Chapter 31

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"Sam! You have a guest!" My mom shouts from downstairs. Who is it now?

I get up from my bed and walk down the stairs. I see my best friend standing at the front door holding a red gift bag. "You're late," I mumble.

"I know - I'm sorry. I had to help mi madre with some holiday stuff around the house... you okay?" Becca's face looks of concern and she clearly realizes I've been crying.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I look to the side and sniffle.

"You're lying... I got you a gift." I take the bag from her hands and give her a measly hug. She returns the gesture but with more feeling. "So, where's the party?"

"In there," I reply, referring to the dining room. I follow behind her as we enter the room; curious eyes watch us. Diggy is sitting next to Russy. Mom gets up from the table to escort Becca to the kitchen and grabs me too.

"Help yourself, Becca. You can get as much as you want to eat. It's good to see you!" Mom gave her a hug.

"Thanks, Mrs. Goode."

"Sam, can I speak with you?"


"Are you okay? I know it's a lot to take in, but I hope that you can be happy with this decision--"

"You don't need my permission to do anything. You're a grown woman." I cross my arms and hypnotize her with my eyes.

"We both will have to get used to our new life. But no matter what happens, I'll always love you." Her eyes begin to fill with water and her lip quivers. I frown and continue to scan her face. She hugs me. I don't move a muscle.

"Can Becca and I eat in my room?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Sure..." Mom walks back into the dining room without another word.

"What was that about? You know you have to tell me," Becca says.

"I will."



It was almost 3pm and some people had already left. I wish we could leave but my parents are chatting away with Ms. Martha and her fiance, Antonio. I managed to sneak away from the table and go into the living room where their Christmas tree was. 

Man, this Christmas sucks. Instead of being filled with cheer and laughs, it's filled with "Sam drama" and awkward moments. I wish we didn't argue up in her room. Over stupid stuff, too.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and began scrolling through Twitter and Instagram. One picture caught my eye and I noticed the person tagged me in it. There was a picture of me and Julie -- must have been at a basketball game last weekend. I was wearing my uniform and she was in her cheer outfit. I was smiling. She was kissing my cheek. I looked so happy. Why can't I still be that happy? What's stopping me from being happy? Is it me? Or someone else?

"Aww, how cute." A sarcastic voice said from behind my head. I jumped and sat up on the couch. Russy laughed and sat next to me on the couch.

"Stop sneaking up on people."

"Was that you and Julie?"

"Yeah... what you know about Julie?"

"I know things. Plus, nobody in our house talks quietly. I hear everything." He points to his ears. I place my hand on top of his head and push it to the side.

"Whatever," I say.

"You reminiscing?"


"You miss her?" He raises an eyebrow.

I sigh. "I miss being happy."

"Does she make you happy?"

"She did."

"What happened?"

"She lied to me. And caused a whole bunch of drama that I don't need."

"Oh..." Russy leans back on the couch and rubs his eye. I stare at the floor, thinking.

"She broke up with me. I didn't know then what she had done. I was angry. Mostly at her and my so-called 'friends', but then I was angry at myself for being so stupid."

"You should be used to that though," he smirks. I push his arm and laugh a little. Little squirt.

"I wish things were back to normal," I say.

Suddenly, a loud roar of thunder shook the house. Me and Russy ran to look out the front window. It was snowing. A lot.


"I understand what you're coming from. When my dad married my step-mom, I was hurt because he didn't tell me. I didn't want this strange person in our house, but she turned out to be a pretty decent lady. Me and my siblings love her," Becca says, finishing her apple pie.

"I guess." I finished my can of soda.

"It'll be fine, Sam. It always is." She smiles.

"I just wish that things were how they were before Antonio, and before Julie."

The sound of thunder boomed outside and shook the house. I got up from my spot on the bed and looked out my window. The backyard was a winter wonderland. Everything was white.

"It's snowing!"

"Really?" Becca got up to check.

"Ugh. There's too much!" I whine.

"Oh, I probably should go help my family clean the driveway."

"Don't leave," I whine again, sticking out my bottom lip.

She laughs and picks up her empty plate. "Merry Christmas, Sam. Thanks for inviting me. And smile. You're too pretty to have a frowny face all the time." I follow her out of the room and down the stairs.

"Okay. Merry Christmas. Thanks for everything..."

"Oh! One more thing." She hands me a green shrub or some kind of garnish with a red ribbon around the stems.

"A plant?"

"It's mistletoe. You could use it on Jake the next time you see him." She winks at me.

"Becca, I told you--"

"I know you like him. You would be a cute couple."

"You say that about every guy I happen to talk to--"

"It's true! And that dream you had about him wasn't just a coincidence. You like him!" She skips into the kitchen and throws away her food. I roll my eyes and try not to blush.

"Who does Sam like?" Russy asks as he and Diggy appear from the living room.

"No one," I reply, hiding the mistletoe behind my back.

"Mhmm!" Russy smirks and looks up at his brother. Ignoring him, I turn around, walk Becca to the door, and say goodbye. It was snowing harder.

"It's really coming down," Russy says from behind me.

"Yeah... oh! I forgot I got some presents for you guys. Where's Miley?"

"I'll get her!" Russy goes to get Miley from the dining room. Me and Diggy are left to wait til he comes back. I don't make eye contact with him, clear my throat, and move my hair behind my ear. I can feel his eyes watching me.

"So... you got anything planned for the rest of the year?" He asks.

I look up at him and answer "no", then look out the front window, watching the cars parked on the side of the curb disappear under the flakes of snow landing on them.

"Got her!" Russy comes back with Miley in arm. He's tickling her and her giggles fill the foyer room.

I smile at them and lead them into the living room and get their presents sitting in the corner next to our tree. I grab a rectangular shaped box wrapped in light blue paper with penguins on them. I hand it to Miley and say "Merry Christmas". She tears it open and screams in joy.

"Black Christmas Barbie!! I was looking for her! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOUUU!" She runs to me and hugs me tight. I hug her back too and smile real big. Miley is so adorable! She's like the little sister I never had.

"You're very welcome, Miles." I call her by my nickname for her.

"Alright, Russy, you're up next..." I grab a blue and green plaid box and hand it to him. He tries to shake it and holds the box to his ear to try to guess what's inside. I grin and watch him tear open the package.

"Roller blades? Nice... I can skate in our workout room since it's snowy outside," he says.

"There's no way dad will let you skate in the house," Diggy says.

"I can skate in our gym."

"That's where we play basketball."

"Whatever! I'm gonna skate anyway. Thanks, Sam."

"No problem. And last... Diggy." I grab a small square red box and hand it to him. He looks at it as if expecting more. He looks up at me, licks his lips, opens the small velvet box, and takes out the ornament. It was a sparkly orange basketball with a red, white, and blue sneaker attached. He holds it between his thumb and index finger, admiring it.

"This is cool," he utters.

"I wanted something that would clearly represent you... and I guess you could think of me when you hang it on your tree every year. If you want to hang it on your tree, I mean, you don't have to... you can do whatever you want... with it." I was rambling for no reason and it became awkward.

"Gotcha. Thanks." Diggy fake grins and puts the ornament back in the box.

"Anyways, it's good to see y'all," I saw to Diggy's siblings. Miley hugs me around my waist and I rub her head.

"You too," Russy replies.


"Bye!" Russy and Miley say together. Diggy gives me a nod and they all leave. I unball my fist and look at the mistletoe in my hand. I gotta hide this somewhere safe. I don't know if I'll actually use it, but it might come in handy, who knows?


~The next day, still Winter Break~

I woke up at noon the next morning. I zombie-walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a hot shower. After I finished getting cleaned up, I threw on some black sweatpants and a white sweatshirt with the words "Where The Dope Things Are..." on it. I put my hair in two braids and wore a white beanie. I haven't dressed this comfortably since the whole break-up thing with Chris. 

Speaking of Chris, we haven't talked ever since the basketball fundraiser game. I would get all dressed up for him, but now I've been doing it for myself. I bought all these dresses and skirts, might as well keep them and put them to good use sometimes. Just 'cause I ain't with that sucka anymore doesn't mean my outfits gotta suffer. Haha!

I'm starving, so I walk downstairs and reheat some leftovers from last night. My mom and Antonio are sitting at the kitchen table eating leftovers too.

"Morning, baby."

"Morning..." I reply to my mom.

"Did you sleep well?" Antonio asks me, but I don't reply.

"Antonio is talking to you, Sam." I can feel my mother's gaze on my back.

"So? It's not like he's my dad or anything," I reply. I get my food out of the microwave and head back upstairs to eat it.


I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to look at my mom. Her face was serious and her eyes shot bullets into my soul. "What?"

"Jake called... he asked me to tell you to check your phone. Be good today, please," she says with a worried look on her face.

I nod and go upstairs to my room and shut the door. I power on my cell phone. When it finally turns on, I see that Jake has called and texted me twice. I open the unread text messages:

JAKE: Morning Sam. Hope you had a great Christmas!

JAKE: Hey, you wanna come over today? Since i  wasn't able to come 2 the dinner I wanted to pay you back. PS, I have Twizzlers :)

I reply back with:

SAM: how dare you bribe me with Twizzlers e.e

A few seconds later I get:

JAKE: Lol morning sleepyhead. I promise it'll be fun

SAM: Okay I'll be there at 2

JAKE: Alright see ya soon

Looks like I'll be hanging with my boy Jake today. And best believe there will be no drama... I think imma take the mistletoe with me too. Wink, wink.

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