His Possession.....

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"I am going to call him just talk to him as long as possible so that we can trace his location. Okay. " inspector said softly. I nodded with fear.
Inspector came to my home early in the morning. He told that he didn't get any clue about the stalker so I need to talk to him so that they can trace his location. I don't know whether it is a good idea or not. I mean I don't know much about him but I am quite sure he is a powerful man. What if he tries to hurt my family. I can't let him do that.
"Ms Rai " inspector said softly patting my shoulder. I turned my head to look at him. He signaled me to dial the number. I grabbed my phone from the table.
"Pari don't worry. We all are with you. " my brother said placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded. I searched my stalker's number in my phone and luckily I found it. I tapped the number with my shaking hands. I kept my phone on speaker so that everyone can listen what that psycho is saying. He picked up the phone in the first ring itself.
"Am I dreaming. My baby girl has called me by herself. Is it even true.... Wait a minute I need to pinch myself. Ouchhhhh....That means it's true. You have seriously called me. Oh my baby I am so happy today. " he said happily. He sounds like a 5 year old who has just got his favorite toy.
"Ummm.... Yes I......I wanted to.....talk to you." I said stammering a little. Only I know how much scared I am right now.
"Oh my baby please tell me what you wanted to talk. I hope it's about us. " he said excitedly. How much I want to slap this psycho. From the corner of my eyes I could see my brother clenching his fist. I know he is angry after all he loves me so much.
"I...... Just.....wanted to ask you what.......what....do.... You......want. " I said stammering.
"Isn't it obvious my doll, I want you. Just you. I want your heart, your body, your soul, everything.You belong to me. Only me. " he said a bit seriously. I looked at my family with tears in my eyes. My father and mother looked at me with pity while my brother was really angry. I mean by seeing his expression I could tell that he wanted to kill this psycho so badly.
"And by the way how did you like my surprise my queen. Look I did everything you asked me to do. I hope now you have no doubts about my love for you. " he said chuckling. How dare he laughed at me. I am going to kill him.
"Don't laugh." I said angrily. I resisted shouting as I knew this man is dangerous. He laughed more.
"Awww my sweetheart is angry. I am sorry for making you mad. " he said gently. I looked at the inspector he signaled me to keep going.
"You know what baby just say thank you to inspector from my side. I mean because of him you at least talked to me. " he said chuckling. My mouth opened wide on it's own and my eyes turned into saucers. I looked at my family there eyes were filled with horror. Not only them even the inspector looked scared.
"Who are you. And how do you know I am here. " inspector said. He was desperately trying to be brave but trust me he failed.
"Well inspector I know everything about you. And trust me you know me too. " he said laughing. Meanwhile a constable came running inside. He came towards us breathing heavily.
"Sir you need to see this. " he said trying to catch his breath. We all hurriedly went outside. My phone was still in my hand. As soon as I stepped outside I screamed. Infront of me was a big I love you sign made with the pebbles. It wasn't here in the morning. It means he was here now when we all were inside. Oh God now I am getting more and more scared of him. I didn't knew that my eyes had began to water. I hugged my brother tightly.

"Like it baby girl. " the voice said from my phone. We all looked at my phone.
"Please stop scaring me. " I pleaded crying.
"Please don't cry my queen. I am not scaring you. I just want to show you my love. "he said softly.
"But I don't love you. " I said crying. Sound of heavy breathing was heard.
"You will love me. You will have to love me because one way or the other you have to be mine. And trust me if you won't come to me willingly than I will kill your parents and your friends and then I will forcefully make you mine. Now you have to choose whether you want to be mine the easy way or the hard way because either ways you are going to me mine. Just mine. " he said seriously. I cut the phone as I was so horrified to even talk to him.
"I think we have traced his location. " the inspector said. He looked at his tablet for some time and then suddenly his eyes turned wide. He rose from his seat. Sweat beads started to appear on his face.
"I.....I..... Have to go. " he said and he practically ran to his car before we could stop him. I was literally confused.

Well I think I should just go to my room and think of something which can help me to get out this horrifying situation.


Pari........My pari.......

A sing song voice woke me up from my peaceful sleep. I rubbed my eyes to look at the source of the voice. I saw a very tall and muscular person standing near the foot of my bed. He was staring at me. I could not see his face clearly as it was really dark.
"Who are you. " I asked in a sleepy voice. The man didn't reply but started to make his way towards my bed. I backed up a little. He climbed onto my bed. I was about to shout but he grabbed me and placed his hand over my mouth.
"Shhhhhhhh.....baby girl. If you will shout than I will have to kill your parents and your overprotective big brother. " he said huskily in my ear. Silent tears fell from my eyes. I had never even imagined that I will be in the arms of a psychopath.
"I am removing my hand but if you shout than don't blame me for the consequences. " he said as he removed his hand. I sat there hugging my knees crying like a little baby. He started caressing my face. He took some strands of my hairs in his hands and started smelling them.
"Mmmmmmm.....you smell so lovely. Just like roses. " he said grabbing me by my waist and pulling me towards him. He caged me in his arms and I struggled to get away from him. I don't know why but I feel like I know him. Like I have been around him before. Moreover the smell of his strong cologne reminds me of someone.
"Stop struggling my baby. " he said nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. I silently sniffled. I cannot shout or call for help because I know he is dangerous and he won't hesitate to kill someone. And to my horror he started kissing me. He kissed my neck and then cheeks. And he was moaning. He picked me up and made me sit on his lap. I started struggling.
"Leave me please. " I begged softly. My face was now wet with tears. He kissed the corner of my lips. Before he could go any further my phone ranged. I thanked God. But the psycho was not happy and he grabbed my phone from my side. I looked at the number it was David's number.
"Why is he calling you. " he said angrily. His grip on my waist tightened and I cried more.
"I......don't know....." I said softly trying to free myself. He nuzzled his head deeper into my head,smelling me.
"I. Will. Kill. Him. " he said pausing after every word. My eyes turned wide. Before I could say anything he placed his lips on mine and started kissing me. I hitted his chest with my tiny fist but he wouldn't even budge. Is he Iron Man. His lips were rough and he was kissing me in a way as if he was claming me. It was not a sweet kiss but more of a punishing kiss.

After what felt like hours he released me. I started crying because I felt I was violated. He started taking deep breaths. He placed his hand on my left cheek but I slapped his hand away. He pulled me towards him and I started hitting his chest with my hands.
"I love you. " he said tilting his head to one side. I looked away in disgust.
"I think you need to sleep. " he said caging me in his arms once again. I struggled. He started softly patting my head to make me sleep. He was rocking me back and forth like a baby so that I can sleep. Even though I didn't want to but my eyes became heavy and I started to drifted off to sleep.

And then I slept in the arms of the man I fear the most.

Thank you for 1k reads my lovely readers..😊😊😊😊😊😊

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