Chapter 68

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A few days later, I go to school feeling depressed and scared. I told my parents everything and they were not happy. They didn't talk to me for hours after the argument until my mother finally came into my room and told me they would figure something out. This past weekend was so quiet at home - even quieter than usual - since no one spoke a word to each other. It made me feel like a problem. Like I had made everyone uncomfortable thanks to my situation. It was horrible. I would've skipped school today but I didn't feel like making my parents angry over my attendance again.

As I walked through the school hallway, I ran into Dana. Not the person that I want to see first thing in the morning.

"Well, look who it is on this fine morning. Long time no see..." Dana sings while sizing me up with her eyes. "I was surprised to see you show up at Diggy's party last week. Somehow he still manages to see something in you that I don't."

I shake my head, speechless. "I don't want any drama," I simply reply while stepping around her and walking to my first class.

"Hey! I told you to watch your back, didn't I?" Dana says from behind me while pushing me forward, causing me to stumble and almost lose my balance. I turn around to face her with a tired expression. "I told you to leave my man alone, but you keep interfering in our friendship."

"What man are you talking about? Because last I checked, Daniel didn't want anything to do with you..."

"Oh. Feeling a little sassy, huh? You think because Diggy's showing you a little bit of kindness that he'll want to get back with you? Grow up. Nobody likes you, Julie. You're nothing but a fake..." Dana spits out while approaching me with a sharp gaze.

"What's the problem, Dana?" Sam instantly appears at my side with her arms crossed. "Haven't you been put in your place enough this week? You just have to get dogged even more by Julie? Like she said, Diggy doesn't want anything to do with you, so bounce! Stop starting beef with people every chance you get."

Dana rolls her eyes while walking in a circle. "Last time I checked, Sam, I wasn't talking to you. You need to mind your business."

"Protecting my friends from wack *ss bullies like you is my business," Sam replies while stepping in between me and Dana. I stare between the two, preparing myself for a possible fight. "If you're not trying to catch a case, I suggest you walk away. Learn not to take your anger out on others because you got rejected. Because in reality, Dana, nobody likes you... and that's nobody's fault but your own."

"Ha..." Dana eyes Sam for a few more tense seconds before speaking. "You're lucky I have a cheer championship to attend this week and can't risk getting suspended over some chick who deserves a black eye."

"Mhm. Whatever excuse floats ya boat," Sam replies, not backing down for a second.

Dana adjusts her backpack over her shoulder and forces a cocky smirk. "I'll see you later, Julie. Oh, and I'll remember to send you some pics when I'm soaking up the sun in Orlando this week... bye!"

Once she finally walks down the hallway, I can breathe a sigh of relief. Sam turns to me with an annoyed look on her face.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Um... yeah."

"She's such a butthead. Always in somebody's face trying to spew some negativity, which you don't deserve any of. You didn't do anything to her. She's just hating..." Sam sighs.

I nod my head, surprised that she's initiating this conversation. And even more surprised that she stood up for me in front of Dana. "Thanks..."

"Don't mention it. Let's get to Spanish class."


~Later, Writing 101~

I walked into my next class and was instantly greeted by London's huge smile. "Hey, girl! How was your break?" She beamed at me, her eyes following me as I take my seat across the aisle.

"Hey! It was good..." I half lied. The highlight of my break was probably sleeping and getting to see Daniel. Otherwise, it was full of unexpected drama.

"That's good! Did you do anything fun?"

"Um... I went to a friend's birthday party," I replied.

London smirks. "Are you talking about Diggy?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Because my sister, Dana, was there too. That's all she was talking about before the break..." London says while rolling her eyes, then a pout forms on her lips. "I wish I was invited, especially since we're all group partners."

I nod my head, giving her a sympathetic grin before digging through my backpack to pull out my notebook and pencil. As if on cue, Daniel entered the classroom and took his seat behind London who looked happy to see him.

"We were just talking about you!"

"You were?" Daniel asks while eyeing us suspiciously. I nervously bit my lip.

"Mhm. Why didn't you invite me to your party? We're writing buddies."

"Oh..." Daniel chuckles slightly while resting his backpack on the ground. "It's nothing personal. I just invited a small group of my close friends."

"Ah... and my sister is one of those close friends?" London asks with a cheeky smirk. Daniel on the other hand looks less than enthused, taking a glance my way. "I see the way y'all be hanging out. Just spill it. Are y'all dating, or not?"

I awkwardly clear my throat while writing the date on the top of my notebook.

"Uh... actually... we were friends. But not anymore," Daniel replies with downcast eyes, but immediately plasters a smile on his face. "Anyway, I don't think that's any of your business, nosey!"

London giggles. "Uh, I think it is since she's my sister," she replies with sass.

As they continue chatting, my cell phone beeps in my pocket. I pull it out and see several surprising text messages from my mother.

MOTHER: Julie, after school, we really need to talk about options.

I frown. What is she talking about?

My phone beeps again.

MOTHER: I would never suggest this, but you need to think of your future. I'm assuming you're not past 24 weeks - you would be showing by then - so I've sent you a list of five-star abortion clinics in the area.

MOTHER: I've also researched some adoption agencies, although you probably won't need them. Also, we need to get a handle of your ex-boyfriend. His full name and contacts so that we can consider pressing charges against him and his parents.

MOTHER: We cannot sit silent on these matters. This is urgent... we need to get all these loose ends tied up before your Juilliard audition in April so that nothing or no one will dwindle your chances of attending school in the Fall.

I scoffed to myself after reading the messages. Here I was thinking that they were truly concerned for me, but they're still only worried about Juilliard. Tying up loose ends? Does she think this baby is a loose end? I didn't expect to become pregnant, but babies are miracles. There's no way I would just end my baby's life to make it more convenient for me or anybody else. I mean, my parents didn't even ask how I felt or if I wanted to keep the baby. They're just trying to get rid of it like it's some mouse in the house or bats in the attic. Or some bad sequence in a computer program. Their tactics might work for them on the job, but this is real life! This is my life! And I can't take them dragging me around anymore like I'm some puppet.

With tears in my eyes and my heart beating out of my chest, I stand to my feet while gripping my cell phone. London and Daniel stare up at me in confusion at my abrupt action.

"Julie? Is everything okay?" London asks.

But I don't answer her. I let my two feet lead me out of the classroom and away from the chaos of teenagers...



London was talking to me about her spring break when Julie shot up from her seat. We both looked at her in confusion. She had this dazed look in her tired eyes, and her whole body went stiff. It was really weird. Then all of a sudden, she ran out of the classroom. Our classmates stared after her while mumbling.

"That was weird," London remarks.

"Yeah... I'll be right back..." I say as I stand to my feet and follow after Julie. I don't really know what's going on. Usually, I stay out of other people's business, but this seemed serious. I told her that she could come to me for anything now that we're friends again, so I need to keep my word.

I dashed out of the classroom and caught a glimpse of her dark blue sweater heading down the flight of stairs up ahead. I jogged down the hall toward the stairs, slipping by crowds of confused students. I was able to catch up to her fairly quickly and followed her down more flights of stairs until we made it to the ground floor where the cafeteria is located. Instead of going to the left where the lunch line starts, Julie ran to the right, into an empty corner. She bolted into the first room that she saw, which was a small trash room. I grabbed the handle of the unlocked door and opened it, immediately spotting her sitting on the floor opposite three trash bins lined along the wall, crying her eyes out into her hands. It smelled like rotten bananas, but I ignored it for the time being.

"Hey... hey... what's going on? Class is about to start," I say, looking down at her sad form.

"I don't care. Just let me rot here with the trash..."

"I can't do that. Wait." I sigh and squat down in front of her. "Just breathe. I'm here. Okay? You can talk to me, remember? We're friends."

Julie opens up. "...I disappointed my parents. I'm a disappointment."

"Hey, no you're not. What happened?"

"I told them the truth..." Julie says through sniffles and hiccups.

"The truth about what? Here. Breathe," I remind her while resting a calming hand on her knee.

"About I lied to them about everything. I lied t-to you!" Julie hiccups and breaks down with more tears.

"Whoa. It's alright. Breathe. I'm here. I'm listening... you can tell me anything."



"...I'm pregnant... that's why I can't go to Juilliard. That's why I got kicked off the cheer squad..."

My eyes widen as I process this information. She's pregnant? But I thought that was a lie. I mean, she told me that it wasn't my baby.

"I should've never lied to you back then... a-about the baby... being yours," She gasps for a breath while wiping her eyes. "I should've t-told you the truth."

"It-it's okay..."

"No... I made you think it was your fault... I m-made you break up with me over a lie..."

"What are you saying?"

"You didn't get me pregnant. No one at this school did. It was my ex-boyfriend... back in California..."

I breathe a sigh of relief at the news. I shouldn't be relieved at this - I mean, she's still apparently pregnant and sobbing - but it's good to know that I still won't become a father any time soon.

"Okay. Okay. That's okay. I'll support you, whatever I can do. Everything will be okay, alright?"

"Daniel... I didn't consent."

"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"When my ex slept with me... it wasn't consensual..." Julie reveals while bursting into tears.

My face fell, and so did my jaw. I was stunned at this horrible revelation. There's no way she was telling me what I think she was telling me. I'm speechless. All I could do was wrap my arms around her until she stopped crying...




Daniel decided to come to my house after school to check on me. He texted me and told me to think of it as paying me back for helping him when he was sick. I felt touched that he cared about my well-being. I also felt a bit embarrassed about earlier... how I revealed everything in that trash room...

But I have to say, after all those tears, I feel a bit better now. I don't have any more secrets that are weighing me down. I was in a bad headspace, but suddenly, things feel a bit clearer...

When Daniel arrived, he followed me to the living room couch where we sat. I held a pillow in my arms as he looked at me with concerned eyes.

"Thanks for coming over..."

"Of course," he replies while rubbing his hands together.

"You can ask me whatever you want, and I'll answer it truthfully."

He nods. "Okay... how many weeks are you?"

"Maybe... 12?"

"That long?"


A pause. "Have you been to the doctor?"

"No... I just got the courage to tell my parents. And there's no way I could've hidden a doctor's bill from them. That would've been a dead giveaway."

"I get it..." He sighs while thinking. "Have you told anyone else? Besides your parents?"

I think for a second and slowly nod. "Yeah... Sam."

"Really?" He asks in surprise.

"It was a while ago at the mall. It just kind of happened..."

"So she knows you're...?"

"Pregnant. Yes." I chuckle to myself. "Isn't that so weird? I told my deepest secret to the girl who hated my guts... and now somehow we're related. Ha. Imagine that."

Daniel chuckles slightly. "That is crazy."

A slight pause.

"Mm... well, what can I do to help you? Do you need, like, snacks or special pillows or clothes?"

"No, you don't have to get me anything." I chew on my bottom lip. "But I do have a favor...


On the weekend, I find myself sitting in the doctor's office wearing a light blue hospital gown covering my naked body. I'm nervously playing with my fingers until the doctor comes in... but Daniel's hand reaches over and squeezes my own. I look at him sitting in the chair beside the exam table with an encouraging smile. I'm so glad he agreed to come with me to my first ultrasound - a prenatal screening. I was a bit afraid to tell my parents because we still weren't really talking, so I asked him instead. And since we're both over the age of 18, we didn't need any parental guidance to be here today.

My doctor knocks twice before entering the room, her familiar face lighting up as she sees me. "Julie! Hello! How have you been?"

"Hi... I'm okay," I reply.

"That's good," Dr. Desai says while closing the door and sitting at her desk on the other side of the exam table. She looks at Daniel, still maintaining her welcoming smile. "And who is this guest?"

"Hi. I'm Julie's friend, Daniel."

"Daniel. Nice to meet you. I'm so glad Julie has a friend here to support her today," Dr. Desai replies before releasing a deep breath. "So... I see that we'll be doing an ultrasound today. That's exciting. But before we get into it, I'm just gonna ask you some simple questions about your pregnancy, any health complications or concerns you might have, your family relationships, and resources for young mothers that should be of help to you today. Does that sound good?"

I grin and nod my head. "Yes..."

"Great! So it says here on your charts that you say you might be around 12 weeks, but you're not sure. You're a little late, um-- we usually do a mother's first ultrasound around 7 or 8 weeks to detect the baby's heartbeat, measure the baby, verify a due date-- but that's okay! I'm glad that you've come today so that we can guide you and make sure everything is healthy!"

I nod my head. "Okay."

Dr. Desai then proceeded to ask me a bit more about my pregnancy, and we also talked about my assault in which she recommended some resources to talk to a therapist about my trauma. We talked about my tense relationship with my parents and how they just found out about what I've been going through. After more talks, she did the transvaginal ultrasound procedure where a tube was inserted inside to check my ovaries, uterus, and overall pelvic region. In less than 15 minutes, the procedure was over, and I nervously waited for my results.

"So... is everything okay?"

"Yes, Julie. Your uterus and everything looks healthy. I could even hear your baby's heartbeat and it's beautiful," Dr. Desai replied while typing her notes into the computer.

"Will... I be okay? Being a mother?"

Dr. Desai stops typing and turns to me with an empathetic smile. "If that's what you want, yes. Have you thought about keeping the baby?"

I glance toward Daniel, who looks just as nervous as me. "Yes... but..." I sigh as my eyes fill with tears. "I don't know how I'm going to raise it. I haven't prepared for anything. I don't know if my parents would want to help me, or if I'd have to get my own place -- and then there's college. Like, would I be able to even consider college with a baby?"

"That's a lot to consider..." She stands to her feet and rubs my shoulder lovingly. "But you are not alone. I've provided you with resources for everything that you've just mentioned. Housing, baby supplies, familial support, and even adoption. I can guarantee that you will be all set before this baby arrives. You can trust me."

My tears release onto my cold cheeks. "Thank you, Dr. Desai..."

"Of course."

"And I'll be here, too," Daniel speaks up. "I may not be an expert in babies, but... I can help you figure it all out. Whatever happens, I got you."

I glance towards him and feel my body erupt with joy. At that moment, I was proud to call him my friend and was proud that the universe brought us together. Dr. Desai grins in his direction and nods.

"That's great to hear. See? Daniel's got your back too. You have a whole army fighting for you and your baby, Julie. No need to worry."

"So... what happens next?"

In about two months, Dr. Desai suggested an abdominal ultrasound to get an image of the baby, and I should also be able to know the baby's gender. That appointment, known as the anatomy ultrasound, will involve the cooling gel that they place on your stomach with an ultrasound probe to see through the skin and into your belly. This is usually done at the 20-week mark in pregnancy, and it's the last doctor appointment before your baby's due.

" then, I should be able to confirm a due date and your baby's gender. Any other questions?"

"No... I-I don't think so..."

"No worries. If you think of something on your way home or next week, feel free to contact our office," Dr. Desai says with an assuring squeeze of my arm. "Julie, it was nice to see you again. Make sure you stay hydrated, eat more fruits and vegetables, and try not to do any excessive exercise. Okay?"

"I'll try..." I reply with a sigh.

"You're still in your first trimester, but getting a head start on good habits will pay off in the long run. Okay? If that's all, I will see you in a couple of months. Daniel, it was nice to see you. Okay? Have a great day!" She waves us off and leaves the room with her clipboard.

I heave a sigh and sit up straight, a billion things running through my mind.

"That was a lot of info..." He says, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"You're telling me..."

"But, your doctor seemed nice and really helpful. That's good."

"She is. I've been seeing her since I was a baby," I giggle while glancing at my pile of clothes on the counter. "Anyway, um... I should get dressed." Luckily, the exam rooms have their own small bathrooms inside of the rooms so I didn't have to change in front of Daniel.

"Oh, yeah." He stands to his feet. "I'll, uh, just wait in my chair here."

I grin at his response, grab my clothes, and walk into the connected bathroom. "Oh... and thanks again for coming with me today--"

"Ah, don't mention it. For real. I meant what I said," he smiles before clearing his throat and looking straight ahead to avoid my exposed back.


I return home from my doctor's appointment in the afternoon. As I walk into the house and take off my coat, hanging it on the coat rack near the front door, I turn around and am surprised to see my mother and father sitting in the living room with crossed arms. They were still dressed in their work clothes. Are they home for lunch? I heave out a sigh while carrying my folder of resources from Dr. Desai, walking tiredly through the kitchen and towards the stairs. I was hoping I could avoid them again today.

"Where have you been?" My mother's voice asks from the other room. I stop in my tracks and sigh, gulping to moisten my throat.


"Well, obviously. But where? Could you come here? Your father and I would like a chat..."

With another sigh, I turn 180 degrees and shuffle back through the kitchen and into the living room, hugging my folder to my chest while looking between my parents with dark eyes.

"Where did you go that was so secret you couldn't tell us?" My father asks with his fingers intertwined in his lap, his narrow eyes like lightning bolts shooting through my body.

"It wasn't secret..."

"Then how come you didn't inform us of your location?"

"Don't worry. I've got everything under control," I evade his question. "Can I go upstairs now?"

"What's that in your hands?"

I look down at my folder from Dr. Desai. "Pamphlets..."

"Of...? And don't give me a one-word answer."

"They're just pamphlets and other resources... to help me deal with the loose ends mom told me to tie up..." I reply with a sarcastic tone and roll of the eye. I watch as my mom's eyebrows furrow with confusion before they jump to the top of her forehead, her cheeks flushing with light pink.

My father frowns at my mother. "What? What is she talking about, Teresa?"

My mother sighs and puts a hand to her chest, looking guilty. "Did you do it? Did you go to the clinic?"

"The clinic?" My father looks confused and sits forward in his seat, gazing at me. "Is that where you were today?"

"I went to see Dr. Desai... I had an ultrasound today," I finally revealed, tired of the game of question tennis.

My mother gasps and stands to her feet. "An ultrasound? Why didn't you tell us about it? We could've gone with you--"

"18-year-olds don't need a legal guardian to go to an ultrasound appointment," I sigh while avoiding their eyes. "Besides... I went with Daniel."

"Daniel? You mean Justine's son?" My father asks, looking slightly surprised.

"Yes," I reply. "He agreed to accompany me as a friend. For support."

My parents sit in short silence, appearing to be processing everything I'm spilling to them.

"So... what are these resources for? Some abortion after-care resources?" My mother asks while reaching her hands out toward my folder as if wanting to take a glimpse at my pamphlets. But I grip the folder tighter, frowning at her.

"No. I didn't get an abortion, and I can't believe you would even suggest that! And over text message? Seriously?!" I say in a stern voice, causing my father's eye to twitch as he jerks his head towards my mother again.

"Abortion? Teresa, did you suggest our daughter to kill her baby?" He stands to his feet.

My mother turns to him and furiously shakes her head. "No, no! I only suggested a few resources for clinics around the area. I would never tell her to do anything of the sort... but I wanted her to know her options. I-I also sent her some things about adoption, too!" She pleads in a shaky voice.

My father releases a powerful huff and balls up his fists, showing the flexing veins on his caramel-colored forearms. "Wow! I can't believe that my wife and daughter are both keeping secrets from me. Have I not been good to you two?"

"Javier, it's not like that at all!" My mother pleads, appearing worried about my father's escalating anger. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"This! This is why I didn't tell either of you. I can't say anything in this house without it causing an argument... why do you think I kept my pregnancy a secret this long?" I shake my head and allow myself to collapse into the sofa chair behind me. "...Because you would yell at me and tell me I'm ruining my future, and call me a sinner because I had a baby outta wedlock--"

"Well, you are," my father replies. "I mean, good God, didn't we raise you better than that? But no. If you wanna be an adult and do adult things, you can figure it out on your own." He raises his hands up like he's finished with the conversation and walks past me into the kitchen.

I scoff and stand to my feet. "You guys can call me what you want, but I'm not giving up on this baby." My words cause my parents' heads to turn toward me as they freeze in place, my mother looking distraught and my father looking angry. "I didn't ask to be pregnant, but I refuse to punish this baby because of a bad experience I had. No matter what happens, I will not give up on this baby's life..." As I speak, my eyes fill with tears and my chin protrudes angrily. "I will not treat this baby like a problem or a loose end that needs to be cut off!"

My mother gasps, covering her mouth in guilt. "Julie, I--"

"I'm gonna have this baby, whether you like it or not, and I'm gonna look darn good doing it. Just watch me," I reply with a confident roll of my neck and a powerful stomp. Ignoring my parents' shocked faces, I glide through the kitchen and up the stairs to my bedroom, feeling a fiery determination that I thought was lost inside of me. But no. It's back and it's not taking 'no' for an answer!

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