2019 Christmas Special!!

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Yeah, it's a bit early, but I couldn't help myself! I thought of it and thought it would be kinda cute, so here we are. There are a few brief mentions of alcohol in this part, but nothing overly dramatic, nor anything dark. Hope you guys enjoy, and an early Merry Christmas to you!!


As soon as the doorbell rang Dana shot to her feet, grinning as she hopped over the back of the couch and ran towards the foyer.

"I've got it!" She announced to her family, her mother poking her head in from the kitchen.

"Is it them?" The older woman asked, her question answered as Dana opened the door.

Agent Fowler stood front and center, a container full of food in his arms. Behind him was a small group, the Cybertronian's holoforms fairly easy to identify. She noticed they had all elected to "change" into casual clothing, though Agent Fowler was the most festive with his Santa hat. She beamed when she saw two additional members, Jack and June wearing matching sweaters with the Special Agent.

"Merry Christmas!" Fowler crowed, stepping into the foyer as Dana stepped aside and held the door open for them. "I hope you don't mind - I brought some cookies, my grandma's famous recipe!"

"Hello, everyone," Mrs. Frederickson greeted, wiping her hands on an apron as they all filed in. "The living room is right this way, and I can take that," she said, taking Fowler's container and whisking it off to the kitchen. "I don't know if we cooked enough food!" She said worriedly.

"It's quite alright," Ratchet assured her, following Fowler and the Darby's to the living room, which was still well within hearing distance of the kitchen. "Our holoforms don't take well to food regardless, despite their solid nature -"

His explanation was interrupted as Dana wrapped her arms around him and hugged him, her guardian squawking in surprise. Her green eyes glittered at him, and he noticed her cheeks were slightly flushed.

"I'm glad you could come," she said, quickly moving on to give hugs to the other 'bots. Megatron was better anticipating the greeting, not quite sure what to do except awkwardly return it. Her red, green, and white sweater was a bit scratchy, the former Decepticon wondering how that could possibly be comfortable. It complimented her eyes nicely, her brown hair rounding off the look. Red was a suitable color for her.

"Well, Agent Fowler told us it was a human tradition," Chromia gave her a hug, the woman surprisingly muscular underneath her own sweater. It was a light blue, so while not necessarily festive, it was seasonal. "We thought it would be a good opportunity to learn more about your culture."

"If we had known that, I would have invited you over for Thanksgiving," Mrs. Frederickson came in with her husband, the pair offering hot chocolate to their human guests. Dana took a cup after giving both Soundwave and Blastwave hugs, Christmas music playing softly in the background.

"Like I said, we don't really eat -" Ratchet began, pausing when Dana shot him a look. "- but perhaps next year, if we're available."

"I love your tree," June complimented, gesturing to the ornamental piece. It was a fairly standard-sized tree, with twinkling lights and a variety of ornaments. "Jack and Bill wanted to go small this year," she gave them the stink-eye. "As in, 'three foot tree out of the box' small."

"What can I say? I'm easy to please," the man shrugged, earning a few laughs.

Dana ghosted closer to her guardian and Megatron, not seeming to catch the side-eye the latter received from her father.

"How have things been?" She asked, sipping from her cup. "I know I haven't been around much, but Jamie's out for Winter Break, and we have a lot of family traditions to take care of before he goes back to school."

"The base has been running smoothly," Ratchet answered, his blue eyes narrowing at Chromia and Blastwave. "As smoothly as things can go when 'bots aren't being injured."

"You run into a Redwood tree one time," Chromia muttered, though she quickly smiled, the femme feeling quite easy-going in the relaxed household.

Dana laughed. "Yeah, I heard about that. And I also heard about the escapades in the Amazon. Didn't realize scraplets came in piranha form."

Blastwave signed his annoyance, clearly having never meant to fall into the Amazon River and discover the aquatic beasts - which he did, in fact, mistake for scraplets once they showed their teeth.

Every fish escaped unscathed, but the poor bounty hunter had suffered plenty of water damage from his thrashing around.

The room laughed at the reminiscence, slowly slipping into conversation as pleasant smells came from the kitchen. Occasionally Dana spotted her younger brother peek out of the other room, however her family remained out of the way for now. They were still adjusting to the Cybertronian presence on their planet - and while Ratchet had earned his place amongst the Frederickson family, the others, especially Megatron and Soundwave, were still adjusting. The latter more so because his presence alone made people uncomfortable; Megatron because he was a former mass murderer.

Dana collected the cups from those who were finished and went into the kitchen, perking up when the doorbell rang again.

"Who is that?" She asked, her father getting up from where he was seated.

"I think that's David and Joseph," he said, his daughter frowning.

"I thought he said they couldn't come?" She tried to hide some of the disappointment from her voice, following him into the foyer again. "Since David had to visit the in-laws?"

"He got out of it," her father said casually. "And like I said, Joseph is your age; we thought you two shared plenty of interests and could be friends."

"Dad," she knew what this was. "The 'bots are here!" She hissed right before he opened the door.

"Hey, hey!" He smiled as he opened the door, the other man sharing the same greeting.

"Hello," David greeted, shaking hands with Mr. Frederickson, stepping aside as Joseph did the same. The pair looked quite similar, Joseph taking after his father with deep brown eyes and hair to match. He shared his father's strong jaw and stature as well, his mother's features much subtler. "Looks like you've got quite a crowd going on this Christmas."

"Yes, some of Dana's . . . work friends," Mr. Frederickson gestured to the young woman beside him. "David, you know Dana. And Joseph, I'm sure you've heard about her."

"In passing, maybe," the younger man took her hand, shaking it with a smile. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you," she acknowledged, internally cringing. Megatron was bristled like an angry cat, Ratchet also visibly on edge as he wondered whether to step in or not. Chromia crossed her arms, Blastwave sharing a look with Agent Fowler while Soundwave silently pulled up any and all profile information he could on the two men.

David was a coworker of Mr. Frederickson's, married to a woman who shared enough characteristics with his son for the communication's officer to deduce she was Joseph's biological mother. The young man had gone to school with Dana, though he was involved in nearly every sport, so it was unsurprising that he was mostly unfamiliar with her. He noted her discomfort, which in turn made her guardian uneasy and the rest of the Cybertronian's ready to jump to her rescue if need be.

"Yes, why don't I . . . introduce you guys," she cringed, realizing names like "Soundwave" and "Chromia" would be very suspicious.

"William Fowler!" The man was the first to shoot to his feet and save the situation, Dana grabbing her father's arm and yanking him into the kitchen while the agent launched both men into a conversation.

"Dad," she hissed. "You're trying to set me up with his son?"

"Joseph is a good kid," he argued, brow furrowing. "He's home for the Winter Break and he's your age; I thought you would at least like to have someone your age to hang out with."

"I have the 'bots," she said, gesturing towards the living room. "And you are seriously avoiding what I just said! Are you trying to set us up?"

Mr. Frederickson rubbed his face. "I would at least like you to give him a chance. Joseph was at least interested. He thinks you're pretty."

"Dad!" Her mother rushed forward as she shrieked a touch too loud, the conversation pausing briefly as the occupants of the other room tried to decide if they needed to interfere. The woman lightly touched her daughter's shoulders, frowning at her husband.

"James," she scolded softly. "Maybe Dana wants to enjoy the holidays with her friends first?"

"Maybe I don't mind being single?" Dana added.

"Everything alright?" The trio jumped, Megatron standing at the doorway. His entire frame took up the entryway, broad shoulders practically touching the sides. Dana sighed, realizing that if he got wind of what was going on, Joseph might not be leaving the house alive.

"Yes, yes, we're okay," she said, giving him a smile. "I was just startled."

The former dictator did not buy that for a second, however he quickly assessed that the family was having a private discussion. His scarred mouth twisted just a touch in displeasure.

"If you are certain," he waited a beat for them to nod, then he disappeared back into the living room.

"Maybe I'm concerned about the company you keep," her father said, shooting invisible daggers into Megatron's broad back. "I only allowed him here because you were also inviting the others."

"Dad -"

"He is cute."


The woman quirked up an eyebrow, her eyes matching her daughter's. She then turned to her husband. "James, honey, I have to side with Dana on this one. She is an adult now, and she has known these . . . people much longer than we have. I trust her judgement."

"Thanks, mom, but also," Dana huffed in frustration. "I am not dating any of them. Chromia included. We're friends. And I'm only interested in staying single. Besides, if Joseph finds out about them, that's just one other person who knows! I can't risk that, for their sake."

"Just give him a chance," her father began to plead, however Dana shook her head.

"No, dad," she ghosted over to the kitchen counter, pouring herself another glass of wine. "Thanks for inviting them, though."

She stalked past her parents and back into the living room, David and Joseph still stuck in a conversation with Agent Fowler as he spun a tale about the line of work they did. Dana returned to Ratchet's side, the medic quirking up an eyebrow.

"Aren't you -"

"My house, my rules," she said, taking a sip. "Well, my mom's rules. And house."

He nodded slowly, though he did not bother hiding his disapproving look as the deep red liquid passed her lips again. It explained why her cheeks were blushed despite it being comfortably warm in the house.

"So, why are they here?" Chromia asked, her voice low enough that no one else could hear, aside from their little group.

Dana sighed. "Dad wants me to . . . give him a chance," she wrinkled her nose. "AKA maybe end up dating him."

Megatron growled softly. "Do I need to get rid of him?"

"What? No, no, no," Dana shook her head, unable to help but laugh a little. "I just want to spend this holiday with you guys. I'll be nice if he wants to make conversation, but honestly . . . I'm perfectly content with hanging out with you. And the Darbys, as it looks like Fowler is busy chatting." She giggled a little.

Ratchet glanced over, the slightest amused smile on his face. "Yes. I don't believe he's even gotten around to introductions."

"Good," Chromia sighed. "I don't know any good human names, and apparently Sadie is already taken."

"We'll figure it out," Dana assured her, taking another long drink. Sure, alcohol never solved any problems, but it would make the process a lot less painful.

Thankfully, the Christmas lunch was ready in no time - but unfortunately, none of the 'bots were able to grab a seat fast enough before Joseph plopped next to Dana, the young man giving her a grin.

"Hey," he said pleasantly. "Sorry I haven't really been talking to you; William is very passionate about what you guys do."

"Yeah, it's what makes him such a great boss," she squirmed, suddenly feeling a powerful presence next to her. Glancing back, she smiled as Megatron made himself comfortable in the seat on her immediate right.

"Hello, I don't think we've introduced each other," Joseph greeted the man, seemingly unintimidated by his form. He reached across Dana, offering his hand. "I'm Joseph; you can call me Joe if you'd like."

"Greetings, Joseph," Megatron replied, Dana cringing at his cold tone and how he was visibly crushing Joseph's hand. The young man kept smiling, not letting go as he waited for Megatron to return the formality. The former dictator just dropped his hand, turning forward.

"Meg," Dana said through her teeth, realizing she was going to have to make the man play nice; she was half afraid that he would get kicked out by her father if he did not at least pretend to be civil. "You should introduce yourself."

"Meg?" Joseph grinned. "Were your parents expecting a girl?"

Dana saw disaster before it actually happened, knowing Joe was just attempting a joke, but by Ratchet and Chromia's alarmed expressions, she knew it was not going to be taken that way.

"I don't have parents," Megatron deadpanned, the woman between them just wishing she would disappear instantaneously.

"Oh- oh, Jesus- I'm sorry," Joseph backpedaled, finally beginning to crumple under the former Decepticon's intense gaze. "I didn't realize -"

Megatron let him squirm for a little bit, then he waved a hand.

"I take no offense," he said, turning away for the second time.

Both Dana and Joseph took a breath, the woman acutely aware when Megatron rested a casual arm over the back of her chair. Ratchet was sitting immediately across from him, which gave Dana full view of what the non-casual observer was thinking. The medic was frowning at Megatron's apparent display, though the dictator met his gaze with apparent questioning, as if he had no idea why Ratchet would be giving him such a look.

"So . . ." Joseph tried to salvage the conversation, returning his attention to Dana. His eyes did flicker to the arm behind her, then to Megatron, and back to her frequently. She knew he was uncomfortable, and she resisted the urge to kick Megatron's shin under the table.

What was his problem?

"Are you in school?" Joseph asked.

For a split second Dana considered lying, but then she realized that admitting the truth would likely put him at greater arm's length - more than what Megatron's actual arm was doing. "Ah, no. I graduated high school and immediately applied for my government job. I already knew Agent Fowler and Ra- Rat- Ratchet. Dr. Ratchet, and they thought I fit the job."

The aforementioned "doctor" looked like he wanted to slap a hand to his forehead.

"Really?" Joseph looked impressed, which made her want to kick herself. "Nice to meet you, Dr. Ratchet," he greeted, the man merely nodding and grunting his acknowledgement. "So, are you not getting a degree of any kind?"

Bingo. "I'm working towards an online Associate's degree," she said casually. "Just to have some qualifications under my belt. Since I earned a bit of college credit in high school, it's a lot easier than expected."

"That's cool," Joseph complimented her. "I wish I could get a job straight out of high school. I bet your salary is a lot better than what most people get in your situation."

"Maybe," she avoided the implied question, not comfortable sharing that information.

"So, all these guys work with you?" He asked, gesturing. She noticed his eyes flickered back to Megatron, his jaw subtly clenching as the man shifted but did not lift his arm from the chair, even as food was served and everyone began making their plates.

"Yeah, we're all friends," she said. Had her father not been glaring every time Megatron looked away, she might have played up her and Megatron's friendship a little more. However, she would much rather he was here than make a scene that would force her father to banish him from the home. She was not quite sure why her dad did not like the man, and never really thought to ask until now.

"That's cool," he said, taking the plate of turkey while it was being passed around and slipping a few slices onto his plate. "Turkey?"

"I'm more of a ham gal," she replied, passing the plate off to Megatron. Finally, he took his arm from the back of her chair, the former nurse a little mortified as he placed the same exact amount on his own plate.

Oh my god. He's trying to establish dominance in my own Primus-forsaken house!

"What are you doing?" She hissed at him while Joseph was busy putting green beans on his plate.

"I'm eating," Megatron replied casually. "What else does it look like?"

"Careful, Meg," Chromia said, the femme sitting on his other side. "Your jealousy is showing."

Megatron passed her the turkey wordlessly, not seeming to care or take her accusation into account.

Dana sighed. This was going to be a long lunch.

Despite Ratchet's initial claims, it appeared that the holoforms were very much capable of consuming food, though weird expressions were had all around. Megatron had an excellent poker face, the man keeping in sync with Joseph. Dana wanted to slap both of them when it became an obvious competition, however she also wanted to simultaneously disappear.

What is his problem?

Finally, dessert was finished and Dana had gone through another half glass of wine, her head slightly buzzing. Helping her mother clear the table, she gave Megatron a minute glower as he also stacked quite a few plates and followed her into the kitchen.

Setting the dirty dishes on the counter, she grabbed his sleeve before he could disappear, the former Decepticon raising an eyebrow at her.

"We need to talk," she said, dragging him into a hallway, making sure they were still visualizable from the kitchen, then placing a hand on her hips.

"What has gotten into you?" She demanded. "I get Ratchet keeping tabs on me, and Soundwave is clearly keeping an eye on him, so why do you feel the need to not only make him uncomfortable, but eat the exact same things he does at the exact same time?"

"I don't like how close he gets to you," Megatron replied.

She stopped, blinking as she tried to process what he said. "Excuse me?"

The dictator made to repeat himself, but then she shook her head, despite the fact it made her a touch dizzy.

"I can't believe you," she answered her own question in her head. "Megatron, I'm safe in my own house. It's not like he wants to hurt me - and it's not like he can. Besides, my dad likes him. I just don't want to date him, so I'm trying to make that clear."

"I don't want you to be placed in a position which makes you uncomfortable," he said quietly, his voice even. "And he clearly does so."

"I'm fine," she said, rubbing her temples. "Quit trying to intimidate him. If I need you to do something for me, I'll ask. And with Ratchet and the others present, I think I'm well covered."

He still looked displeased, opening his mouth to protest when her mother called from the kitchen.

"Dana? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine!" She called, grabbing Megatron's hand. "Let's go."

She lead him back to the kitchen, the man obediently following her. Joseph smiled as he carried in the casserole dish, his eyes briefly noting their intertwined hands. Dana dropped it not a moment later, sighing and going back to the dining room to finish up the dishes.

Chromia stood next to the much larger man, looking up at him with a quirked up eyebrow. "So, what was that about?"

"She thinks I'm overreacting," he said, scoffing in disbelief. "I'm not overreacting to anything."

"You were practically on top of her all of lunch, Meg," she said, her eyes glittering in amusement. "And I thought you were going to eat the entire table if it made sure poor Joe knew who was boss."

"I was not," he shot her an annoyed look. "I am just concerned for her safety."

"Yeah," Chromia made a show of looking at her fingernails. "And who she pays attention to."

"Whoops!" Dana squeaked as she dropped the gravy ladle back in the bowl, splashing a little bit out of it. She laughed, picking it up and gently shaking it off before placing it on another plate, a little uncoordinated with her movements.

A hand lightly touched her back, right between her shoulder blades.

"I think you've had a touch too much to drink," Ratchet said, much more graceful at stacking the plates and whisking them off to the kitchen.

"I'm fine," she huffed, her guardian returning in a short while.

"Perhaps, but I would feel much better if you were no longer standing," he said, escorting her to the couch and having her sit. "At least until you have sobered up enough to where you're not so clumsy."

Dana rolled her eyes, but she let him fret like a mother hen. It wasn't a few moments later that Joseph plopped down beside her.

"That lunch was great," he said, smiling. "Thanks."

"Well, I didn't cook most of it," she replied, waving a hand. "And Agent Fowler brought those cookies you were raving about. But you're welcome."

"So, what's next on the agenda?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"I don't know. But . . ." she paused as David and her father made their way to the door. They were making closing remarks to one another, and she gestured with her head. "It looks like you'll be heading home soon."

"That is what it looks like," he said, sighing with disappointment. "Well, it was nice meeting you. And your . . . coworkers," he glanced over his shoulder, as if expected Megatron to be standing right there behind him. "Especially Meg. He seems like a cool guy."

Dana raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

Joseph shrugged. "I respect anybody who can put away turkey, green beans, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, a slice of apple pie, a slice of peach pie, and six cookies," he shot her a grin. "And he's cute."

The young woman nearly choked. "I'm sorry, what-?"

"But that's just between you and me," Joseph's eyes sparkled, and he hopped to his feet. "It was nice meeting you, Dana. Hope I see you around. And have fun at your job - it sounds really cool."

"I-" Dana tried to compose herself, nodding and fumbling as she shook his hand, not having expected the gesture. "Yeah, thanks. Good luck in school."

"Thanks," he turned away from her, making his way to his father's side.

She rubbed her face, leaning forward and resisting the urge to scream into a pillow.

How did my life go from a science-fiction adventure to a sit-com?

"Are you unwell?" Megatron's weight settled next to her, and without thinking she socked him in the shoulder.

"Ouch- dang it Meg- ow," she held her fist, almost positive she broke a knuckle or two. "You're an idiot."

"I'm sorry, I must have missed something," he frowned as she held her hand, taking it and looking at the swelling knuckles. "Ratchet, we need some assistance."

"What did she do?" The medic sighed, looking at her hand. Her mother quickly retrieved a first-aid kit, June hovering beside the doctor as he wrapped Dana's hand. It was most likely broken, but no doctor's office was open at this time to take a look - except, perhaps, the ER, however they would just wrap it like he did and have her wait to see an orthopedist.

The Frederickson family was visibly tired after entertaining their guests, the 'bots more than willing to volunteer their energy to help clean up, Dana electing to curl up under a blanket and take a brief nap. Between Joseph, the alcohol, and wrangling Megatron, she had earned it.

The latter man remained beside her, allowing her to lean against him and snuggle close. He did not think much of it, only pleased she considered him a safe haven and trusted him to protect her. Her father and mother sat across from them, Jamie allowed to disappear into his room while the adults rested. Jack, June, and Agent Fowler also had their spots on the other couch, the fake fireplace putting out heat and cozying up the room.

Megatron kept an arm around Dana, the pair sharing the blanket despite him not really needing the creature comfort. She was out, not perceiving his thumb as it made slow circles on arm, taking in the texture of her sweater while he also monitored the condition of her hand.

Mrs. Frederickson smiled.

"Did you enjoy today?" She asked, jerking the man from his train of thought.

"Yes, thank you," he said, remaining cordial. He was not oblivious to the glare he received from her father, who looked displeased whereas his wife seemed happy. She did not seem to mind at all that they appeared to be cuddled against one another.

"What did you think of Joseph?" James asked, the question obviously probing and testing. He clearly noticed how Megatron acted around his daughter while Joseph was present.

Megatron answered it carefully. "I think it was inappropriate to try and coerce Dana into a relationship when she felt no need to be in one." Tried to answer it carefully.

"James," her mother stopped the man before he could rise, holding his arm. If looks could kill, Megatron would be incinerated by the man.

The man grit his teeth, trying to remain relaxed. "And yet here you are."

"James," Mrs. Frederickson squeezed his hand. "We talked about this. I trust Dana's judgement. And if she trusts Megatron, I see no reason to as well - and that goes for the rest of them. I quite like Ratchet, Chormia, Blastwave, and Soundwave. They're all very pleasant individuals. And he's no different."

"They're robots from another planet," James' voice was tight. "I would at the very least let her have some human friends, especially ones her age."

"There's me," Jack offered up awkwardly, raising a hand. "Um, I'm definitely human. And her age."

"As much older as I am than her," Megatron said, his voice even and firm, "understand that Dana is what you may call an adult, and it is within her rights to determine what company she keeps. While I must agree with you, Mr. Frederickson, in questioning her choices to be near me, I believe we both have come a long way. Understand I have no intentions of harming her or the rest of your family. Despite our differences, we are on the same team."

Her father shifted, glancing from his daughter to the former dictator. He still wanted to argue, to ensure Megatron understood who was truly in charge here, yet he was aware of his wife's hand around his own. She served as a silent reminder that he should behave himself, and . . . Megatron was right. They were on the same team.

The other 'bots finished their work in the kitchen and returned to the living room, Ratchet silently checking on Dana's hand and ensuring the bandages were not too tight, nor too loose, the medic and dictator exchanging a silent look once he re-tucked the blanket around Dana.

"Thank you," Megatron whispered, glancing down as Dana shifted and snuggled closer to him.

Chromia sat on the couch next to him, smiling.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Frederickson," she said pleasantly. "It was an honor to be invited to a traditional gathering."

"Oh, it was a pleasure getting to meet all of you," Mrs. Frederickson smiled. "Dana speaks very highly of all of you when she's home; and I'm sure you all feel the same about her."

"Very much so," Ratchet agreed. "Even if she . . . can get into trouble."

The woman laughed. "Yes, well, she's always been rather outgoing. I think she gets that from her father."

"Hardly," James looked at his wife as she smiled, her eyes sparkling at him. "That certainly comes from you."

"Are you all talking about me?" Dana mumbled, opening her eyes and sitting up a little bit, rubbing them. "I think I fell asleep."

"You most certainly did," Megatron made to move his arm, his surprise evident as Dana instead elected to lean up against him, her head resting on his shoulder.

"I could use a longer nap," she sighed. "But that's okay; hopefully you guys were saying good things about me?"

Chromia chuckled. "Only the best things," she teased, her eyes glittering at Megatron. It was as if she knew something that he didn't.

"Hmm, good," Dana laughed, her fingers intertwining with Megatron's under the blanket, keeping his arm secured around her. She looked towards her parents. "So, will we be inviting them next year?" She teased.

Her mother laughed. "Yes, I think we will," she winked, everyone settled down.

"Well, we shouldn't keep you much longer," June stood after a couple moments of silence, Jack following her. "Thank you all so much for this wonderful Christmas lunch. It was a pleasure."

"Of course, any time, June," Mrs. Frederickson stood with her, Dana sighing as she took off the blanket and stood with Megatron. His hand lingered at her waist when she stood a little too fast, her head spinning briefly then settling again.

"Sorry, I'm fine," she assured him quietly, walking with her friends to the door. "Thank you for coming."

"You're welcome," he said, waiting for the others to file out before he followed. She also stepped out, the pair still holding a conversation. "When will you return to base?"

She paused, thinking for a moment. "Probably some time next week, after New Years," she promised. "Maybe a few days later than that. I'll have to see when Jamie goes back to school."

"Keep in touch," he requested, the both of them stopping at the step-off, still sheltered by the cool Nevada wind by the outdoor foyer of the home. "Ratchet becomes . . . antsy when you have not checked in."

She grinned. "I'll bet you get anxious too," she teased, pausing when Chromia stood just beyond them, pointing up.

"Is that mistletoe?" She asked, her question innocent to one who did not know any better.

Dana blushed. "Yes, my mom bought some to hang over our little porch here. It's actually toxic, believe it or not."

"Then why is it decorating your house?" Megatron asked, alarmed.

Chromia had something else in mind. "Isn't there a human tradition in regards to mistletoe?"

"For someone who had no idea what Christmas was, you seem to know an awful lot about it," Dana did not mean for it to sound accusatory, her tone light and yet completely embarrassed.

"Soundwave looked it up and shared it with me," she shrugged.

"Well, he failed to share it with me," Megatron frowned. "What are you talking about?"

Dana sighed, her cheeks even redder than before. "It's not really a tradition a lot of people follow," she wished her cheeks didn't burn so much, "but when two people are under a mistletoe, they share a kiss."

Megatron snapped up to look at the plant, a little worried. "Is it a binding contract?"

"What? No, no, no," Dana shook her head. "No, you don't have to. I'm sure Chromia was just curious, that's all."

If she got a hold of the femme and Soundwave, she was going to knock both of their helms together. Did they plan this from the start? It seemed like a ridiculous notion, because surely such a scheme would be too elaborate. And besides, why would they even bother making such a plan? It wasn't like she and Megatron were . . .

Well, okay, maybe a little bit.

"Do you want to?"

The question caught her off guard, and she looked at him. "Huh?"

"Do you wish to observe this tradition?" He rephrased the question.

Dana hesitated, trying to ignore Chromia's gleeful grin. Megatron looked at her expectantly, waiting for her answer. If anything, he looked like he wished she would say yes.

It was no secret they were close. And it was no secret that they seemed to have this . . . thing for one another. Even as the leader of the Decepticons, he worked to preserve her and give her the quality of life he believed she deserved. In turn, she showed him mercy and compassion, becoming something he never thought he would have again - a friend. And ever since they had begun working together, they had become closer.

Apparently, close enough that any potential dating partners were a threat.

She sighed. As romantic as it would be to share a kiss, they weren't quite there yet. Be it because they were in denial, or the fact she just was not comfortable doing it while her parents were likely watching.

Standing on her tip-toes she pecked his cheek, his skin cool to the touch. His eyes fluttered in surprise, then he did the same in turn, showing her chaste affection.

"There," she smiled. "Tradition fulfilled."

Chromia grinned. "Merry Christmas, you two," she waved, her holoform disappearing as her alternate form started up down the driveway, nestled next to a waiting ambulance and a rather large Hummer-like vehicle. She left, Ratchet still settled and patiently waiting for Megatron to join the cavalry.

"I will see you after the new year," Megatron promised, his own cheeks glowing a quiet red, though he didn't seem to notice. "Until then, keep in touch."

"You too," she said, watching him disappear. She stayed outside while the two vehicles drove away, only stepping inside of her home once they were out of sight.

"So, you're willing to make it extraordinarily obvious when others are around, but as soon as you're alone you become quite timid," Ratchet noted, the two of them driving side-by-side. "You know she won't understand unless you tell her."

"As much as I care for her, medic, it isn't that simple."

"But it is," Ratchet's mirror shifted to look at him. "Yet I understand. You're afraid."

"She's fragile."

"Very," he agreed. "Which is why I have remained her guardian all of these years. But believe me, Megatron, if you let her go, she will find another, and you will regret it for the rest of your life. She won't wait around for you forever."

"Her father disapproves," he argued, trying to justify his inaction.

"And when has that ever stopped you?" Ratchet scoffed. "I see the way she looks at you, and vice versa. It's painfully obvious you both want something to come out of this."

"I thought with you as her guardian, you would be vehemently against such an arrangement," if Megatron had eyebrows, he would have raised them, somewhat taken aback by the medic's response. If anything, he imagined Ratchet would threaten to rearrange his T-cog so he turned into a useless cube of scrap.

"At first . . . yes," Ratchet confessed. "And even now I have my reservations. However, you have proven time and time again that you are willing to work with us, as a team player, to protect Earth - and her. What you have done in the past is unforgivable, Megatron, but what you may do in the present can rectify that. And if you have nothing but her best interests in mind, I would be a fool to deny you a chance."

Megatron digested what he said, realizing Ratchet had a point. Yes, he had been focused on destruction and domination for so long . . . but after settling on Earth, he wanted nothing more than peace. He wanted calm, serenity. And Dana, though she was occasionally a wild child, provided him stability; he in turn could give her protection, shielding her from what may come as a result of associating herself with Cybertronians.

"Thank you, Ratchet," he said, genuinely grateful for the opportunity.

"You're welcome," he said, pausing. "Merry Christmas," he teased lightly.

The former dictator snorted. "Merry Christmas."

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