Chapter 5 《Flashbacks》

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Error's POV

I opened up a window that showed every AU in it. Making this was 10x easier than actually making portals. That's why I couldn't teleport to other AU's right after he got to a new one. It seemed to be a lot easier to just go to the OT and use their portals there. 

Anyways, I saw Ink in another part of the Anti-void but this part was filled with drawings and color as it was his side of the Anti-void. He looked stressed as be was trying to draw... wait... Is that me?! It actually looks pretty detailed... Eh. That's normal for someone to be drawing almost every single second in the day. Especially in battle since he uses paint as defense and offence. 

I watched him for a couple of minutes as he was drawing and just before I was about to close the window, I heard him say, "Finished! This looks nice... I just wish... uh. N-never mind..." Huh. Wonder whats that all about.

Looking at a doll, it looked nothing at all like a sans. Instead it looked like a human, except without any eyes. It looked like Geno; with the glitch covering his face. The only thing is, the glitch is covering the whole face. You can't see his eyes and his clothes are a plain, simple, red shirt and light blue pants. 

I sighed, "I just... I just want to go back to the good old days. I want to see HIM again. I want my only friend BACK. I can't go on like this FOREVER. I just wish Ink would UNDERSTAND. No, wait. It's ME who can't properly confront HIM."


"Hey... how has it been?"

"Nothing much... You?"

"I'm fine."

"You know.."

"Know what?"

"You know, I just want to be free from all this stress. I just want to stop destroying AU's but I can't break the balance..."

"How about, Error, you should go and tell him! Maybe you can be friends! You could make a deal to stop destroying and he could stop creating! That way, not one side will be more, overdone. You two could protect the AU's instead!"

"Heh. I've come across that thought a lot of times. I just don't want to take chances. What if it breaks the balance? The whole Multiverse may fall apart!" I shifted my sitting position to be farther away from him.

"Descript, I just... I just want everyone's suffering to end. I've been through it all already, right? Just, why can't Ink understand?!" Descript patted my back and did not reply. He wore a sad, and tired smile.

"...It's... Okay. You're going to do fine..."

End of Flashback

I just... Why did he have to leave me? I know it's not Ink's fault... It's my fault for being dumbfounded, stupid. I just stood there... and... watched him DIE. He's DEAD because of ME. Maybe I could have just, killed myself there. We would have died together. The whole Multiverse hates me. It would have been best to do their favor. 

No... I can't die. Everyone needs me... Even if they don't realize it... I will not die for HIM. For the Multiverse. For my brothers. For Ink.


I was running across the field with no absolute care in the world. I was smiling, happy, innocent. I had no care for anything. Not about the absence of peace, not the sounds coming towards me, nothing. I should have payed more attention. Everything would have turned out nice on that day. My birthday. Geno and Fresh... I should have noticed their cries of warning. 

Sometimes, the world can be cruel. Life can be cruel. One second ago, everything was bright, happiness, daylight. And just like that, your whole WORLD can be teared apart from you.

I heard screaming and shouting at the house. With worry, I sprinted to there to save them. 

I was too late.

Nothing. Completely nothing. No sign of my brothers. Hell, there was no sign of a house at all! 

"G-G-Geno..? Fresh? ..." No reply. "W-wh-hat happened?" 

I just stood there, in shock, trying to process about what just happened. Tears fell down my cheek as I cried. I almost ended up rebooting but it was a good thing that I could prevent myself from doing that. "No no no... No. This can't be happening!" 

Clutching at my skull, I fell to my knees with utter silence. It was all too much for an 11 year old. With no one to care for them, especially. 

I saw no sign of dust. Not even a red scarf, neon-colored hat. They couldn't have died... They're still alive! "Whoever took them will regret what they have done!" I yelled at myself, tears streaming down my face. "I WILL find them! No matter what it takes!"

End of Flashback

 Too bad I only found them when I was insane. Hell, I didn't even remember who they were.

I touched my cheek and felt... tears? Was I crying? Well, whatever the answer is. I could care less. I guess I will just have to deal with this for now...

End of Chapter 5

Work work... bleh.

Descript: Acting wasent that half bad actually!

Me: Told ya

Error: Why must it be all on me this chapter

Me: You know that I am going to start the next one with your POV so start reading! *Violently shoves script to Error*

Error: Ugh *Walks away*

Me: Anyways... I gotta go. Descript, I'm going to teach you a few things about acting!

Descript: Whatever you say

Descript + Me: Seeya!

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