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"Since the day we met, my heart beats for you."

Kim Residence, Seoul

Examining his attired replication with an icy air surrounding his lean figure, the boy fixed his tie. Whirling on his heels, he tumbled on the bed that was right beside the mirror. 

Soon enough, another being, neatly garbed in plain black pants and a blazer entered the same room and huffed seeing his friend sprawling on the mattress.

"V, what the... Why are you lying on the bed like this? Come on, get up man. We're getting late for the party?" 

Placing his hands on his hips, Woo-Shik alleged with shock in his voice, shaking his cranium in disapproval.

"Eddie, do we genuinely have to go to the party? I'm in no mood for going anywhere. Gee, I miss England."

Hauling up from his resting position, the boy heaved a deep sigh. Getting his words, Woo-Shik rolled his eyes and ruffled his hair, placing himself right beside the latter. 

"Fine then, if that's what you want, then why don't you go to your so-called brother Taehyung and request him not to join the merrymaking of The Almighty Jeons," Woo-Shik quoted scornfully with a light kick to the boy near him grossing a fierce stare in return.

"I can't even tolerate his face, talking to him is far away..." The 14-year-old avowed with a tensed jaw and got on his feet tracked by the former. "...And don't you dare mock me again," the latter roared whilst grating his teeth causing the other to raise his hands in defeat.

"You and your anger issues," Woo-Shik muffled to himself and shook his skull, inhaling acutely. "Now come on. Mr Trashyung is calling us," setting his suit and hair, the boy left the room and peeped at his rear to see his friend lagging himself with vexation.

Driving with the two boys sitting behind him, Taehyung sighed and glanced at the back before saying. 

"Don't try to pull any kind of stunts there and disgrace my reputation. I know you two have dwelt in the UK for almost 5 years, but this place is not England. So, behave." 

Taehyung declared strictly, eyeing the teens who were as always annoyed by his controlling behaviour.

"And stay away from girls as much as possible. You two are just 14 and we are not going to some normal party. It's the party of a Mafia," he said, mumbling the last part with anxiety. 

"Got it?" Not getting any reply from the boys, Taehyung bent his skull and gazed at the back earning a frantic bob from Woo-Shik and a hush from the other. "Seems my speech went in vain."


Jeon Mansion, Seoul

The car ceased in front of the mansion allowing the 3 males to pace out of it the next instant while fixing their suits. 

"Woah, it's a whole damn palace dude. Who lives in a place like this in such an economy-stricken era?" 

Flabbergasted by the beauty of the Mansion to which they were going to devote the rest of their night, Woo-Shik pronounced. A little smile developed on Taehyung's face.

"A princess lives here with her prince. Come let me familiarize you with them." With an extensive smile enriching his face, Taehyung expressed and moved further to enter the mansion with the two boys tailing him with diverse emotions. One with glee and the other with bother.

"Tae," A screaming voice welcomed the trio just as they trod in, winning their concentration.

"Jimin," glancing back at the male who was pacing near him, Taehyung waved with a beam and soon got engulfed in the arms of his soulmate.

"How are you?"

"I'm good and you?" Taehyung grinned slapping his friend on the back.

"I'm better than always. Wait, let me call Jungkook. He'll be contented to see you." Jimin retorted and in a second thundered towards the male who was descending the stairs with his wife in his arms.

"Tae Hyung," after not long enough, another deafening voice greeted the trio and just like the previous one, embraced Taehyung enthusiastically. "I'm grateful you're here," Jungkook voiced extracting from the hug producing a smile on the elder's face.

While the two older were busy chatting, the two youngsters were mutely gaping at them. 

"Holy crap. Am I going insane or is it really 'The Mafia King Jeon Jungkook' standing in front of us?" 

Woo-Shik mouthed to the boy near him but unfortunately won the attention of the one he was speaking about.

"And who must be these two handsome boys Hyung?" Nodding towards the two boys-appearing too calm according to their age-Jungkook demanded curiously making Taehyung's smile vanish.

"Ah, I almost forgot about them in the heat of the moment. Well, it's not too late yet." Faking a snicker, Taehyung rubbed his nape clumsily and signalled the two boys to present themselves.

"Good evening, Mr Jeon. I'm Choi Woo-Shik. Son of Mr Choi Sejin. Biological one."

Bowing with full respect, the boy introduced himself with a trivial grin plastered on his face and peeped at Taehyung to detect his reaction, which was relaxed as usual. 

Whereas, after inferring the tension between the two brothers, Jungkook scowled and swerved his scrutiny towards the fourth male who was already scanning him coldly. And the ensuing flash, a gasp fled Jungkook's throat when he eyed the features of the young boy.

"Hyung. I didn't know that you had a twin, but how come he's so young," Jungkook urged as he shifted to Taehyung, inciting him to swallow hard.

"He isn't my twin, Kook. He's 10 years younger than me. He is..."

"Taemin. Kim Taemin."

Bringing his hand for a shake, Taemin spoke in his low voice. "Congratulations Mr Jeon... for the baby," Taemin delivered gawping unswervingly at Jungkook to which he hummed in retort and advanced to gaze at him.

For a 14-year-old kid, Taemin appeared too mature and callous to The Mafia King. Regardless of sharing practically every feature of Taehyung, Taemin seemed utterly opposite of him. 

Unlike the elder, he didn't have a tiny mole on his nose. Neither did he have the boxlike smile of Taehyung. His carved face with a sharp jawline was indeed alluring yet alarming. But then again, the detail that troubled Jungkook the utmost was his pair of black eyes, which were completely void of any emotion except for exasperation.

"Jungkook, have you seen Yn? I can't find her," Taehyung probed and simply the mention of Jungkook's princess was plenty for him to avert his mind from all the sinfulness nearby.

"She must be with Rose. They both were dying to be with each other," Jungkook smiled widely remembering his princess which also made Taehyung grin before pacing away in her search. 

Witnessing Taehyung rambling away, Jungkook heaved a sigh and again turned to the two teens who were even now ogling at him with their prior aura maintained. 

"I'm glad you two came here with Tae. Nice to meet you. Please enjoy the party and suit yourself." 

Through that last remark, Jungkook too tailed the same path as Taehyung with the prior meet in his heed, "strange kid."

"Finally, Mr Mafia is gone. Why was he staring at you like this? You didn't flirt with his wife, right?" Rising a brow at his friend, Woo-Shik exhorted only to get a glare from him.

"I don't flirt and for your kind information, his wife is pregnant. So, keep your dirty mouth shut and get lost," Taemin snarled looking fiercely at Woo-Shik stimulating him to roll his eyes and settle his tie.

"I'm not interested in hanging with you either Mr Kim. You see that girl over there in the red dress, I'm going to her. I prefer her company more than you. So, stay here and fuck yourself."

Shoving his palm into his pocket, Taemin saw Woo-Shik's fading form with his black eyes. 

Roving his eyes all over the decorated mansion, his eyes looked at the different personalities joining the gathering. 

Some men were arriving with their families while the others were unaccompanied. And just by their approach of striding and talking, it was evident to Taemin that they were not ordinary people.

The bulky males with a toned form and several tattoos obscuring it, attended by a gun tucked at their abdomen would be plenty for someone fainthearted to shit in his pants. Yet the teen wasn't even a little frantic by their presence. 

And why must he? 

He was born amid such people. 

Rotating his eyes off the conceited gangsters and their families, Taemin located his eyes landing on a certain creature standing in a corner whom he detested seeing the most.

Seeing Taehyung hugging Yn's bump, the boy jeered with an irritated glare grating his teeth. 

"Bloody Bugger."

"What does that mean?" 

A teeny voice whined in the ears of the boy causing him to turn his attention to the wee girl behind him who stood with a little pout prettifying her mystified face.

"What?" Perplexed by the presence of the small girl and her urge, Taemin enquired in bewilderment.

The girl breathed gaping at Taemin's baffled look and took her little steps nearer to him stating, "What's a bugger?"

Where on the other side, Taemin broadened his eyes discerning the girl, "Ah. Uhm... that's a..." 

Undetermined to tell the kid that he was cursing somebody when she mustn't even know the meaning of profanity, Taemin gulped and spun his face away just before an idea hit his mind. 

Scrutinizing the girl who was even now gawking at him with her big doe grey eyes, he sighed and cleared his throat. "A bugger is someone on whom you are angry or someone who you just don't like. It hinges on you for what you are going to take as its meaning. Understood."

Curving her mouth in an O, the child shook her head in consent before staring at Taemin with her grey eyes. 

"What?" Frowning at the abrupt change in the girl's look, Taemin elevated his brow which made the girl puff.

"You're a bugger," speaking huffily the girl laid her arms on her chest creating an adrenaline blast in Taemin's veins.

If it were someone else in the girl's place, he could swear the being would've beaten that person to a pulp till now. But not aiming to scare the girl by roaring at her, the 14-year-old tensed his fists. 

"And what did I do to be a bugger?" 

Grating his teeth, craving to control his anger as much as he could, Taemin asked calmly instigating the girl to lift her arm and direct it at someone behind him.

"You called my Taetae a bugger..." Ogling Taehyung, at whom the girl was aiming. Taemin spun again and circled his head to gaze at the girl who was eyeing him irately. "...so, you're a bugger." Ending her remark while hissing, the girl spun on her heels and aspired to tread off. 

Heeding the girl affronting him for a second time coupled with the truth that she was siding with Taehyung, the resistor that was restraining Taemin's temper finally shattered.

His ribs flung up and down in severe fury that led him to tighten his jaw gaping at the girl who was rambling off. But before she could get to anyplace, Taemin flounced off from his chair and gripped her delicate hand in his arm.

In a fast motion, he circled her around and hauled her teensy body in his way with extreme force. Crushing his teeth on finding the girl gazing at her feet, Taemin unclutched her wrist and seized her shoulders, forcing the petite girl to look at the raging beast ahead of her.

But the second, his icy and wild eyes met with her closed ones, an unusual emotion shone in his eyes. His irate eyes altered into guilty ones and his lips were left faintly split at the view before him.


Spontaneously, my grip on her shoulders became loose and led me to withdraw my hand. 

My peccant eyes got tied with her closed ones and for some reason, I couldn't look away. 

Her big doe eyes, which were bright with purity and curiosity a few seconds prior, were now casting huge tears nonstop. Her body was upright limp in my hands while her pink pouty lips were shuddering with fear.

The rosy cheeks that were all puffed and alluring until now were all drenched in her tears presently. The small pout was nowhere to be seen on her lips along with that cute frown. 

I don't know why, but for a certain reason, her shaking in my gaze made me quake with fury. I pried my hand into my stable hair, ruining it as the discomfort of the girl crying because of me made me mad at myself.

I shut my eyes securely, resisting the volcano inside me from bursting. And the ensuing instant when I unfastened my eyes, the word fled my throat unintentionally. 

"Sorry," fetching the term that fled my mouth, she undid her wet eyes and eyed mine airing an alien feeling in my physique. 


That's the 1st word that arose in my mind when her grey eyes gawped into my dark ones with a tint of awe.

Indeed, the fear of me was still there in her eyes, yet, instead of making me livid again, it only sparked an unlike urge inside me. The urge to protect this little angel from this evil world.

However, after finding her still watching me with that look of terror on her face, guilt again overtook my feelings. The ache of making her cry intensified my regret and impelled me to turn myself to move. 

But before I could do that, her tiny palm retained my large one, halting me on my track. "It's... it's okay. You don't have to feel bad," her soft, shaky voice entered my ears along with her low snuffling.

Even with trepidation still evident from her appearance and quaking tone, the little angel was, even so, trying to console a beast like me who hurt her. Just so that I don't feel hurt. 

Her breath forced me to peer back into her scenic grey eyes. The way her eyes were glimpsing into mine instigated a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach. Then again, her big tears were distracting me from admiring her further.

Bothered by it, I raised my right hand since my left was still in her grasp and tried to wipe the tears off her face. 

"Cupcake," shattering the eye contact and stopping my hand midway, a loud voice pierced through my ears causing me to stare at the person who just ruined the best moment of my day. 

But before I could even get who's that fucking mood spoiler, the tiny figure who was until now positioned in front of me hopped away in the direction of the voice.


Sighting the girl lunging into the arms of a man who wasn't Taemin, he felt a harsh sting in his heart. 

Not even a few minutes had passed since he came across that girl, still, after seeing her all pleased in someone else's arms propelled him to grit his teeth in outrage. 

His veins began to protrude out of his neck and his eyes likewise got recharged with an emotion other than remorse. But his wrath crossed all limits when the man pecked the girl's cheek.

"This fucker is dead now," roaring to himself, Taemin paced fast and was set to lash at the man when a hand pulled him back.

"Woah oh. Cooldown bro. Who the hell made you this angry?" 

Woo-Shik intruded seizing Taemin by his arm while his eyes drifted to the one whom Taemin was glaring irately and his apertures went extremely wide when he comprehended who the person was. 

"Don't... don't tell me you're ogling at him," stammering apprehensively Woo-Shik eyed the other boy who was already gaping at him.

"You know him?" Eyeing his pal, Taemin queried with a hoisted brow to which the prior shook his skull in consent.

"He's the security head of the Jeons. The real icon of apathy. From what I've got he's the cruel one out of all Jeon's men. He is just like an elder brother to Jeon. Min Yoongi is his name."

Woo-Shik spoke darting at Yoongi and Taemin from time to time where at the exact time the latter was simply eyeing Yoongi with hatred and resentment. 

'Still, he doesn't have the right to hold what's mine,' Taemin reckoned tensing his fists while fuming with rage.

"And yes, the girl in his arms is Kizzie. Jeon Kizzie. The daughter of Jeon Jungkook," bringing Taemin out of his trance, the prior advanced, finally achieving the latter's awareness.

"Jeon Jungkook, the Mafia whom we met before," Taemin affirmed curiously gaining a nod from Woo-Shik who then continued to take a sip of his drink.

"But why are you unexpectedly so curious in knowing all of this about the Jeons?" Filling his liquor in his mouth, Woo-Shik interrogated absentmindedly as his entire scrutiny was on the group of girls who were standing in the corner. 

On the other side, Taemin sneered after hearing him and veered around towards Woo-Shik before whispering something in his ear that made him spit the entire drink out.

"Why shouldn't I be interested in them, Mr Choi? After all, they are my beloved future in-laws and the family of my future wife. Jeon Kizzie."

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