FE: Shattered Soul

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TacticianMagician this was the Drabble I was thinking of for awhile but I got lazy so I decided to do it.

*Aria-Takumi's genderbend name

I've always been a silent individual, people started to believe the little princess of Plegia was mute. When in actuality that wasn't the truth..I just refused to speak in any typical matter. My ideals never mattered; they'd fall on deaf ears each time I mustered up the courage to speak my mind. They either laughed or ignored me. It's funny how hypocritical the world we live in is, they want you to listen to them-but when you want the same treatment they disregard you as a nobody. So I got tired of all the things I used to love in my youth-I took all the photos I used to go through with a smile and had tossed them into a fire watching them all turn to ash. I turned on my heel and walked away from it roaming outside. I looked around to see everyone staring in my direction, everything was deeply in black and white. I felt like the world itself was against me and I couldn't do anything about it if I tired...it was like Naga telling me that no matter what I did that was 'heroic' I'm always the villain in someone else's destiny. That's what hurt the most....no one liked me because they know that I'm not in a sense 'like them'. Able to be created from the same cut cloth as everyone else and able to be perfect by design. But no, in there eyes I'm some sort of monster and it hurts...I started crying softly and put my hand on my chest feeling the stitches that I had. I wanted them to be ripped away one by one...each of them. But I felt something warm from behind me as if someone was hugging me tightly in there grasp "I'll wake you up and let you know it done. But I'll tell you that you can't run or hide from destiny, you are the queen of this country. Nothing else-" I turned around to see that the owner of the voice was gone. I started panting knowing that my mind is going against me-I was done with this place I needed somewhere to go. I ran and ran to find a large orb sitting in the town square so I touched it and it's like this whole new world gave me a new breath of life. I was in awe at all the beautiful sight and colors, no one but me. That's all I needed, I spent hours in this place feel like this is where I can re-create my life-but when I reached for a door all the distant colors of black and white began to fill the area. "No!!!" I yelled with tears leaking from my eyes. The bland colors had overflowed the atmosphere creating the same bleak scenery and for me to chase after my own vivid reality which seemed like a delusional dream to most. But it was the place that made me happy, not this ran down hell hole! I nothing left here....but with each step I took my mind was closing in on me. I fell to my knees sobbing that knowing truly I could never go back to the youthful days of happiness and joy. Saying that such an image is part of growing up isn't in my sense, that place was my heaven that someone else had found. Aria, my retainer was searching for me and had found that orb instead. The scenery changes and she felt the same shock over take her at the vivid sight of warm and welcoming colors. "Where did my queen go.....?" She asked to herself sadly and began to walk around. Eventually, she had sat down on an edge of a fountain patiently waiting for something new. But as she glanced around her eyes were fixed on a somewhat rusted crown and instantly remind her of me. As she picked it up she was dragged back to the same reality that I wanted to leave. "How the hell.....? I don't understand this...why is this bothering me and getting under my skin...?" Aria furrowed her brows a little and seen the queen under a tree crying her heart out. Aria walked over placing the crown on the Queen's head then wiped her tears. "Let's go to the other world together, until everything is said and done...."

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