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"So students who is going to explain Hugo de Vries' mutation theory. " Professor asked. I raised my hand up. He smiled and signaled me to explain.
"Hugo de Vries' was a Dutch botanist who put forward his views regarding the formation of new species in the form of mutation theory. He experimented on Oenothera lamarkiana. During his course of experiment.... " professor raised his hand up, signaling me to stop.
"Very good paridhi, now sunidhi is going to continue the theory. " professor said with a grin. I giggled. Sunidhi doesn't even know there is a thing called mutation theory. She stood up nervously.
"Umm professor you see I don't have to do anything with Hugo de....whatever his name is. You can ask me about Virat Kohli I know everything about him. " she said smiling like a fool. I slapped my forehead. Why are my friends like this.?????

Professor glared at her but he knew it was of no use to shout at her, I mean no matter how hard professor tries she can never study. She hates to study.
"Okay than David you can explain the theory. " he asked David who was sleeping peacefully at the last seat. I giggled.
"DAVID. " professor shouted, David immediately woke up.
"What happened???? " he asked hesitantly. Professor glared at him. Before he could say anything, the bell ranged. I gathered my books and stuffed it into my backpack. I started to walk towards the cafeteria with my friends.
"I think that dickhead professor hates me, I mean who the hell asks an explanation on the mutation theory. " sunidhi said folding her arms.
"I don't even know what a mutation is. " madhu said playing on her phone.

"the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes is called mutation. " I said in one breath. They all looked at me with wide eyes and mouth hanging on their own. I giggled.
"Why are you so intelligent. " nilima asked stuffing a chewing gum into her mouth.
"I am not intelligent, it's just that my brother forcefully made me learn this definition. " I said. They all smiled.
"Pari did he trouble you again. " madhu asked nervously. I shook my head with fear. Just the thought of him makes me want to run up the hills and hide from him.
"You don't have to be scared. Look we all are with you, we will protect you at all costs. " sunidhi said softly placing her hand over mine. I smiled.

We were happily chatting when I saw a new boy searching for a seat. He looked like a really innocent boy with his big glasses and simple clothes, no fashionable hair cut and no expensive watch. He must be a very sincere and obedient boy. I shrugged and focused on my friends.
"Can I sit here. Rest of the seats are already taken. " the new boy asked nervously.
"Sure why not. " I said with a smile. He smiled back.
"How dare you sit near my girlfriends. " David shouted running towards us. I rolled my eyes. I saw the boy was quite scared. Aww poor boy.
"You know all these girls over here are my girlfriends. Not only them each and every girl in this college is mine alone. " David said trying to sound angry. Is he even hearing himself???? Every girl in this college hates him, they will die rather then date him.
"But how come every girl in the college is your girlfriend. " the boy asked confused.
"Because I said so. You know what if I think that  Kareena Kapoor is my girlfriend than you have to believe that she is my girlfriend. " David said shouting. Every one sitting in the cafeteria burst out into laughter.
"Okay I believe you." the new boy said  trying to control his laughter.
"Better. And don't you dare try to be friends with any girl specially paridhi. She is all mine. " he said standing with pride. I rolled my eyes. I wanted to answer him but then a voice interrupted me.
"Oh Really. " the familiar husky voice appeared from the back. I gulped. I slowly turned back to see the owner of the voice. I kept my hand over my mouth to prevent myself from screaming. He was standing there with his eyes red in anger and his fist clenched. He started making his way towards us. I clutched sunidhi's arm tightly. He stood in front of me towering me with his enormous height.
"Why are these boys around you. " he said calmly. I didn't dare to look up. But I could feel all the eyes were on us. This man has embarrassed me in front of the whole college.
"ANSWER ME. " he yelled making me flinch back. I slowly looked up with teary eyes.
"They are my friends. " I said looking into his angry eyes. He grabbed my wrist tightly and I winced in pain.
"What did I tell you???Huh. What did I tell you my baby girl. I remember telling you clearly that no male should come near you. Didn't I. DIDN'T I. " he yelled the last part and tears started to cascade down my eyes.
"Leave her you angry young man. Or else I am calling the police. " David said bravely. No David please you don't know how dangerous is he. He released my wrist from his deadly grip and grabbed David's collar.
"I gave you a warning last time. Didn't I. But now I think I should've killed you that day itself. You know what I just cannot tolerate anyone claming her as his. She is mine and mine alone. Nobody can take her away from me. She belongs to me, just me. " he said with venom dripping from his every word. I don't know what came into his mind he released David and stood straight with his hands clasped together at the back.
"Everyone who is present over here listen to me very clearly. And those who are not here it's your duty to give my warning to them. If any boy sits near to my paridhi or even talks to her. I swear I will rip your flesh with my bare hands. And if any male touches her either accidentally or intentionally than I will cut your stomach open and then I'll leave rats on them so they can feed on your organs. Get that. She is mine. Just mine. Nobody I repeat nobody can even get a glimpse of her. I want no male looking at my princess. Am I clear. " he stated seriously. Everyone nodded with fear. Every boy has his eyes down.
"No one can come near you. I can share anything but not you. You are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. I cannot let you go. I love you so much. " he said kissing my cheeks which were wet with tears. I pushed him away with all my strength.
"You cannot just order me or anyone else. You think every male is bad. Well I'll tell you, there is a hotel which has over 200 males working there, they all tried to flirt with me. What you are gonna do, will you order them to keep their eyes down. Huh will you. You know what Mr Viraj Ranawat you do not own this world. You cannot stop people from looking or talking to someone you think as your property. I hate you and I'll always hate you. " I said crying as I started to walk outside the cafeteria.
"You want a proof of my love. Okay I'll give you proof of my love. I'll prove it to you that nobody can love you more than me. " he said with eyes filled with madness. I turned back and started to walk towards my home without saying anything to him.


Paridhi my princess please come outside. Please my love.

I woke up with the sound of yelling. Who is shouting so late.???? I mean it's 12:30 who the hell is troubling me this late. I got off from my bed and made my way to my balcony. As soon as I reached my balcony I screamed loudly. The sight in front of me was so horrifying that I couldn't help but scream madly.

In front of me was viraj, who was standing there with his head tilted to one side and eyes fixed on me. His shirt was stained with blood and he was eyeing at me as if I was a miracle. But that's not what scared me, what scared me was the dead bodies which were hanging from the trees. They were like hundreds in number some were hanging on the trees while some were on the ground and some were lying near his feet. I cannot see it anymore. I think I am going to pass out. Two injured man were standing near him, covered in blood and bruises. I kept my hand over my mouth to prevent myself from vomiting.
"What...... is......this.... " I asked with quivering lips. I just cannot believe I am seeing all this. I wish this is all a dream.
"You wanted a proof of my love, right. Here is the proof. " he said like a psycho.
"I never told you to kill people. Why did you do this. " I asked with fear. He laughed evily, scaring me even more. He continued laughing like a psycho for a few minutes and than suddenly he stopped laughing and looked at me.
"You told me about those workers in the hotel who tried to flirt with you." he asked me, I nodded. " I killed them. " he said laughing again but this time even more madly. Tears started to fall down from my eyes. Why did I tell him about them, now they are dead because of me.

"Now you believe me, huh. My baby now do you believe me. See I proved my love for you. I swear I can kill anyone for you. You just have to tell me and I'll kill him I promise. " he said stretching his arms as if he was waiting for me to run to him and hug him. I still can't believe this. He killed 200 people and still doesn't regret even a bit. I ran inside and went straight to my brother's room. I shouted for him to open the door. He opened the door worriedly.
"What happened princess. " he asked hugging me. I kept on crying as I was way too horrified to even say anything.
"He....... He........" I tried to speak but couldn't as fear consumed me. I motioned him to go outside. He ran outside with me. He opened the gate and met with the horrifying site which had left me speechless.

"What the hell is this Viraj. And who are these people. " my brother asked with fear. He ignored my brother and came directly towards me. I tried to run but he grabbed me and caged me in his arms.
"I love you. Love you. Love you. Love you so much. So much. I love you my queen. I really love you. " he kept on muttering I love you and I kept on struggling. My eyes than went to his shirt which was stained with blood. And it felt disgusting. I pushed him with all my strength and hid behind my brother.
"Why are you running away from me. Don't you see how much I love you. I gave you proof of my love didn't I. " he said coming towards me with his arms stretched. I clutched my brother's arm tightly.
"Are you mad Viraj???? Do you think killing people is a joke. Are you insane. " my brother said with gritted teeth.

He laughed again and trust me right now he looks like a mentally ill man laughing after killing a person.
"Your sister has driven me crazy. It's all because of her. You think I am insane. Yes I am but just for her. And about killing people, well that's not new for me. And you know what I can kill you right now if you don't step away. " he said. His emotions changed in a split second. First he was laughing and now he is threatening my brother. My brother didn't listen to him. This made him crazy and he forcefully grabbed my wrist and caged me between him and the wall.
"You are mine. Just mine. Your body, your soul everything is just mine. " he said with madness. I cowered into the wall more as I didn't wanted to come near his blood stained shirt. He understood that and stepped back.

"Don't worry my pari, I know you can't stand the sight of blood. You are so innocent and fragile after all. I shouldn't have come like this, I smell of blood. What you must be thinking of me. Well I will meet you tomorrow. You go and sleep and dream about me. Just me. No other man can even come in your dreams right. You know it makes me mad if you think of another man. Huh. Good night. I'll meet you tomorrow my baby girl. " he said with eyes filled with obsession and madness.

Only if she knew he was way more cruel and sadist than this. She belongs to him, that's all he knows. And he won't let her go ever.

Please read :-
We hit 5k yayyyyyyyyy💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃.
I love you so much my beautiful readers, you are the best. I know I have updated late and I am sorry for that. Well you will find the reason really funny behind it,even I find it too. 😁😁😁😁😁
So I am huge fan of cricket and all the Indian readers must be knowing about the world cup which had ended few days before. I was really hoping India could win this world cup but that's not happened and I was seriously heartbroken. Not just because of not winning the trophy but because it was probably the last World Cup of MS Dhoni and he couldn't lift the trophy. 😞😞😞😞😞
I was going to update last week but I was really sad as India Lost in the semifinals so couldn't update. So here is the new chapter I hope you enjoy.
I love you all ❤❤❤❤. Please leave a like and don't forget to check out my new story The Dark King. And follow me if you like, I like to chat with my friends.

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