Chapter Three

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Time is what we want the most, Death is what we want the least.

Aubrey eased up after Sarah left.

Michael and Gabby were surprisingly easy to talk to. They talked about everything from the school to the quaint little town that they had been living in since their birth.

They asked her the standard questions

Why did you move here?
How do you like it here?
How was your first day so far?

They said sorry like everyone else had when they heard about her parents death but they didn't look even the least bit startled, in fact they looked like they had been expecting it.

Aubrey was confused at first but then again she realised it had been all over the papers in town that summer.

It wasn't surprising that when they heard her aunts name they both nodded in agreement after all it was a small town, everyone knew everyone.

Aubrey asked some questions too surprisingly. She asked them about the classes, the teachers and all those small irrelevant things.

Aubrey knew better than to ask about the voices, the storm and the flower.

For all she knew it was yet another one of her pills that made the voices suddenly stop.

As for the flower she could have just imagined it like that.

Although she highly doubted it.

But Aubrey had perfected the art of ignorance. Strange things happened wherever she went and mulling over them anxiously had always proved to be pointless, so she ignored them.

The sudden onslaught of the voices had been strange though, usually they used to whisper but they had seemed genuinely panicked and scared.


That's strange she'd heard the name before. She put her mind to it and then remembered that he was the boy whose seat she wanted to take during history.

But there was something more to his name than that.

Another thing that puzzled her was as to why on earth Michael and Gabby would sit with her. They seemed popular, Michael definitely did and Aubrey refused to believe that Gabby had no friends.

She was likeable and chirpy and couldn't be more different than Aubrey I. that way. Michael and Gabby been the same school since kindergarten, but it was a small town and that was the case with everybody.

Sarah was much more interesting, she sat with all her friends and a boy who was presumably her boyfriend but her eyes were trained on the table where all of them sat. Aubrey caught her staring a few times but she didn't look away ashamed she just stared back.

By the time lunch was over both Michael and Gabby had given her their numbers with a promise that they'll show her the entire place tomorrow.

The rest of the day passed without incident which Aubrey found relieving as well as extremely unsettling.

That night the phone rang again.

This time Aubrey didn't hesitate she jumped out of bed, she had been awake almost expecting it to ring.

She ran out to the backyard and yanked the door open and in an instant it stopped ringing.

What the hell?

She stood their staring at the phone echoing it's loud piercing ring in her head.

Why had it stopped so soon? It had barely rung four times.

Aubrey sighed and went back to sleep.

The next morning it was snowing which was strange considering it was the middle of November.

"How was your first day?" Her aunts tone was conversational which told Aubrey that she wanted to know nothing about it but felt like it was her duty to at least try to utter two words to her niece.

"Fine." Aubrey replied grabbing an apple.

"Made any friends?"


They both awkwardly endured the silence in the kitchen for a little longer before Aubrey asked,"Is it normal for it-"

Her aunt didn't even let her complete the sentence,"Yes, the altitude-"

"Right." Aubrey interrupted feeling stupid that she hadn't thought of it earlier.

Again silence settled in.

"I'll be late again tonight." Her aunt announced as she put the last of her things into the bag.


Aubrey wasn't surprised, her aunt had come back at three in the morning. She had heavy dark circles around her eyes to prove it but that had been a permanent fixture after her sister death.


And that was that.Their conversation for the day had ceased as her aunt closed the door behind her leaving Aubrey in the empty house.

Aubrey dilly dallied until she heard her aunts car pull out of the driveway before stepping out. The last thing she needed was another awkward run in.

Aubrey closed the door behind her with a satisfying bang. It was still quite early and Aubrey would probably be one of the first to arrive at school. But then again anything was better than too stay longer than she had to in that house.

Aubrey stared at the mailbox across the street longingly hoping that the boy would appear again.

She hadn't heard any voices or even had any dreams since she left school. The only thing that was even vaguely strange had been last nights phone call.

Aubrey knew it was stupid but not hearing the voices or having those dreams gave her this unsettling feel that something was very, very wrong.

But then again Aubrey had mastered the art of ignorance.

She made her way towards her car shivering slightly in the cold air. The snow beneath her feet crunched noisily as she walked ahead.

Aubrey didn't know what happened but the next thing she knew she had landed rather painfully on the snowy ground beneath her.

Great now she'd have to go back and change her jeans which were completely soaked through.

Aubrey got up slowly and somewhat painfully. Her legs slid up so that she was on her knees when she saw something.


It stood out contrasting against the white snow so clearly that Aubrey couldn't see why she hadn't noticed it before.

She stood up and stared at the blood intently. It ha an odd color to it, not quite red but a deep dark maroon.

But what was more curious that it formed a shape. A pentacle to he exact marked with symbols that Aubrey couldn't even begin to read.

What the hell?

Aubrey approached it cautiously. The closer she got to it, the more frantically her heart started to beat.

She forced herself to clench her hand into a fist so that she got a closer look at it.

Aubrey stood next to the symbol staring at it intently. She had been right it had been a pentacle and the symbols looked freakishly familiar even though she had no idea what they were.

She wasn't dumb, she knew what a pentacle a stood for, she had read enough books watched enough TV shows. But most importantly she had heard enough of her grandmothers stories.

"So I heard you were in detention today." He grandmothers tone gave nothing away as to wether she was disappointed, angry or just withdrawn. It was clipped as always.

"Yes I was." Aubrey had stayed with her grandmother long enough to know that nothing was accepted except for to the point answers to the questions she asked.

"Sit here, Aubrey." Her grandmothers voice left no room for an argument and she knew she had no choice but to endure another one of her grandmothers stories that were completely irrelevant to her situation.

"The archangels always fought for the throne even though they knew only one could have it." She started,"Out of them three stood out. Although all of them were powerful no one could match their power."

"The first and the oldest of them had the power to destroy to all of the others in a blink of the eye.He was the most respected as well as the most feared, but he had never wanted the throne. "

"The second was also powerful but he lacked compassion, he was fierce, he was brave, but he was power hungry and everyone saw that."

"The third was perhaps the fairest choice of all. She was kind, she was strong and she was brave, she was so, so brave. She loved everything and everyone and her power was in likes of nothing people had seen before."

"But not everyone liked her. She had caught the eye of the eldest angels for both the first and second were hopelessly in love with her and this meant she had enemies."

"Grandma." Aubrey interrupted getting impatient,"Is this really important? I have homework."

Her grandmother gave her a cool glare,"My dear do you know what a pentagram is?"

Aubrey shook her head. She would have lied to get out of there but her grandmother was far too thorough to let her go free.

"It's a demon cell." She said,"Even the strongest of demons if caught between a pentagram can't escape."

Aubrey kept quiet as her grandmother continued,"This is important Aubrey you must listen."

Aubrey failed to see how any of her grandmothers ramblings were of the least bit importance and even slightly related to the fact that she had detention.

"They trapped her in a pentagram. They took whatever was good about her and cursed her." Her grandmother said sadly as if she had seen it happen with her own eyes,"All because she was loved. A war is beginning-"

"How is this relevant?" Aubrey persisted to which her grandmother gave her a tiny smile which Aubrey had rarely seen,"Perhaps not now my dear but it will be soon."

Aubrey stared at the symbol on the snow as she recalled her grandmothers tale.

Why a demon cell symbol drawn in blood on her aunts front lawn was beyond her.

She couldn't just ignore it, it was made with blood. One more step and she would be inside the pentagram. It was a small pentagram but just right for Aubrey.

It's a threat.
Don't react to it.

It was the boy again. She looked up at the mailbox but there was no one there and yet she had heard the boys voice as clear as day.

Aubrey looked at the symbol one last time and kicked some snow on top of it and walked away as if nothing had happened.

It was as if she almost knew that someone was watching her.


"She didn't react." It was dark where the two figures stood carefully observing the girl who had just gotten into her car.

"But she knows." Unlike it's predecessor, this voice had a higher pitch which could only mean it was female,"She went out of her way to not touch it or step in it."

"You think he's helping her?" The first voice asked,"Even after last time?"

"I don't think he can stop."The second said briskly,"But we should be careful, there is something different about her this time."

"She's stronger." The other agreed,"But not much smarter."

"And so is he." The higher pitched voice stated,"He will be a tough nut to crack but he's predictable. It's his instinct to go after her. We get to him by her. But getting to her is the problem, we don't know the extent of her capabilities."

"And I suppose you have a plan?"

"You'll find out soon enough."


Aubrey was annoyed by eight period if she was being perfectly honest.

She was annoyed by everyone swarming around her like she was the pretty new shiny play toy.

Gabby had been the first to meet her in the morning. She hadn't asked questions about Aubreys disheveled appearance which had been a relief.

She had although helped her find a pair of jeans and shirt which Aubrey was incredibly grateful for.

They had no classes together which was a shame but they spent lunch together but this time Gabby brought her friends along.

Gabby surprisingly had only four that she sat with and each even more bubblier than the other.

Aubrey lost track of the names but she knew one was Chloe and one was Maria but that was it.

She did her best to smile and respond every time one of them touched her hair or asked her another one of those typical how are you liking this place questions.

Although she was doing her best to participate all her thoughts were drawn to Michael who was currently siting on the table across the cafeteria.

He had given her a friendly wave and gestured her to join him but she shook her head.

His table definitely looked like one of the power hubs so Aubrey could confirm her guesses, he was definitely popular and well liked.

"Oh you have gym too!"

Aubrey forced her gaze back at the chirpy girl in front of her, Casey or Cassie something.

She was small, mousy but genuine. Aubrey smiled once again resuming her role as the perfect new addition to their group.

"Casey, come on you're overwhelming her." Gabby said,"Give the poor girl some space."

Casey blushed embarrassed and muttered,"Sorry."

"That's okay." Aubrey said,"I'm not a big fan of gym, I should warn you."

"It's snowing outside so he'll probably make you swim today." Gabby observed,"We have an indoor pool."

Aubrey nodded just as the bell rang and Gabby sighed,"Best of luck Coach Caine is a bit of a bloodsucker."

Aubrey raised an eyebrow at her but all the girls had started giggling.

"Yeah he literally will suck every bit of your life out in gym." One of the girls agreed,"He's so pushy."

"Come on." Casey said,"We should go, he'd probably kill us if we are late."

Aubrey hesitantly followed Casey who started rambling.

"So any cute boys caught your eye?" She asked as the entered the locker room.

Yes, Michael who I just happen to see in my dreams. Not to mention the other boy, who I think I'm in love with.

"No." Aubrey opted to say instead.

Casey's face fell,"I thought for sure you'd be crushing on Michael, you were staring at him during lunch and he was actually looking back."

"No he's just really nice."

Just like you and Gabby. It's almost suspicious how nice you are, Aubrey thought.

"I'd never see you as a Declan kind of girl but stranger things have happened."

Aubrey raised an eyebrow at the name,"Declan?"

She'd be hearing the name everywhere it was as if he was some kind of local celebrity.

"Yeah he's hot." She said,"Like really hot. To top it off he's got that total mysterious Edward Cullen vibe going on."

Aubrey made a face, that was not a good comparison. Unless he sparkled in the sun and liked watching innocent girls sleep.

"As in he's looks so good that it's almost too good to be true." Casey added,"You'll see that half school girls are falling all over him. The other half either like Michael or don't even bother over Declan because he doesn't give anyone else the time of the day."

"He sounds like a jerk." Aubrey said as she grabbed her gym bag.

"Well I suppose he is but that only adds to the entire aura." Casey said almost dreamily,"I wish I had a class with him."

"I do, but he never bothers to show up." Aubrey said,"I'm not into the bad boy kind of thing anyway."

No I'm more into the mythical boy who I see in my dreams and disappears in front of my eyes.

Aubrey changed quickly after that and sure enough they were going into the pool. Aubrey had forgotten hers obviously but thankfully Casey found her one quickly enough.

"Good afternoon."

The man was tall, lanky and pale. His eyes like his hair was jet black and he had one of those extremely stoic faces that let no emotions out.

He wore a bright blue track suit which would have probably looked silly on any laymen but he carried it well and made it almost look like he'd stepped into the gym wearing a tuxedo.

They were all lined up in the gym. Unlike her last school in New York where the gym was a small room with cramped up equipment this had everything. It had a basketball court right in the middle surrounded by bleachers and the left side of the room was filled with all kinds of gym equipment, the vaulting horse, the beam balance and the works.

"The girls will be swimming today." He said in a monotone and when one of the boys whistled but immediately looked away when the coach's eyes found him.

"The boys will be playing basketball, for selections start in a few days." He said,"Usually I'd monitor the boys but we have a new girl among our midst, so I'll leave you to Miss Kepler."

"Kepler is a total pushover." Casey whispered as we started to walk after the coach,"You can just about get away with anything with her, Caine not so much."

Aubrey was grateful for the tit bit of information and got a hurried glance of the small lady who had just entered the gym as she left.

The pool was huge, Olympic size. Aubrey had no doubt that this school had quite a hefty sum invested in it.

"What's the point of all of this competition?" Aubrey whispered,"It's not like there are any schools to compete with."

"Well we do compete internally during the sports festival." Casey said,"But our swim team competes in the state games, of course all races are held in the other school, cause the nearest town is at least four hours away."

"Okay everybody line up." The coach called out before his eyes found out Aubrey and he gestured for her to come to him.

"You must be Miss Aubrey Valdis."There was a slight change in his tone although Aubrey couldn't pinpoint what. A little kinder, politer maybe more respectful?

"Yes." She replied.

"Can you swim? If so any competitions?"

Aubrey shook her head,"Yes I can swim but I've not participated anywhere. I'm more of a long distance swimmer."

He nodded and then pointed to the pool,"I'll be taking timings so please take your place in the last lane."

Aubrey nodded and took her place in lane eight. There were exactly that many girl anyways.

"And... Go!"

Aubrey immediately sprang into action, diving into the pool. She decided to go for a free style in the last moment and saw that most of the people had opted for a breast stroke.

Aubrey was coming fourth but that was okay, her stamina would give her a push when everyone else was tired. The other side of the pool was significantly deeper and Aubrey was about to turn around when something caught her leg.

And dragged her underwater.

Aubrey frantically looked down but couldn't see anything. She tried to free herself by thrashing her legs but to no avail. The water around her had become cement like, unmoving and heavy. There was no way Aubrey was going to be able to get to the surface before her air ran out.

Aubrey frantically pulled on her leg but instead she ended up getting dragged in deeper.

The queen shall rise.
Sh shall fall.
She shall rule over us all.

Aubrey had already started to feel faint, running out of air. She frantically thrashed one last time but the grip on her leg remained firm.

Was she going to die like this? I'm a gym class of all the places?

Aubrey let go of the last few bubbles of air she had inhaling a mouthful of water. Everything was turning darker and Aubrey was sure that it was the end when someone's hand found hers and yanked her up.

Aubrey's vision was blurry and she was barely conscience of what was going on. All she saw was the boy again, his gold eyes flickering over hers with worry . His hair dripping with water which could only mean that he was the one who pulled her out.

"It's too soon, it cannot happen like this." He muttered softly to her but he was getting dimmer and dimmer in her sight of vision.

He looked angrily at the water and muttered something under his breath and turned his gaze back to her,"Screw the rules."

The world did a violent three sixty degree turn and Aubrey found herself slightly dazed but on her feet looking straight at Casey.

Just like she had been half an hour back.

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