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Hoseok stood at the door, trying to make the most of the loneliness before Namjoon came. Well, he wasn't really 'lonely' as Changbin and Felix were also hanging around too.

Hoseok just had a chat with V before they both went to school. Now Hoseok wants school to finish as quickly as possible.

V was the only actual friend he trusted, even though they only chatted for a few days. However, they have also chatted through the 'idol's posts. Since Namjoon was an annoying brat, Hoseok didn't consider him as a friend.

Hoseok silently groaned as he saw Namjoon arrive.

"Hey Hoseokie!" He greeted cheerfully. "My dog-"

"I don't wanna hear about your dog Namjoon." Hoseok quickly cut him off, but he realised how rude he was. Hoseok's one weakness was guilt-trip. "I wanna hear about you." He slightly cringed about how 'lovely' that sounded.

"Awww, that's so sweet of you Hoseokie!" Hoseok could see the obvious sign of cringe on his face. "I did a bunch of work! Practicing my rapping, so I can go into BigHit one day. Yet my parent weren't so proud of me. They bet me up!" He cried out, while Hoseok looked around, wondering why he had a friend whose parents one day praised their child and gave them everything they could ever get than the nest day the parents beating them up.

"Ummm, but yesterday they loved you so much? And I don't see anything... At least of what there is from my view." Hoseok nearly stuttered, not wanting to reveal that he didn't want the elder to be near him. Well, that was quite impossible.

"I covered and healed the scars and brusies. Don't worry! And plus, people change." Namjoon gave a smile to Hoseok, but Hoseok gave nothing back in return. Namjoon's smile turned into a frown. Namjoon felt the tension between them two, so he tried to quickly change the topic.

"So what score you think you are getting for the previous math test?" Namjoon asked, hoping to make Hoseok comfortable. Unfortunately, this made the elder, not comfortable, but extremely pissed off. He hated the times where Namjoon brought up about tests. One, it made him stressed. Two, Namjoon would keep on boasting about how he was superior and how he had got a better score when he sometimes clearly did not.

So Hoseok just decided to ignore his question. "Oh! There's Felix! I was going to give him something yesterday, but I forgot to!" This wasn't actually wrong, Hoseok was too giddy about the fact that V thought his dancing was pretty cool, so therefore, he forgot.

"Oh- Okay." Namjoon was caught by surprise when he ran past him and to Felix.

"Hey Felix, I forgot to return this to you yesterday! Sorry..." He scratched at the back of his neck. "I was too caught up in reading it."

"It's fine! I'm happy that you enjoyed it. Did you learn anything?"

"Yeah, its pretty sad how he can't walk and achieve his dream to become a marathon runner." Hoseok hung his head, thoughts about the book rushing through his mind.

The ringing noise of the signal rang through Hoseok's ears. 'Welp, I guess I don't have to talk to Namjoon anymore!', Hoseok sarcastically thought, smirking, but feeling guilt in another way.

"Hello students, take a seat."

As if they were all an army, connected to each other, they all sat down creepily in sync, looking ahead to the teacher. However, Namjoon was looking towards Hoseok, nervous about his score.

Hoseok would want to avoid Namjoon at all costs when the teacher released the scores, because he followed a cycle.

1. He would start complaining that his score was very bad and refuse to show anyone, and if you told him yours, he will start saying that yours is better.

2. Even though he will refuse to show his, he will go around and ask everyone else.

3. A few days later, he will start boasting about how he got the best score (even though he didn't) and shoving it into the faces of those students who didn't really get higher scores.

Confusing. Very confusing.

"Okay, Jung Hoseok, here is your test, you got 96%." The teacher placed it on Hoseok's desk, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Hoseok looked excitedly at his test score, happy that he could make his parents proud. He kept complaining the test was hard, but his parents expected a percentage higher than 95%.

"Okay class, you all share your scores with each other, and see what you guys can do to improve your scores if you were to redo it." The teacher, Ms Choi clapped her hands together, and sat down in her chair.

Hoseok eyed Namjoon, who was shuffling closer to him, while Hoseok was shuffling away, closer to Sunoo.

"Hoseok! What did you get?" Namjoon happily sat down next to Hoseok, while Hoseok slilently looked at Sunoo for his help.

"Guess." Hoseok asked, as usual, to drag the wait for the complaining out longer.

"100. Obviously better than me." Namjoon replied with the same answer. Next thing he is going to say is 'I got 110% (basically meaning 100%) and start boasting about how it was easy.

"You always say that, and you know the answer is no." Hoseok's face deadpanned.

"110!" He smiled annoyingly.

"Thats not possible Namjoon!" Hoseoks groaned. "Can you please guess properly?" He asked furiously and turned to Sunoo, who was  focusing on the test alone.

"95?" Namjoon finally decided to answer sensibily.

"Close, 96%." Hoseok braced himself from what was going to happen.

"Oh my god! You got so much better than me!" He exclaimed, settling down next to Hoseok and Sunoo. "What did you get Sunoo??"

Sunoo innocently looked at Namjoon. "I failed." He pouted. "I got 56 percent."

"Its okay Sunoo! At least you pass-"

"OH MY GOD YOU GOT SO MUCH BETTER THAN ME! I DID SO BAD!!" Namjoon sat down next to Sunoo, whining.

"Huh, I guess I passed." Sunoo shrugged, ignoring Namjoon's outburst.


"Namjoon, please stop, stop making Sunoo feel bad, okay?"

"Its fine Hoseok, I already know his attitude, I already feel bad for you." Sunoo whispered to Hoseok. 

"BUT HE GOT SO GOOD!" Namjoon exclaimed, while Hoseok zoned out. "HEY SUNOO, I CAN GO THROUGH THE TEST WITH YOU!"

"I'm fine Namjoon. I already did it after all this." Sunoo bluntly said, closing his test paper.

"Then can you help me?" Namjoon sat down. "I will show you what I got correct, and compare it to yours." He opened his test papers, then Sunoo's.

"No, I'm already finished." Sunoo stood up, and went to the teachers desk. Hoseok sighed, now there was nothing to distract Namjoon.

"What about you Hoseok? Let's compare our scores! You obviously got better than me!"

"Please stop saying that. I know you got better than me." Hoseok sighed once again. Yes, it was necessary to sigh in this situation.

"Oh come on, you did good!' Namjoon's dimples were visible as he looked through the test.

'I guess Namjoon isn't that bad? Maybe just annoying?' Hoseok thought randomly, thinking of more things to rant to rant to Dawon. The bell cut off his thoughts as he smiled, happy that he didn't have to face Namjoon anymore.


"Remember everyone has a chess contest after school today." The last message went over the speaker, as Hoseok was walking to his next class after break 5 minutes before the next class.

A spark flew up in Hoseok's brain. What the teachers announced the day before, and what V had said. This was the specific message to remind that the students have to put on heir mask. 'Why couldn't they just do it at Daesung's house? Oh yeah, the cat can't put on a mask' Hoseok overthought.

Looking around, he saw everyone rummage for their bags, taking out the masks that the teachers have gave everyone but Daesung yesterday. Or as they thought Daesung didn't get it.

Hoseok paced around, trying to search for Sunoo. Watching Sunoo, realization hit him. V was correct. He watched a little bit more, on Sunoo's confused face. Maybe he was confused because everyone was taking out gas masks from their bags and he didn't have one.

Hoseok watched in the distance as a black car came closer and closer. His eyes switched to Sunoo, who was still confused. Hoseok kept switching, as the car came closer, until it was too close.

He rushed to Sunoo, grabbed him by the hoodie and launched himself and Sunoo into the janitor's closet. Also rummaging his bag, Sunoo wanted to question why Hoseok was lying on top of him, in the janitor's closet, rummaging for something in his bag.

"Why-" Sunoo was cut off by Hoseok putting a face mask on him. Panic rose to Sunoo, as he had no idea what was going on. Taking it off, questions rolled off his tounge.

"One, why are you laying on me in the janitors closet. Two, why did you just stuff a gas mas-" He was cut off once again, the gas mask being placed back on him.

"Do not question anything Sunoo, you need this to stay safe."

"B-but what about you?" Sunoo muffled out. "You-"

"I am going to be fine." Hoseok gave him a reassuring smile as he put his jacket over his mouth and nose. If only they wore masks without covid too. They both could hear the car wheels screeching on the road outside. Hoseok wanted to think about what had happened to Daesung, but there was no time.

Watching, his eyes followed the gas seeping in from under the door, into the room. Sunoo looked at Hoseok worriedly, as he muttered out a 'what is going on'. Hoseok completely stopped breathing, Sunoo concerned about the fact why his chest wasn't rising and falling.

Hoseok breathed in. He could smell cherries for a second, but then the smell of petrol came in. Pros and cons. He could no longer smell the horrible smell of the petrol anymore. Con, he couldn't smell anything.


yes, hoseok does not like petrol, no one does, and namjoon is an annoying guy :D

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