Chapter 25

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I was back home and resting on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. The little confrontation at the mall today made me think about what was actually important to me. I had never thought about it before, but even though I wanted to slap the mess out of Julie, she really isn't worth it. I've always been one to fight for what I want -- whether fighting physically or verbally -- but lately, all I seem to do is make my friends angry with me. 

Julie is not important and she never was. All of the horrible things she said or did to Jake, Becca, and Diggy got me heated because she messed with what was important to me. Honestly, she can do bad all by herself as long as she doesn't mess with my homies.

I'm done arguing with people, too. It's not worth it because they will only listen to themselves and still make the same mistakes. Take Diggy, for example. I tried to warn him about Julie but he didn't listen. He's so dang difficult. I guess relationships in general are difficult though... tuh, listen to me. Acting like I know the secrets of life. I only know what I went through, and these past two weeks have been hell.

Well, anyway, I'm looking forward to Christmas. Mama G is having a dinner at our house for the holiday and invited a few of her good friends, including Antonio. He's been at our house like every day this week. I would ask if he had a home but maybe he's homeless... Nah, who am I kidding! That dude has the flyest clothes, no way he could be homeless!

"Samantha." There was a knock on my door.


The door opens slowly and I see my mom peep her head in: "Everything alright? I didn't realize you had come in. How was the mall?"

"Mom, too many questions," I groan. She steps completely into my room and closes the door.

"Did you find any cute outfits?"

"Yeah," I dryly reply.

"That's good... can I see 'em?" She asks, walking closer to the bed.

"What do you want, ma? I know you wanna ask about you-know-who," I say while squinting my eyes at her.

"Who is that?" She replies, touching the back of her neck while looking confused. I give her a look that says 'stop playing' and she sighs and sits on the bed next to me. "Okay, you got me. Justine called last night. We were just talking about different things, then she mentioned that Diggy got in a car accident. Did you know that?"

"Mhm. Becca told me."

"Well, she also told me that he was in a mood when he got home and he never ate dinner."

"Okay? Sounds like a normal teenager move. Your point?" I reply.

"Do you know if anything happened yesterday? The school had that fundraiser, didn't they? Was there any drama with that one girl -- what's her name -- Jennifer?"

"It's Julie, mom," I sigh and continue, "Long story short, Julie broke up with Diggy and now she's with Chris."

"Oh, she broke up with him?" She asked with a hurt expression as she sat down on my bed.

I nod and continue explaining the crazy events of the past 48 hours, including how Julie tried to sleep with Jake and the argument at the mall. "...and then today at the mall, we ran into Julie and Chris. I was gonna confront her about her actions, but then Diggy butted in and got super heated at Chris because he thought he slept with Julie, but apparently he didn't. Then, he started blaming me because his girlfriend lied about being pregnant by him or whatever. I don't know, it's all too messy. But anyway, Diggy was attacking me like it was all my fault, but I just left with Becca after I said my piece so..."

"Wait, wait, wait. So... Julie? Diggy's girlfriend, right?"

"Ex-girlfriend now..."

"Okay. She's pregnant?" My mom looks confused and shocked.

"Yes, mama, she's trampy like that," I say with no remorse.

"Watch your mouth, girl! Even if that is true, you don't know what that child may be going through..."

"I assume she's going through periods of nausea..."

"So she broke up with Diggy? And you said Diggy got her pregnant?" Mama asks.

"Yes, and that's what he told me. But, she's probably lying. 'Cause she lies about literally everything."

"Oh my Lord... did Diggy tell his mother? I know she's not gonna be too happy to find out that he's been sleeping around. He knows better than that--" Mama says while rubbing her temples.

"Mom, please don't tell Mrs. Justine. Diggy's already dealing with a lot of stuff. That'll only make him more mad at me." I plead. I'm really tryna deal with him blaming me for yet another thing.

"Samantha, this isn't something that should be hidden from his mother--"

"Mom, I'm serious!" My voice got a little louder, but I didn't mean to yell.

"Girl, who are you raising your voice at?" My mom looks at me like I'm crazy, then gets off the bed.

"Sorry..." I mumble. "I'm just saying. Please."

"Look, I can't make any promises. Anywho, change of subject. Antonio and I are going to the grocery store to pick up some things for the dinner on Wednesday. You wanna come?"

"No thanks."

"Alright. Why don't you invite some of your friends to the dinner? I already invited some co-workers and church members of mine so."


"Okay. Well, we're leaving now. Don't do anything crazy while we're out. Call me if you need anything." She finally leaves my room. 

I sit up on my bed and pout some more. I really hope she doesn't tell on Diggy. Like I get that his mom may be worried, but if the rumor is true, I think that's something that Diggy should confess himself along with Julie. It's really no one else's business. 

I sigh. Taking my phone out of my sweatpants, I begin to text my friends and ask if they wanna come to the dinner. When I scroll to Diggy's name, I hesitate for a second but decide to invite him anyway. A few seconds later, I get a text.

JAKE: Hey. Thanks 4 the invite but my family always comes over for Christmas so I'll be at home.

ME: Okay thats cool

JAKE: How are you?

ME: I'm okay. We saw Julie @ the mall, but I decided no more drama 4 me. Still crazy what happened 2 u :/

JAKE: Yeah... I'll be fine. I still got $4,000 & I'm working double-time this holiday to make extra money

ME: I'm always here 4 you if you need anything, ok?

JAKE: Aww look at Sam being all caring :)

ME: ha.. ha.. ha..

JAKE: g2g but see you at work

ME: Diddo. Adios!

As I slide off the bed, I get another text. From Diggy.

DIGGY: My whole family is going so I have no choice

ME: figured that

A few minutes passed and I receive another text. 

DIGGY: Julie said that it wasn't mine or Chris's baby... after u left

ME: That's good news I guess?

I don't know why he was texting me. I thought he didn't care about me, right? Why am I even responding? He should be earning my time and respect after all the ish he been throwing at me.

DIGGY: I still don't believe her. All the lies that she told me, she's probably lying again

ME: Probably........

DIGGY: Anyway, Khalil told me not 2 worry about it

ME: Hm. I see you listen to one of ur friends

DIGGY: What's that supposed to mean??

ME: Nothing. g2g

"Ughhhhh!" I groan. I sort of wish that he wasn't coming to the dinner. I don't have a problem with his family, but I just don't want him there. At least I'll have Becca there to have my back in case something happens. Not jinxing that something will happen, but you gotta be careful these days. Especially when you're dealing with Diggy Simmons.

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