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(I'll tell you when to play the song above^^^)

Quinn leads me through the woods and stops at a huge tree. There's a beautiful tree house built in the beautiful willow tree. I stand there in awe, then realize he's walking towards it. I jog and catch up to him. There's a ladder and he gestures for me to climb up. I grab the ladder and climb into the tree house. I open a trap door and climb in. I gasp at the scenery. A small picnic with fruits and mini sandwiches and Pringles and Ruffles has been set up. Pictures of landmarks from around the world are hung around the room. Postcards are taped around. I see some old pictures of Quinn. It's a quite homey little house.

"It's cool isn't it?" Quinn says.

"It's beautiful. Did you build this?" I ask, still in shock from everything.

"Yeah. A year or two ago. A little after...you know." A grim expression crosses my face.

"Quinn...I told you not to speak of that."

"I know. But I had to answer honestly. Hungry?" I shake my head but grab a PB&J sandwich. I scarf down three of them and Quinn looks at me with surprise.

"What? You always knew I had a big appetite." We both laugh as we continue eating. After a while Quinn pulls out a container and opens it. Inside are chocolate covered strawberries, my favorite! He takes one out and holds it in front of my mouth. I take a bite and relish in the sweet goodness.

"Mmmm these are good." I say, my mouth full.

"Awesome. Thanks." Just then, it starts to rain. Rain drops hit the roof and I'm scared it might leak through. A huge 'bang' of thunder rumbles and I jump. I scoot closer to Quinn, who protectively wraps his arm around me. He kisses my forehead and I realize how much I've missed this. How much I've missed Quinn.

"Quinn, why did you do it?" i ask, choking back tears. He lets go and backs away from me a little. I bite my lip nervously.

"Jackie, I never meant to hurt you. I was drunk, and a little high. I didn't know what I was doing. All I know was that i woke up the next morning with you breaking up with me." He frowns and turns away. He does that when he's sad. A tear falls down my cheek and i quickly wipe it away. 

"Could we try to fix things? Please?" he says weakly. His eyes glisten with tears and his faced is etched with sadness. That is something rarely seen on Quinn's face.

"I don't know." i say. Before tears start streaming down my face, i quickly exit the tree house. 

"Jackie! Wait, come back! Please let me fix this." Quinn shouts from the top of he tree. I start sobbing then i start running. I don't know where I'm going. Anywhere but here. The rain is still pouring down, but I don't care. I just want to get out of here.

I run and run and run through the rain and thunder. I cry the whole way. I stop somewhere in the middle of the woods. I'm soaked to the bone and lost. I slip on a mud puddle and fall into it. I sit up, covered in mud. I stand up and sit on a rock. I hug my knees to my chest as I cry. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up, sniffling, and see Quinn with his hand stretched out.

(play song now)

"Jackie, I'm sorry. I truly am." I keep quiet, but take his hand. He pulls me up and hugs me. He puts his left hand on my waist and takes my hand with his right.

"Can I have this dance?" he whispers softly into my ear. I nod and we start swaying as the rain pour around us. We dance as we get wet, but we don't care. Our bodies are synchronized, every move as if it were choreographed. He spins we outward slowly, and I spin back in. He holds me there and we sway, as the back of my head rests on his chest. His chin rests on the top of my head and a tear falls down my cheek as I start to smile. He  spins me out again and we return to our original position. We stand there, rocking side to side, gazing at each others eyes.

"Jackie..." he whispers slowly, even though we're the only ones out here. He leans closer to me, our lips so close to connecting. Our foreheads touch gently, and our lips combine. It's sweet and soft, but turns into something more. I haven't felt this way for two years. We break away and I sigh. I back away from him. He's still holding my hand. I slowly let go until we're many feet away from each other. I wipe another tear from my cheek. He goes to step closer but I shake my head and he stops.

"Quinn...I can't do this. I'm sorry. I'll see you at school. I have to go." I start to walk away and out of the woods, leaving Quinn alone. The heartbreak etched on his face is enough to kill me. I rub my arms from the cold and bite my lip. Then I quickly walk away. I walk and walk until I'm out of the woods and at the road again. I call an Uber and they arrive quickly. They drive me home without question. I quickly pay them once I arrive home then rush inside my house. I run past my parents and into my room. I close the door and collapse on my bed in a puddle of tears. I can't believe  today happened.

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