Chapter 17

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~Wednesday Morning, Winter Break~

I would start my plan today. My plan to get Jake some money for his family so he can go to college and so his mom can pay her bills. I didn't tell anyone about my proposal, not even Becca. The only person that knows is Diggy. But since he disagreed to help me, I had to take matters into my own hands.

Becca and the rest of the Wesley High cheer team have practice this morning in the school gym. I asked Becca if I could come with her and she accepted with no questions. She probably found it odd because she knows I don't give a crap about cheerleading, but she knows she enjoys having me around. 

I woke up at 7am, got dressed, had a bowl of cereal, and left my mom a note on the kitchen table telling her where I'd be. I'm sure she wouldn't notice that I was gone. Antonio has all of her attention now. It's like I'm invisible! But maybe that's a good thing...

Becca picked me up a few minutes before 8am and drove us to the school. When we were finally inside the school gym, I looked around for Julie, but she wasn't in sight.

"Thanks for being here with me. I'm surprised you wanted to come," Becca said to me.

I smiled and said, "No problem. It's good to get some fresh air."

"How are things at home?"

"Awesome. Ever since Prince Charming came to our house, I can get away with a lot of stuff. It's like I'm invisible," I say.

"Prince Charming?" We were sitting on one of the bleachers now as she was tying her shoes.

"Yeah, my mom's 'friend' from work has been staying the night a few times this week. He's helped her put up Christmas decorations, cook dinner, and they're always cuddling on the couch."

"Aww, that's great!" She enthuses.

"It's horrible, Becca. I don't need a lump of nothing sitting around my house, sucking up all the television, and acting like he cares about my mother. I already had one of those and look where he is now. Not here!" Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dana and Ladelle walking past us toward the rest of the cheer team who are stretching on the gym floor. Hate them.

"I'm sure he's a nice man."

"Oh, please! Nice is for the dogs. He's just using my mom's kind heart to get into her panties."

"Whoa! Okay... I don't know what to say," Becca replies, looking very startled.

"Say I'm right."

"I would, but... I might regret it." Becca laughs a little.

"Hey, Sam, where's your boyfriend?" Dana walks up to me with Ladelle attached to her hip.

"None of your business," I reply.

"That was a cute little scene he did yesterday at the mall. Is he always so overprotecting?"

"What are you talking about, Dana?" I'm getting tired of her mouth these days.

"The way he stood up for you, it was so... attractive. If you're done using him, can I have him? He'd be great man candy." Dana says while smiling at me. I roll my eyes and look up at her.

"If you're talking about Jake, he's not my boyfriend. And I'm sure he wouldn't want anything to do with your stupid, uneducated, attention-seeking butt!"

"Oooh, 'uneducated'. That's a big word for you. That must've been hard to swallow -- but wait, nothing is hard to swallow for you. Especially when it comes to Chris." She laughs and gives Ladelle a high five. This girl did NOT just go there! She obviously wants a beating. I stand up and take off my earrings, getting in her face.


I push her backwards and she pushes my arms away. I grab a hold of her weave and push her head down as she tries to grab my clothes. Before I can really start the beatdown, Becca and another girl break us apart. Dana was holding her head where I was grabbing her weave and looked like she was about to cry. Then, she called me a whole bunch of words that won't be repeated and I might've done the same. 

When things cooled down and we were on opposite sides of the gym, Becca began to start cheer practice, but before she could, she asked where Julie was.

"She's in the bathroom again... she's been coughing up her guts all morning," one girl said.

"Ew. Maybe I should check on her," Becca says, "Girls, practice the first drill and I'll be back soon." She walked out of the gym to check on Julie while I sat on the bleachers.


In the bathroom, I heard someone throwing up in one of the stalls. There was only one stall with it's door locked, so I knocked on it assuming it was Julie.

"Julie? It's Becca. Are you okay?" I asked, hesitantly.

Between pukes Julie answered, "I'm fine. Just ate something bad."

"Can you open the door?" I ask.

"I'm fine. Just go away."

"The team is waiting for you... here... I just wanna make sure you're okay. Open up."

I heard another round of puking before the door unlocked. I walked in the stall, and held her long ponytail back so she wouldn't get throw up on it. It smelled horrific in here. With my other hand, I handed her some toilet paper to wipe her mouth. She snatched it from me.

"What did you eat? It smells like something blew up in here," I say. Julie stood up after wiping her mouth and flushed the toilet.

"I must have gotten sick from that seafood last night. Ugh, never again will I eat at that place." Julie moves past me out of the stall and washes her hands with extra soap and water. She splashes water on her face, too.

"How long have you been sick?"

"...just a few days."

"If you were sick you could've told one of us. I mean, as members of the cheer squad, we're supposed to communicate with one another and--"

"Rebecca, don't need the talk today, okay? I'm fine now so let's get to practice." She grabs her bag that was sitting on the floor, swings it angrily over her shoulder, and walks out of the bathroom. I notice that she dropped a white plastic tube from her bag.

"Oh, you dropped..." As I picked it up, I couldn't believe what it was. 



Two hours had passed and they were finally done with practice. My stomach was growling! Unfortunately, I still had one more task at hand before I could get out of this place to get something to eat. Not too far away on the bleachers, Julie was getting her sweatpants and shirt from her bag to put over her cheer uniform. Becca walked up to her and secretly handed Julie something before walking away as Julie secretly put the item in her bag. Weird... well now's my chance. I get up and walk to where she is on the bleachers, tapping her shoulder.

"Hey, Julie..."

She looks down at me and says, "What do you want? And why are you here?"

"I think that we got off on the wrong foot when we met each other. I mean, you're just getting used to the school and I couldn't have made it any worse for you," I begin, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

"I won't argue with that," she says as she walks down the bleachers. I stop her before she can take another step.

"Julie, I'm... I'm so... I want to apologize for... acting rude towards you. It's true, I was just jealous of you and Diggy. You stole my best friend."

"Cute. Is that all?"

"No. I want to ask for a favor," I reply.

"A favor?"

"You know my friend Jake? He's on the varsity basketball team--"

"The short cutie? What about him?"

"So, him and his mom are going through some financial troubles. He can't go to college because his mom doesn't make enough money. She needs to be cared for, so Jake is planning on staying home with his mom after high school instead of going to UCLA to play basketball."

"That's so sad, but why are you telling me this?"

"I know that your parents own their own businesses... maybe you could see if they wouldn't mind donating a little money to his family to take care of bills and Jake's college fund?"

There's a pause before she responds. She has a smirk on her face.

"You want my parents to give your friend money-- no excuse me, pay for his mother's bills and pay for his college tuition? Seriously?! What do I look like? An ATM?" Julie huffs off and I follow close behind her.

"Look, I know what it seems like, but I just wanted a fresh start at being friends--"

"So you use me for money? HA!"

"You don't have to get all the money yourself. I was thinking of doing a fundraiser for him. Maybe like a car wash or something? Maybe the cheer squad can pitch in too! I'm just asking one time and if there's any good in you, you'd help me out. I mean, think about it... your name in the paper for helping out a fellow classmate with their expenses. You'll be the new role model of the school. A rich girl offering her money to a friend in need with no strings attached," I explain.

"Is that all you think of me? A rich girl?"

I don't respond and look up at Julie. She sighs.

"You seem to really care about your friend. And though I don't appreciate being used... I'll see what I can do for Jake... but only for him. This doesn't change how I feel about you."

"Okay!" I say a little too excited.

"But there's one condition. You have to break up with Chris," she says.

What is she talking about?

"Uh, why would I do that?"

She walks closer to me, getting in my bubble, and changes her voice to a whisper. "You know how we feel about each other. I know he's told you. So if you break up with him, I'll break up with Daniel to be with Chris, and you'll have your best friend back. Simple."

Lowering my voice to a whisper, I reply: "So you two are playing along... but how could you do that to Diggy? Do you even care for his feelings? Why get with him if you knew you were feeling somebody else?"

"Oh, look who's talking. Daniel is a sweet guy, he is. I'm just not into him like I'm into Chris." Julie shrugs and throws her ponytail over her shoulder. "As if you care about Daniel at all. You tried to mess up our relationship every chance that you got. Why couldn't you accept the fact that he was happy being with me?"

"I'll never accept that fact... because you're a two-faced backstabber. Instead of playing with his heart, you could've just told him that you were feeling Chris," I reply getting slightly annoyed. How dare she stand here and admit she likes someone else with no care about Diggy's feelings. This girl probably did this before at her other school. Fake heffa.

"I didn't want to hurt his feelings, okay? That was never my intention. Look, the only way we can put this behind us and make everything normal is if you break up with Chris. And do it by Saturday," Julie says while glancing around the gym.

"What if I don't wanna break up? What if Chris actually loves me more than you?" I don't actually believe this, but I said it to try to bait her.

"Please. Me and Chris were meant for each other, and I have the morning sickness to show it!" She says the last part more louder than needed.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow.

Julie looks scared for a second, then immediately looks mad.

"If you want me to help your little friend Jake, break up with Chris. You guys weren't really dating anyway. I'll handle Daniel. End of discussion."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Don't worry, I've got it all figured out," she smirks at me and walks out the gym.

 "What was that about?" Becca asks me, appearing out of nowhere.

"You can't be sneaking up on a sista," I shake my head and walk out the gym. Becca follows me.

"Sorry, amiga. But, is everything okay?"

"Yep. Everything is fine. I'm hungry," I change the subject.

"Same here. Let's get some lunch."



I finished half of my shopping so I decided that it was time for a snack. My feet were killing me! I got a meatball sub from Subway in the food court and looked for a spot to crash. I spotted Jake sitting at a table by himself eating a slice of pizza. Hmmm, just the boy I needed to see. I don't really know why Samantha wants me to raise money for him, but he's cute so maybe he deserves it. Plus, I have a little idea in mind of how to get Chris back and get Daniel off my back.


He looks up from his food and flashes a friendly smile, "Julie. Hey, how are you?"

"I'm great, thanks for asking. How are you?" I smile back.

"I'm good, thanks."

"I was just taking a break from shopping. Do you mind if I sit with you?"

"No, no problem. I'm on break right now so I don't mind company," he replies.

I sit down in the seat in front of him and set my bags on the floor. I begin eating my sub sandwich, taking a huge bite. Mmm, this tastes like heaven!

"Someone's hungry," Jake chuckles.

"Just a little," I reply with a chuckle. "Um, so, what are you doing over Christmas break? Any plans?"

"Just working and helping my mom around the house."

"Oh, same here. Except the working part. I have a lot of work to do with the cheer team though. It never stops."

 "Well, I'm sure your hard work will pay off."

"Mhm. I can't wait to show off my talent at Juilliard next fall."

"Wait, you're going to Juilliard?!" Jake asks with a face full of surprise.

"Yep. Got accepted last month and I audition next spring," I say, checking my text messages.

"Dang, I wish I could afford to go to an expensive college like that. I can barely get into community college," Jake says.

"Oh? Why not?" I frown, appearing concerned.

"Long story short, my mom doesn't make enough money. I can't go to UCLA next year because of it..."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I reply, sympathetically. I put my sandwich down and look genuinely hurt.

"It's alright."

"I was thinking of an idea for the cheer squad this weekend to raise money for the school. Sort of like a holiday show. I haven't asked the principal yet, but would you mind asking your coach if the boy's varsity basketball team could play a game of scrimmage?"

"Uh, sure I guess. It's kinda last minute though. Why don't you ask Diggy?"

"I haven't gotten to speak with him because I've been so busy. You're the first person on the boy's team that I've seen this week," I lie.

"There's always Chris--"

"Pleeaaassee," I give Jake the pouty face and bat my eyelashes a few times before he cracks a smile.

"Alright, alright. I'll ask coach, but what am I supposed to tell him?"

"Just tell him that there will be a little fundraiser for Wesley High this Saturday in the school gym, and the varsity team needs to be there to play scrimmage. More deets will come after I talk to the principal."

"What about the girl's basketball team?" He asks.

"What about them?"

"It would be fair if they played too," he says, looking me straight in the eye. 

I hesitate for a second, then nod my head to affirm his request.

"Alright, cool. Well, it was nice talking to you. I gotta get back to work," Jake gathers his trash and gets up.

"Same here. It was very nice talking to you, Jake. And don't worry about your whole... situation. Good things are in store for you very soon," I wink at him and wave goodbye. 

Looks like things will be in my favor too this weekend.

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