I Don't Need Them-But I Guess They Need Me

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"SCREW ALL OF YOU!" I shrieked and slammed the front door behind me.

I opened the trunk of my Mercedes and tossed all the bags I was carrying into it.

Slamming the trunk, I glared at everything that moved as I walked towards the driver's seat.

I sat down, started the engine, and drove out of the driveway, no destination in mind. I just need to get away.

Christine says that family will always be there for you? HA! What a lie!

If I can't leave my bedroom without feeling attacked, how can I rely on my family to help me with my other problems? I can't!

"I don't need them," I grumbled. "I'm 19, for crying out loud! I don't need them!"

I'll have to find my own house. I could move anywhere, since I'm not in college yet. I'll need to choose where I want to go to college.

Hmm... So many options... Where should I go?

I could stay in Ontario, but I'd prefer to leave. Ontario is too close to home... Well, not home anymore. Even Canada feels too close to my old home. I should move to another country, one that my family will never find me.

I lost track of how long I was driving, my dark thoughts my only company. My thoughts didn't break until I heard the song Why Worry by Set it Off coming from my phone. Recognizing the ringtone and the person that its linked to, I pulled over my car and pulled out my phone.

I stared at the screen, feeling dread at the thought of picking it up. I was right. It's my older sister, Christine. What does she want?

My finger hovered uncertainly above the answer button. Should I really pick it up? Would she try to convince me to come back?

At the last possible minute, I decided to answer.


"Zoe!" Christine screamed, forcing me to pull the phone away from my ear. "Are you alright?What happened? I just got home, but mom won't tell me what's going on. Where are you? I'll come get you right away!"

"Breathe!" I said, reminding her to slow down.

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in. "I got in a fight with mom and dad. They told me to leave the house. I did."

"Was the fight over something stupid, like it normally is?"

I winced as I remembered the fight. Mom got mad at me because she somehow found out I broke up with Jay, a 'perfect boy.' She only wanted me to get married to him because he was rich. I hated him. Mom loved him. Being rich is more important than being happy, apparently. Dad got involved. Slapped me for being selfish. Told me to get out of the house if I wanted to live on the streets and do drugs. Where had those things even come from?

"Did they find out you broke up with Jay?" she whispered.

I nodded before remembering she couldn't see me. I opened my eyes, staring straight ahead. "Yeah. I don't get how you can stay there, Chris. Staying at home is killing me. I need to get out, and stay out."

Christine was silent for a moment. "You're right... It will kill you if you stay... But don't you think you're too young to move out?"

"Chris... I'm leaving. It's up to you if you want to come. You're 22, I think it's time for you to leave too."

"You know I can't."

She doesn't want to leave our little brother with mom and dad. Understandable.

I sighed. "Alright. Just... know that my doors will always be open for you two, so feel free to visit whenever you want. I guess I'll stay in Canada."

"You were planning on leaving the country?!" She sounded more surprised than she should be.

"Dude, seriously?"

Christine laughed. "Okay, yeah, that doesn't surprise me. Stay safe, okay Zoe?"

I couldn't help but smile. I wiped away my tears. I didn't even realize I was crying. "Of course. Aren't I always? See ya."


I rested my head in my hands, thinking. I guess for my siblings, I'll need to stay close by, so they can visit whenever needed. I should move a city over than. It's too close for comfort, but I'll do it.

I leaned back into my seat, tossing my phone into the passenger's seat. They sky was turning shades of purple, orange, yellow and blue. The sun was already setting. "Ugh," I moaned. "What am I going to do tonight?"

I guess I could just spend the night in a motel. "Grrr..." I don't want to quit yet, and besides, I need to give a two weeks notice ahead of time before I can officially leave. Good thing I live in a big enough city to have a motel close to work.

I started up the engine. I drove ahead until I came across a driveway, which I used to turn around.

It was dark by the time I could see the my hometown.

It was also dark when the other car hit me.

I didn't see it coming, I had no time to react. Suddenly, I heard a car honk, before it barreled straight into me. I don't remember what came after that. All I remember was the world spinning, my head hurt, red entered my vision. Flashing lights, though still coated with red. Shouting voices, but they all blurred together. Hospital. More shouts. I was being shocked, though I don't understand why. Blackness. Nothing came after I embraced the comfort of darkness.

The same night I left my home, I was killed by a drunk driver.

My parents blamed themselves. They had fought with me-over something stupid, they realized-causing me to leave the house in the first place. They tried to put on a brave face for my little brother, and Christine, but they didn't do very well with that. Guilt shone in their eyes.

My brother Xavier was shocked. He didn't know how to handle death, was too young to understand it. I think my sudden death had killed him a little inside.

Christine was hit the hardest. After all, she had only talked to me just an hour before I died. Its hard to imagine how much can happen in so little time. Plus, me and Christine have always been there for each other, despite the age difference. Now Christine's going to have to rely on her friends, or herself. Maybe now she can finally rely on our parents. If that happens, at least one good thing came out of my death.

To my surprise, even my ex-boyfriend Jay mourned for me. I guess he really did like me, but I never gave him a chance since my parents approved of him. I almost feel bad for hating him instantly, but its too late to change the past now.

The day of my funeral, I couldn't allow myself to see it. It would be too heart-wrenching to watch my body be buried underground. The very thought made my stomach turn. So, I allowed my soul to be free of the earth. There is nothing else I need to do.

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