Project FE Xero [ x4x ]

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"Daaaaaad! I got your medicine again!" I smiled and made my entrance, the same routine everyday. I wanted to see him smile like this everyday of my life, it brings me joy.

The bell rang and I made my exit meeting up with Niles at the door "Why the hell do you insist on dipping into our conversations..?" "I have to keep my princess on the fence you know?" "No I don't. You wanted something didn't you? I'm not one for waiting around you know." "I know I know. But, someone sent me a ransom note saying they we're going to kill me for doing there girl." "That sounds like a you problem." "It was only for show though, but she called me and of course I answered you shouldn't keep a girl like that waiting." Niles chuckled "So what am I supposed to do?"

"Apprehend them and maybe scare them-just figure out who it is for now." I nodded at took my leave "Don't make a scene." "I won't."

I sighed and got my bag leaving the roof 'A ransom note huh? This doesn't add up, how do you get a note from a guy but don't know who sent it...the girlfriend might know something. I would have to track her down first then befriend her...god Niles I hate you.' I sat at my desk thinking while pretending to listen as I tapped my pencil. All of a sudden my head pulsed and my vision changed, there was one of them around here....damn during school hours? "Teach! I have to use the bathroom." "Go on."

I quickly left leaving the boy from my gym class to blink in confusion as I left. I looked around following where the energy came from but as soon as I came down stairs my vision went normal "Bullshit, it's gone." I soon as I said that the bell had rang letting all the students leave classes "Hey!" I turned around to see the boy again from before I don't have time for him "Eager for lunch huh?" He smiled at me and I grimaced internally I wanted to wipe the smirk off of his face for some reason. "I guess so.."

I hated this..pretending to be someone you're not; it's like I lived a double life and it bothered me "Is something wrong?" "No! Not at all! I never caught your name." "I swear I thought I told you before." "No, refresh my memory." "I'm Takumi Yumi." "Nice to meet you." I smiled and we shook hands then made our way through the crowded hallways attempting to the lunch room "Hey, I seen you've been hanging out with that Niles guy lately. Is he your boyfriend or something?"

When he asked me that I just felt like committing suicide right then and there congrats for getting dumbest question of the year. "No he's just a classmate that I talk to, like an acquaintance." "Ah, I see. I'm not one to tell people what they should do but I don't want you near him-he's a tool." "Oh I see, I'll keep that in mind." I shrugged it off knowing for a fact I had no choice, he knew so many things about me that I didn't want others to find out.

I had to do his dirty work for him but also do my own things to make sure a snake like himself doesn't leak out secretive information on my back ground. "Hey I have a question? If you wanted to know something say about the answers to a test or something who would you go to?"

Takumi just chuckled at me "You're planning to cheat huh? Well, there is this girl named Beruka who knows everything there is to know." "Where can I find her?" "She's untraceable but if you really needed her there is an app to get in touch with her." "Alright thank you for the information." "You are welcome." He chuckled and then we separated once I stepped into the lunchroom my vision went black and white making my head pulse lightly..

'So you're hiding in here huh..?' I narrowed my eyes walking passed each person in the crowd, with each step I took the signal got stronger and stronger...then suddenly it disappeared 'What game are you playing risen scum..? Because I'm not happy about's pissing me off.'

I balled up my fist examining all of the students I stepped out of the lunchroom to feel the signal again 'Your right below me huh..? Wait-' My eyes widened and I started making a run for it pulling a fire alarm to have the students evacuate

'Misaki...' Axel gritted his teeth seeing me run passed him, but as I thought explosions began going off. 'Shit, shit shit!!'

The explosions kept going off as I ran through the halls getting my gun loaded and ready as I turned the corner I seen the culprit. "So you found me." "Scum like you shouldn't be terrorising a school.." I glared and started shooting my gun but it ultimately missed.

So I tossed it down activating my knives-I knew I was faster than her...but she sliced me in the shoulder once but as a consequence I hit her weak point just as fast letting her bleed and die, but I failed to recognize that someone had seen the whole thing. 

I stepped over her but the explosions kept going off and I fell through the floor coughing up blood I sighed and got up wiping off the blood 'Whatever it takes, I won't let you get killed. It doesn't matter if I die first, you dying would kill me.' "For certain.."

I smiled and sat back down knowing I was caved in...I had no signal no nothing-I was slowly bleeding and I was in pain. I accepted the fact I may die in here so I closed my eyes, hopefully forever.

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