Project FE Xero [x7x]

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As I walked through the hallways the following day I blankly stared at everyone I came acrossed, I still felt sick so that led my features to be dreary and darker than normal. But as I was walking to the principal's office I seen someone starting to rig Niles's locker.  "Apprehend them and maybe scare them-just figure out who it is for now."

I trailed behind the male quietly making sure not to be heard the more I approached him I smiled inwardly and felt myself twitch a little as soon as I made it to him he turned around and I smiled gently "What are you doing..?" "What does it look like? I need to get this kid back for taking my girlfriend.." 'So it's you...'  "Whose locker is it?" I asked and the male turned to me with a disgusted look on his face "Why the hell do you care you're just some stupid girl?!" "And what does that make you? A pathetic schoolboy whose set on something stupid because someone else screwed your bitch!" I glared at him and watched as the rage inside of him boiled up he took a swing at me in the stomach and I fell over losing all the bodily contents I held in me "Heh you're all talk, as I thought-no one messes with Vaike." Vaike boasted and I stood back up "So that's your name? Nice to meet you." "Looks like that blow went to your hollow head what the hell is wrong with you?" I smiled darkly and chuckled a little "I'm just trying to figure out how no one will be able to find your body~." Vaike started to shiver I walked up to him and gently pinned him against a wall "Take a good look at my face...this will be the last memory you remember."
Takumi was in art class splashing the red paint across the canvas "Takumi, that's not how you do it." A girl wearing a bun with deep brown hair and eyes had sat by Takumi attempting to help him with his art project. "Cass, what are you doing? I didn't need help."

"What's with the cold shoulder? You don't act like that around that Misaki girl that my brother has a hatred for. I don't understand you Takumi.." "You don't have a right to call me by my name." "And that murderer does?"

Takumi's eyes shot over to Cass's aloof stature as she sat there working on the picture "We all know that she's a killer, Axel is going to catch her and make this place safer." "She isn't a murderer...!" "Do you hear yourself? That's damnable denial."

Cass seethed and Takumi stood up from his seat grabbing his bag and walked out from the classroom. 'Why can't you understand that?'  "Stupid." Cass mumbled under her breath and sighed.

The bell rang signalling it was lunch time I was walking through the halls with my hands in my pockets "Misaki!"

Damn it all to hell....I snapped on him once does it need to be a second time "I missed you yesterday. Is everything ok?" "Yes Im fine, I came down with a fever. But I'm fine." I spoke without looking at him so I could move on with the day. "Takumi!" Cass ran over to both of us and glared at me I only blankly stared elsewhere. She walked up to me and slapped me as hard as she could "You've caused my brother so much pain, why can't you just leave him alone?! What is wrong with you?!" I rubbed my cheek and looked elsewhere ashamed letting the hair cover my eyes "I'm sorry.." "You should be!" 'Stop it..I said I was sorry..'

I looked up at her with unwavering emotion, just a blank stare. I let her look deep into my eyes and whatever she seen scared her a little, I looked away sadly she must have seen her was getting to the point where I started scaring myself. "Takumi, lets go.." Takumi nodded but he didn't to do it, so I was left behind.
"I did your stupid request, Niles." "I've heard-my locker is clean of threats. Thank you my dear~ Here." Niles tossed over a clear liquid in a small container "Aletiezen...?" "Yeah..It'll help your old man last a little longer." "You're a confusing person..why'd you get this for me?" "Like I said, this is technically a contract." Niles smirked and shrugged and I sighed sitting against the railing, silent.

I started thinking about the murders I covered my mouth feeling my stomach turn and my blood ran cold. "The police are here.....either someone heard something or they found the body.." Niles narrowed his eyes 'That's impossible....' "I told you not to make a scene as this is what you go and do." Niles chuckled sourly "Now isn't the time, nine times out of ten someone found the body.." "I did say if you did get caught I'd cover the tracks, so come on it looks like we have to go home."

Niles picked up his bag and we both headed Down the stairs hearing a commotion and a hoard of students jumbled in the halls. I started easing through the crowd to see the body and I threw up on the spot not because of how the murder was done-I was scared I was going to get caught. "Alright everyone go home! Nothing to see here-" The police officer started motioning everyone to the exit. Niles pulled me up as I leaned against him for support "Wow you're hopeless~"

"Shut the hell up.." I grumbled as Niles chuckled lowly as we exited the school building. My legs felt heavy and my chest burned, I knew this feeling-I was poisoned wasn't I? No that would be impossible...I think it's anxiety. I took a deep breath "Why are you helping me?"

"I want to watch you writhe in pain is all~" I only stayed silent as we made it to the doorstep so I unlocked the door and went inside "Let me guess you're going to invite yourself in?" "Don't mind if I do~" Niles slyly smirked and walked in closing the door behind him.

I took off my shoes and went into the kitchen and started brewing tea. Once I made my way back into the living room I sat down on the sofa taking a sip of the hot tea, also setting down Niles's cup. "You're in pain aren't you?" I glanced over at him "Why would I be?"

That answer seemed to shock Niles a bit then he smiled and looked up at the ceiling "Oddly enough you and I are similar." "Really now? Have you bought a 100$ bottle of champagne like me only to drink half then pour the rest out?" "I've stole a few bottles like that myself. Along with prized possessions that people cared for, I stole from the wealthy and killed people at a small age too." "Did you have a reason?" I didn't look at Niles, I just stared at the light brown tea the entire time. It felt comforting to just lose myself like that

"Unfortunately. My father abandoned my mom at the worst time possible-she was ill at the time, but once she got better she didn't waste anytime turning tail. I was left alone until I harbored with gangs and what not. It was hard...scraping up every little thing I could get my hands, I would get lucky if I managed to scrape up bread crust..look at me, a rat pouring out classified information to an outlier. What a strange world this is~."

Niles chuckled but looked over at me and seen me shaking. "...Niles...I'm scared. I can't keep doing this....." "Sometimes you always have to go through with the route that scares you. If you're fit for the psychotic role, play it until your final bow. Regardless if it hurts, pain is the best teacher-I should know."

"...What if it gets so bad that you don't know what to do anymore?" "You pretend it doesn't hurt, that it isn't driving you mad, and that the weight of the world isn't crushing you. That's what I do, sometimes I laugh it off and make sexual jokes about it." "Your disgusting." "But you love it~" "Get out." "If I don't~?" "I'm calling the police.." Niles grinned but chuckled "Now is that smart? That's basically telling on yourself, little miss murder~" "They can't find your body." "Oooh~ I'm scared. Obviously they found leads on Vaike, so they can find something." "They did didn't they...? My least I was able to cover up the tracks."

After I said that it went silent....I just stared at the tea that was growing cold, just like my hands the air felt heavy to me "I think that's my cue to leave then." "Wait." I blurted out making Niles smirk "Oh? what's this my princess doesn't want me to leave~? Go on then-" "Your left eye...why is it covered with an eyepatch?" "It's a novelty deary~ That's one thing I can't talk to you about, there are just somethings I don't want you to know about just yet. Is that it?" "...Yeah that's it. Go home."

Why did I sound sad when I wanted him to leave in the first place? Oh well..after Niles left I lied on the couch in the dark hoping. For what exactly? I didn't know myself, there was nothing to really hope for..all these secrets inside of me were hurting me..I hugged the sofa pillow and curled up falling asleep for the night.

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