Chapter 34

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~Five days later, New Years Eve~

We were sitting in the park, underneath a tree that was blooming beautiful pink flowers. A few feet away was a crystal blue lake; the waters made ripples as the wind gently blew over it. The grass was green and well-manicured. The children's playground could be seen across the lake, but no one was playing on it. There was nobody there except me and Jake.

Rubbing his fingers on the red and white checkered blanket, he says: "I always knew you were the right one."

"How?" I ask.

"All my life, mi madre has been the number one lady in my life - she still is. But, I never thought I'd meet anyone that could come close to the strong, independent woman that she is... until I met you..."

I feel my cheeks flush red. "I don't know what to say..."

"Say you'll be mine," Jake replies.


He smiles, revealing his deep dimples. He leans closer to me, moving very slow... he's only a few inches away from my face. I stare at his lips and slowly lean in towards him, then I close my eyes. Our lips touch and he kisses me tenderly, then more with force. I return the gesture; by this time the picnic basket that was between us is knocked over resting by the edge of the blanket, oranges and strawberries spilling out. I'm on top of him kissing him and grinding my hips...

"Jake... Jake..." I lightly moan into the kiss.


"WAKE UP, SUNSHINE!!" Somebody yells. I jump out of my sleep and open my eyes to see Becca on my bed hovering over me as I am caressing a pillow.

"Ugh, no! I was having a good dream!" I whine.

"I know. You were saying Jake's name... and making out with your pillow." Becca wiggles her eyebrows at me. I throw the pillow at her face and yawn.

She throws the pillow on the floor. "NOPE! NO SLEEPING - IT'S TIME TO GET UP! We're gonna be late for brunch."

"I don't wanna gooooo..." I whine some more, throwing the covers over my head.

"Jake's gonna be there, and you can make out with him in real life!"

I uncover my head and ask, "What time is it?"

"Half past 10. We're supposed to meet the boys at 11, remember?"

I get up. My back is aching and I must have slept wrong on my neck because I have a crook in it. I walk to my closet to pick out an outfit.

"Oh! I already picked an outfit for you. Pink silk blouse - long-sleeved - and black skinny jeans. You could probably wear your black heels and black chunky necklace."


"You like it?"

"It actually could be pretty cute, I guess. Minus the heels part."

"You'll look stunning! Hurry up and get dressed so we can drive to the restaurant. I'll be downstairs."

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and threw on my clothes. Instead of heels, I decided to wear my black Vans. They'll be more comfortable since we're gonna be doing a lot of walking tonight. Running down the stairs, I almost reach the front door when my mom catches me.

"You leaving?"

"Yes, mom."

She looks at me from head to toe, then grins. "You look cute, Sam."

I don't know what to say, but I reply, "See you later," before opening the front door.


I groan and look back at her, "What?"

"Be careful tonight. Stay in a group and leave your bags locked in the car if you can. Downtown is the easiest place to get mugged, especially with that crowd."

"Okay, mom," I say pronouncing each consonant and vowel, putting emphasis on my annoyance.

"She's a smart girl, Martha. She'll be fine." Antonio sneaks up behind my mom and wraps his arms around her waist. She rests her arms on top of his and smiles.

I nod at Antonio and run out to Becca's car and get in.

"You ready?"

"Yep," I say, patting my shoulder bag resting in my lap.

Becca pulls out of the driveway and drives to the restaurant.

"Eeeep! Aren't you excited to see the ball drop?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"You sound so excited," she sarcastically replies.

"I'm glad to be out the house. My mom and Antonio only talk about their wedding and they insist on making me be their second wedding planner."

"That sounds fun! I wouldn't mind planning a wedding. It's a lot of hard work though." She stops at a red light.

"Psh, no kidding."

Becca pulls down the vanity mirror and checks her makeup. I look out my window and peep at the people at a gas station.

"When you're married, I bet you'll be saying something different."

"When I'm married, I'll leave that sh*t to a wedding planner," I retort.

Becca closes the mirror and starts driving when the light turns green. I turn on the radio. Beyoncé's song "7/11" is on. Becca immediately starts dancing. She bout to get both of us killed.


 Finally, we arrive at IHOP and park in their lot. We go inside and see Khalil and Jake waiting inside by the doors.

"Thanks for waiting," Becca says as she hugs her man.

"No problem," Khalil replies calmly.

"Hey, Sam," Jake greets me.

"Hey." I smile.

"I'm hungry. Let's find a table," Khalil says. He puts his arm around Becca and they begin walking as we follow behind them. We sit at a booth and look at our menus deciding what to eat.

"I'm so hungry! I could eat a cow!" I exclaim.

"I don't doubt that," Jake replies with a laugh.

"What you gonna get?" Khalil asks Becca.

"I don't know. I was thinking blueberry pancakes... I'm pretty hungry, too."

"We can share a big sunshine breakfast and you can have the pancakes."

"Okay. That sounds good." Becca smiles and sets her menu on the table.

The waiter comes and quickly takes our orders, then leaves.

"So, what are we gonna do after this?" I ask.

Jake looks at Khalil, then at me. "We can go bowling, then maybe go to the mall or something."

"No New Year's Eve parties? We grown and it's the last day of the year! We should turn up!" I shout. A few heads turn around.

"There's no way I'm getting caught in a club I'm not old enough to be in," Becca says, "I'll pass."

"You're no fun!"

"Where's all this energy coming from all of a sudden?" Jake chuckles.

"I'm just ready to live it up! I mean... the last few days felt really new to me and, I don't know, I like it," I shrug.

Becca smirks and says, "That's because you've been hanging out with Jaaakkeee!"

"I mean, this is the happiest I seen you in the last few weeks, you feel me?" Khalil adds. "I don't know, bro. I think you got a good influence on her."

Jake chuckles at Khalil's comment and then looks at me. I grin at him as we share eye contact.

"Jake and Sam sitting in a tree..." Becca whispers.

"Shut up!" I crack a smile and tuck my hair behind my ears.

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