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"WHY DO I need all this stuff anyway?" Alessia groaned as they traipsed around the cobblestoned streets of Diagon Alley.

It wasn't quite the same as last year. The pair of sisters noticed the miserable atmosphere, far different to the usual bustling streets filled with excited students and shopkeepers. Instead, Ministry posters had been pasted haphazardly across shop windows, hiding the bright advertisements and books that were oftentimes on display. Wizards and witches alike were generally avoiding Diagon Alley, but those that were brave enough to venture out kept their heads down and carried out their business at a rapid pace.

Of course, Aspen was used to it by now. Given her workplace standing tall and proud at the top of the street, she was well accustomed to the shift in the previously bubbly atmosphere. Alessia, however, had been saddened to see the change, and instead of her flaunting her usual shopaholic tendencies, was desperate to get her shopping over and done with.

"Because it's on your list, Al. It's not my fault you're a weirdo taking Ancient Runes. Trust me, you're costing me a fortune," Aspen huffed, hoping it didn't come across too harshly to her sister.

"Sorry," she replied meekly, obviously feeling bad about her sister spending even more money on her.

Aspen wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a little squeeze to assure her she wasn't actually mad. Alessia's lips tugged up into her usual carefree smile, and satisfied that she hadn't offended her sister, Aspen ushered her hastily through the doorway of Flourish and Blotts.

Inside, the air was different, like most of the surviving shops in the street. Whilst normally it was packed during this time of year, the store was almost empty. Instead, it seemed most pupils were forking out the extra galleon or so to utilise the owl delivery service the shop was offering. Feeling the uncomfortably tense aura around the shop, the sisters hurried inside to grab the books on their list, hoping to get in and out as soon as possible.

As soon as they'd paid, they exited again, disliking the bizarre silence that surrounded them at every corner. It was becoming increasingly eery to see the street's usual personality suppressed, and although Aspen often came through Diagon Alley, she spent the majority of her time bustling about the joke shop, so her interpretation of the street was admittedly a little skewed.

"Is that everything?" Aspen asked, looking down at her sister hopefully as she held up the parchment list to tick off the books.

"Think so," Alessia said, scanning through the list of ticked off items before chancing a hopeful glance upwards. "Although you did promise me we could have a look at the Pygmy Puffs. There's a rumour Ron Weasley has a tattoo of one somewhere, y'know."

Aspen stifled a laugh at the thought of yet another Weasley being quite as ridiculous as Fred and George. Although she knew of Charlie and Bill quite well from her years at Hogwarts, they had always seemed a little more tame than their younger brothers. Still, it wouldn't surprise her if they had their goofy side, much like the twins that she'd come to know so well.

"C'mon then," Aspen agreed, rolling her eyes fondly. "Those two are going to think I'm mental coming in on my day off, though."

"Oh Merlin, if they speak to you, does that mean they might say hi to me?" Alessia asked, eyes wide with wonder.

"You're ridiculous, you know that? Can't you find a boy your own age to fawn over?" Aspen laughed, but before Alessia could vocalise an answer, they were through the door and overrun with the chaos of the joke shop.

Even from the front door, Aspen could hear the booming voices of the twins speaking in unison, showcasing their usual sales tactics as they yelled out deals and prices from the upstairs balcony. Alessia looked around in wonder as products whizzed past them, and although Aspen, who was used to the store by now, ducked, Alessia very narrowly missed a Fizzing Whizbee to the head.

"This way," Aspen said, barely audible over the noise as she tugged at her sister's sleeve and lead her over towards the sickeningly pink girls' section.

Alessia immediately gravitated towards the products, picking them up and gazing desperately at each and every one. Aspen hung back, arms folded over her chest as she waited as patiently as she could for her sister to peruse the WonderWitch items. She withheld a chuckle as her sister picked up the Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher package, knowing how insecure she was about her skin (like any teenage girl, she supposed).

"Back again, Andrews?"

The voice over her shoulder made her jump, and before she could even turn around, she realised she was flanked by a twin on either side. Both were sporting a cheeky smirk, and had mirrored her arms-over-chest stance, making her roll her eyes as she turned on her heel to face them properly.

"Against my own will, I swear," she said, jabbing a thumb over her shoulder in the direction of her little sister, who was looking through the range of cosmetic items with awe in her eyes.

"Ah! Looks like you've got a fan on your hands?" George asked, leaning against the closest table of items nonchalantly despite how precariously the stock was balanced.

"You say that as if all teenage girls at Hogwarts aren't obsessed with WonderWitch," she scoffed, shaking her head.

Alessia was too transfixed on the products to even notice their company, and George, unaware of her infatuation with the twins, approached her. He tapped her lightly on the shoulder, and Aspen and Fred stood back, watching with amused grins on their faces.

"Anything caught your eye, love?"

Aspen had to hide her laughter behind the palm of her hand as Alessia's breath caught in her throat and she spun on her heel, cheeks red at the prospect of yet another Weasley twin speaking to her. Aspen was pretty sure her job here had made her significantly cooler in the eyes of her sister, solely because of her connection to the twins.

"I-I-," Alessia stuttered but couldn't quite find the words to say as George grinned down at her.

"She came looking for a Pygmy Puff. Didn't you, Lessia?"

Alessia shot her sister a grateful look as she nodded hurriedly. Fred joined George at Alessia's side then, leading her over to the display as Aspen watched on, finding the situation far too amusing considering the embarrassment it was causing her sister.

"Pink?" George started.

"Or purple?"

"Purple, I think. They're so cute, aren't they?" Alessia gushed, her usual confidence starting to simmer back as in as she nattered away to the twins.

"Bred them ourselves, didn't we, George?" Fred grinned, and Aspen rolled her eyes at his humble brag.

"We did indeed, Fred. D'you want one, then?" George asked, taking one from the shelf to pass to Alessia, who was practically melting into the floor as she fawned over the pet. "Don't tell anyone, but we'll let you have half off - employee discount." He jabbed a finger over his shoulder in Aspen's direction.

Aspen beamed, appreciating his generosity considering they barely ever gave out discounts - not even to family. As George lead her over to the counter, where Verity was situated, boredas usual, Fred hung back, falling into step with Aspen. There was a bizarre tension settling in the air between them, but it quickly fizzled away as a conversation blossomed.

"It's miserable out there, isn't it?" Aspen started, hoping it wouldn't bring the mood down too considerably. "Nothing like I remember school shopping with my Grandma."

"We left at the right time, didn't we?" Fred replied, shoving his hands into his pockets as they watched Alessia giggle and chat away animatedly with George.

"I suppose. Although it's almost worse being an adult during all... this. At least at Hogwarts there was a false sense of security. Thank fuck for the shop, or I reckon I'd just be a massive ball of stress and fear," Aspen retorted, pleased to see her sister so happy as she bought the Pygmy Puff with the allowance she'd been given earlier.

"I don't envy you. Looking after Alessia, I mean." Fred paused, and Aspen took a moment to appreciate the fact he'd even remembered her sister's name. "I worry enough about Ron and Ginny as it is."

"Fred Weasley? A worrier? Well I'd never have guessed that," Aspen teased, lightening the mood as she saw George and Alessia finishing up.

Fred laughed, a response ready on his tongue, but before he could blurt it out, Alessia came running over, her brand new Pygmy Puff cupped gently between her hands. The broad delight on her face was untameable, and Aspen worried her cheeks may crack from how wide the smile was.

"Satisfied?" Aspen asked, receiving an enthusiastic nod in return. "I'd like a little bit of time out of work on my day off, after all."

George placed a hand across his heart, feigning offence as he gasped. Fred pouted, his sentiment rather similar as Aspen headed for the door, ready to leave.

"And to think I named you our best employee," Fred huffed, making Alessia snigger at her sister's expense. She really was enamoured with them, for some reason Aspen couldn't quite understand.

"Shut it, or I'll come in late tomorrow and leave you to stocktake on your own, Weasley," Aspen teased, as if she even had a choice. Sometimes it was as if they weren't even her bosses after all, considering they were so lax about her cheeky jokes.

"Thank you again," Alessia piped up as they stood in the doorway. "And for the ice cream, Fred. That was really lovely of you."

"No problem. I promise I'll knock before I come in next time."

They offered a final goodbye before stepping out into the street, Alessia jabbering away about her new Pygmy Puff, which she'd decided to call Thelonious (Theo for short). Still, even after they'd apparated home and Aspen had wandered off into the kitchen to sort dinner, she couldn't stop thinking about what Fred had said.

Next time. Would there be a next time?

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