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Only Good Vibes are allowed beyond this point (unless what you have to say can be counted as constructive criticism, then by all means, March on ahead trooper!).

I'll try to make this as short and sweet as possible.

If you want to find new books to read, you may join.

If you want your book to be discovered, you may join.

So here are the basic rules that you have to follow to join this book club. Pretty simple.

1. You have to fill out the form so that I know why your here.

2. Read other people's books and give them some support here and there, but you don't have to be too over the top about it.

3. Constructive criticism. Constructive criticism helps the author make their book better, and it's not just a plain out hate comment. If someone from this book club sends you what you think is a hate comment please tell me who they are and what they said. I will then decide whether to vanish them from the premises of the book club or not.

4. BE NICE. If you can't say anything nice, don't say nothing at all (I think that's a bambi quote btw)

5. Invite others to join this book club, cause hey, the more the merrier! Tag them here 👉

6. The password (so that I know you read all of this) is pickles.

7. You can leave this club at any time. Just notify me (SandyBeachTurtles) first.

And that's basically all the rules!

So there's two types of forms,

There's the joining form, which is so that I know who is in the club, and can accept you.

And the Book form, if you have a book that you recommend/wrote, that you want to share with others!

1. Your name or what you want us to call you.

2. Why you are joining.

3. The Password

4. If you are super active or not (just take your best guess, this doesn't really matter)

5. If you plan on reading or recommending, or both!

1. Author's name

2. Book Title

3. Why you wrote/recommended this book

4. Link to the book

5. Is the book completed?

If you are a member of this book club then I will tag you here so we can all keep track of who's in and who's out.

- SandyBeachTurtles
- Vanilla3heads
- Anonymouscat007
- Roses_Are_White123
- JinxWriter12
- selly2906
- @Amber_TheHivewing
- drippinqsunsets-
- spooky_amxthyst
- angelicaham1

Here is where I will put some books that book forms have been filled out for!

Letters to a Disney Imagineer
Written by: yadiramaccaroon
Story Link: https://my.w.tt/03Gda7oJV8
Reccomended by: Fan_Gurl123__
Status: Incomplete

Written by: JinxWriter12
Story Link: https://my.w.tt/156v1xllr9
Recommended by: JinxWriter12
Status: Completed

Shifted | Fallacious
Written by Vanilla3heads
Story link: https://my.w.tt/ltVWsLdazab
Recommended by: Vanilla3heads
Status: Incomplete

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