Chapter 64

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~The Next Day~

"You look so beautiful..." Mrs. Justine gushes while helping my mom zip up her purple wedding gown. It was super flowy and long. I stood on the other side of her as we all looked in the mirror's reflection and admired the lady who meant so much to us.

"Thank you, girl..." My mom replies, taking a deep sigh and fixing her hair. She was wearing a sleeveless gown with a ruffle-patterned long train and matching purple high heels. Her long silver dangly earrings would sparkle every time she moved her head from side to side. She was looking fashionable per usual.

"In less than an hour, you will be Mrs. Martinez. How are you feeling?"

"I'm getting butterflies..." My mom admits while fanning herself. She looks away from the mirror and makes eye contact with her best friend. "I'm gonna be married again. This feels like a dream..."

"The best part is that it's to someone you love, and to someone who loves you. It'll be such a beautiful union and that's because it's God's plan," Mrs. Justine says.

"I know you're right. I'm thankful to God that he put Antonio in my life. It wasn't easy after the divorce..."

"Oh, I know..."

"I had to do everything on my own... I had to find myself again. Love myself again. Raise a daughter through high school, but I wouldn't change one bit," my mom says as she grabs my arm and squeezes it tenderly while smiling at me. I press my lips together and grin back at her. "Sam, I'm so thankful that God put you in my life. I'm so happy to be your mother. I know it wasn't easy for you when I introduced you to Antonio. It wasn't easy for you to just accept him as my boyfriend or accept him as my future husband, but you did. I am so happy that you two get along so well and I pray that we can become a beautiful blended family for years and years to come..." She gets teary-eyed as Mrs. Justine quickly passes her a tissue to avoid ruining her mascara. She dabs her eyes and chuckles slightly. "Look at me crying already."

"That's okay! Those are tears of happiness. That'll be me in a few minutes," Mrs. Justine replies while rubbing my back.

"I love you, Samantha. I just want you to know that. Whatever happens, I'll always be here for you and support you. I'm proud of you," my mom says while wiping the snot from her nose and trying not to shed any more tears. She squeezes my hand as I nod in response.

"Thanks, mom..." I reply, trying not to let her sappy words rub off on me. I get that it's her big day and there are a lot of emotions. Crying just always makes me feel weird.

"Let's hug it out! To love!" Mrs. Justine shouts while grabbing both me and my mom into a big bear hug and squeezing tight.

"AGH! Okay. Okay..." I complain as the air gets squeezed out of me. "Don't mess up my dress..."

Mrs. Justine lets go as tears fill her eyes. Darn it," she says before running to grab a tissue for herself.

My mom smiles and looks at me up and down. "You look so beautiful. Both of y'all do. Y'all some good-looking bridesmaids."

I look down at my purple over-the-shoulder dress. It had a sash around the waist which made the curves of my body stand out a bit more, and the skirt flowed just past the knees. All the bridesmaids would be wearing the same thing. It's been a while since I really dressed up like this, and no lie, I was feeling pretty fly. I got a bit excited just wondering how Jake would respond to this outfit.

"You know how we do!" Mrs. Justine says while smoothing back her edges, her fingers gliding up the crown of her head to her hair that's perfectly shaped into an elegant bun.

"Ooh, I wonder how Antonio is looking. I bet he looks so handsome..." My mom thinks out loud, re-checking herself in the mirror for the tenth time this hour.

"Well, you'll get to see him pretty soon."

"What time is it anyway?"

The doors to our room open as the hotel venue manager walks in. Our make-shift dressing room was actually one of the hotel's smaller event rooms just a couple doors down from where the wedding will take place.

"Mrs. Martha? It's time," the hotel venue manager says with a smile.

"Okay. I'll see you girls out there," my mom says while taking another deep breath. We hug one last time before leaving my mom to prepare for her entrance.


All of the bridesmaids and groomsmen were standing in place near the altar dressed in their fancy purple dresses and grey suits with purple ties. I was second in the bridesmaids' line, standing behind Mrs. Justine who was the maid of honor; we held our flower bouquets in hand as we waited for the bride to make her appearance. Antonio was ready in place, hands clasped in front of him with an eager look in his eyes. He smiled toward Pastor Palmer, the officiant, before releasing a nervous breath and looking back down the white-carpeted aisle. His brother, Javier, stood proudly behind him as the best man, leading the line of groomsmen.

The event hall was filled with at least 30 people - a nice, small crowd - which included Javier's wife and daughter, Lady Palmer, Sister Wanda, Diggy and his family sitting near the front, Jake and his family, Becca and her family, Khalil and his family, as well as the family of the other bridesmaids and groomsmen. The energy felt very light and peaceful despite some of the nerves that were probably eating everyone up on the inside. Not a second longer, the doors to the event hall open and the wedding march song is heard playing through the speakers.

The guests stand to their feet and turn to face the long-awaited bride, my mom, who had a purple veil that concealed her made-up face. She slowly walks down the aisle with a bouquet of flowers in her hands. The sound of gasps can be heard around the room as everyone admires her. I grin, watching my mom walk down the aisle, a scene that I've never witnessed in my life. I never imagined my last year of high school would have so many surprising moments.

As she reached the altar and stood across from Antonio, he gently lifted her veil to reveal her face. His eyes are filled with tears as he looks down at my mom with so much love. It was kind of weird to see him cry, but I couldn't judge him at that moment because it was super obvious how much he cared for her. Over the last three months, I've gotten to see how Antonio looks out for her in so many ways. I honestly don't know if I'd be standing as a bridesmaid if I didn't think he was a good fit for my mom.

"Welcome friends and family, and thank you for gathering here today to celebrate two very lovely people on this wonderful occasion..." Pastor Palmer begins as the guests quietly take their seats. "We are gathered here today to join Martha Renee Goode and Antonio Mateo Martinez in holy matrimony. To begin, we'll have the exchanging of vows which I am informed the couple has prepared beforehand. So, Martha, you may go first," Pastor Palmer says with a grin.

My mom takes a deep, shaky breath. "Woo... I'm so nervous," she reveals as the audience collectively chuckles. "And I'm not usually the nervous type. If y'all know me, y'all know I can tell it like it is..." she talks to the guests while looking throughout the crowd.

Mrs. Justine nods her head. "Yes, you can. Take your time, babe..."

"Okay. I'll try to keep it short. Ahem. Antonio... over the last decade I've been blessed to know you, you've been a reliable coworker and supportive friend. You never had anything bad to say about anyone and you always liked to look at the positive side of things. You were always willing to help others and never complained about anything. You were fun, honest, and sincere no matter the situation. I admired these qualities in you, and they made me draw closer to you. I wanted to have your patience, your kindness, and your smile even on the worst of days. Fast forward to today, I'm so glad that not only do I have that but I also have your love, and I hope to keep it for always and eternity..." My mom caresses Antonio's cheek before continuing. "Thank you for being my best friend, my cheerleader, my therapist, and my rock. I love you..."

The audience erupts in applause. A photographer snaps a few photos during this moment as Pastor Palmer then turns to Antonio.

"Antonio, your vows..."

Antonio, who has been holding back his tears since my mom walked down the aisle, looks like he's about to burst. He tilts his head back and blinks several times, groaning in frustration as one of his groomsmen rushes up beside him and slips him a tissue. The audience chuckles at this action, including Antonio who takes the tissue, dabs his eyes, and thanks the bridesman.

"Ah... you know me so well. I'm such a crybaby," Antonio jokes, turning a bit to the audience before smiling at my mom. "Ah... okay. I'll try to hold it in though. Okay. Let me start by saying you look so beautiful today..."

The audience breaks out in another round of applause, hooting and hollering in agreement.

"Thank you, baby," my mom replies.

"You look beautiful every day. I'm so thankful that God created the most beautiful woman, and that she chose to marry me. Not only are you beautiful on the outside, but your true beauty shines from within. From the moment I met you, I could tell you were one of a kind. Intelligent, powerful, bold, a great leader, a great friend, a great mother. You're honestly the perfect package. You make me a better man every day. When I stare into your eyes, I see and feel the love of God emanating from them. I feel His love and His peace, and I know that everything will be alright. No matter what we do, no matter where we go, I know that with you I can do no wrong. And so I'm glad to be your life partner, for better or for worse, in sickness or health. I will always love you to the moon and back."

The audience claps, and a few whistles are heard throughout as the photographer takes another chance to capture some good photos.

"That was beautiful, both of you. Next, we will have the declaration of intent. Do you, Martha, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?" Pastor Palmer says while awaiting my mom's answer.

She replies, "I do."

Pastor Palmer turns toward Antonio. "And do you, Antonio, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

Antonio replies, "I do."

"Now the for the exchanging of rings, which I have behind me." Pastor Palmer reaches behind him where a silver ring box rests on a podium. He holds the box in one hand, the microphone in the other, and looks between the couple. "Martha and Antonio have chosen rings to exchange with each other as a symbol of their unending love. A ring is an unbroken circle with ends that have been joined together, and it represents your union. It is a symbol of infinity and of your infinite love. Martha... as you place this ring on Antonio's finger, please repeat after me..." The pastor opens the ring box and carefully passes the ring to my mom. Then, she grabs Antonio's left hand and slides the ring over his ring finger. "With this ring..."

"With this ring..." My mom repeats.

"I thee wed..."

"I thee wed..."

"And pledge you my love..."

"And pledge you my love..."

"Now and forever."

"Now and forever.

"Antonio, as you place this ring on Martha's finger, please repeat after me..." The pastor says as he hands Antonio an identical ring. Antonio grabs my mom's left hand and slides the ring onto her ring finger.

"I'm ready," Antonio boasts.

"With this ring..."

"With this ring..."

"I thee wed..."

"I thee wed..."

"And pledge you my love..."

"And pledge you my love..."

"Now and forever."

"Now and forever.

"Amen and amen!" Pastor Palmer concludes with a huge smile. A short round of applause fills the event hall before he continues. "Before these witnesses, you have pledged to be joined in marriage. You have now sealed this pledge with your wedding rings. May God bless you both. And now by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may share a kiss."

Without hesitation, my mom and Antonio smash their lips together and share a passionate kiss -- a little too passionate for my taste. I cover my eyes for a brief moment as the event hall is full of cheer and applause as the guests stand to their feet in celebration. My mom and Antonio hug each other tightly before turning to the audience and smiling, giving everyone the chance to take a few pictures, before they jump the broom and elegantly make their way down the aisle, waving at their friends and family. I clap along with everyone else, feeling a mix of emotions while watching my mom swagger happily out of the room.


~An hour later, Wedding Reception~

The reception hall was bustling with excited guests mingling around round tables that could seat six people. Everyone had gotten their mocktails and started eating after my mom and Antonio made their entrance and danced together on the floor. The bride, the groom, the bridesmaids, and the groomsmen sat at the front of the reception hall at a long rectangular table next to the DJ booth. The large dancefloor separated us from the other guests. Along with the soulful music blasting through the speakers, purple and white papel picado and balloons filled the decorated space. A long buffet of various foods lined the right side of the wall on an L-shaped table, and a photo area was displayed in the back left corner where the professional photographer would spend their evening.

As I looked across the crowd of guests, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I spotted my friends Becca, Khalil, and Jake at their respective tables talking with their family. I'm glad that they came, although I haven't had a chance to talk with them yet. But I did smile and wave. Diggy, his siblings, and his dad were sitting at one of the front tables just across from where Julie, her mom, and the pastor were sharing a table. Diggy didn't pay me any mind today, but I didn't really expect him to. And Julie was just as quiet as ever, which is weird because I've been used to her running her gums so much at school. But it's true she has calmed down a bit since the whole Diggy situation and pregnancy ordeal. It's weird to see her here... I'll definitely have to fill Becca in once we get a chance to talk.

Antonio suddenly tapped a fork against his drinking glass and stood to his feet. The DJ stopped the music as the chatter lowered in volume. "Good afternoon, everyone. It's toast time. I just want to say how thankful I am to see so many family and friends here today to celebrate our marriage. I'm married! Woo!" Antonio cheers as his groomsmen copy him and applaud. "I feel so happy to be married to my beautiful, sexy best friend... Martha..." Antonio turns to my mom and reaches for her hand, a smirk plastered on his caramel-colored face.

"Woo-hoo! You better..." Mrs. Justine cheers as the room erupts with whistles. My mom stands to her feet and twirls around, letting everyone admire her beautiful form. Oh, this is kinda embarrassing... but I can't even hate.

"Babe, you wanna make a toast?"

"Yes. I'll toast to love and happiness forever and ever!" My mom cheers while wrapping her arms around Antonio and smooching him. She's acting a bit drunk, but there ain't no alcohol in these drinks...

After a couple of other bridesmaids and groomsmen made their short toasts, it was time for special dances. Since the parents of the bride and groom had passed away, the bride would dance with the best man while the groom would dance with the maid of honor. "Sweet Love" by Anita Baker started blasting through the speakers as everyone watched the couples dance. It was simple and sweet. After their couple's dance was over, the DJ announced that the dancefloor was now officially open to anyone who wanted to break it down.

The other bridesmaids and groomsmen quickly got to their feet, encouraging me to follow them onto the dancefloor. I didn't really feel like dancing but I followed them anyway since I was a part of the wedding party. I found myself a space beside Mrs. Justine and my mom as the song changed to an upbeat 90s song, causing everyone to flail their arms and legs. If this is what they consider dancing, count me out... I'm the only youngin beside all these old folk up here. They better quit before they break their back. Pretty soon, other guests filled the dancefloor. I thought this would give me the opportunity to run off and hide but I saw Becca and Khalil walk up to greet me.

"OMG! Hey, girl! You look so amazing!" My best friend gushes while giving me a hug. My cheeks instantly warm.

"Thanks! So do you!" I reply, checking out her long-sleeved pink velvet dress that stopped right above the knee.

"Gracias, chica..." Becca replies while moving her hair away from her eyes. "This is so beautiful!"

"Lookin' fly, Sam," Khalil compliments as he gives me a side hug.

I tug on his suit and tie. "You lookin' dapper yourself."

"Well, you know. I'm always fly," he replies while smoothing out his outfit and cheesing.

Becca grabs my wrist and starts dancing a bit in place with Khalil beside us. "So... you have so much to spill. First of all, I spotted Julie the moment we arrived. Did you invite her?"

"Heck no!" I manage to yell but in a whispered voice. "You know the best man, right?" I glance over at Javier who's talking with Mr. Joe at their table.

"Antonio's brother, right?" Becca asks while peeping.

"Mhm. That's Julie's dad..."

She gasps and taps my hand a couple of times, speechless. "No way!"

"Wait, Julie's dad is the best man?" Khalil puts two and two together. "So then--"

"Y'all are cousins?!" Becca practically screams, causing a few glances our way. I spot Julie glancing in our direction too. Dang it. Her big mouth.

"Keep it down, Becca..." I say through gritted teeth.

"Sorry. That's so weird! How ironic is that?"

"That's crazy..." Khalil adds.

"Wow... so how is it?" Becca asks. "Have you two talked or gotten closer at all?"

"No! I just found out yesterday. There's no way I can picture me and Julie being buddy-buddy anytime soon..."

"I get it," Becca replies, sounding defeated. "Well, hey. You never know what the future holds. Things change, people change--"

"Understatement of the year," I groan.

"It's not gonna happen overnight - especially with the history that you two have - but... just take it one day at a time and give it a chance. Like I told you with my stepdad..." Becca says while glancing at her stepdad and mom chatting happily at their guest table, "It wasn't easy to accept some random guy into my life, but I gave him a chance and he's proven that he's a true family man. No one will ever replace my biological dad, but now I have two great father figures in my life! Some people don't even have one..." She shrugs.

"I guess..."

"Oh! Incoming boy-toy alert!" Becca squeals as she spots Jake walking hand in hand with his mom onto the dance floor. He's wearing a suit and dark blue tie that matches his mom's long dark blue dress. "Come on, Khalil, let's leave Sam alone to chat with her boyfriend. I was meaning to congratulate Martha and Antonio anyway."

Becca quickly shuffles away with Khalil in tow. I attempt to persuade them to stay, but it's too late. Jake appears right in front of me and I feel my cheeks blush. He looks so good. I missed him so much.

"Hey, Sam..."

"Hey, Jake..." I instantly smile as he envelops me in his warm arms for a couple of seconds before pulling away.

"Sam, you look so beautiful! Congratulations!" Ms. Rosalita compliments before grabbing me and squeezing me even tighter than Jake did, causing me to laugh a little.

"Ma, Sam didn't get married... why are you saying congratulations?" Jake chuckles.

"I meant about her mother -- you know what I mean!" She explains while hitting her son on the arm. "It's so sparkly in here, and I just love the papel picado hanging from the ceiling..." she says while admiring the decorations, referring to the colorful strings of tissue paper cut out into different designs.

"Thanks. It was a tradition from Antonio's side of the family..." I reply.

"Of course! How meaningful to see two families come together and share their cultures. It's so great!" Ms. Rosalita coos.

"Thanks for inviting us. You can tell my little cousins haven't been anywhere this nice before," Jake chuckles. "They were so excited to see and touch everything. It's like they're at DisneyWorld."

I laugh at his comment. "That's cute," I reply while glancing at this family's guest table, seeing his younger cousins bouncing in their seats. "I'm glad everyone came."

"Well, I'm not gonna keep you two," Ms. Rosalita said as she began to tip-toe away in her heels. But Jake stops her.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't think you two need a middle-aged third wheel around, even if I am the life of the party. Go on and dance! Enjoy yourselves! I'm gonna go mingle with the bridal party. One of those groomsmen is looking a little lonely..." Ms. Rosalita exclaims with a confident grin and predatory eye. She sashays across the dancefloor in time with the music blasting overhead.

I drop a jaw at her antics and glance at Jake. He looks at me with shame and embarrassment.

"Your mom is a keeper..." I laugh as he chuckles too.

"Sometimes she acts like she's still some college sorority girl," Jake replies. "But... as long as she's happy, I'm happy." He says this last line while smizing at me.

"You're so cute."

Jake grabs my hands and pulls me closer. "You're cuter..."

I shyly look away while biting my lip. There are so many people around. PDA is usually not my thing, but he's teasing me. "Stop..."

"Can I have this dance?" He asks.

I sweetly smile and nod at him, as we start dancing in beat with the music.



"Are you having fun?" My mom asked from her place beside me. She was on the dance floor with the other wedding party members, but she sat down at our table to rest her feet.

I nod my head to the beat of the DJ's music. "Yeah, it's cool..."

"Miley? Russy? Are you enjoying yourselves?" She asked my siblings. Miley was slowly picking over her food with her food and Russy had his head down looking at his phone. "Russy, you wanna put your phone away?"

"I'm almost finished with this level..." Russy quickly replies. He must be playing a game.

My mom makes a face of disgust. "Seriously? We're at Martha's wedding and you're on your phone half the night--"

"I focused during the main part. Everyone's just dancing now anyway..."

My mom sighs and shakes her head at her youngest son. "I can't with you. You better be glad you're dad's not here and out on the dancefloor..." After grumbling to herself, she stands to her feet. "Do y'all want anything from the dessert table?"

"Ooh, me! I do!" Miley perks up, showing all her teeth including the missing one at the bottom.

"No, thanks," I say, my eyes gazing over the crowd of dancers.

"Oh, Diggy... I was gonna ask you last night, but I couldn't find the time. But you've met Julie's parents before?"

Her question caught me off guard. "Yeah..." I reply, glancing up at her.

My mom leans closer to me and lowers her voice. "So she's the girl you were dating but y'all broke up?"


"Oh..." Her face falls at the realization. "I thought she looked kind of familiar. So I've met her before, right? Wow... what's the irony of her father being Antonio's brother? Isn't that weird?"

"Mhm..." I nod my head, having nothing to add. It's not like I can change who she's related to.

"Anyway, they seem like nice people, the Martinezes. I hope we can all get along since they'll be Martha's extended family now, so they'll be like our family too. I'm gonna go say hello and catch up with Teresa and her daughter."

I turn around in my seat to follow my mom's gaze, catching a glimpse of Julie and her mom near the back of the banquet hall refilling their glasses with some fruit punch at the dessert table. I don't know why but seeing Julie outside of school is making my stomach do flips. I guess it's just weird to see her anywhere else since we stopped dating.

"All right..."

"You good here?"

"Yeah, I'm cool," I give a nonchalant reply.

"Okay. Watch your brother and sister," she says before walking away.

"I don't need a babysitter, I'm grown," Russy replies, his eyes glued to his cell phone.

I chuckle at Russy's comment then look out at the guests dancing on the dance floor. As hard as I tried to ignore them, my eyes kept glancing at Sam and Jake dancing along with who I assumed was his family. They were smiling from ear to ear, having fun. I wish I could be in that same headspace, but things feel really awkward these days. And then at the rehearsal dinner, I didn't expect Julie to be there at all. Or her parents. When they brought up our relationship, it just brought back those messy memories. If we hadn't broken up, and things were cool between us, we'd probably be out on the dance floor along with Sam, Jake, Becca, and Khalil like a tight group of friends. But things are different and I don't know how to get back to normal.

"Hey... why are y'all slumped at the table like some vegetables? Go get your heart rate up. Burn some calories," my dad says as he takes his seat at the table. His bald head was shiny with sweat.

Russy looks up from his phone and laughs. "Dang, dad. You look like you been working in a factory! Like you been slaving in them fields!"

I chuckle along with my brother, watching my dad grab several napkins to dab his forehead.

"Oh, you a comedian, huh? You're so funny!" My dad replies before tossing the sweaty napkin at my brother, causing him to squeal and move in his seat to avoid it. Miley also shows a disgusted face.

"That's disgusting, dad!!"

"You're disgusting. Why don't y'all go dance with your friends? Dig, why aren't you hanging out with Khalil or Sam instead of sitting here?"

"Ma said I had to babysit..." I half lie. That's not the full reason I've remained at our table for most of the wedding. I've kind of been avoiding people on purpose.

"Eh, forget that! Go have fun with ya friends. Russy, could you pass me the water pitcher? Where's your mother at anyway?" My dad looks around the banquet hall with a tired expression.

"She went to get some dessert..." I tell him.

As Russy quickly grabs for the water pitcher, his hand accidentally bumps into my cup, spilling fruit punch onto the table and onto my clothes.

"Ah, Russy!" I exclaim while scooting my chair back from the table.

"Agh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He replies nervously.

"Russy, you gotta be careful," my dad says. "Put ya phone away and pay attention."

"I'm sorry--"

"Don't worry about it," I tell my brother while grabbing my napkin and attempting to dab the juice stains from my clothes and the white tablecloths. "I'm gonna see if I can wipe off in the bathroom."

"Alright. Hey, see if your mom has one of those stain remover pens in her purse or something," my dad suggests. I nod my head and get up from my seat, quickly moving past the tables of guests and looking for my mom. She's near the back of the room talking to Mrs. Martinez. Here we go...

I interrupted their conversation - which sounded like they were talking about recipes - and asked my mom if she had anything to help my situation. She dug into her purse to look for the stain remover pen while Mrs. Martinez asked how I was enjoying myself. After the fake smiles and small talk, I finally ran to the nearest bathroom and checked out my appearance in the mirror. I grab a few paper towels and run some cold water on them then start scrubbing at the juice stains on my dress shirt, but it doesn't help. I sighed then took mom's stain remover pen and started rubbing the marker on the stains; I was surprised at how easily it actually worked. After a couple of minutes, I finally got the majority of the stains out as best as I could. I sigh and check myself out in the mirror again, checking my teeth for any food and then loosening my tie before I head out of the bathroom.

As soon as I turned the corner, I ran into Julie, who was also stepping out of the women's bathroom.

"Oh-- sorry. Hey..." Julie says, wide-eyed.

"Hey..." I reply with an awkward rub of my hands. This was the first time we spoke during the whole wedding. I would've remained silent but I noticed that she had an uneasy expression on her face, and she was rubbing her stomach. "You okay?"

She must not have realized how she looked and immediately moved her hand to her side, standing up taller and acting as if she didn't just appear to be in pain.

"Oh, yeah. I'm good..." Julie forces a laugh. "I just ate too much. Everything was so good..."

I nod, not sure if I believe her. "Oh..." I force a laugh. "Yeah."

There's an awkward silence between us as Julie slowly begins walking back toward the banquet hall. I follow beside her at a slow pace and clear my throat.

"So... this is weird, right?" She asks.


"My uncle and Sam's mom. Who would've thought?"

"Yeah... it's a small world, I guess," I manage to say.

"Super small... I mean he could've married anybody else..."

I glance at Julie who looks shocked at her own speech.

"Not that Sam's mom isn't great!" She quickly attempts to clear up any misunderstandings. "I'm glad that he found someone and he's happy. Everyone deserves that, you know? It just... makes my life a bit more complicated..."

"Because of Sam?"

"I mean... no." She bites her lip, appearing like she doesn't even wanna finish her sentence in fear of saying the wrong thing. "I don't have an issue with her, at least not as much as I did last semester. But we're supposed to be stepsisters now? Like how does that work? I used to envy her... I used to envy you..."

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "You envied me? Why?"

Julie chuckles and shakes her head. "I don't even know why I'm saying all this... but because you were so friendly and everyone liked you. Even the teachers! Sam was your best friend who clearly didn't want anyone else in your space except her, then you were popular amongst your peers, with the athletes, the cheerleaders... Dana..." A glimpse of hurt reaches her eyes. "You're just so likable."

I chuckle, feeling speechless. "Uh... sorry?"

Julie chuckles too. "I sound so stupid. I don't know why I'm saying all this. Just ignore me..."

"No, I mean-- it's alright. I get it. It's a lot of new changes."

There's a small pause as we approach the banquet hall doors; the sound of music from inside can be heard. We stand in place, not entering the hall just yet.

"I guess I was just thinking of everything I've gone through since moving here. It's like no matter how hard you try to hide from the people or things in your past, they'll always be there to remind you just how important they truly are..." She says while looking up at me with a tender smile. "Anyway, thanks for listening to my rants..."

"It's no problem," I reply with a softer attitude than I had just a few minutes ago.

"You're really easy to talk to... I-I miss that..."

"You look nice, by the way..." I admit, checking out her gold sleeveless dress. Seeing her dress up like this reminded me of her first day at Wesley High. Her fashion would always turn heads.

"Oh, you can thank my mom. It was her choice."

"She has good taste. It must run in the family..." I respond, immediately cringing as I realize this might've sounded more flirty than expected. I awkwardly clear my throat and rub my ear.

Julie chews on her bottom lip and eyes me mischievously. "We better go back in. Don't wanna miss the cake cutting."

"Ah, right! Here. Let me..." I quickly open the door to the event hall and wait for her to walk through. "After you..."


After Mrs. Martha and Antonio cut their five-tier wedding cake, everyone made their way to the dessert table to grab a slice. I was in no hurry, so I let my siblings and everyone else head to the table first. I caught sight of Julie and her mom and dad walking to the dessert table, talking with Pastor Palmer and Lady Palmer. On the other side of the room, Sam was lingering at Jake and his family's table; they looked to be having an amusing conversation.

"Yo, Dig!"

I turn my head and find Khalil standing over me with a smile. I grin and give my friend some dap. "Hey, man."

"You ain't talk to no one all day. What's good?" Khalil asks as he takes a seat in Russy's chair, adjusting his suit so he can sit comfortably.

"I'm just chillin', man..."

"Hm. Just chillin'? Or are you avoiding certain people?" He replies with a cocky raise of his eyebrow. As he said that, I sighed and took a glance toward Sam and Jake.

"Nah, it's not that..."

"Aight, you don't have to say it here, but you gotta tell me later. Anyway, you look good, my guy!"

I grin. "Thanks, bro. You do too. And I saw you and Becca out there on the dancefloor, lookin' all sappy. Y'all plan ya wedding date yet?" I joke, which causes Khalil to chuckle.

"Stop playin'. You know ain't nobody thinking about marriage anytime soon... but this is a nice little event, ain't it? The decorations poppin', the music ain't too bad, the food bangin'. It's kinda tight!" Khalil smiles as he glances around the event hall.

"Yeah. It's pretty cool. Antonio seems like a cool dude, too," I state while eyeing him and Martha at the bride and groom table feeding each other cake.

"Yeah. Seems like Sam gets along with him too, and you know that's rare. Speaking of Sam, have y'all talked at all since the arcade?" Khalil asks with nervous eyes.

I sigh. "No... man, that got outta hand."

"Becca was telling me Sam's still upset about it--"

"When isn't she upset?" I retort, not really wanting to go into her extreme emotions.

"Nah, but seriously. Becca was saying that y'all still haven't talked or apologized for what happened."

"Why do I need to apologize? I didn't do anything."

"I know... but Dana was trippin'. And since y'all were together--"

"Am I supposed to apologize for Dana? I don't speak for her. She's her own person..." I complain, feeling myself slowly get even more irritated.

"Aye, I hear you," Khalil assures me. "I'm just telling you what the girls have been talking about."

"I did talk to Dana afterward and let her know it wasn't cool to say all that stuff about Sam and Jake," I look into Khalil's eyes, feeling comfortable enough to share some of my thoughts in public, "On the low, she was trying to control who I hung out with because, apparently, she was jealous because she likes me."

"Really? I knew she was acting funny when she snatched you away in the snack area..."

"But I let her know that she doesn't own me, and if she disrespects my friends, she's disrespecting me..." I reveal in hopes that he understands that I don't condone anything that she said that day.

"Word?" He looks surprised. "So are y'all still good or...?"

"I mean, yeah, but we're just friends. It's cool hanging out with her but she was getting a bit too possessive. I don't have time for all that. You know, I'm not looking for another relationship or anything so I had to let her know," I shrug.

"Man, that's wassup. I respect that," he replies with a nod while glancing at a few of the guests who have returned to their table with slices of cake.

"Yeah, so... nobody should be mad, because I checked her about it. Case closed."

"I still think you should let Sam and Jake know. I mean, even though you didn't do anything, you can still tell them what you told me - that you didn't like what Dana said. Then maybe apologize if they felt hurt."

"I still don't think I need to apologize though."

"It can't hurt, bro... I'm just sayin'. We need everyone to be on the same page. No drama, no negativity. We're all friends, so we should be able to be honest with each other if we might've offended one another..."

I sighed while thinking about what he said. He had a point, I guess. And I can't lie, I still feel a bit bad even if Dana was the one spreading rumors. She's one of my friends, and I can't just let her talk about my other friends for no reason. If the tables were turned, I wouldn't let Sam or Khalil or whoever talk bad about Dana either. Maybe I should just put my big boy pants on and do what I gotta do to make peace.

"We can talk to them now. I'll go with you."

I hesitantly nod my head and stand to my feet as I follow Khalil toward his table where he and Jake's family were assigned to. No sign of their parents - they were probably waiting in line for some cake - but Sam was sitting and chatting with Jake when we approached them.

"What up, guys. Look who I brought!" Khalil says while gesturing to me. I nod to Jake who nods back, surprisingly looking excited to see me. Sam on the other hand looks annoyed and tries to avoid my eyes.

"Hey, Diggy," Jake greets me.

"Hey, Jake. Good to see you," I respond. "You look nice, man!"

"Oh, thank you, bro! So do you."

After we share compliments about our suits, I glance at Khalil for some assistance in approaching Sam. He nudges my arm and I awkwardly scratch my ear. "Aye, uh, Sam... I wanted to apologize for what Dana said at the arcade." Sam's head quickly turned my way, her eyes full of distaste. "It wasn't cool for her to say those things about you and Jake. I told Khalil that after we left, I let her know that if she disrespects you guys, she's disrespecting me. I talked to her about what she said so... and in no way do I agree with how she or I handled that drama. I should've confronted her then and stood up for you guys, so I'm sorry..."

Khalil glances at me like a proud friend. Jake nods his head and stands to his feet, offering me his hand. I grab onto it and shake it.

"I appreciate your honesty, Diggy," Jake comments. I feel a bit lighter after he accepts my apology.

"Thanks, Jake."

He stuffs his hands into his pocket as we all wait for Sam's response.

"So are you still talking to Dana?" She wants to know.

"Yeah. We're cool."

Sam snickers and stands to her feet with crossed arms. "Well... at least you apologized. It would've been better if you dropped her."

"As a friend?"

"Yeah. I mean you dropped me so easily and I've known you since we were babies. You've only recently gotten close to Dana, but she says one disrespectful thing and she's good?" Sam asks in a defensive tone which confuses me.

"Listen, everybody makes mistakes. Just because she said one thing doesn't make her a bad person."

"She's said more than one thing, but okay..." Sam replies as she starts to walk away from the table.

"Everyone deserves a second chance, Sam."

"Sure. Whatever you say. I'm gonna get some cake before it's all gone..." and she's out of sight. Just like that.

"And of course, she walks away. I came over here and I'm trying to explain myself. I apologized. Why is she still upset?" I ask no one in particular.

Khalil pats my shoulder. "You were honest with her. That's good. It's a step in the right direction."

"I agree," Jake adds with a sigh. "I don't know what Sam is thinking all the time, but you apologized and I respect that. You did what you felt was right by being honest about the drama. You can't control how others react, only how you react," he shrugs.

"Thanks, Jake."

He nods. "I'm gonna go get some cake..." He says before heading off in the direction Sam went.

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