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"He realised he could also get hurt when he saw the tears oozing out of her eyes."

Seoul Business School and College

The sound of Dahyun's voice made Kizzie rigid in her place. Her eyes which were settled on the lips of the figure underneath her became expansive. And for a beat, she weighed between revealing her face and secreting in Taemin's embrace.

On the other hand, the sudden immobility of her body wasn't neglected by the man himself. Still unfamiliar with the cause behind it, Taemin wrinkled his brows and lifted his palm to caress the girl's cheek. 

Nevertheless, as soon as he neared his palm to her face, Kizzie jerked and extracted herself from him, entirely. Taemin's heart stung but before he could say anything, his eyes captured the sight of the raven-haired standing by the door, rubbernecking at the two with astonished eyes.

Taemin's heart felt somewhat relieved considering the reason behind his angel's repulsion wasn't related to the other guy. But knowing Kizzie, he knew that too, she would regret getting this close to him, starting this instant. 

Nonetheless, Taemin was also hellbent that no matter what happened, he wouldn't tolerate her distancing herself from him anymore. Especially not if he wants to keep the little bit of his remaining sanity.

While Kizzie stood frozen with her eyes focused on the floor, Dahyun rashly strode inside the court, taking hold of Kizzie's wrist. "Excuse me, Mr Kim." Only speaking much, the girl didn't squander a second to tug her figure out of the room.

Kizzie discerned her breathing turning more inflexible the closer both got to the vacant corridor. Dread was making her goosebumps erect. Regardless, this wasn't the fear of Dahyun or getting judged by someone this time. 

It was the dread of hurting Dylan that struck her this time. The fear of ruining his heart now that she had realised a different guy had taken his place in her heart.

Their feet came to rest, and Kizzie began to anxiously claw at her palms. Lagging puffs left her mouth, second to second, as her dilated eyes filled with enormous tears. 

"I don't... God, what I was even thinking while doing that?" The words came out of her mouth shakily, whilst her nails persisted to torment her skin, stressing Dahyun. 

"Why... why didn't I kill myself before doing that?" The instant that sentence fled her lips, a hard slap landed on her face revolving her face to the side.

Incensed tears spilt from Dahyun's eyes as she took in her friend's condition. Dishevelled hair, swollen eyes, staggering breaths, reddened palms, and unsteady legs. 

Dahyun couldn't contain the tears that oozed out, both because of Kizzie's state and her terms. Not to mention that she had just slapped her best friend. This wasn't something she was going to forget.

"Have you lost your mind, Jeon Kizzie? Just because you're afraid that your said boyfriend would be hurt, you're wishing you were dead? Have you freaking lost it?" 

Even though she was shouting at her for acting disproportionately, Dahyun knew that's how Kizzie was. She always thought of the consequences before doing something. Always concerned about hurting others. 

And this was the first time she had gone out of her morals. Indeed, it made an impact on her brain.

"You don't get it Dahyun. Dylan would be heartbroken. He... he would never look at me the way he looks now. He would hate me, Tofu. I will lose a friend." 

The last term didn't go unheard by Dahyun. And where all this time she was pondering about Kizzie's feelings now it had become apparent to her, that Kizzie was in love with Taemin. 

"How can I do this Tofu? How can I cheat on a guy with another? How?" While this was an astonishment for Dahyun, it was a shock for Kizzie herself.

After all the measures of disregarding and rejecting her feelings, she couldn't accept how she lost herself this effortlessly with just a snap of two fingers. At one time she was promising herself to love Dylan like before and at the other, she was kissing another man.

As Dahyun saw her panicking condition, empathy emerged from her core for her childhood friend. Moreover, she knew that if she didn't control her hyper-ventilating this instant Kizzie would have a panic attack. 

"Kizzie, look at me. Look at me, Kizzie." At last, the girl roared accumulating the attention of the other and taking hold of her shoulders. 

"Do you regret it, Kizzie?" Dahyun asked gently gaining an unhurried yet unwavering nod from the said girl. Sighing, Dahyun wiped her friend's tears, "Do you hate it, cutiepie?"


Was she even apt to hate someone or something? Especially something that made her senses unrestricted. That made her heart complete and made her spirit captive. Then the answer to it was a big no. 

No, she wasn't capable of hating it. She couldn't despise what she had done no matter how much she tried. So, with a sluggish shake of her head, she veered her skull downwards, afraid of looking into the Dahyun's eyes that must be loaded with contempt.

Shock filled her system when rather than slapping her again Dahyun embraced her tightly. Regardless, what surprised Kizzie more were the words that left her mouth subsequently. 

"You're in true love Kizzie. In love with the person whom you've kept hidden in your heart for the past 10 years. You're in love with Kim Taemin." 

How ironic it was for Kizzie to hear those words from her best friend. Nonetheless, no matter how much she aspired to agree with her, something was barring her from speaking her heart out.

"I... don't," she whispered. 

Dahyun moaned angrily before withdrawing and speaking in a furious tone. "So, you would just kiss anyone." 

Kizzie dreadfully peeked at the ground shaking her head and replied wearily, "I don't know why would I kiss him?"

"You kissed him?"

There was a moment of stillness before both their heads snapped towards the source of that voice. And the instant they did, Kizzie's heart dropped catching Dylan standing there. His hands grasped at his sides, his nose flaring with rage.

The circumstance she had dreaded the most was transpiring right in front of her and she didn't know what she was supposed to do when he was present in front of her having listened to something he wasn't supposed to know.

Not now.

And not like this at least.

"D... Dylan?" The whisper left Kizzie's gullet and before she could process any further words in her mind to force them out of her mouth, the said male stormed away from the place while shaking his head. 

Wasting no time, Kizzie ran behind him leaving Dahyun who knew that if not today then tomorrow, the conversation that was about to befall was something that neither Dylan nor Kizzie could prevent themselves or their relationship from.

"Dylan. Dylan, listen to me. Listen to me, please," hurriedly endeavouring to match the long strides of the boy, Kizzie cried while her hands sought for Dylan simply to be pushed away. 

"Listen to fucking what Kizzie. Should I stop and listen to how you fell and landed on that fucker's fucking face. Or should I listen to how good that fucking man made you feel while you were shamelessly cheating on me after leaving me alone? What should I be fucking listening to?"

Kizzie took a few steps back in reflex when Dylan started to scream at her at the top of his lungs. The betrayal that he felt made his mind shut to the emotions swirling in the girl's eyes. 

The image he had in his eyes of Kizzie kissing Taemin with her entire willingness made him want to tear his head. Instead, he chose the otherwise and overlooking the tears of Kizzie continued to snarl at her, voicing out everything that he was concealing in himself.

"From the damn instant I came here I was thinking that maybe I did something that made her reserved from me. Maybe she's too occupied to let me in her routine. Maybe she's stressed about everything. Maybe she this and maybe she that. All I've been doing is mulling over these maybes thinking that I would find I reason why my sugarpie is so distant from me. Why has she stopped loving me like before? And why the fuck she can't share her worries with me. But at fucking last, the 'maybe' that I've never even considered in my hell of a nightmare turned out to be true. The 'maybe' that she's cheating on me. The 'maybe' that she's fucking with my feelings for a man for whom she's just a fixation. And the 'maybe' that she's fucking fallen in love with him... over me. Over me." 

Grabbing the girl's shoulder the male yanked her figure back and forth, dishevelling her state further than it already was.

Kizzie couldn't even protest his words as her entire attention stayed fixed on his angry state. His raging eyes made Kizzie realize how big of a mistake she had made. 

The presence of betrayal in his eyes made Kizzie's heart blench with pain but before she could put a stop to this hurt, the male withdrew from her figure, extracting his hands from her skin as if he was disgusted to even touch her now, and conducted his fingers through his hair.

"Alright then." He started and the girl's breathing increased considering the possibility of those words escaping from his lips that could shatter her now and here. "If that's what you want. To live a life of Kim Taemin's fucking obsession, then I won't stop you." 

Dylan took a deep breath, blinking his eyes to contain the tears that had formed in his eyes before the words finally departed his throat. "It's over between us Kizzie. You and me. We're over."

What a thunderclap those words were for her, but her heart refused to believe them. She shook her head and tried holding the boy's palm. However, the beat her hands reached for his, Dylan stepped back causing Kizzie's hands to fall midway. 

"L... Let me explain please," she begged with huge tears flowing from her eyes like a river, yet her crying did not affect the male as he meekly stirred his head from side to side and eventually left her standing there on her own.

Glimpsing at his storming figure, Kizzie's legs became incapable of holding her together any longer. Her knees wobbled and she sensed herself dropping to the tiled floor. 

She sobbed, yet this time the only difference was, her cries were louder this time. She wailed to the going boy with the only intent of having him back in her life. She cried thinking no one was there to listen to her mourning. But how wrong she was.

A pair of arms got wrapped around her shoulders from behind and without even turning she could tell who that individual was just from his fragrance. And that ached her more. She latched her eyes tightly letting the tears stream from her eyes and lowered her head to his chest.

"Shh. I got you, my angel," Taemin whispered softly and soothingly in her ear. His lips gently grazed her crown whilst she wept in his arms for another guy. 

Taemin's own eyes pricked with tears witnessing the condition of the girl he treasures. Her every tear and every wail drilled his skin and damaged his soul. This view wasn't something he had aspired to behold even in his worst nightmare. And all he wanted was to track Dylan and smash his face against a wall. Yet, he was enduring this agony only for the sake of comforting his angel.

"He... he le... ft me," listening to the broken terms of Kizzie, Taemin sought to ruin every single bone in Dylan's body. Cut that tongue of his which dared to spew such shit at his angel, that has left her this wrecked. Nevertheless, he also wanted to dwell by Kizzie's side. 

The vexation he felt for Dylan wasn't even comparable to the despair he was feeling catching his angel breaking in his arms.

His hands gently and so lovingly stroked her hair in an attempt to pacify her distress. But the more he did that Kizzie discovered herself weeping harder. 

She felt revolted by herself when she pondered how she was playing with the two most significant men in her life. Toying with their hearts in the name of her so-called feelings.

But the poor girl did not know that it was her who was being played by the architect of this universe.

As the tears evolved to be more abrupt, the ache in her chest rose. She wanted to stand and run into her father's embrace. The only serene place she ought right now. 

"I... I need to go home. Papa, I want my dad," she struggled to stand on her legs but as if her own body was against her, she tumbled into Taemin's arms once again resulting in the male sighing grimly. 

"Please..." Kizzie wailed clasping onto Taemin's suit jacket.

Nodding, Taemin gently picked up Kizzie tightly clutching her in his embrace, dreading that she would slip out of his arms just like she did a while ago. 

If he could, he wouldn't have let Dahyun drag Kizzie with her and must've prevented all this mishap. But then again, he could not stop someone from facing the invincible. 

Today or not, it was supposed to occur and, in some way, he was pleased that he was there for Kizzie when this misfortune ensued.

Situating the wee girl in the passenger seat of his car, Taemin buckled her seatbelt and scooted to his seat after softly pecking the girl's forehead. 

Steering the car, his hand never for once left hers as he continued to fondle her soft skin with his rough one.

Taemin shoved the brakes as soon as the massive gates of the Jeon Mansion came into the scenery. One thing he was certain about was that his entrance was primarily banned inside the manor or even around a 5 km radius of the mansion after the not-so-fortunate day his father-in-law had determined to purchase his love for his angel with a scrap of paper and Taemin had not so respectfully declined it on his face. 

But did he give a fuck about it? 

Not at all.

He was all equipped to penetrate the gates when the hand he was holding all along was seized from him. Turning his concentration to the girl, Taemin peeked at her with indicting eyes for snatching his cuddle buddy from him.

"I'll go on my own from here," even though her legs had already given up on her and her consciousness was seeming to follow them, Kizzie could not dare to let Taemin enter the Jeon premises. 

Especially not after knowing that none of the males in her house appreciated his existence, well maybe besides her Uncle Seokjin. Because he's the exclusive one who hasn't yet exhibited his abhorrence for Taemin in front of her, unlike her father, Uncle Yoongi and even the teeny Jeongguk.

Comprehending her words, Taemin bobbed his head in cognition. Striding out of the car he strode to Kizzie's side and unbolted the door. 

Her small feet dismounted on the floor while shivering which didn't fail to capture Taemin's notice. 

'And she wanted to go from here all alone.' 

Shaking his head the male concluded and hauled the petite female in his arms once again gaining a minor screech from her.

Shutting the door with a kick, Taemin walked to the front of his car and positioned Kizzie on the bonnet of his car capturing her with his arms at her sides. 

"You wanna tell something to your me, angel?" He unhurriedly whispered in her ears and waited for the retort. 

'Just say it, baby. Say it and you'll have his head in your pretty hands the next fucking hour.'

 He held begrudgingly in his mind as his eyes took note of the tears dropping from her eyes.

"I... He left me. He didn't even listen to me. I wanted to tell him that... that nothing happened between you and me but he didn't listen to me for once. I mean what happened between us was entirely an accident and I know that it wasn't supposed to happen. But at least he should've listened to me, no. He kept shouting at me... and scolding me. He didn't try to understand me. He didn't even tell me to stop crying. You know, he used to hate tears in my eyes. But he didn't care about it back there. He hates me now. He won't love me like before. He will... never. I lost my Dylan. I lost my... friend." 

Whilst she lamented in his arms, Taemin discerned his own eyes turning tearful at her remarks. '

"It was an accident... It wasn't supposed to happen... I lost my Dylan.' 

His mind kept on reciting these sentences adding more to his discomfort. But this wasn't the time for him to think about this.

"Shh, you know how angry I'm at that duckhead..." 

"He's pineapple-head, not duckhead, don't mess with his name," pouting her lips, she uttered formulating him to chortle. 

"Yeah, right. So, you know I'm so angry at the pineapple head that I could chop him into pieces and put them into a mixer, just to serve him in front of you in a goblet. But knowing that you would dice me for doing that, I'm trying to calm my anger. So, don't you think I need a reward for that?"

Kizzie giggled with teary eyes finding humour in his terms, nonetheless only Taemin was familiar with how much he desired to act on his words simply after making slight modifications to them. 

Instead of chopping the wicked boy into pieces he would like to peel his skin layer by layer until he could see the muscles underneath it. Then he would squeeze the blood out of him and toss his remaining body to the vultures. 

Nevertheless, it won't be the end. Lastly, he would personally gather and grind his bones to submerge his ashes in the gutter.

By the girl's expression, Taemin could see that he was accomplishing in diverting Kizzie's mind. Seeing the meek smile on her face, the impulse to kill was somewhat suppressed and he allowed his palm to stroke the skin of her face.

Not even a second must've passed when his palm was caressing Kizzie's cheek when a fist landed on his jaw. 

Taemin's entire figure bucked with the intenseness of the punch which was not so gently cast towards his magnetic face. 

Clenching his jaw in an endeavour of easing the pain he lifted his head and gawked at the male whose presence he did not foresee at all at this moment.

"Look at the daring of this boy. You think just because we let you escape that day you can trespass on our property as you please. And if that's what you think my boy then let me make it clear to you that no one in this fucking continent has the balls to invade my territory and hurt the ones I love and when I say this continent, you too are fucking involved in it, get that? Now tell me what the fuck are you doing here with my niece."

As soon as the words rolled out of the elder's tongue, Taemin jostled, removing Yoongi's hold from his suit's crisp collar. 

"That's what I also used to believe till today, Mr Min. But guess what, now I know the truth behind your words. You're all bark and no bite. 'Cause if you were, then you wouldn't have let that duckhead Dylan enter your fucking house and in my Kizzie's life. And now look what happened. He has finally broken our little Kizzie's heart and left her broken. What are you going to say now?"

Yoongi furiously compressed his fists and for the second time advanced for the younger's collar. "The fuck are you saying asshole? Spit before I pull out your intestines with my bare hands."

"Yoon Pa," the instant Kizzie's erratic voice contacted his ears, Yoongi let go of Taemin with a yank rendering the male to stumble and cuss inwardly. 

"Cupcake, why are you crying? Did this douchebag do anything to you? Tell me, Kiddo, what did he do?"

Worry brimmed Yoongi's figure as he regarded the tears spilling out of his kid's eyes. He continuously wiped the tears, despising the sight of the tears ruining Kizzie's doll-like face. 

He carefully inspected her figure for any kind of injuries, and a sigh of ease fled his mouth when he couldn't catch one. Yet, her hyperventilating condition worded otherwise, which Yoongi was still to discover. 

"Say it, Kiddo. Please, cupcake."

"And here I thought that you were the smartest among all the fathers of Kizzie. But here you proved me wrong again. Didn't you hear me, Mr Min? I already told you that it was that fucker Dylan who hurt her. Which part of 'Dylan hurt her' did you not understand? Don't tell me that it's the ageing effect. I'm so fucking tired of dealing with you old guys every day. God, why the fuck am I surrounded by idiots lately."

"Shut the fuck up, asshole or I won't mind putting a bullet in your dick and making it useless for life." 

Pushing Kizzie behind his figure safely, Yoongi lowkey growled in Taemin's ears not wanting Kizzie to hear at which the younger sneered. 

"Surely do that Mr Min but I can't guarantee that you'll be able to see the faces of your grandchildren after doing that. Not to mention but my little angel would not approve of this idea of yours in any aspect."

And there went another punch to his handsome face. His skull was yanked towards the right and a streak of blood seeped out of Taemin's lips shortly after he was done emitting. He for real felt his world revolving in front of his eyes. He groaned inwardly and mentally scolded himself for omitting that it wasn't Jungkook with whom he was conversing. 

The man before him wasn't a mafia in the threads of a businessperson, he was the mafia. The Min Yoongi. The authentic terror behind the name of Jeon Jungkook. The ruthless slaughterer.

"Pa..." The girl gasped at the sight of the blood pouring out of Taemin's mouth. She tried to move towards him simply to be held back by a hold on her wrist. 

"Get in the car cupcake," Yoongi worded while keeping his cat-like eyes on the man in front of him.

"But Yoon..." 

"I said get in the damn car Kizzie. I won't repeat myself for another time." Now it was the cue for Kizzie to flee because angry Yoongi wasn't a nice Yoongi. And never even in her unconscious state, would she dare to face that side of his.

Taemin's black eyes trailed Kizzie's small form as she unhurriedly moved towards Yoongi's Jaguar. His eyes couldn't dare to leave the sight of her figure, at least not until she was safely situated in the car and it wasn't left missed by Yoongi.

Slamming a hand on his shoulder, Yoongi squeezed it and approached the other male before hoarsely whispering in his ear and if it was somebody other than Taemin standing at his place, that person would've fainted merely at the sound of his voice. 

"Just wait until I get everything out from her. And I swear you'll be dead before even getting to see the next fucking morning, Kim. Now get the fucking out of my face before I change my plans and shoot you right here."

'Now that's the Min Yoongi I know.' 

Taemin snickered while wiping the blood off his plump lips. "With all due respect, father-in-law." Enunciating the male dashed towards his car and drove away leaving a seething Yoongi behind. 

"That son of a bitch desires to die young."


Jeon Mansion, Seoul

"I'm waiting, Kizzie. And just to let you know I won't take a single step out of this room nor I will let you until you tell me what the fu... did happen today and what the hell was that punk doing on our property?"

Kizzie's shoulders sank. Well, it has been precisely 30 minutes since she set foot inside her bedroom and ever since then Yoongi has been following her like a cloud just to get the truth out of her. 

But knowing that he would presumably crack the neck of Dylan without a second thought made her seal her mouth. She quietened her sobs by biting on her lips and pushed herself further inside the comforter.

"You honestly think that's going to stop me from knowing everything, alright then. How about I call Jungkook here and let him use his tactics to hear the truth from you? Would that be alright cupcake?" 

Kizzie's body automatically sprang forward in aversion at the furious tone of Yoongi. She precipitously shook her head with tears still inhabiting her eyes. A sigh exited her lips comprehending that now she had no other alternative than telling the truth to Yoongi.

"Dylan and I..." It began with the almost kiss and concluded with Taemin bringing her home after Dylan broke up with her. Kizzie spilt everything that was making her chest ache till now. Although she was looking forward to doing it—not like this and mostly not in front of Yoongi. 

She must've shared everything with her mother or her aunt if she had obtained the opportunity. But never even in her dreams, did she consider that she would be having a chat related to love with her Yoon Pa.

On the other hand, Yoongi was more fearful than astonished to learn that his little kid was in love with Taemin. 

The Varmint.

Regardless, when he looked behind in time, he had already seen it coming. But still, it couldn't reduce the extent of the shock that he felt now.

"That's it I'm going to kill the both of them," snarling, Yoongi tugged the gun from the rear of his pants and was keen to storm out when a small figure stood ahead of him. 

"Move, Kizzie. I'll kill them today for hurting you," he didn't care if he was sounding absurd or irrational. All that he knew was, his kid had gotten hurt because of Dylan, and Taemin was the only cause behind it. So, they both will have to confront his rage now.

"Stop, please," Kizzie cried grabbing onto his arms to halt him from leaving. But she was too naïve to believe that a 5-foot girl like her could block a well-built man and all above that a mafia. 

However, Yoongi stood rooted at his place gazing at Kizzie as if she was the most mysterious creature on this planet. 

"Stop? Why Kizzie? You should be grateful that it is me who's going to handle those jerks. Or you are very well aware of what your father is capable of doing. At least I'll give an easy death to those fu... morons, but Jungkook will rip them apart for even raising their voices at you. Now, I don't think you would want that." 

Her puffy eyes gawked at the male with fright. For sure, she has witnessed her Pa getting mad, even Seokjin gets angry sometimes but never for once had she seen or experienced hearing such words from them, or Yoongi particularly.

"You... you won't have to do all that. I'll... I'll talk to Dylan and make him understand. He was very angry at that time and you know what anger can make people say. But... he'll hear me tomorrow. Please just give me some time. Please."

Yet recuperating from the dread of his words, Kizzie appealed with her joined hands and almost dropped herself on the floor if it wasn't for Yoongi clasping her hands. 

"What are you doing, cupcake? Hold yourself. I'm not going to do anything. But only if you promise me that you'll tell everything to Jungkook. And by everything, I mean everything, Kizzie." 

Her eyes snapped towards Yoongi with a jerk and she rashly shook her head in refusal. 

"Shh. Don't do that. Jungkook won't like it if he gets to know it from anyone else but you. He has the right to know cupcake and he also has the right to decide what's best for you. So, let him. It'll be his choice to accept him or reject him. That's why. tell him as soon as you can."

Downing the block in her throat, the girl forced back her tears before again shaking her skull in rejection. 

"I can't. Appa will... he won't be content with my choice. I can't dare to disappoint him. And no one other than me knows what has happened today, so who will tell him." 

She said feeling negligibly hopeful but all that hope shattered when Yoongi sighed bitterly, eyeing the girl with empathy in his eyes. 

"I will, cupcake. So, it's better if you do it on your own and save all of us from your father's wrath. Because as far as I know him and his hatred towards Taemin, he won't stay calm. At least not until he gets Taemin's blood on his hands. Now sleep, you've had an exhausting day today." 

Making her lay on her bed and sheathing her entire self with the blanket Yoongi made his way towards the door after gently pecking her forehead. Freezing on his track, he again diverted his engagement towards the wide-awake girl.

"In case you change your mind. I'm only a door away, Kiddo. Just say the word and I'll bury them alive without a word getting out. We don't have this immeasurable property just for nothing." 

With that, the man eventually fled away from her room along with her slumber.

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