi in her lap and patted her cheeks but she did not open her eyes nor move her hand.

" Shona plz open your eyes" Swara called her patting her cheeks. Seeing her no response swara start crying. She about to called Ram but she stopped thinking about Sujata as doctor strictly prohibited her not to take any stress.

She took her mobile and dial Sahil Number. It got connected and Sahil received the call before she say anything angry voice heat her ear.

" Swara I told you morning only don't call me this time. If Sanskaar got to know our plan will be flop" Sahil said angrily but listening her crying voice he stopped.

" Swara what happened??" Asked Sahil.
" He is in office. Sahil please come here. Sanvi not opening her eyes nor responding me. She have high fever" swara cried loudly, holding Sanvi near to her heart.

" Swara how I can come there?? If Sanskaar see us our plan will be flop. You just take her hospital. I will be reach in hospital" Sahil tried to understand her.

" I don't care about plan, I just want my daughter fine. And It's 10 Sahil how I will take Sanvi in hospital" Swara shout on him.

" But I can't came there swara" listening this Swara immediately cut phone and dial Sanskaar phone. He received call in two three ring.

" Sanskaar plz come fast. Sanvi not opening her eyes. She have fever I don't know what happened to her. She is not listening to me" Swara cried loudly.

" Sanskaar " swara cried getting silence from other side.

" Haa Swara cam down I am coming" Sanskaar said from other side all panicking from other side. He rushed his car all speed. He reached home, he parked car infront of house and rushed towards his room were he saw swara who was crying badly trying to wake up Sanvi.

He also got panicked seeing her like this. His heart beat got so fast but he composed himself  and rushed towards them. Sanskaar tried to take sanvi from Swara but Swara hold her tightly.

" Sanskaar first tell her to open her eyes and call me Mumma. She always listen to you so tell her now.  Why don't you not telling her. Tell her na  " Swara said madly looking towards Sanskaar who was trying to understand her.

" Swara I will tell her but first we have to take her hospital. Ok.  Come" Sanskaar made her understand cupping her cheeks in one hand. He took sanvi in his arm and drag Swara with him while holding her hand as she was in all shock.

He made Swara sit in the car and placed sanvi in her lap were he settled himself on driver sit and drove the car towards the hospital. His heartbeat getting fast each second. They reached in the hospital. Sanskaar took sanvi in his arm and drag Swara with him.

Doctor admitted Sanvi. Sanskaar tried to go with doctor but they stop him. Tears rolled down from his eyes. He looked towards swara who was standing like statue. He walked towards her.

" Swara" he called out but she did not listen so he called her loudly making her flinch. She looked towards Sanskaar and then surrounding. She realised it was hospital. She sat on floor with thud. Sanskaar immediately hold her from shoulder matching her height.

" Sanskaar why she is not opening her eyes?? Nothing will happen to her right?? If something happen her then I will die" she rest her head on his chest were tears rolling down from her eyes.

" Nothing happen to our doll. I will not let anything to my doll. I know she is so Stong" he hug her were tears also rolling from his eyes remembering thier movement.

" I am very bad mother, I didn't took care of my daughter properly. I don't deserve her" tears not stopping from her eyes.

" No you are best mother who raised her alone without thinking other" Sanskaar kissed her forehead. Soon door got opened, both looked towards doctor and run towards him, asking about Sanvi.

"thank to God you reached on right time else don't know what had happened. Her pulse is still low and still she unconscious. We gave her medication, let's see how it works. You can stay with her" Doctor said. Listening this swara stumbled but Sanskaar immediately hold her from shoulder. Sanskaar also Shivered listening. 

" But what is the reason behind this?" Asked Sanskaar.

" May be she caved or cried for something. I can't tell exact thing" Doctor went from there making both of them guilty.

" I don't deserve her, it's happenend because of me" Swara said with moist eyes.

" This time not blaming for ourselves. Doll need us" Sanskaar made understand her.  They both entered inside, tears rolled down from their eyes seeing their daughter condition. Oxygen Mask placed on her nose were saline running though needle which was pricked in her small hand were monitor attached with other hand which is showing pulse and oxygen levels.

" I can't see her like this" swara about to run from there but Sanskaar hold her hand saying no to her.

Sanskaar went beside sanvi and carries her soft hair. He placed soft kiss on her forehead. He took her small hand slowly which have needle and placed soft kiss there.

" Dada so sorry my doll for ignoring you but now I am making dada promise to you that I will never ignore you. Plz now open your eyes and see your dada and Mumma" he again kiss her hand, tears fall on her hand were swara just crying closing her mouth.

Sanvi moved her hand making Sanskaar happy. He looked towards sanvi who was trying to open her eyes.

" Shona" Swara called her happily kissing her forehead.

Sanvi open her eyes and looked towards them. Feeling irritated on nose she tried to remove her oxygen mask but swara hold her hand. Sanvi tried to shu her hand which she hand needle but Sanskaar hold her hand.

" No no doll don't do this" Sanskaar tried to stop her. She started cried loud forwarding hand towards Sanskaar so he can take her making both of them panicked. Sanskaar did not hold her due to saline and oxygen mask but hold her hand.  Nurse called Doctor. He did check up and told them she is fine no need of mask but saline will continue which made them relieve.  He told swara to feed sanvi.

Sanskaar carefully picked Sanvi in arm and she immediately stop crying placing head on his chest.
" You made us so worried doll" he gave floppy kisses on her cheeks but she did not giggle nor smile due to tiredness but she clutched him more. Swara just looking towards them.

" Now go to Mumma fill your little little tummy" Sanskaar placed Sanvi in swara lap but sanvi hold Sanskaar finger tightly.

" I am here my doll" he placed kiss on her hand. He tried to free his finger but swara hold his hand and say no with teary eyes.

" You have to feed her swara. How you will feed her??" Sanskaar said making her understand.

" I will feed her like this" swara said looking towards Sanvi who was trying to such her breast about her blouse. She opened two button of her blouse but Sanskaar hold her hand. He put bedsheet on her chest covering both of them making swara overwhelmed. Sanskaar looked other side but still taking care of that her doll don't hit her hand somewhere.

After finishing feeding swara gave Sanvi to Sanskaar who fall asleep while drinking milk. He placed Sanvi carefully in his lap. 
" Swara where are you going??" He Asked Swara seeing her getting up from the bed.
" To bring food??" Swara replied without looking at him.
" For whom??" Asked Sanskaar carsing Sanvi hair who was peaceful sleeping in his lap.
" you don't had your dinner so I just bringing" said swara.
" I don't want now"
Swara did not listen and bring food from hospital canteen. She sit infront of him forwarding plate of food, he tried to denied her but she gave him Sanvi promise. Sanskaar tried to have his food but he is getting difficult due to Sanvi. Swara hesitantly took spoon and feed him. They had small eyelock.

" Sanskaar you sleep on couch. I will take care of Sanvi. You are tied" Swara said.
" No swara you sleep. You also looking tired. I will take care of her and if I tried to sleep also I will not get" Sanskaar said.

" No Sanskaar I will not get sleep" swara said looking towards Sanvi. She sat beside Sanskaar holding Sanvi needle hand. It's been two three hours. Sanskaar looked towards swara who unknowingly placed her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She moved toward him more and strugged in his chest. He was holding his daughter in left arm were other arm his wife like perfect family. He smiled unknowingly.

To be continued...

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