Chapter Four

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            When my alarm went off at five o'clock the next morning, I briefly thought that maybe witnessing the filming of my own movie wasn't worth it. Then I remembered how privileged I was to even think that and forced myself to roll out of bed. It felt like I was going through the motions as I got ready, nearly falling asleep in the shower, almost forgetting to put on moisturizer and sunscreen, brushing my teeth for so long my tongue started burning, and finally putting my hoodie on backward.

Staring at myself in the mirror, I slapped my cheeks, trying to wake myself up. It would be another long day today. I didn't want to let Zara down, either. I needed to take my faux job seriously. Maybe it would have been easier if I could just be there on set as the author, but this both hid my identity and gave me a unique experience.

Plus, today I would finally get to meet my female lead and second female lead. I'd seen them from afar from the script reading I'd attended, but hadn't gotten to greet them. Hopefully today I could. With a bit more pep in my step, I headed out the door, hoping to have enough time to stop at Starbucks before I was due on set.

Not even five seconds after I arrived on set, with my iced latte in hand, Director Ahn swept me away. Hands on my shoulder, she guided me to one of the dressing rooms, with a sign attached reading make-up dressing room. She knocked twice, waiting for a response from inside, before swinging the door open.

My heart rate spiked. Not only was Sienna, the female lead, in the room, but also Aliyah, the second female lead. Both sat at the make-up station, getting ready for the day. I could only see their faces through a mirror, but their beauty stunned me. Sienna had mid-length, shiny chestnut hair that lay curled against her back, green eyes, and pale white skin, and Aliyah had long, sleek black hair tied into twist braids, brown eyes, and warm brown skin.

"Good morning girls!" Director Ahn chirped. "I hope you're ready for a great day of filming!"

"Morning Director Ahn!" Sienna greeted, keeping her head steady as the hair stylist continued to carefully curl her hair.

"I think you mean to say a great day of waiting around until it's our time to film," Aliyah added jokingly, as her stylist added a blush to her cheeks.

"If you're bored, you're always welcome to be a stand-in," Director Ahn suggested, raising her eyebrows.

Aliyah mimed zipping her lips shut, causing Sienna to laugh. "You could get the perfect angle without a stand-in," Sienna said.

Director Ahn shrugged. "Yeah, probably."

The girls laughed again and I stood stiffly next to Director Ahn, an awkward smile on my face. Everyone already seemed so close to each other, but I supposed after all the script reading and rehearsals they'd attended together, it was only natural. I wished I could have gone to more, but at the time, we hadn't known how to place me on set inconspicuously.

"Oh! Right. Girls, this is Maisie Knowles, our assistant script supervisor. You'll see a lot of each other, so I hope you all get along."

I waved, not wanting to interfere with what their stylists were doing for a handshake. Just seeing them was enough for me. "It's nice to meet you two."

"Ditto," Sienna said happily. "Looking forward to working with you!"

Aliyah nodded. "Same. And feel free to add more lines to my character. You know, gotta get that screen time in."

I grinned at her as Sienna nudged her in the side. "Should we swap roles?"

"And deny your dream of working alongside your crush?"

"Aliyah!" Sienna chided, her cheeks turning rosy. "It's not like that. You're going to give people the wrong idea."

Aliyah leaned over and patted Sienna's thigh. "Don't be so embarrassed, liking someone is natural—"


My grin grew wider and probably stupider. I had known the casting director had done a great job by watching everyone's previous films and shows but seeing these two in person really sealed in it. I felt like I was watching Evie and Nia, the two characters from my book, bantering back and forth. Their chemistry was already amazing. I was excited to see how Sienna and Theo's was.

Director Ahn and I said our goodbyes after that and then it was go-time. We met up with Zara and Marco and some of the other film crew, talking about the direction of the scenes we were going to film with the set that had been constructed. The first scene of the day would be the first meeting between my two characters where Sienna, playing Evie, would claim that Theo, playing Jun, was her fake boyfriend in front of her ex, Levi. The art director had done an amazing job at decorating the set as the back room of a fashion show. It looked exactly how I pictured it as I wrote the scene.

There were extras dressed in elegant dresses and tuxedos hanging around, some as stand-ins, some waiting to be called for b-roll. I mainly listened as Zara gave instructions alongside the other directors, nodding in agreement whenever she glanced at me. I honestly had no clue what would make a shot look good, so I didn't want to offer any opinions.

After a few rehearsals with the stand-ins and then reviewing footage, it was decided to start the cameras rolling. I was almost overwhelmed by all the commotion. I never thought how much went into movie production. How many people were on set, all the different jobs, the time it took to get things done... No wonder movie budgets were so high.

I read over the scripts of the scenes being filmed today, marking notes on what side an actor entered the scene, and so which side they should leave. I figured stuff like that was already covered, but I wanted to try and be useful in some way. Zara had gone into the main building for prayer and I didn't want to stand around looking like I wasn't doing anything.

"Theo, you need more sleep," I heard a familiar voice say and I immediately went still, hoping Rowan wouldn't notice me.

"I slept enough," I heard Theo mutter back.

"They had to put double the concealer today to hide those bags."

"You're the one who wanted to be out all night."

"It's good for you to be social."

"Then don't complain about the effects of it."

I heard Rowan click her tongue and realized she must have been standing right behind me at this point. My hands nearly crumpled with script in them with how firmly I was gripping it. Maybe if I didn't move, they wouldn't notice me...

A hand landed on my shoulder. "Hey."

I yelped, startled, the script slipping from my hands. I twisted on my heel to see Rowan holding her hands up defensively, eyebrows furrowed. "Hi," I squeaked out, immediately hating myself for it. Don't show fear. So what if Rowan was beautiful and intimidating?

"I just wanted to apologize for yesterday," she said, folding her hands over her chest.

My gaze followed her action and then lingered there a moment too long and she pursed her lips, but I couldn't help it, I was always stunned by her looks. She wore a deep-cut, tight-fitting, black leather top today with a pair of blue jeans, and absolutely owned it. Her cleavage popped and it flaunted her figure.

It made me a little self-conscious in my hoodie.

"But it's my job as Theo's bodyguard to single out threats. You can't blame me for being cautious."

"Oh," I said, everything about her suddenly making sense. Her intimidating aura, her tough persona, and her attitude toward me in particular. The way her muscles showed in her arms even in her relaxed stance. "That's awesome."

She stared at me. "Excuse me?"

Realizing I'd said my last thought out loud, I flushed. "I mean. That's cool. A female bodyguard. You're intimidating."

I wanted to slap myself. Why did I say that?

To my shock, though, Rowan smiled at me. Me. "Thank you."

Theo and Rowan exchanged a quick look before Theo stepped forward to pick up the script that had fallen to the ground. "I can get that," I said quickly, bending down to try and snag it before him. Our hands met as we both reached for it at the same time and I retracted mine without missing a beat, immediately standing and putting space between us. "Sorry!"

Theo picked up the script, frowning. He held it out to me. "Stop apologizing."

"Sorry..." He narrowed his eyes. "Right," I muttered, taking the script from him.

"I'm not suspicious of you anymore, so you can relax."

"I'm not unrelaxed," I said. Then I grimaced. "I mean, I'm not not relaxed."

How was I a writer, again?

Rowan snorted. "I suppose it's natural to feel shy in front of an actor like Theo."

I held my script closer to my chest. Were they here to apologize, or make subtle insults? Or was I reading them wrong? Either way, their gazes on me felt like physical pounds. "I think you should be getting ready for the filming," I said.

"I suppose they forgot to teach you something in film school," Rowan said, stepping closer toward me. "Don't boss around the lead actor."

Now I felt a twinge of annoyance instead of intimidation. I held my ground against her as from the corner of my eye I saw someone stalking toward us. "I'm only saying what Marco is about to say in three seconds."

"Ladies," Marco said, announcing himself. "Enough wasting time with the gossip. Theo needs to be on set now."

Rowan scowled at Marco, but Marco had already turned to Theo, guiding him away from us.

"Gossiping?" Rowan repeated, speaking to herself. "Is that what that jerk assumes all women do?"

She didn't say anything else before marching off, not saying goodbye to me. Not that I expected her to. But, did she not get along with Marco? I could see that. I didn't know Marco very well, but from the few comments I'd heard from him, he could easily rub someone the wrong way.

I didn't have time to ponder on it, as Zara returned, and filming began. Sienna and Theo had amazing chemistry, but that didn't mean they didn't have to retake the same shots over and over again. They never complained, simply went back to their original places to reshoot. Zara and I looked over the footage with some of the other directors, adjusting some things, and then shooting again. It went on like this until Director Ahn and the cinematographer gave us the okay to move on to the next shot.

The hours wore on, and before I knew it, we were wrapping up filming for the day. Everyone began cleaning up while the actors went to take their makeup off and Zara and I went to mark down everything we needed for continuity. I enjoyed this part the most, as I felt like I had pretty good attention to detail and a decent memory, and I felt useful.

"Good work today," Zara said as we headed back into the main building together, saying goodbye to whatever cast or crew member we passed.

"I don't really think I did that much," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

Zara shook her head. "I think you're doing great, Maisie, especially considering you have no background in this."

"Yeah— huh?" I stopped walking, blinking.

She stopped too, the corner of her lip twitching. "I'm not sure why Eileen would think I would believe the story she fed me about you."

"That's..." I trailed off, hoping Zara wasn't hinting at what I thought she was.

"It's okay. You should always use your connections when you have them."

I swallowed. "Um."

"Are you trying to get accepted into the Los Angeles Film School? Director Ahn's reference could be enough, but having you here will give you a lot of experience other applicants might have."

That wasn't what I was expecting. She thought I was a student looking for experience to get into a film school? How old did I look to her? Still, I decided to run with it. "I don't want to only use my connections to get in somewhere," I said. "I want experience."

Zara nodded. "That's smart. It's highly competitive. Did you know I graduated from there? That's probably why Eileen stuck you with me."

"Seriously? You went to LALS?"

"Yep. I can give you some tips if you'd like, but don't give up if you don't get in the first time. Not now, but when we have some downtime later in filming."

I didn't necessarily need the tips, but now I was curious. Maybe it could help me on set. "That'd be great, actually."

"We'll figure out a time. I have to get out of here, though. Have a good night Maisie."

I watched as Zara headed toward the exit, not quite ready to leave myself. I wanted to say goodbye to Director Ahn first. No sooner had I thought that did Director Ahn round a corner in front of me, Marco, Sienna, Aliyah, Theo, and Rowan in toe.

For a moment I was star-struck, even though I'd watched them all on set all day. I couldn't help but think of them as my characters and I fought to separate them in my head before they reached me. Otherwise, I'd keep making a fool of myself.

"Maisie! You busy?" Marco asked me as the group approached.

"Um." I glanced at Director Ahn who nodded encouragingly. "No?"

"Great! Come join us for dinner. We're going to get Korean barbeque. Theo and Eileen can teach us what to do."

I sent Director Ahn a look and she rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Isn't it self-explanatory?" she said.

"Oh, come on, you know what I mean," Marco said.

"I really don't," Director Ahn said, giving him a feigned curious look.

Marco's neck turned red. "Uh. You know. How long to cook meat and what not."


"Join us!" Sienna said, her arm hooked with Aliyah's. "It'll be fun."

I spared at glance at Rowan and Theo, both of who were staring back at me, blank-faced. "I'm not hungry," I decided.

And then my stomach let out the loudest growl it ever had.

Director Ahn laughed. "Don't be shy, Maisie. You haven't eaten anything all day. I was keeping an eye on you. That's a rookie mistake. Come on."

I didn't argue as Director Ahn took my arm and we all exited the studio together. An Uber XL was waiting for us outside, and although I would have preferred to take my own car, I accepted their ride. Parking would be easier this way, anyway.

Everyone chatted around me, and I kept to myself, my hands on my knees, seated between Marco and Director Ahn. I didn't know how to join the conversation, so I just listened, keeping my mouth shut. Theo barely interacted with the others, too, sitting in the front seat next to the Uber driver, Rowan in the seat behind him.

"You know, I'm a big fan of the book the movie was based on," Sienna said, pulling out her phone. "I've actually been following the author for a while."

I straightened out in my seat, ears perking up.

"I've read most of her other books, too. They're all really good. When I heard about the casting call for this movie, I knew I had to get the part."

"I read the book, too," Aliyah said. "I'm so happy the script ended up not changing much."

"Right? I was worried about that, too. And I bet M.K. was, too."

My eyes went wide at the use of my penname and I quickly averted my attention to my feet, ears burning. It was nice to hear they liked my book, but a little embarrassing.

"Actually, M.K. had lots of input in the script," Director Ahn told them. "It was giving to her to look over every step of the way."

"Oh, really? That makes sense why the script came out so good!" Senna said. "Did you get to meet her, Director Ahn? I heard no one knows her real name or what she looks like."

I turned to Director Ahn as she went to nod, caught my eye, and stopped herself. "Well, I've spoken to her on the phone, but that's about it."

I relaxed.

"I'm jealous. I wish I could talk to her! I heard she was invited to the set, did she just not want to come?" Sienna asked, frowning. "I would have loved that."

"She was invited, yes, but she wanted to keep her identity a secret," Director Ahn answered.

"Is it possible she's here under a fake identity?" Aliyah wondered.

My breath caught in my throat. How had they figured that out so quickly? There's no way they actually knew, did they? I was too afraid to look at Director Ahn again, not wanting to blow my cover. I kept my eyes glued to the ground, clenching my hands into fists.

"Of course not," Director Ahn lied. "I would know if she was. I'm the director."

"True," Aliyah agreed, leaning back in her seat. "It's too bad she's such a private person. It'd be great to meet her."

"I think it's smart to remain private," Theo spoke, causing everyone to look at him, including me. He glanced into the rearview mirror back at us. "Publicity is dangerous. You two should keep that in mind. This movie will increase your fame and visibility."

Marco clapped his hands together, causing not only me, but Aliyah, and Sienna, too, to jump. "You two should listen to Theo's advice! He's been in this career longer. Look up to him and listen to him. Don't get too ahead of yourselves. You may be young and pretty, but there is a lot to learn."

Rowan narrowed her eyes at Marco. "I think they know enough if they landed these roles."

"You can never learn enough," Marco said, jutting his chin up. "Especially from someone like Theo. Don't you know he's the world's heartthrob right now?"

Aliyah covered her mouth to keep from laughing and even I had to bite my lip to stifle my own laughter. For some reason Marco saying that word heartthrob was just not right. Nor was it a good word to describe Theo. If I had to think of a word to describe Theo it would be something like...


That actually fit both Theo and Rowan.

We arrived at the restaurant and were ushered into our own private room before anyone could place any of the famous people with us. I hadn't really thought about the attention they would draw and I was glad someone had thought of a private room. Although, maybe that was a given.

I followed Director Ahn, wanting to sit next to her, but Marco wormed his way in next to her before I could. Slightly miffed, I took a seat next to Marco instead. Aliyah, Sienna, and Rowan sat across from us, leaving the spot next to me open until Theo appeared to sit in it. I immediately scooted closer to Marco, but then moved back as our thighs bumped.

"I'm not going to bite," Theo said dryly as he sat.

He'd noticed. I wanted to run away.

I was saved from having to respond as our waitress came into the room to take our drink orders and start the large charcoal grill in front of us. My stomach rumbled again and I threw my arm over it, embarrassed. Director Ahn ordered a copious amount of food and alcohol for the table and I couldn't believe my eyes at the amount of it as the waitress brought platter after platter into the room. I almost couldn't count the number of side dishes crowding the table.

Vegetables and meat were thrown on the grill with Director Ahn taking the lead in the grilling. I'd never been to a restaurant like this, and I really wanted to try grilling the meat as well. She cut up pieces and laid them on the grill, making it sizzle, and smoke rise up toward the overhead hood. After a moment she flipped some pieces, moved the vegetables around, and then let them cook. I was mesmerized.

"You're drooling," Theo murmured from beside me.

I brought my hand up to my face, horrified, only to realize he was making a joke. The sad thing was I wouldn't have been surprised if I had been. I turned to him, sheepish. "I guess I'm just really hungry."

Theo gestured at the dozens of side dishes. "You know, you can eat these."

The thought of going after one that someone else was also after kept me from doing that. "I'm not sure what I want to eat yet."

He rolled his eyes, taking the bowl of rice that'd been set out in front of me. Then he seemed to reconsider and took an empty plate instead, reaching across the table with a pair of chopsticks and plucking different things from the bowls scattered about. After that, he placed the plate back in front of me, and then picked up a lettuce leaf. He added some rice to it and then held it out toward Director Ahn who placed a piece of cooked meat onto it. He then expertly wrapped it and held it out to me, near my face.

"Am I supposed to be eating that?" I asked.

"I made it for you."

"Oh, thank you," I said, trying to take the wrap without dissembling it. A little embarrassed, I turned my head, trying to shove the whole thing into my mouth all at once. I almost choked swallowing it down, but it tasted so delicious, it made my stomach growl again, wanting more.

Theo had a small smile on his face when I turned back to him, excited. "That was delicious."

"You don't have to eat it in a wrap. Just pluck it from the grill and eat it by itself or with rice or with some of the side dishes."

At this point, everyone else was helping themselves, including Director Ahn, who had put the meat scissors down. Theo moved to get his own food and I decided to, too, only going for it while everyone else had already selected their pieces. Everything tasted so good. The meat was flavorful and tender and it paired amazingly with the lettuce wraps and what I figured out was kimchi.

A little later, glasses were placed on the table and filled with a Korean alcohol and I decided to take a sip, surprised when it didn't have that strong menthol taste. I downed the entire glass and Director Ahn poured me more. I drank it down at once. She grinned and poured me another. "Drink up, Maisie! Eat lots!"

"Hey, careful," Theo warned. "That'll hit you all at once."

I eyed him suspiciously. Why was he being so nice? Did he feel bad about what happened between us before? Even Rowan hadn't made any comment throughout the night. She threw back shot after shot, not even bothered that Theo was talking to me.

"Theo! Open up!" a voice behind Theo and I startled us both and we turned to see Sienna standing behind us, so close my head almost brushed her chest, holding out a sloppily made lettuce wrap toward Theo.

Theo tensed, drawing back away from her. "I don't want that."


His jaw clenched, head turned away from her. "Could you please give me some space?"

She deflated, stepping back. "But I made it for you..."

"I'm finished eating."

That was a lie. He'd barely touched anything.

Not that I was paying close attention to him.

"I'll eat it," I spoke up, holding up my hand, trying not to make the situation tense. "It looks good."

Sienna pouted for a moment more before brightening up. "Say ah!"

I opened my mouth, absolutely not enjoying the feeling of someone feeding me, but trying not to show it. The wrap fell apart as she fed it to me, scattering rice and meat over my pants. I nearly choked again, grabbing the end of it from her, and chewing furiously. When I got everything down, I gave her a thumb's up. "That was, um, great."

"Thanks, Maisie," Sienna said sincerely and I figured it wasn't just for my compliment. "Sorry I overstepped."

She returned to her seat, but Theo remained stiff. I took a bottle of alcohol, holding it up to him. "Want some?"

"I don't drink," he said tersely.

I promptly put the bottle back down and reached for more meat. If he wasn't feeling sociable anymore, I wouldn't push it, nor did I care for the shortness. Marco snagged the bottle seconds later, drinking straight from it, some of the alcohol sloshing down his chin. He pulled the bottle away, making it spill all over both his lap and mine.

He noticed and grabbed a napkin off the table, nearly spilling the bottle again in the process. "Sorry there, sweetie."


Without even hesitating, he began to dry off my thigh, making me jump. My heart hammered in my chest as I pushed his hand off me. "I-I can do it, thank you!"

"Don't be so sensitive, I'm just trying to help—"

"The restroom is in the back corner," Theo said loudly. "Rowan, would you show Maisie?"

Rowan stood from the table without missing a beat. "Come on, Maisie."

I got up from the table as well, grateful for an escape from Marco. I knew he was just drunk and not thinking, but it was extremely uncomfortable. Rowan shot daggers at Marco as she came over to me and together we went to the women's restroom. I pushed open the door and Rowan hesitated behind me. I peeked in and then turned back to her. "It's not a single room."

I held the door for her and after a second, she entered. I went for some paper towels and soaked them for a moment before blotting them on my jeans. "At least the alcohol is clear." "You should have punched him for touching you like that."

"He's just not thinking clearly—"

"Do you excuse every man for actions he shouldn't do?"

I lifted my head back to her, a spike of irritation piercing me. Why did everything she say sound like she was trying to start an argument? "I'm not—"

"I'm not trying to be rude to you, Maisie, but you shouldn't tolerate these things. I may not know you, but this is the second instance of this. When Theo grabbed you, you should have punched him, just like with Marco now."

Punch them? Was Rowan a martial artist? A street fighter? MMA? That would explain her muscles. "Violence isn't normally my first response," I said.

"I could show you how," she suggested casually. "Put them in their place and maybe they won't try acting funny again."

It hit me then that Rowan was being genuine. Not teasing, or scolding. She actually wanted to help me. "Thank you," I said, my chest feeling light. "I really don't think those two deserved it, but maybe for future instances."

"I hope there aren't any of those," she responded.

"Oh, wait, yeah. Me either. Maybe just for fun, then?"

"That's my idea of fun," she agreed.

She grinned at me and I found her grinning back. For once, I didn't find her intimidating. I finished cleaning my jeans and we headed out of the bathroom together. "By the way, I wanted to say this before, but I like your hair color," she said.

I pulled at my lavender strands. "Thank you! You wouldn't believe the pain of keeping this up, though."

She pointed at her own beautiful hair. "This isn't natural either, so I get it."

"Oh, wow. I really thought it was!"

"I get that a lot."

When we returned to the table, Theo had taken my spot next to Marco and swapped our plates. I sat back down next to him, clasping my hands together in my lap. Everyone talked loudly over that grill that Director Ahn kept adding food to. It was endless. That, and the alcohol. I wondered how they were all going to wake up and function tomorrow at the crack of dawn.

Eventually, the night finally wound down and I was happy to be going home. We caught another Uber XL, except only Theo, Rowan, and I were dropped back off at the studio. The rest were all being brought home, having drank too much to drive. We bid them farewell and watched the Uber drive off before heading to our own cars. When Theo and Rowan started to walk in an opposite direction than I did, Theo's voice stopped me. "Maisie."

My heart skipped a beat as he called my name for the first time. Bewildered, I tried to shoo the feeling from my chest. Why would my heart flutter? Because he was famous? We were technically colleagues now. "Did you need something?" I asked, turning to face the pair again.

"Did you walk?" he asked, frowning, taking a step closer to me. "It's late. We'll give you a ride."

I hooked a thumb over my shoulder toward my car. "I'm good. I drove here. I just parked over there."

Rowan and Theo both started walking in the direction I'd pointed. "We'll walk you," Rowan decided.

"It's not that far," I tried to argue, but they didn't stop.

I gave in, trailing after them. Rowan and Theo noticed this and stopped until I caught up with them, walking between them as we made our way to my car. Their change in attitude toward me had both my heart and mind racing. They'd both come off so harsh at first that the one-eighty just made me nervous instead of happy.

Once at my car, I broke away from them, holding up both my hands in a double wave. "Thanks for walking me. Have a good night."

Rowan tilted her head to the side, taking in my car. "Fancy car you have there."

"I splurged a bit," I admitted because it was true. After my most recent royalty payment and advance for my next book, I'd put down a decent sum of money on a nice car, and took out a loan for the rest. "It has a great warranty and good safety rating."

"You can afford that on assistant script supervisor salary?" Rowan asked.

"Uh." I had no idea how much they averaged as a salary. "I saved a bit." My answer didn't sound convincing to myself, but I hoped they believed me, anyway.

Theo sighed. "Rowan, don't ask questions like that."

Rowan scuffed her foot on the pavement. "Most people who want to drive expensive cars choose a more recognizable name than a Genesis."

"She likes cars," Theo said by way of explanation. "Ignore her."

"No worries."

"I have a question though if you wouldn't mind answering it."

I put my hands inside the pocket of my hoodie, nodding. "Sure."

"Just who exactly are you? An assistant script supervisor would never be invited to one of these dinners, and yet you were," Theo said, his dark eyes holding my gaze steady. "And don't just say it's because you're close with Eileen. A lot of us are, and I've never heard your name from her lips before this year."

My heart dropped, ice bleeding through my veins as panic clawed at me.

He knew.

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